
Monday 23 October 2017

Monday Tic Tac Toe Challenge

Michele's Challenge Card 

The challenge 

Good Morning Ladies,
I ended up having quite a productive day yesterday, I finally got my desk cleared enough to have my Gemini on my desk with plenty of room to use it and have room to film video tutorials.
I got so carried away that I forgot about today s challenge until after tea! 

I ended up being a lot more short on time than I first thought  as we had been asked to take Sophie and her Boyfriend Lewis to Heathrow airport, Sophie told us that her flight departed at 09:20am, so Paul did calculations and said that we needed to leave at a put 4:30am to give them plenty of time.  Then Lewis arrived and we asked which Terminal they were leaving from and he said 'South',  I looked a little confused and said that we were told Heathrow, he smiled and said that they were leaving from Gatwick South Terminal at 07:20 am!! 
So that's a whole two hours earlier than Sophie had confirmed and an Airport that's a good hour and a half further away!!!!  So I think I will be getting up before I actually manage to get into bed!!

The challenge ended up being a bit of a rush, I looked at a few Tic tac toe challenges and asked Michele to help me decide, we agreed on the one above as it worked for both Christmas  and non Christmas cards, meaning that those of you making their Christmas cards could take part and Val, who probably never wants to see another Christmas card can make any card she chooses! 
I am so very grateful to Our Michele who had a card ready and waiting for me to share with you as inspiration for the challenge, Michele chose categories:              Designer Papers/Red +Green/Ribbon
To make her card, such a pretty Christmas card Michele, thank you so much for helping me at the last minute. XXX

I will share some photos of my craft room tomorrow, I was more ruthless than I have ever been. 

I will catch up with you all later today when I can open eyes! 
I hope the storms have passed and left no long term damage. I think we have had enough of these storms now.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    I love this Tic Tac Toe challenge and as you say-it works for Christmas and non Christmas cards. I think it might be the push a lot of us need to start our Christmas cards (except Val)!
    The weather remained horrendous most of yesterday and we didn’t venture out at all. Got all my housework done then headed for my craft room. Had a lovely play in there and messaged Sandra about a card query.

    Hopefully work won’t be too busy today. I have a phone call to make tonight thenits back into my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      Lovely challenge card today. You do seem to have had the brunt of Hurricane Brian the last few days.
      Hope work isn't to busy today for you. Enjoy playing in your craft room tonight.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a dark and dreary Sheffield.
    The rain has stopped and it looks as though the wind has died down fingers crossed.

    SANDRA-looks a good challenge this week and I will try and get a card done.

    It's going to be more than a busy week here. Jim has chauffeur duty all week and then all being well we're hoping to get off to Marigny next Monday for 10 days to close up for the Winter. As things are at the moment we'll not be going after Christmas as usual so things need sorting. So it's a full on week getting all November birthday cards sorted etc etc.

    The CAFE is OPEN even though the doors and windows are closed against the weather. The heating is on and tea/coffee pots are filled and just waiting to be used. Hope to see you in there.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need.

    I'll be getting your box cuts in the post by the end of this week.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Like Michele you also seem to have had the brunt of Brian. Hope OH's friends hospital appointments go ok this week.
      Not to sure how much you have to do at Marigny to close up for the Winter but I assume it won't be restful. A shame you can't go over after Christmas as usual.
      Gentle hugs coming your way as well.

  3. Great challenge SANDRA and it sounds like LEWIS arrived in the nick of time even though it meant an even earlier start!
    Thank you MICHELE for helping
    I hope everyone is on the mend
    I am meeting an old school friend for lunch today It’s her birthday at the end of the week and that’s who I am constructing the Flippin Mornings card for It should tickle her funny bone
    Now just updated phone to try and fix the bug that causes us to lose comments!

    1. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your lunch with your friend today. Hope the update fixes the bug you've had. Great it worked.

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    Lovely idea for this week that you and Michele have devised. Will be able to join in finally after a few weeks kerfuffle. I still have Christmas cards to make for friends over here and neighbours so my stash is still around.
    What a good job Lewis knew the right flight time even though it meant a really early start.
    I have a lovely day to myself today so a stack of ironing HS to be done then I'll carry on tidying my craft room.
    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Your sound much better in yourself today. Gentle hugs coming you way. I've just finished my ironing and there wasn't as much as I thought.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love today's challenge card thanks to Michele for her input into the style of this weeks one. Lovely card you supplied Michele.
    Crikey Sandra what a mistake to make, but hopefully Lewis stayed overnight so it wasn't such a rush. However, the bus from Oxford goes straight into all the Terminals and stops right outside. So in theory Paul only needed to take them to Oxford for the bus. Which would have been a lot cheaper than using Paul's petrol. We always used them when we went abroad.
    My ipad is showing an upgrade for ISO 11.3. Our friend did his and is not happy as everything has changed.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you had a good journey to Gatwick & back, hope Sophie & Lewis enjoy themselves. Sounds as if you have been really busy in your craftroom. Lovely challenge this week, well done
    Miserable morning here wet & dark.
    I think we will have visitors later so will get on.
    Janet please do not tire yourself out doing the boxes I am sure we can all wait till you come home, take
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi all.
    A big oops for going away for Sophie and Lewis, if it had been the right airport at least. Hope they have a nice time and you and Paul can have a rest this morning.
    Very nice card this morning and I do like the tic tac toe but can't promise to join in, will see how the week go.
    Sending hugs to you all and wish your Monday being good, love Maria xxx

  8. I have a card for your tic tac toe Sandra, I am blogging it on 25th, how do I get it to you?

    1. Well it worked this morning but not now!
      Hopefully SANDRA has already messaged you But VAL knows or email me

  9. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Good challenge today thank you Michele for helping Sandra & your card is lovely. I have actually made mine this morning had another lovely day in my craft room after housework me & Baby have been home alone again so I made CC & another shabby chic card well more of a grungy look.
    Then Terry got home at 4.30 pm. So that was that put the dinner on now. Put the chicken in pressure cooker for 40 minutes then take meat the bones put all the veg in a nice hot chicken hot pot (soup ) it's lush especially on a cold winters day which we had today.very dark cold & rain.well my dinner I ready.
    Hope Brian hasn't caused too much damage for everyone please take care.
    love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and Friends,
    I tried to leave a comment this morning and forgot to check the Comment as: Box. It wasn’t until I pressed publish that I noticed it just had Google . Normally it has my name and Google in brackets. So that’s another message floating around in cyberspace!!

    Sandra I hope you and Paul have had a quiet day, after your early morning dash to Gatwick also hope Sophie and Lewis caught there flight.

    This weeks challenge gives us lots of choices, I am debating my choices.

    We have had a busy day I had doctors this morning for my flu jab. Came home and had lunch then we went to a neighbors funeral, not long home. Dinner is ready then a nice sit down for the rest of the evening. Up early in the morning to have my INR blood test and do some shopping in Croydon.

    Have a good evening, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope your bloods are ok tomorrow. How did your shopping go, ok I hope.

  11. Hello All, sorry to be late, hope this works as have done another update.

    Michele lovely card and good challenge.

    Sandra hope the young ones got off ok.

    Well I’ll say good night, hugs to all Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. I realised I hadn't commented so came into the Café to do so then realised that there are TWO Monday blogs to enjoy 😊 I'm not complaining as I enjoyed seeing Michele's lovely challenge card and then the pics of Sandra's super tidy craft room. You have been very busy my lovely and I can't wait to see you and all.if that room later on today.
    I'm glad that Brian didn't cause anyone any serious damage, thank goodness. Tim, Roz and the girls were down on the south coast for the weekend and said the sea looked amazing from quite a distance away. All.of the mobile homes and card on the campsite they were staying at ended up covered in sand from the storms and Tim said he got a free face exfoliation each time he stepped outside! Luckily there was very little damage around, just plant pots and similar blowing around.
    I'm off to try and get some more sleep so I can really enjoy my crafting with you later on Sandra. It's good to hear Sophie and Lewis have arrived safely and o hope they have a lovely time.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
