
Monday 30 October 2017

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all had a relaxing weekend, did you manage any crafting?  I managed to film the video tutorial I have been trying to do all week. I will share it with you all later this week.

Now onto this week's challenge, now I don't want you to panic at the name of the technique, it's easy and you have probably been doing it for years!
So this week I would like you to make an card featuring a Silhouette.  
My example card above features a 'die cut' silhouette (Tim Holtz wild Flower thinlits). I will share some more examples to inspire you all, I first thought that Silhouettes had to be black but they can be any colour you like! 

These two cards both feature silhouettes, all though I didn't think about them as that at the time.

Karen's Challenge card from yesterday features silhouettes too.

If you need any further inspiration pop over to Pinterest, there are literally thousands of different examples of Silhouette cards on there, be prepared though, grab a cuppa before you start browsing! 
I really hope that you enjoy this week's challenge,  I can't wait to see your designs . XX

Janet, I hope you have and Jim have a smooth journey to Marigny, you both deserve a relaxing break XXX

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful cards Sandra & an interesting challenge for us this week. I’m looking forward to having a go at this one.

    We have heavy frost this morning, think it’s going to be another lovely day. We got quite a but if weeding done yesterday & hubby cut the grass so that’s our 2 garden wheelie bins full and out for collection today.
    I’m glad I only have 3 days in work this week as it’s looking like it’s going to be a busy one.


  2. Ooh we I did panic a bit until I saw my card being featured and then I had a light bulb moment and thought “Oh yeah”
    I had a very busy day yesterday that started with opening your beautiful cards - thank you ladies, they are all gorgeous
    We went to daughter’s and played with Oscar
    After a quick lunch we visited my sister’s grave with a birthday card and flowers
    THEN.... a surprise visit to a local theatre to see Motown How Sweet It Is
    Down to earth with a bump today Work is extrobusy on a Monday
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning everyone.
    Nice card and challenge Sandra, like you I always thought it was black but nice to see it in other colours too.
    I hope you all keeping well-ish and have a nice Monday.
    I'll be back later today to see what you all been up to.
    Love Maria xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love thhe look of CC this week, hope to maybe have a go this afternoon. Sorry I will not see you on Friday but to be honest Pop is not ready to leave for 14hrs or soo plus I would be too tired to enjoy it. I will be thinking of you all & wishing I was with
    Very frosty here this morning, lovely walking Star on Golf Course, I go early usually before they start, the sun was shining & the trees looked lovely.
    As Janet is travelling I have opened cafe & tea & coffee is ready for visitors so hope to see you in there.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thanks for opening up Margaret, does that mean there will be Coconut & Lemon Drizzle cake????
      I am so sorry that you won't be going us on Friday, but I totally understand, it is a long day and you wouldn't be able to relax.
      Stay warm my lovely when you are out with Star xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a lovely card you have made to inspire us, and it's great to enjoy Karen's beautiful challenge card again. I will be making myself a hot drink before I open up Pinterest to have a look at silhouette cards now I see they they don't have to be plain black and white. Thank you for teaching me something new, it's just one of the reasons that this is the best blog ever
    I'm glad you managed to get the video finished my lovely, and I'm looking forward to seeing it.
    Mum, thanks for opening up the Café while Janet is travelling. I hope Herman behaves himself for you 😊 It's a shame you won't be with us on Friday but understand when you say Pop is doing really well. You wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy the day out would you. And it will be a tiring day as the NEC is so big. Just getting from the car park into the hall can be quite a trek. We will miss you but completely understand you staying at home this time. It will also save you a small fortune as there will be lots to tempt you there 😊 Love you X
    It was a lovely start to the day when we went out at 8am. Yes, an early start for us to get to the dentist for 9am! The frost had left its fantastic patterns on the car windows and on the cobwebs on the plants. We now have a beautiful blue sky 😊
    Janet, I hope you managed to start your journey with Jim starting to feel the benefit of the antibiotics. Wish you a safe and trouble free journey X
    Maria, what were you up to over the weekend? Something good but not too tiring I hope X
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi ladies, Sandra i might join in this one lol.. Ive had a busy weekend crafting and filming, kids are off for the next week. Trick or treating tomorrow and a visit from my sister who i havnt seen in months so looking forward to that. happy crafting everyone x

  7. Hello Sandra,
    I got quite excited when I saw this weeks challenge, last week I was playing with some silhouette dies, I also have a card made, that fits the challenge, so I feel it’s onward and upwards and I hopefully won’t be the last to send you my card.

    MARGARET thank you for opening up the Café. It all looks great. Pleased Alan is getting better by the day. xx
    JANET hope your journey is smooth and trouble free. Make sure Jim keeps taking his antibiotics xx
    KAREN sounds like you had a lovely birthday.xx

    Lunch is ready but I will pop back later, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda I made a CC today as well but haven't sent it to Sandra yet.
      It's a good challenge.Take care.
      Hug's xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely cards today for your challenge.
    I must say you showed a fabulous collection of cards yesterday. I especially loved Lilian snowman. Now I thought I'd bought the falling snow embossing folder, but don't seem to be able to find it at the moment. Or was it in my imagination.
    Janet I hope your having a uneventful journey today.
    I actually went in to school today. All change in the classroom which has been made smaller, by the foundation stage classroom being taken over by some ladies offering a new pre school. Karen Petes daughter wasn't sure how it would effect theirs but they have plenty of children at the moment. However, by the headmistress renting out this classroom to them, year 1 and 2 are cramped into 1 large classroom and where the library used to be. I will now be helping the children with their reading in the corridor as the classroom is very cramped.

  9. Hi Pat that's terrible having to help the children with their reading in the corriddor.& must be harder for the children to learn being so cramped with
    year 1 & 2 together. Do they have two teachers or just one in the classroom especially if the children are at different levels.must be harder for the teacher.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      No they're not together. But 1 large room ,plus the small library room has been sectioned off into 2 rooms. So it's still 2 separate classes but in smaller rooms. Such a shame to be so cramped just so the school can rent a room out to someone whose opened a pre school.

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    We had a bright sunny day but was very chilly Terry was out painting again so I had housework Mr Dyson is very heavy for me hard work. Then washed up & put washing on then put it on the line. By that time my leg & back was killing me
    The washing didn't dry . Grrr.So then I went into my craft room I made my CC quite pleased with it haven't sent it to Sandra yet as going to try another one tomorrow.SANDRA I LOVE YOUR CARDS today your blending is perfect.
    Thank you for all you do on the blog you stretch my crafty brain to try new things every Monday. Looking forward to your video thank youmy lovely xx
    JANET I hope your journey is going ok so far &I hope Jim is feeling journey tomorrow Hug's
    MARIA hope you enjoyed your workshops with Julia & Leonne not jealous 🙃X
    Hope everyone has had a good day
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda- please,please take it easy. So sad to hear you suffering so much. Sending you hugs for a better tomorrow.
      Ah yes that is what I wanted to tell you all about, my Saturday. As you know I sometimes go to Julia's workshops and we are normally around 12-15 of us but because Leonie was coming the hall was full with near 50 ladies so the noise of fun and laughter's were extra loud. We were doing a lot of stamping and layering with crackle paint and different colours. My hands have just today starting to look normal and my top and jeans are in the wash, just hope it all comes off hihihi Yes it was a great day but so tiring so didn't do much at all yesterday and today after the nice walk this morning my body decided it had enough so have only been able to sit and been watching tv. Tomorrow is another day.
      Margaret- will miss you Friday but do understand. Hugs to you and Pop. Sue, tell your dad to take it easy.
      Brenda- hope you are ok and had a good day.
      Danielle- what kind of crafting do you make ? Lovely to see you back in today.
      Sonia and Tracy, hope you both alright and will be back one day
      Have a good night everyone xx
