
Tuesday 31 October 2017

Karen's Birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that this chilly Tuesday morning finds you well, for those of you that aren't gentle hugs are on their way! xx

Today's card is the card I made for Karen's Birthday, I tried something completely different for a change.  I had some points left at the end of the SU year that can't be transferred so I used them to buy the 'Large Letter Dies', they arrived in perfect time for me to use them to make Karen's card.
I die cut three of each letter and laid one set on my stamp mat, I then gathered lots of small flower stamps from various Stampin'Up stamp sets, including: 'Happy Birthday Gorgeous', 'Jar of Love' and 'Beautiful Bouquet'. I decided to use 'Peekaboo Peach' as the accent colour and chose a few different complimentary colours to use to randomly stamp the letters.
I masked the top of the letters off to give a different look and then randomly stamped the bottom, trying to cover as much white area as I could, someone stamps even overlapped.
I then mounted the three lots of letters on top of each other leaving the 'Peach' one until last and then ever so slightly offset it to give a 'Drop shadow' effect.
I mounted the letters onto a piece of White card that I had embossed with the 'Tied Together' Embossing Folder, then added to a 7x5 base card matted with a piece of 'Peekaboo Peach' card.  Lastly I punched two borders using the Stampin'Up! 'Ribbon Border Punch' and topped that with some narrow white ribbon.
I think I will use this method again as it is a nice way to personalise a card.

Margaret is sadly unable to make it to the NEC on Friday so we have a spare ticket if anyone fancies joining us, just let me know.

Janet I hope that your journey has been smooth so far and that you arrive in good time later today, I imagine the first job will be to light a fire, time for you to relax and enjoy a few days of peace and quiet, I do hope Jim is on the mend too. XXX

I'm going to prepare another tutorial today for videoing, so wish me luck! 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love the card you made for Karen, it’s gorg.
    Yesterday was busy & we have another new trainee which makes things slow going. I didn’t feel up do doing very much last night so we watched 2 episodes of Law & Order then I read my book.
    Today looks like it’s going to be even busier-roll on 5pm!


    1. Hi Michele, training someone new is really tiring - I remember it well. Just think of the fun you're all going to have at the NEC and I'm sure it will keep you going all

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope ou don't gave to hard a day today as you did yesterday. Always a bit of a slow day when your training someone into the way you work.

  2. Sorry didn't call in yesterday. Busy day and time just went as well as having a rotten head cold so I was in bed at 9 pm.
    Love the cc this week and the lovely examples and today's card for Karen is oh so pretty and clever too.
    Just off to slimming club. Don't hold out much hope of losing anything but you never know.
    Will call in later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope your feeling better today with your head cold. Hope you've lost something when you go to slimming club.

  3. My card is gorgeous The photo doesn’t do it justice The does are a lovely size and it’s a really nice font - not too plain and not too “frilly” The little pop of peach really brings it to life As I said to SANDRA - change the colours and use different stamps and you’ve got a perfect card for all age groups and those pesky men!
    I’m home alone this evening As much as I like Halloween I’m always a little nervous of Trick or Treaters The youngsters are great but one year we had older teenagers who’d made no effort to dress up and demanded money as their treat
    What happens where you live Simeone I know says in their area you leave a pumpkin on the doorstep to show you don’t mind Trick or Treaters coming No pumpkin No visiting
    Have a good day everyone xxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, I expect Karen loved the personal touch.
    I have used this type of layout in the past for children using my large alphabet stencil set.

    I did not attend the committee meeting as the Director came to see me in the morning and we had a good discussion of the costumes. We should have had this right at the beginning when the Panto was chosen. I can now get on track and order items myself.
    Now busy cutting out costumes ready for passing onto the ladies who help with the sewing.

    Gentle ((((HUGS)))) and healing prayers to all in need of them today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Oh what a shame you didn't go to the meeting. The director obviously realised they were in the wrong so headed you off at the pass so to speak. Anyhow it's a relief to you that it's all been sorted and you know what's what now. Hope everything can get back on track now.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Just popping in to say I love your pretty personalised card today!
    Have a great time at the NEC!
    Lesley S x

    1. Lovely to see you in today Lesley.

    2. Hi Leslie...a warm welcome to the Cotswold Café where everything is virtual and calorie free.

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    A chilly bright day today mmm what shall I do today home alone with Baby. Let me think 🤔Oh yes crafting YAAAY 😃
    First I've got some ironing to do.
    SANDRA a gorgeous card you made for Karen. I love the large letters Die & so useful for many occasions.
    CHERYL I'm glad the panto issues have been solved even if it's late in the day.
    You can now get cracking on the costumes good luck with with that.
    Have a good day. Hug's on there way.
    MICHELE hope your day isn't as stressful as you thought with the new trainee.
    Have a lovely evening xx
    VAL sorry you weren't well with a head cold yesterday hope you feel better today. Hug's on there way take care love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry pressed publish to soon
      KAREN I'm with you about Halloween I don't like the older children knocking trick a treating you have to be so carful. Last year a couple of older kids wanted money rather than sweets when they didn't get it they knocked the door bell off & smashed it.could have been worse..
      Have a good evening Hug's xx
      Well I'm off to the ironing board so see you later.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Why is it when I do smiley faces when it publishes it comes out as question marks???

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I love Karen’s birthday card, clever to mask off half of each letter. I have made cards with the first letter in upper case, coloured and decorated. But it never occurred to me to decorate each letter. I really like the stunning effect you have created. Might just try this for granddaughters birthday card. Just thought I need the letters (I only have letter stamps). I feel an email is needed to order these.

    We are about to take a trip over to Wimbledon, just shopping and lunch out, it makes a nice change and the weather isn’t to bad.

    Wish I could make it to the NEC it’s a long trip and a lot of walking. Don’t think I would last out and I would want to see everything and everybody!!

    Have a good day, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you enjoy your shopping and lunch. Yes, the NEC is quite a long way away from you.

  9. Morning all.
    Lovely card you made for our Karen, nice big letters and pretty flower stamping.
    Sending well wishes for anyone not feeling so good and hope the day gets better for you.
    Take care all and keep warm, the cold weather is here.
    No pumpkin in the window and no lights ,hope they walk past but we have also had teenagers banging on the door and that's not nice at all. Hope your furbabies be alright with the fireworks. hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope they pass us by as well. Don't mind the youngsters. It's the teenagers you have to be wary off. We don't usually open the door as it's mostly teenagers coming round by us.

  10. Hi Sandra
    A fabulous card made with the large letter Dies. I must say they look very effective done in 3 colours and then stamped with the little flowers. Somewhere in my hoard I have tiny flower stamps that I bought from Cardio.
    Janet I hope your journey was and is still uneventful. As Sandra said first job would be to light a fire. I hope that Jim is feeling better now he's taking antibiotics.
    gentle hugs to all who needs one today.

  11. Hi Margaret
    I hope that Alan is going on ok. I also have trouble doing smiley faces on comments. You really have to watch Herman he's really devious.
