
Sunday 17 September 2017

Your Challenge cards

My Challenge Card
The Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all well and those of you feeling under par hugs are on their way!

Ally Pally was lovely yesterday, I will say that our lunches seem to be getting longer each time we go!  It was a little sad that our lovely Lynda and Terry (aka Capt. Underpants) were very much missed, we all felt a little sat at lunch time, you had better be ok to come in April !!  I took some cupcakes to celebrate my birthday with everyone but She and Margaret and smuggled in one of Margaret's signature Lemon/Coconut cakes with '50' shaped candles which they out and everyone sang happy birthday which was lovely.  It felt like the first 'proper' birthday celebration.
Ally Pally seemed quieter today, I noticed a couple of absent stands but there were 2 new ones too.  It was a truly lovely day but I was glad to lay on my bed !! 
I will photograph my purchases and share them in the week.

Now onto your cards:
Lilian chose the Categories: Pink/Turquoise/ Designer Paper / punches.
She used some of John Lockwood's new Stencils as they are small enough to create lovely background effects.  I love your beautiful flowers, have you used Appliqués in the centres?  Such a gorgeous effect. What colours did you use, such soft muted tones.
Thank you so much for taking part.


Karen used the Categories: Red/Punches/Snowflakes
Such a stunning design Karen, a lovely embossed background, with a touch of gilding wax over, on top of which Karen has created a beautiful Wreath of Snowflakes, finished with a gorgeous ribbon bow, a real 'Wow' card Karen, thank you so much for taking part.

Val chose the Categories: Red/Snowflakes /punch
Such a cute and adorable scene Val, I can see a Grandma buying this for the Grandchildren, I do love red, white with a bit of blue, it really works. I think your card covers nearly all the Categories this week, the perfect card, thank you so much for taking part Val.


Janet has made two cards for this week's challenge using categories:
Card 1 Designer Paper/Ribbon/Dry Embossing
Card 2 Red/Dry Embossing/snowflakes
Two beautiful cards Janet, the decorative paper that you used on the first card is so pretty, its unusual to find a pretty floral to match a strong colour like the red you have used but that one works perfectly.
Your Christmas card is so pretty, I loved that lovely detailed die you have used, added the red gems has really lifted the design, great idea to use it as an easel card, so that the beautiful embossed bottom section is on show too.  Two amazing cards Janet, thank you so much. 


Oh Maria!! I just want to pat his little head, such a cute image, it melts my heart!
Maria has chosen the Categories :Pink/Turquoise/Cute/ Embossing
Maria I absolutely love that shade of blue (turquoise),  it compliments the pink in the flowers perfectly, the image makes the card, it is so Bloomin' adorable, I love him! 
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely.


Lynda has chosen the Categories: Pink/Turquoise/ Snowflakes/ Dry Embossing
Such a pretty Christmas card Lynda, those snowflakes are so pretty, I love how you have embossed then into your background and then highlighted the big one by adding the matching Die cut snowflake, slightly off set over the matching embossed snowflake, it has given your card a pop of sparkle and real texture, the pretty pink ribbon bow is the perfect finishing touch.
Thank you so much for taking part sweetheart.


Michele has chosen the Categories: Pink/Turquoise/ Snowflakes/ Designer Papers
Such a pretty Christmas card Michele, a colour combination I wouldn't have thought about for a Christmas card but my goodness it works, I love it and the lovely little village scene ! A beautiful Christmas card.
Thank you so much for taking part Michele.


A stunning Stampin'Up! Christmas card from Margaret, who chose categories: Red/Dry Embossing/Ribbon .
Such a beautiful Christmas card Margaret, a pretty embossed background with the the sentiment stamped and due cut using the 'Lots of Labels ' die, I really like that sentiment too, so much easier to put "From all our family to yours" than to add specific relation names and then a greeting.
You have finish the card beautifully with that pretty Bow. thank you so much for taking part, I know you have been so busy this past week or two. 

Another display of beautiful yet very different cards from all of you, no two the same which amazes me each week.
I really do appreciate everything that you do ladies.

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Everyone
    So pleased to hear that you all had a good day yesterday. Is there a photo of you all?
    I hope you all arrived home safe and sound and have had a good night's rest.

    A lovely selection of Challenge Cards this week and they look beautiful on the display board which I recovered yesterday as I thought it was looking a little on the 'used'

    We're off to my Great Grandson's 4th birthday party this afternoon so fingers crossed that the rain stays away and the children can get outside to play. Thomas is 4 this time round. Time is certainly flying at full speed !!

    I'm off now to wrap his birthday presents up and then have a quiet morning before the mayhem this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looking sparkling for you all to pop in. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good Sunday. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,, Enjoy your party this afternoon. Bet you sleep well tonight.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Both your CC are gorgeous love them both.
      Enjoy your Great Grandsons 4th birthday party. It must be lovely having a "Great Granchild" hope he enjoys himself.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Enjoy the party I'm off to a Baby Shower later There be a few ladies from Salsa So it'll be nice to catch up with them too

    4. Have a nice afternoon and a happy birthday to Thomas. The cafe' look so clean. Your baubles yesterday were amazing and your cards today are both lovely xx

    5. Hi Janet
      Love both the cards you've made. Red and white is a lovely combination isn't it.
      I hope you enjoyed Thomas's birthday party and the rain held off. Loved your baubles yesterday.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another great collection of challenge cards. Interesting to see quite a few Christmas csrds sneaking in!

    We managed to go some weeding yesterday & then I planted out all the shrubs I've been growing in the greenhouse. It's rained overnight which will have watered my plants in-saves me a job.

    Today is housework then a lot of ironing then sorting out the holiday clothes.


    1. Hi Michele good luck with the housework and ironing today and then enjoy the exciting job of what to pack for your

    2. Hi Michele
      Best of luck doing your housework & ironing. Better packing for your holiday though.You must be glad your holiday is getting nearer after the last few months at work.
      Hug's xx

    3. Don't work too hard! It makes the holiday feel so much closer when you start packing the clothes

    4. Hi Michele
      Good luck with the housework and ironing. As Lynda says you need your holiday after the trauma at work I think it's tomorrow you have your meeting. I wonder if you'll be any further forward after it. I think it's disgraceful how they have kept you hanging about for any result. I hope your able to tell them so as well.

  3. Morning all
    Lovely set of cards again You all give me so much inspiration like putting a colour with a colour I tend to go for tones of the same one
    Yesterday was lovely It felt a lot quieter than previous years but did mean it was a little easier to see what's on sale et
    I saw last night that you got home OK Brenda (little lamb)
    I missed you LYNDA although I haven't known you for as long as some of the others and Terry of course
    Your cake was delicious NARGARET and thank you for the cupcakes SANDRA
    I missed my 3.20 train and then the next two were cancelled So I had to devise my journey The one to SP was such a breeze
    The babysitting was a disaster (I knew it would be) Charlotte got upset because she was supposedly leaving him for the first time He knew that So We ended up going back to hers and I babysat from there Such a shame I hope he won't be put off coming to me for a cuddle after that experience New mum's are so different these days
    I'm sorry we didn't get to chat much MARIA MARGARET etc
    Thank you BRENDA for your very generous donation A Watford trip needs to be organised
    It was lovely to see HELEN too
    Good to hear your DIL is out of hospital VAL
    HUGS for everyone, especially those travelling on that road to recovery xx

    1. Glad yo enjoyed yesterday and arrived home safely eventually.
      Sorry babysitting didn't go so well, hopefully the second time he will be fine. I'm sure he'll still want his cuddles from his

    2. Hi KAREN
      Glad you enjoyed AP yesterday I missed you too KAREN It dose feel like we have known each other for ages but only met you at last AP. Sorry babysitting was a disaster I'm sure he will still give you some lovely cuddles.
      Hug's on there way love Lynda xx

    3. Lovely photos from the race Karen. Sorry the baby sitting went a bit disastrous but sure it will get better the more you doing it :-) Speak soon xx

    4. Hi Karen
      So sorry to hear the babysitting wasn't very successful. Not your fault at all. Of course Oscar will still want to give you some cuddles.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely lot of cards today, all beautiful, I wonder what you have for us tomorrow. Hope you are not too
    Karen sorry the babysitting was a disaster hope you have more success next time, I am sure he still loves your
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret. Hope you enjoyed yesterday and bought lots of crafty things.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. It was lovely to see you yesterday Was a shame we didn't get to chat for very long

    3. Hi Margaret
      Glad you enjoyed Ally Pally & hope you bought some lovely crafty goodies.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Michele thank you for your magazine reviews yesterday. I'll be looking at the nags when I pop into Sainsbury's this week. Lovely day yesterday with the ladies as usual. Lynda and Terry were sorely missed. Hope you manage to make April. Crikey I've just wished the rest of the year away. Lovely card today but I'll have a good look later.
    Maria I adore your baby elephant. We met Maria just inside the door at Ally Pally, so I went with her to do make and takes the first time ever I've managed to do those at a show.

    1. Hi Pat, ooh a make and take. Who did you do that with and what did you make?
      Hope you and Pete are

    2. It was lovely to see you yesterday I did the CE make and take Left it there to dry and completely forgot to go back and pick it up!

    3. Hi Pat glad you enjoyed AP yesterday &nice you did a make & take with Maria shame we won't see what you made.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. We had some fun getting paint and glue little bit everywhere didn't we. Wished I had walked with you after lunch again because you managed to make some more while I spent some money on something I didn't really needed Lol Hope you resting today xx

    5. Hi Val
      I made a card using a positioner. Made a flower with firminian if that's how you spell it. Two glitter cards. One card with a Woodward stamp and a messy background, plus a decoration with CE which I wasn't very happy with. I'll take a photo and pass on to Sandra.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Just a quick note to say hi, another busy family day so won't get a chance to come back in until later. It was lovely to see everyone at A P yesterday and today's CC's are gorgeous. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx by

    1. It was lovely to see you yesterday xx

    2. Hi Sue glad you enjoyed yesterday. Enjoy your family day
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Lovely to see you yesterday. Have a nice family day xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all
    Glad you all had a good time yesterday and hopefully someone took a photo of you all that we can see.
    A beautiful show of cards today ladies. Great to see some Christmas cards are appearing.
    I finished all 72 of my Christmas cards yesterday ready to take to UK. Just the inserts to go in which Lynn said she'd do and then write in them. Now I just have to start on the shop ones. I still have about 50 that weren't sold last year so have to see what they are before I begin on this year's.

    Just got back from the Sunday Market. Very exciting because theirs a lady there selling lovely craft supplies. Just had to buy stuff didn't I. Anyway happily she's bring her goodies to our craft class on Friday Yeh. I bought 2 Desire Create a Card Dies. Can't wait to use them.

    Just off to see my friend for an hour. She has beautiful nails but because she has arthritis in her hands she can't paint them so I've volunteered. My eyesight isn't that brilliant so hope they turn out ok.

    Hope all you AP Trekkers can have a good relax today.

    Love Valxxx

    1. How lovely that you have a lady selling craft stuff at the market and that she is going to come to your craft group Will you have to warn the ladies to bring their purses!

    2. Hi VAL WOW 72 cards made yesterday you are superwoman.
      Glad market had lady selling crafty items that was a bonus.hope she is going to be a regular at market. Enjoy meeting up with your friend.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. OMG Lynda I didn't make them all yesterday , it's taken me a few weeks. Yesterday I just put all the Merry Christmas's on the fronts and added a few embellishments. Superwoman I aint more like Plodalong

    4. Wow so many cards, even if they were made over some weeks Lol that would have taken me months more like. have a nice day xx

    5. Wowee val that's a lotta cards I've not began mine yet as I keep getting other orders to do lol. It's no good when I'm working full time and crafting when I can. I keep saying It's my retirement hobby so I'll have all the stuff to play with lol xx

  8. Hello from a beautiful sunny day in Cornwall, two loads of washing out and a third almost ready, makes such a difference to hang them out.

    Glad everyone had a lovely day yesterday, I hope to join you one year, it's our local (Exeter 80 miles) this week , I used to always go when I could drive, R says he will take me but I don't think I could walk around all day, although these new tablets are much better and no nausea.

    Beautiful lot of cards to day , love Maria's elephant, such a cute image.

    I coloured my card with some inka gold, I've had for ages, it had dried up a bit so I thought I'd better use it. The centre of the flowers and the leaves are cut from lace. I'm very bad at buying things at shows and then never using them, so my mission is to use some of old stuff before buying new.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, hugs to all ,Lilian

    PS sorry too much waffle

    1. Hi Lilian another fantastic card from you today it's beautiful
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad to hear your feeling better today. Your new meds seem to be helping. Great you have sunshine as well, always a lovely pick he up.
      You waffle away to your hearts content. We're always here to listen. I must say your card is absolutely gorgeous. Love the colours you've used. Was the stencilling done on a background paper?.

    3. Hi Lilian.
      I love your card today ! The colours and the flowers are gorgeous. I am a bit soft on cute images I'm afraid, my mum's birthday is coming up so 'Nellie' will probably go to her. Hope R can come with you to Ally Pally in April and we get to meet you both. Have a nice Sunday xx

  9. Hello SANDRA & ladies well twice comments haven't published I have commented on way down which published. But when I get here that won't it's so frustrating.
    Glad you all enjoyed AP yesterday. Yes I'm definitely going in April going to start saving now. We have some sun at the moment one was on line one in machine.
    Not upto much got housework upstairs so better go & supervise Terry as he doesn't see what I see HaHa. Will pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, hope you and Terry had a nice day yesterday and Baby kept you busy but it felt a bit weird not having you there during lunch so hope you can come to the next one. Nice card from you, hugs xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Missed you and Terry loads yesterday and I'm glad to hear pennies permitting we'll see you in April. Terry wanted cake so ge missed quite a bit of it yesterday.
      Love how you've made your snowflake card. Might borrow that idea if you don't mind.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    So many beautiful cards today and some Christmas once too to make one thinking what to make for this year.
    Bought some stamps yesterday on top of the once I got earlier so have plenty to play with.
    It was really nice to meet some of you yesterday, also June and Helen after many tries.:-)
    Littlelamb, good to hear from you and that you got home safely. Take care.
    We didn't get home until 1 am this morning so had a good lay in and still tired so not much will be done today. I hope You Sandra and Sue are not in too much pain today.
    Might pop in later. Have a good day ,xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Just love your little elephant isn't he gorgeous. I hope you had a restful day today.

  11. Hello ladies
    Or should I say evening. Just home from doing a stocktake. Day off the morn as it's a local holiday.
    Going looking for g's new car tomorrow oh joy lol.

    Cards today are all georgeous I struggled to pick a favourite this week lol.
    Glad most of u had fun buying ur goodies at ally pally I'm so jealous I'm turning green 🤢 Lol.
    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. We had a lovely time at Ally Pally. Good luck looking for G's new car.

  12. Hello Sandra and all,

    I'm sitting down at last, it has been a lovely day, daughter enjoyed her 50th birthday family celebration.It has been a really enjoyable family day..

    Lovely cards ladies, all so inspiring, if you don't mind I would love to copy your amazing designs.

    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx
