
Monday 18 September 2017

A Simple Sketch Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I would choose a simple sketch for you this week, you can have it which ever way round you choose and the curve doesn't need to be exact either. 
If you don't have a wavy edge die like I used you could just use a large Oval or circle die to cut the shape you you need.
If you need any inspiration go to Pinterest and type in:  Freshly Made Sketch 295. 

My card was made using all new goodies from Ally Pally, I made the pretty floral background with a fantastic new stamp set from Creative Expressions, I saw Sue Wilson using it on Saturday and loved all of the tiny elements in the set.

I stamped my random background using Tim Holtz Distress Oxide inks, oh my goodness they are amazing, I picked up just 4 colours on Saturday to try them, I chose 'Picked Raspberry', 'Salty Ocean', 'Twisted Citron' and 'Fossilized Amber'.  I used all of these on my challenge card.  They stamp beautifully and have an amazing 'chalky ' finish, which is so different to anything I have used before. I used the 'Twisted Citron' to colour my ribbon too, (I just ran it across the ink pad). 
So, to recap, I stamped the background, then die cut the top curved piece of card, on which I stamped my sentiment and a couple of flowers, I added the ribbon along the top and added a bow. That's it, it couldn't be simpler, stamps, ink, card and ribbon .

I hope you enjoy this challenge, I have lots of ideas going through my mind for more cards, so more inspiration to follow.

Paul has left to go on a course this morning, it's 5 days which has affected me more than I thought it would, I think maybe it's because he has been home 24/7 since finishing work in early July, either way I think it's going to be a tough week.  I hope to get lots of crafting done, so that should keep me busy.

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card today Sandra & a great sketch challenge for us. Not sure if I'll get time to participate but fingers crossed .

    Hopefully this week will pass quickly for you with Paul being away. It will certainly feel different as he's been at home so much plus you've just returned from your lovely holiday.


    1. Good luck today Michele. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Fingers crossed that you might get something resolved today.

    3. Hope it all goes fine today, fingers crossed for you xx

    4. Hi Michele hope work wasn't too bad. Did you manage to get anything sorted today
      Hug's on there way xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a very pretty card for us to start the week and a good challenge too. Thinking cap on.

    I'm sure the week will go quickly if it follows the last few weeks and before you know it will be Friday again.

    We had a good birthday party yesterday even if it all had to be indoors because of rain but all the children played really well together. To say they range from 6 down to 9months they really do get on well together.
    I have to say that we came back exhausted and today is definitely going to be a restful day for me. Jim is on his last two days of chauffeuring for this month.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the heating is on. I've put some fresh Sunflowers on the counter this morning which really brighten the room up so why don't you all pop in for a visit and have a cuppa with us.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and have a good Monday. xxxx

    1. Sounds like a very hectic day yesterday Janet and don't blame you having a good rest today. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Sounds lie you had a hectic day yesterday. Hope you manage to have an easier day today.

    3. So pleased the party went well Enjoy your well earned rest

    4. I hope you had a restful day Janet after your hectic day yesterday
      Take care Sending some BIG HUG'S xx

  3. Lovely card I watched Sue use these and was very tempted And I nearly bought some Distress Oxides but in my panic to get the train I couldn't find the stall that seemed be doing the best price Ho hum!
    I meant to say yesterday that I marvel at your achievements in the card making role VAL - 72! Cripes!
    Baby Shower was good It was lovely to see Salsa friends, all Charlotte's age, having grown and flourished, now parents or about to be parents
    I've lost my train of thought now I must start writing things down!
    Love the sketch and that card is very pretty ... Mind racing, do I do a birthday card or a very much needed Christmas card Choices choices
    Hopefully my Flippin Mornings sheet will arrive today I might need you to cut it out for me MARIA
    Have a good day everyone I bought a print from the V&A that reads and sits on my desk "Don't let the b/stards grind you down" Today's a definite for keeping that in mind!

    1. I guess the best way doing that is for me to come to WGC soon-ish I find it quite relaxing hihi
      Have a good day xx

    2. Hi Karen, I don't know how many card other people send at Christmas so I thought 72 was pretty average. Sadly it gets less and less each year. I suppose I do have a lot of friends in the UK. I'm the type that meets someone on holiday and we write and send cards ever more. One of these is a couple we met over 40 years ago, never met up again but still exchange cards and chatty letters. It's a good job I enjoy card Making isn't it.
      Glad your baby show went well.
      Love the c saying on your desk. How apt.
      Have Val quiet dayxxx

    3. Hi Val that's the same as me. We meet people on holiday and keep in touch. We met a couple on holiday in Majorca over 20yrs ago and still keep in touch. Birthday cards etc. Plus a couple we met in Exmouth from Wyvenho who we meet up with when we go to Harwich.

    4. So pleased I'm not the only one

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today
    Hopefully we get to see some new friends popping in when and if they have a minute to sit down and tell us their life story or just to say Hi Lol
    Lovely card Sandra and an easy sketch she says Lol The brain is full of ideas, is just to get it on a card that is the problem...
    Had a very sleepy day yesterday and the heating had to come on, the windows started to get ice on the inside, only joking but it was raw and a very wet day here yesterday but today look nicer so we are going to Lidl soon. I wish you all a nice day and hope that anyone not feeling 100% soon will be better. Love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      glad you managed a lovely restful day yesterday. You had me believing there was ice on the windows for a while. I think I'm going to get a shock when I'm over bin a couple of weeks. It's still summer here of course and my friend tells me the weather's not so nice on the Wirral
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Can you put me out of my misery. ( no not by putting me down ) but what on earth is WGC as per your comment to Karen re cutting out her Flipping decoupage.

    3. It's short for Welwyn Garden City where I live So much easier to say WGC We get very precious when someone calls it Welwyn because there is a village close by called Welwyn
      WGC is the second Garden City after Letchworth (Garden City)

    4. Thanks for the clarification Karen. I'm a bit of a nut case when it comes to abreviations. It took me ages to work out SIL and MIL that is used on the blog.

    5. Glad you asked Pat, I didn't know either but didn't want to show my

    6. Hi MARIA glad you had a restful day yesterday. I see you have been recutting new followers for the café did you meet them at AP or did you have a sandwich board on HAHA
      Loads of Hug's for you

    7. No not real ice yet anyway Val, it might be a bit warmer tomorrow. Glad Karen been around and could tell you where she lives. Oh very funny Lynda hahaha hugs to you xx

  5. Hello All from another beautiful day here, so lovely to see blue skies, if a little chilly. I've walked to buy the paper today so really feel I'm on the mend at last.

    Sandra lovely sketch today, love your bright and cherry card, you naughty I have managed up until now that I didn't need the oxide inks , now you have changed my mind, will have to wait a while, not so many pennies or should that pounds, since retirement.

    Have a lovely day all, hope you have some of this lovely weather, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, so pleased youre on the mend. Its been a long time but lovely that the worst is over.
      I'm also very keen on the oxide inks. Will look for them when I'm over.
      Glad you've got a lovely day there. Xxx

    2. Hi Lilian
      It's great to hear that your feeling much better, and that you were able to go and fetch the paper. I also bought some oxide inks as well. Apparently they're supposed to stay wetter than the distress inks so enabling you to move them around more which makes them blend together better.

    3. Great to see you're feeling better

    4. Hi LILIAN glad your feeling better & you enjoyed your walk to get the paper x HUG'S xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all,
    Lovely sketch and pretty card. I've ordered some wavy Apple Blossom dies but sadly they won't be here in time for this challenge.

    Nothing planned for today. Just mopped the floors, some ironing to do and then tidy my Craft Room. It's got to the stage were I've got no surface to put anything on and I've spread to the floor so definitely time for a good tidy.

    Hugs to all, Valxxx

    1. Hi Val sounds like my craft room as well. However, I don't seem to have any room to put anything away. Spread over to our dining room chairs as well.

    2. I wonder if you'll find things that you'd forgotten! If you come across some Cor'dination card I can't find Send It over please

    3. HaHaHa Karen. But I will do. I do have some small sheets of that which I had free with something but never used it. I wonder if all of us can say that we have things we've never used.

    4. All of us! I have dies that were part of a bundle that I haven't touched The bundle was too good of a bargain to pass by Why buy the one die you love when the bundle of 5 are only a couple of pounds dearer

    5. Sorry Karen found the kitchen sink but sadly no coordination card.
      Pat like you I got lots of things bought on a whim that I've never used and yet I still keep buying more. Do you think there's a medical name for it?

    6. Hi Val hope you can now find your work space I have loads of craft CD rooms that haven't been used for ages lot's of Joanna Sheen ones & Glenda Waterman must dig them out as some of her background papers are Lovely.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra hope today wasn't too bad for you without Paul.hope Friday come quickly for you. Lovely card Sandra very pretty love your new stamp set.
    I would love to try the new oxy ink pads but need mor fund's in eBay.
    I have made a Thank you card today for the lady over the road who gave us Baby & started Terry's birthday card for the 22nd. Think I better go back in craft room & tidy up a bit &I put my Dies away. I have commented on way down
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely card & challenge, not sure I will have time to make one this week, not only do I have my cataract op on Friday but Saturday have my MacMillan Coffee Morning. I have been busy making cakes today still more to do tomorrow afternoon. Hope your day has been fruitful & you have not missed Paul to
    Lilian pleased you are at last feeling better, your comments were
    I am falling asleep here so will send higs to all feeling unwell love

  9. I've just lost a long comment to cyber space, really must get internet sorted out in the lounge.
    Love today's challenge Sandra, think I can cope with this one!

    Sorry ladies I'm ready for my bed. Hope to catch up with you all tomorrow.

    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx
