
Saturday 16 September 2017

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Mag Review

Michele's Magazine Review

Magazine time again!!!

Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine this month comes with a great Die + stamp set plus some lovely quality papers. Some good articles & YouTube videos using this set.

Making Cards magazine-really useful set of sentiment stamps plus papers. Some of the papers are images of books & owls which I love. I'll definitely be using them soon.

I don't usually buy this magazine but the free gifts appealed-it's a mini Christmas card kit.

Quick Cards Made Easy with stamps, embossing folder & a stencil. Although the free gift looks good, I'm not certain I'll use it.

That's all folks until

Love Michele X

Thanks Michele for another fantastic review, I have always liked the Making Cards Magazine as it was one of the few that had papers that you could actually use, they were good quality, they used to be designed by Nancy Watt a few years ago, before she was so involved with Tattered Lace.
The Simply Card and Paper craft magazine looks good too, I love that Stag Head Die and the matching stamps. There is also some American Crafts papers in there too, now they will be good quality and very usable. The other selling point is the Expert Advice from then lovely Sue Wilson!

Do any of you have these magazines already? I'd love to see what you made with your freebies!



These two gorgeous baubles are Janet's latest creations with lace, Janet they are absolutely stunning, they are the most luxurious baubles, I could see these adorning one of those 'Twiggy Tree' table centres at a Winter Wedding, maybe that's how you could display them at the "Big Coffee Morning ' on 29th September, I bet they sell out super fast.
Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring us all.


Today's figures were down on previous years Today was just over 600 where it has been approx 1400 Whether that was the weather or the new route I don't know But it was a good day One of our team did the 10k run and the rest of us did 5k Our team ranged from 92 (she guarded our bags) to 16 months Oscar was pushed around the 5k route Please thank the ladies for their support
Here are a couple of photos

Some of the team.Tracy, I'm standing directly behind Charlotte and Oscar.

Our T shirts with Team Gary on the backs.

Oscar with his medal

One of our well used T shirt backs

Lots of love

Thank you so much Karen for sharing your day with us, you all did amazingly well !! It is so lovely to see a photo of Gary too.


Brenda was inspired by the lovely John Lockwood to buy some of his latest goodies, 
So she ordered this fantastic little haul from 'Ang Duck' (The Ducksdoodahs) . 
I absolutely love that beautiful frame Brenda, the verse is lovely and very true! 

I have included a separate photos of the products that Brenda bought, I am looking forward to seeing them on sale tomorrow at Ally Pally, well that's if anyone will be selling them of course, does anyone know if John is going tomorrow? I hope so, it won't be the same without him there.
Thanks Brenda for sharing your shopping with us.


Val went to a craft club with Wendy on Thursday and they made Floating Teacups,
I love yours Val, nice to see one with beads rather than flowers.
Val did say this would be a one off as it was quite fiddly!  I would have been picking glue off my hands for weeks! 
Thanks so much Val for showing us your Floating Teacup, it's fantastic!

Another jam packed Saturday ladies, thank you all for sharing your photos, it's lovely to see a snapshot of each others lives, most of us talk to each other through the blog more than we do with actual family so it's lovely to see photos to put a face to a name, like last week with Tracy's photos, now when she has talking I can actually picture her speaking! 
Thank you all for sending in your photos, I am so very grateful to all of you! 

I trust that there will be no wild parties while we are away today, I think Janet us planning on giving the place a deep clean! I'm sure there will be a table to sit at somewhere though, so please pop in if you are peeping through the window, you will love this crazy blog family! 

Have a lovely day ladies, I wish we were all able to meet up at Ally Pally!

We will take lots of photos, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely haul of goodies today.
    MICHELE- thank you for your Mag Review. I always pop into WH SMITHS after your Review and have a look at the mags.
    KAREN- Well done on the WALK and for letting us see one or two pics.

    VAL- I love your 'Floating Tea Cup'. I have a small rubber tea cup set which I just might have a go at having seen your gorgeous creation.

    BRENDA- looking forward to seeing one or two of your creations using your fantastic haul of goodies.

    Now I hope you all have a really good time at Alley Pally but please remember LADIES THAT YOU'RE REPRESENTING OUR SANDRA'S BLOG SO BEST BEHAVIOUR PLEASE hehehe

    As SANDRA has said I'm going to give the CAFE a deep clean today while most of you are away but of course there will be a corner for you all to sit in with your cuppas.
    HUGS have been despatched to you all. xxxx

    1. JANET your baubles are gorgeous so pretty. Your so talented.
      I Love seeing your beautiful makes.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Thanks for deep cleaning the cafe while we were in London.
      Your baubles are as usual gorgeous. You are so talented at making these.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet -love the baubles, so pretty.

    Karen -great photos& well done.

    Brenda -love your craft purchases. Looking forward to hearing what you think of them .

    Val-WOW. The floating teacup is amazing, really lovely.

    The BeeGees tribute act last night was really good. There wasn't that many people in the theatre though-I don't think it was very well advertised. Southport was extremely busy as it was the start of the Southport Airshow and the weather was lovely and we have sunshine again today.
    Today's jobs are to buy some dollars and get the suitcases out then we'll start putting things in the cases tomorrow.


    1. Hi MICHELE another great magazine review.
      Glad you had a good evening last night at the BeeGees tribute.
      Sounds like your holiday is summing up fast.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Michele thanks for another good mag. review. You must be ready for yoyr holiday when do you go?xxx

  3. Thank you SANDRA for showing my photos It was a good day catching up with Gary's friends
    Great review again MICHELE I might pop in to WH Smith before I get the train
    Beautiful bauble JANET Don't work too hard cleaning the cafe and I promise to be on my best behaviour
    Enjoy your buys BRENDA I'm hoping to see them at ALLY PALLY
    JOHN is definitely not going to be there I'd already emailed him about that one Hopes to be there in April But I'm sure a few stalls may have them The Crafts Too lady's husband makes the stamps etc
    To All of you I hope today is a good one I will miss you LYNDA and Captain Underpants
    See you later ladies As SANDRA said in her email to me (I actually got around to reading it last night) meeting you all is the highlight of my day I don't intend to spend any money....!

    1. Hi KAREN well done on your team Gary 5k walk hope your feet aren't sore. My hasn't Oscar grown love his photo with his medal.
      Me & captain underpants will miss seeing you all. It's been a very flat day for me.. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. I can see a resemblance between us Karen how funny is that. I wasn't wearing my proper glasses that night as half the time I don't wear them. Lol shocking I know.
      Well done on your run. Gary looks as tho he was quite a nice looking guy so young to be taken away. Xx

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    Well I bet all of you going to AP are on the road already. Have a safe journey and a great time. Looking forward to seeing all your buys.

    MICHELE great magazine review. Particularly like the look of the Making Cards gifts. I know I would get a lot of use out of them. Might look into how much a subscription would be.

    JANET Love the baubles. What a lot of time and love goes into something so pretty.

    BRENDA great buys this week. I've bought a few of John's recent things myself but forgot to send Sandra a photo. Hope you have fun using them.

    KAREN your photos are lovely and what a beautiful tribute to Gary.

    My teacup was so fiddly to make, it will be the last one I make as well. I think if I was making another though, I'd put some flowers on it but it was an afternoon out and I enjoyed it.

    My DIL is finally out of hospital and is confined to bed with Barrie keeping the 6 dogs out of the way in case they jump on her. She goes back to see the surgeon in two weeks for the result of the biopsy although he has said there is a 40% chance the the cancer has spread to other parts. So keeping fingers crossed.

    I'm having a day making cards. I'm finishing off my personal Christmas cards so I can leave them with my friend in UK to post. I've also got a few birthdays coming up so a lovely busy day.

    PAT hope Pete is feeling much better today.

    Love to everyone. Valxxx

    1. Hi VAL I love your floating tea cup it's brilliant.
      Pleased Your DIL is home your son has his hands full with keeping 6 dogs from jumping on Helen. What sort of dogs are they val.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda, they're Springer Spaniels. They had the mum and dad and decided before the had Daisy neutered they'd let her have one lot of puppies. Anyway, she had 10 babies. They managed to find homes for 6 of them but were left with 4. I did suggest they contact the Police because they make great sniffer dogs but I was ignored as a result their beautiful house has been turned into one big kennel. The young ones are aged 3 now and all chunky dogs. I love dogs but.....
      Bet it seems strange not being with the gang today. I can't wait to hear all about it.
      Enjoy the rest of the day. Xxx

    3. Hi val.
      wow that is a cool thing I've not seen one of those. How's about a quick tutorial on it my mom would love something like that x

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. Left home early to go and meet daughter and didn't get back until 7pm then made dinner. After that I was exhausted. But had a great day with say,it was lovely spending time with her just us no children or husbands. Don't get me wrong, I love them all to bits. But can't remember the last time we went shopping, just the two of us.

    MICHELE Thank you for the magazine reviews I haven't bought any magazines this week, nothing caught my eye.

    JANET love the bubbles, they are really gorgeous.xx

    KAREN Great photos especially the one of Oscar.xx

    VAL Your what a work of art. Don't think I could do that with my awkward fingers.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Wow Brenda what a lovely lot of goodies you have bought from Ang.
      What are you buying at Ally Pally hope you have some spare time to play with all your crafty stash.
      Hope you enjoyed AP. Missed you all.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda, we all missed you and Captain U/P today. Will take a picture of my craft stash and send it to Sandra in the next few days. BIG HUGS xx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    I hope you all had a lovely day at Ally Pally & bought some lovely goodies between you. I can't wait to see what you have all bought. I have had a really flat day I was awake at 4am this morning & couldn't get back to sleep so went on Pinterest didn't take long before it was 9am Baby was awake by then asking to go out. Now I'm really tired. I will look in later & hear all your stories.
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Just a quick comment for all the ladies who went to Ally Pally today. I got home ok. Went slowly and the rain was awful on the M4. Staying at son's tonight. Thank you all for your help.

    1. So pleased you got home safely we were all worried about you, thank you for calling in to let us know,

    2. You've welcome Brenda.
      Thanks for emailing me. Take care.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for a lovely day & a big thank you to Paul for putting up with us. Sleep well xxx.
    Janet your baubles are lovely. Thank you for giving the cafe a good
    Karen lovely photos well done to you all. It was lovely seeing you today shame we didn't more time to
    Brenda looking forward to seeing what you produce with your goodies. It was lovely seeing you today & hope yoyr family meal goes
    Val your floating teacup looks great but far too complicated for me. Pleased to hear DIL is hone but 6 springer spaniels needs some thinking about!!!xxx
    Little Lamb thank you for letting us know you are aafely home & staying with son, take
    Lynda & Terry you were very much missed, hugs to you
    It has been a long day but very enjoyable, sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Ladies
    Had a lovely day at Ally Pally today. Did make and takes with Maria which is a first for me. Really enjoyed doing them as well.

  10. Lovely to meet Helen again today. We had a lovely chat as she comes from York, and we'd just visited York for the first time. All things considered we will be going again.

  11. Hello All, very cold here today.

    Sorry to be late, glad you all had a lovely day at AP.

    Michele great reviews of the mags.

    Janet beautiful is only word for those baubles.

    Karen well done, your little Oscar is growing up fast.

    Val loved you cup sculpture, very cleaver.

    Great shopping Brenda, I have some of the first release, love the stencils best.

    I'll say goodnight as I expect most of you are in the land of nod, wish I could sleep well, hugs to all. Lilian

  12. Hi ladies.
    Well that's me back home from staying at mothers.
    Doggy sitting over. My mom had no calamities this time according to stepdad Alex he was well warned she'd better be back on one piece this time lol.
    I'm back at work the morn not looking forward to it at all plus it's stocktaking so working 10.30 till 8 and off Monday so will get some crafty time then.

    See u all the morra probably when I'm on lunch lol xxx
