
Friday 15 September 2017

Pretty Poinsettia card for Festive Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I have another Festive Friday treat for you this week but I will apologize as it's one of last year's cards, however I will say that I absolutely love it and will create a similar design for some of this year's cards.

Here is the description of the the card:

"I used Creative Expressions Poinsettia Frame Embossing folder, The 'Seasons Greetings' is an Elizabeth Designs die, (I love it)! The Poinsettia's are the original Spellbinders ones, I have had them years, I used Centura Pearl and Gold mirror card with a little green added in for the leaves.  
I hope you like it as much as I do.

I actually forgot that I had that Elizabeth Design Sentiment die, I still absolutely love it !! 
I think I might treat myself to a couple of new Christmas dies and embossing folders this year, they will be on my list for Ally Pally on Saturday. Have you all got your lists drawn up?  
Do any of you that can't make it need anything, I am happy to shop for you?  Especially you Val, is there anything that you need?

Thank you all so much for your lovely Anniversary wishes yesterday, we had a quiet day but managed to get our trip to London booked including a show, I decided on 42nd Street, it looks really fun, it's also on at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, which is where we went last year and they made such an amazing effort to make getting into the theatre and our seats so effortless, nothing was too much trouble, most of all I didn't feel like I was being a pain. Our hotel was recommended by Pat, so we know it will be nice , it was a really good price that included free breakfast each day and because we booked 2 nights we get Free 3 course dinner on the First night.  I am quite excited.  We have to book another couple of things then it's all done. 
We went out to the cinema early evening and we were going to go to the restaurant we went to a couple of years ago as it is one of Paul's favourites, but we couldn't get a table until after 9:30pm and I think that is just a bit too late for me to eat! (Well I'm in my 50's now you know)!  So we had a takeaway instead.

I'm off to do some serious crafting today, Pat left me her Gemini to play with, oh big mistake, I was playing with it yesterday and really don't want to go back to struggling to turn that handle on my Platinum, I am still cross that they so!d that on the promise that an electric motor was imminent, I asked Christine Emberson a couple!e of months back and there was still nothing on the horizon!  I bought that machine because of that feature, so feel a little cheated, particularly as my mobility deteriorates.
Are all of you that bought your Gemini's still  happy with them?? It's kind of unusual for so many of such a small group to have the same machine.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, I think once I get back from our holiday I'd better think about Christmas cards.

    Great to hear you've booked your trip to London-we saw 42nd Street at Drury Lane. It was fantastic-non stop action and in the perfect setting.

    We heard that Sarasota county have got power back, my relatives messaged us last night. Hopefully we'll hear about our rental villa this weekend.

    When I bought my Spellbinders Platinum machine, it was because they clearly stated that it would easily convert to an electric machine. I contacted Christine Emberson who suggested I contact Spellbinders so I did. I got a rather abrupt response saying that they were still working on perfecting the motor! My goodness-this has been a couple of years now-what us the problem????? I'm very disappointed as I don't need another manual machine.

    Thank goodness it's Friday! I'm off to a Bee Gees tribute show tonight with my crazy friend so another quick meal then out.


    1. Hi Michele
      We're off to the theatre tonight to see The Magic of Motown. I do enjoy Motown music, not to sure about Pete though. Although ge does listen to the artists. So dinner at lunchtime today. I wonder why Spellbinders haven't brought out the electric motor. Oh to be a fly on the wall at Spellbinders HQ. Hope you hear about your rental villa soon.

    2. Hi Michele, have a great time tonight and wish you a relaxing weekend. Will miss you tomorrow xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well it's Friday again!!!! I just cannot get to grips on how fast this year is going. It doesn't seem two minutes since we were looking at turning the clocks back.

    SANDRA- love today's festive card. It's really one of a very classy traditional style so just up my street.

    PAT- I hope PETE is OK this morning and that he hasn't done too much damage to himself. If I may I'm sending HUGs just for him

    SANDRA- I love love love love my Gemini and I really do not know how I managed without it even though I already had an electric machine from the same company this machine Is really superior in every way. It is so easy use; much much quieter than my other electric but most of all THE PLATES ARE SO MUCH LIGHTER IN WEIGHT compared to any other machine. All in all I think it's a DREAM of a MACHINE. As you can tell I like it!!

    Housework is on the agenda for today and the bathroom towels are already in the washer though there isn't a hope that they'll be hung out to dry. Tumble dryer on again but it does keep the kitchen warm lol.

    LYNDA- you're never 'nosey' I really do not mind any questions as I too love to know how things and people work.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in.
    Do I get the idea that it's Ally Pally this week-end? If so I think I'll only open up for the morning tomorrow so that I can give the CAFE is good once over etc.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I must say Pete liked the idea of you hugging him. Mind you he's a sucker for hugs. He's just a bit battered with cuts to his face and arm. Still trying to persuade him to get someone to do the donkey work our garden is over 150ft long. He hadn't been able to do much this year because of the problems with his heart. Now because the results of the trial he has no enthusiasm for anything at the moment. Yes, Ally Pally tomorrow Yippee. Lovely to get out and meet friends. Doreen and Pete will go to Hilltop garden centre for lunch tomorrow apparently.

    2. Hi Janet. No chance to hang the washing out down here either, one minute it's cats and dogs and the next it is just very fine but one you would get very wet in if going out. How is the friend to Jim doing ? Will you be able to go to Marigny again before the winter ? take care xx

  3. Morning Sandra and all,
    Very pretty card Sandra. I just love poinsettias on a card.
    Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. Which film did you go to see? Lynn and Paul went to see Stephen Kings 'It' last night. I didn't want to see it. I don't like clowns. Your trip to London sounds lovely. It will be a wonderful few days I'm sure.
    I still love my Gemini. It does what Iit says and I've never had to put even the most detailed die through more than once. My top and bottom plates are now quite warmed so I've ordered some more to pick up when I'm in UK for a few days at the beginning of October. Thank you so much for the offer of getting me things at Ally Pally. I really appreciate your kind thought. However I am going to a craft show whilst I'm in UK. It's not on the same scale as Ally Pally but the trip is to buy Christmas presents not craft goodies sadly although I'm sure some will jump into my case.

    I enjoyed making the floating tea cup yesterday although it was fiddly and I've still got ceramic glue on my fingers this morning. I've sent Sandra a photo. I took the photo as soon as I got home in case it falls apart ha ha.

    Craft "Club today. No idea what I'm taking so going to have a cup of coffee and a think.

    Hugs to all not doing so well especially Pat. Lilian Maria and Tracy.

    Lynda hope Baby has well and truly settled in. Bet you think your in a different house with your furniture moved around.

    Bye for

    1. Hi Val
      Baby is coming round more each day. She is so funny when I get her dinner she jumps & twists round & really loves her food. Still not able to pick her up from floor mainly to put her lead on so I call her & She jumps on my lap then put it on. Yes much more room now we have swapped furniture around. Looking forward to seeing your floating tea cup I offend wondered how they were made. Enjoy craft club.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val,have a nice day. Looking forward to see the photo of the tea cup, intrigued to know how you get it to float :-) hugs xx

  4. Pretty card SANDRA I use the Poinsettia dies a lot at Christmas
    I'd forgotten that they'd promised a motor for the Platinum which is why I bought mine Could we get our money back under the Trades Description Act I wonder?
    Your trip to London sounds lovely and that's another show I'd like to see
    Take care PETE and I hope everyone's getting along ok
    What time are we meeting tomorrow?
    PS I bought that La Pashe "Mornings" yesterday I have a friend that is 2 days older than me it'll be perfect for her!

    1. Hi Karen
      Have a great time at Ally Pally tomorrow hope your foot holds up ok for you. I'm Gutted I won't see you tomorrow.ENJOY Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Karen. I am going down to book a seat with BJ Crafts first thing and then I will have a sit down for a little while opposite Sue's table for a drink. See you tomorrow xx

  5. Morning ladies,

    Simple but stunning card Sandra.

    Off to talking therapy this morning, making sure I do get there on time today.
    Yesterday was a bit of a disaster. I had a physio appointment with Tom and somehow I misread the time. I turned up at 1.30 for 1.45 so I had time to park and the receptionist told me my appointment was 9.45. I had to wait for another appt to be made, then realised I should have been somewhere else for the 1.45 appointment. So I missed that one as well! arrgh. Casn't understand why my phone organizer alarm did not go off a couple of hours before hand to remind me which one was first. oh well, will have to wait now for another month before next appointment.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl how annoying for you missing two appointments can't trust the phone going off. I had 9.30 doctors appointment & my phone reminded me at 11.30 HaHa good job I remembered it though.
      Have a good day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Oh dear Cheryl, what a muddle. Hope you remember the next appointments you got. Hope you have a good day. Take care xx

  6. Hello All, wet again, did we have summer?

    Very sorry I didn't comment yesterday, the day just flew by, managed to get to Asda yesterday, which is the first time on my own as R dropped me and then.
    came back to pick me up later. ( I'm very nervous of fainting as that seems to happen to me very quickly these days, makes me a bit of a hermit) so it felt great that I was out and about again.

    Sandra and Paul belated anniversary wishes to you both, hope you have a lovely time when you go on your trip, beautiful card yesterday.

    Today's card is great, I also those poinsettia dies and still love them.

    Hope all going to alley Palley have a good time, and manage to all meet up.

    Pat hope your on the mend and that Pete isn't too bad after his fall.

    Have a lovely day all, I'm doing runner beans for the freezer, and also have a large bag of cooking apples someone swapped for beans, so I'll probably cook them and freeze as purée. Hugs to all Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian, It seem to me like the summer went past the UK this year. Have never been cold so long before. Your cooking apples made me think of Apple crumble and custard tihi Glad you managed to go out for a while and look around the shop on your own. Take care and hugs xx

  7. PAT sorry should have included PETE in my get well wishes. Hope he's ok today and not too sore. Hugsxxx

    1. Hi Val
      He's just a bit cut about on his right side, done the side and under his eye and done his right arm.

  8. Morning everyone.

    Oooooh a very elegant card Sandra I love it so much. And plain n simple too always a bonus it's the fiddly flowers that take up the time.
    I too have a platinum but I actually don't use it that much as I struggle to turn the handle. I do t have the same oomph as I had before lol. Do I then bought the big shot plus size and find this one better. I still use both as the big shot is footy with embossing so I use one for cutting An the platinum for embossing. Aye I know what ur all thinking. Get a Gemini but I really canny afford anymore machines. Graeme would have a fit!

    Anyways Graeme's car is knackered so will be going to get a new one today hopefully after several looks at his old one and quotes we were told it'd be better to buy a new one.

    Pat I had a drs note for my first week so I got that holiday back. No note issued on further return to drs but I wasn't that bothered. One week is better than none lol.

    Mrs b. Mammo results take 4-6 weeks to come back.
    X-ray results just showed further determination in my thoracic part of my spine normally it's my lower back I have issues with. Part in parcel of old age I guess lol

    Hope all who are going to ally pally have a fab time. I was meant to be going and staying with tina Eldridge but due to stuff happening on my side I can't go I'm gutted to say the least. Maybe next year ladies.

    Anyways love to all and see u all tomorrow xx

    1. Deteriation not determination but I'm sure determined it's not gonny beat me tho lol x

    2. Hi Tracy, fingers crossed you get a new car today and then that your results are coming back clear. Hope your back is not too sore but you are right, age does make you have more pains in the backside Lol think you are the youngest in the cafe' xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Lovely lovely card today. I also love the frame and Christmas Die. Might need to buy that one but I'll check in my box first to see what I already have.

  10. Meant to say Sandra I'm glad your enjoying playing with the Gemini.

    1. Hi Pat, hope you feeling better today and taking it easy in for the fun day tomorrow. Sending hugs to Pate (hope he is ok) and for you xx

    2. Thanks Maria
      I'll send your hugs on.

  11. Hi Sandra &Ladies
    Second comment just lost first one just now WHAT'S going on.
    Anyway can't remember what I said. SANDRA your card is gorgeous love the colour &a the poinsettia are beautiful. I love my Gemini the plates are so much lighter than MY Ebosser. It cuts beautifully mainly the first pass but not more than twice. My cutting plate is getting quite bent now ( well used ) I went on eBay to look for new one &came across a site that are selling Gemini plates half price than crafters companion so ordered one at £5 & it works a treat.
    SANDRA I can see you getting A GEMINI tomorrow at Ally Pally 😘.
    I really hope you all have a brilliant time at AP ( not jealous 😳 )
    Must get ready now going Tesco Joy call in later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. PAT sorry ment to ask how you are &I hope Pete isn't very sore after his fall yesterday Hug's for you both xx

    2. Hi Lynda, feeling it won't be the same without you and Terry tomorrow. I miss you both, sending you many hugs and hope you do something nice around home instead. Take care xxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Sorry that you and Terry won't be there tomorrow. Hopefully you can make April.
      We're both ok thank you very much. Pete's a bit cut about around his eye and down his arm. But that's it, he was so lucky he didn't go right through and didn't put his hands out to stop himself.

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today
    Love the card with it's little poinsettia's and the font of that greeting is gorgeous Sandra. Beautiful card.
    I hope your day is fine and you do enjoy it's Friday.
    Have a fabulous time in London when you go.
    It's cold and very wet day here so I went down this morning for the idea to cut out for some cards, instead I ended up clearing through bags I just thrown papers, stamps etc in when kitchen needed to be cleared quickly so that have taken some time. I now have another bag I'm going to give to the preschool up the road so always something. Will do my best to get a cc done this afternoon. Sending warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  13. Hi Maria
    I hope you manage to get your bags sorted out. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  14. Hi Everyone,

    Just popping in to wish everyone at Ally Pally tomorrow a lovely day, a great meet up and a good shopping spree. Looking forward to seeing what you've all bought. Don't forget the photos.
    Love Valxxx
