
Thursday 14 September 2017

A special day

Good Morning Ladies,

How can it be Thursday already?? This week has flown by, it doesn't seem five minutes since we were making Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings on Sunday and discussing Hurricane Irma, mostly because Becca and Josh fly out to Orlando on Saturday, for 5 days, they then drive all the way down to St Peters Beach for 9 Days of Luxury and relaxation, or that's what they had planned!  She has been in to Thomas Cook twice this week for advice and was just told that Orlando is fine, the Airport is open so nothing to worry about!  I have instructed her to go in there tomorrow and demand that they call their 5* hotel to make sure it has all of its 5* facilities, before they make a decision!  Now don't get me wrong I totally understand that the priority is to get people back into their homes and safe, Becca herself said that at the moment she would rather cancel it and get a refund and go when things are back to normal, she is very much like me in that she wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy herself knowing that everyone around her was homeless while she was sat sipping cocktails.
I think that Thomas Cook just want to ship them out and fob them off when they get there!  So I think Paul and I will maybe go with her today.  Her and Josh are due to sign on the dotted line and become Home Owners any day now so she has a lot on her mind. I am so excited to see them settle in their own home.

I made today's card for Paul as it's our 26th Wedding Anniversary today, there are no traditional gifts for 26years, unless you live in Germany then it's 'Jade' or Spain where it's Roses. Our house is looking and smelling divine with flowers at the moment as I had two beautiful bouquets for my birthday and the yesterday we received a huge bunch of red roses and foliage with some luxury chocolates and wine, so I think Paul has got away lightly this year!
We will celebrate our Anniversary along with my birthday when we go to London in a couple of weeks time.  The best gift for me however is just having Paul to myself for a couple of days!  We have decided to stay 2 nights this time as we ended up being really rushed the last time we went.  So I now have to choose a Show to go and see, any suggestions??

Yesterday was a busy day, we had the heating engineer in again at ten, he confirmed that the thermostat on the wall had 'gone', so ..,....he has had to order the part as the can't carry spares in their fans anymore, bloody ridiculous!  So he has 'Wired Out' the Thermostat so that the boiler things that the heating needs to be on all the time, so we have to manually turn it on and off at the boiler. Which is a pain but at least we have HEAT!
As he left Pat arrived, then about an hour later She popped in too, which was so lovely, we all had a lot to catch up on.  Before I knew it it was 4:30 and pat was leaving!

I hope that all of you have a great day, however you are spending it,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Anniversary Sandra & Paul.
    Beautiful card Sandra, it's lovely.

    Had a lovely relaxing evening last night-watched TV then read my book. Not that it helped me sleep any better-think that's just down to the stress of work.

    We have very heavy rain here at the moment with a very odd looking sky , who knows what it will be doing when I get out of work?!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope work isn't to stressful today for you. I'm glad you had a lovely relaxing evening last night.
      It wasn't to bad this morning weather wise but it's just started raining.

    2. Hi Michele hope work wasn't stressful for you today. Have a good evening Hug's xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you BOTH. Have a lovely day together.
    A very pretty card which fits into my 'less is more' folder. These cards say so much more.

    I had a productive day yesterday and managed to get my CCs done ready for photographing which I plan to do today and get sent off to SANDRA.

    It is dry this morning but colder and still windy so again heating on and it looks as though it may stay on through the day. I cannot abide being cold as I seize up quickly these

    The CAFE is OPEN and Porridge is on the breakfast menu today. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Just to let you know it was me being nosey about K&N thank you for explaining. Hope your day is going ok
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning everyone,

    A happy anniversary to you and Paul. Hope you have a lovely day. Very pretty card.

    We still have summer over here. It got up to 32 yesterday but rain is forecast for this weekend.

    Helen is hoping to come out of hospital today today. They've kept her in as the wound in her groin keeps bleeding. No news yet on the result of the lymph node. The hospital is one and a half hours drive from where they live so my son has been dashing home from work, seeing to the 6 dogs and then off to the hospital. He says he's exhausted. Fortunately his firm have now granted him 2 weeks compassionate leave with pay which will help.

    Wendy and I are are off to make our 'floating teacup' later. All we have to take is our own mug for a coffee. Should be fun.

    I haven't caught up on yesterday's comments yet. Hope everyone's as well as they can be. Bet all of you lucky ladies off to Ally Pally are getting excited

    Bye for now xxx

    1. Hi Val
      Lucky you having some sun. We didn't see much of it for any length of time this year.
      I'm glad that Helen is being allowed home today. Such a rush for your son travelling back and forth, at least his works have given him some time off. With pay as well which is always a bonus.
      Look forward to seeing your floating teacup.

    2. Hi Val. I hope your son and Helen will be alright and sending them both some hugs.
      You do have it pretty warm still were you are, it's absolutely horrid here and it didn't help going shopping this morning with their air con on full blast. Have fun making the 'floating teacup' hugs

    3. Hi Val pleased Helen is allowed home today. Be a lot easier for your son he must be exhausted going back & forth so good he has some time off work with Pay. He must be well thought of at his work place.
      Sending Hug's. Look forward to seeing your floating cup VAL.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Happy Anniversary SANDRA and PAUL What a lovely card you made I'm definitely in the "less is more" mood Makes it look very classy
    Thank goodness you have heat at long last I hope they fix it properly soon
    So pleased you got to see PAT and SUE yesterday
    Ooh SANDRA there are so many shows to pick from I have seen very few and don't even know if they're still on But I thoroughly enjoyed WAR HORSE - far far better than the film THE COMMITMENTS, Was good but that's my kind of music - a bit of swearing though DIRTY DANCING - Need I say more! I also enjoyed BLUES BROTHERS
    It really depends on whether you like musicals etc
    Have a good day ladies My foot is a lot better although by the end of yesterday it had swollen a little xx

    1. Hi KAREN
      Glad your foot is a lot better. You should put you legs up in the evening as you don't want it swollen for Saturday. Hug's on the way. Xx

    2. Hi Karen
      I agree with Lynda you need to put your feet up in the evening. We want you on form on Saturday.

  5. Morning all.
    I still feel like crap I don't feel like I've had a holiday at all. Oh well at least I was ill whilst off and not working. Mother will be back on sat thank god.

    Loved Maria's card from yesterday happy belated birthday Sandra hope u had a lovely day apart from heating issues etc.
    Maria. Where did u buy that from? I love it!!

    Sandra love today's card too happy anniversary. We don't bother with anniversary cards lol x

    1. Hi Tracy, I bought them from a company called 'La Pache', they have a fun selection of men, women, teenagers and Oldies. Thanks for liking my card. Hope you ok xx

    2. Hi Tracy sorry your feeing unwell & not having a very good holiday.
      Hope you feel better soon. Healing Hug's on there way. Xx

    3. Hi Tracey
      So sorry to hear your still feeling unwell. Your holiday wasn't very enjoyable. If you have a Drs note are you still entitled to your holiday time. We always were where I worked.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU BOTH hope you have a lovely day and a wonderful 26th year of marriage. xxx Your card for Paul is lovely and I'm sure he will agree with me.

    This morning we are going shopping Ikea, Asda and Makro (in that order) OH has it all planned. Had a text from daughter, she is thinking of going to Gun Wharf Quays Portsmouth, tomorrow, her 50th Birthday! Would I like to go with her. I've said yes, then I'm at Ally Pally on Saturday and Sunday I'm having all the family here, and I just don't do things by half do I, think next week will be a very very quiet week! ... put it this way - I hope so.

    Hope Becca and Josh get there holiday sorted out, I agree with you, it would be horrible to witness all the devastation then go to a resort where everything appears to be fine. Will the travel agent allow them to postpone the holiday with out any penalties? I had the impression the were still trying to get people to go out there.

    Will have to catch up with everyone later 0H is ready to go shopping.
    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda X

    1. Hi Brenda my oh my you have got a hectic weekend ahead. Take time to breath. Enjoy Ally Pally ( I'm sure you will )
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Oh my Brenda
      What a busy weekend your going to have. You don't do things by half do you. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

  7. Hi Sandra and Ladies
    Lovely Anniversary card today. So a VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Not to sure if your tastes in music are the same as mine. But it all depends what's still on in London.
    We loved We will Rock you which is based on the music of Queen. We've also seen Motown and Thriller all good.
    I hope Becca will get some answers at the travel agents. If you look on google it should show what the area is like.
    Well, I came home from Sandra's yesterday to find Pete had cuts to the right side of his face, under his eye and down his right arm. Started to clear the top of the garden with Craig behind the greenhouse. He slipped and fell onto the greenhouse. Luckily he managed to stop himself falling right through face first, and only broke two pains.
    I'm not to sure why he won't get someone in to do it for him. He's still quite wobbly so I expect that's what caused it plus the uneven ground.

    1. Ooh yes I enjoyed the Motown Story one too Haven't seen Thriller

    2. OOO PAT I hope Pete isn't too sore today he had a lucky escape not falling into the greenhouse. Sending Hug's for him & some Hug's for you too. How are you feeling PAT. Glad you met up with Sandra & Sue yesterday. Xx

    3. Hi Lynda
      I can't get Pete to admit that he can't keep up with the garden anymore. He couldn't do anything before he had his pacemaker as he could hardly walk. His medication also makes him tired. Plus, I think his Cancer is affecting him now.
      I'm feeling sore but goid. I'll be glad when my treatment is finished.

  8. Happy Anniversary Sandra and Paul, hope you have a lovely day together !!
    Nice card with all the love hearts. Did you get a handmade one from Paul this year ?
    having a dizzy day so not much happening here, we only had a quick visit to Sainsbury's this morning and I think that's me for today. Haven't even started the CC, will see how it goes later. Sending my usual hugs to you all and hope you have a nice day, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi MARIA
      Sorry your having a dizzy day hope you feel better tomorrow & your not
      Dizzy on Saturday buying all the crafty goodies sending Big Hug's
      Captain underpants is sending you Bigger Hug's xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm sorry to hear your having a dizzy day today. I hope your not dizzy on Saturday.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra & Paul a very Happy Anniversary to you both & many more, your card is
    I still have not managed my CC need to get it done today or latest tomorrow morning as I go to Sue's tomorrow afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them will look in later love

  10. Hi Sandra &a ladies
    Hope this comment doesn't disappear today like the two I did yesterday.
    SANDRA & PAUL HAPPY ANNIVERSARY hope you have had a good day.& you got Becca's holiday sorted & congratulations for her & Josh on finding a new home together. Xx
    We have had a change about indoors in front room now Freddy's cage has gone we have moved the sideboard from under the window & the table is now under the window Looking so much bigger & (I don't miss the mess 💩 ) but I do wonder if Freddy's happy in his new home. Terry has also cleaned the carpet in case any of his dust is left. Now he is 😴💤💤💤 can you hear him Snoring. Haha . I'm just going in craft room to try & get CC done.
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Lynda
    My my Terry has been busy. Moving furniture with your help I expect and cleaning the carpet. I expect your living room feels like a new room now.

  12. Guess what Lynda, I've just looked up and his proxy brother is asleep as well.

  13. Hi Michele
    Just looked on Julia Watts blog and see you've won of her cards. Congratulations. Enjoy you deserve it.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Paul. You will both enjoy your break in London, no matter which show you end up seeing won't you 😊 Yesterday was busy but soooo good to see you, Paul and Pat, even though it wasn't for long.
    I hope Becca managed to get some proper answers about the hotel etc. Of course they wouldn't be able to sit back and relax if the locals are still without homes etc. Thomas Cook shouldn't be allowed to fly holiday makers there until it is all sorted, once it is then the tourists will be bringing in much needed money. Fingers crossed Becca has been able to postpone it without paying through the nose to do so. I hope you and All have had a lovely day, and I'm sure Paul loved your beautiful card, sometimes less is more, especially for the men in our lives xx
    Mum, I can't wait to see you tomorrow 😁😁😁 love to you both xxxx
    Maria, having seen your wonderful card for Sandra in the flesh I was amazed at your attention to detail and your decopage is fantastic. Also think the card and sentement is brilliant, so funny. I hope you wake up tomorrow not dizzy 😊 X
    Brenda, goodness me you are going to be exhausted on Monday aren't you after the busy next few days X
    Karen, I'm glad that your foot is not quite so bad today. Please put it up as much as possible X
    I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday, and also getting to spend some quality time with Mum over the weekend 😁😁😁
    Lynda, I am going to miss you and Terry on Saturday but it's good to hear you have sorted your lounge out. Chris is really good at arranging furniture, I just go with his ideas as they are always so good, much better than me as I have to actually see the furniture in place but he can see it in his mind! Our longer carpet is in need of a good clean too, would Terry come and do it for us please. Hugs to you both and not forgetting Baby too of course xx
    Pat, I hope your head isn't so sore today. Poor Pete, that must have been a real fright for him, thank goodness he didn't do more damage to himself x
    Tracy, I'm sorry you had a rubbish holiday, what a shame you were I'll. How long do you have to wait to get your results X
    I hope I haven't missed anyone that hasn't been feeling so well at the moment, I apologise if I had.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need . Take care xx
