
Wednesday 13 September 2017

Another of my Gorgeous Birthday cards,

Front of Maria's card

The inside of the card.

Good Morning Ladies,

I think we have been having our own 'Tropical Storms' here I think, gusting wind and rain and worst forecast! No 'Indian Summer' on the cards this year then, even Lilian's weather sounds miserable!
Well I am pleased to say that the Heating Engineer turned up yesterday and fitted the new Circuit Board to the boiler, so we had heat at last, oh the luxury.
Sadly She couldn't make it as she was poorly so this meant that I could go with Paul to Lucy's 'Orthoptics' appointment, we were there from 3pm until after 7pm, the whole Eye Department were waiting for us to leave, the appointment was a complete waste of time to make matters worse.  
So I was looking forward to coming home to a nice cup of tea in our lovely warm home...........but no, The tea was lovely, the heating however was NONE EXISTENT!
The Thermostat on the wall is making a really loud buzzing noise, which it has never done before. So we have no heating once again, back on the phone today! 
We will be wrapping up warm today, it's the damp that gets me, it really makes my joints hurt, being cold is miserable, I find it hard to craft too.

Today's card will put a huge smile on your face though, I really chuckled to myself when I opened this card from Maria, mostly because that Image is spot on! 
(Well I don't have any cat slippers), but the rest is accurate, including the hot water bottle! I was amazed at the attention to detail Maria, your Decoupage skills are amazing, the whole card looks so professional, finished to perfection. The verse is spot on too, I am not an early riser I'm afraid, well that's not actually correct, I'm usually up before six to take my medication, I am usually asked to French Braid Sophie's hair at that time too, I will then go and lie back on my bed as my tablets kick in to try and get some sleep, if I get 2 hours in a night I'm doing well, I'm usually still awake and very frustrated by 3am, I think I must drop off through exhaustion at some point after then, but always awake by 4:30 as my I seemed to be programmed to need the bathroom then. Although on holiday I seemed to sleep better and we were up sat out having a cuppa in the sunshine at 7:30am, which I was hoping to continue when we got back. 
Anyway back to the card, I absolutely love it Maria, it's amazing, thank you so very much for the lovely card and the huge smile it gave us too! XXX

Lynda, your liver takes time to adjust to the Methotrexate, both Matt and Becca had to fiddle about with their dosage before their liver seemed to settle, hopefully it will sort itself quickly , hugs on route XXX

Pat, I hope you are feeling a little less sore today XXX

Sue, I hope the Migraine passed quickly XXX

Val, it sounded like you had a long day yesterday too, is it a 'Lipoma' that you have?
I am pleased they are going to remove it, I have seen some procedures on YouTube and they look fairly straightforward, fingers crossed for you, hugs XXX

Karen I hope your foot is feeling better today, fingers crossed resting helped, that's some industrial accident, lol XXX

Tracy it sounded like you had a rough day yesterday too, hugs on route XXX

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Sandra and all,
    Another earlier than normal start today. Hair and nails this morning then straightto play crib. IIt's the first after the summer break and I've missed playing so looking forward to it. Yes Sandra it is a Lipoma. I wouldn't bother with having it removed only it's grown a lot and my bra strap is digging into it so it's become quite sore.

    Fantastic card today. Just love the image. What a great card MARIA. Very clever and by the sound of it very apt Sandra.

    SANDRA so sorry you heating is playing up. How frustrating just when Storm Allen is hitting the country. So hope someone can come out and fix it today.

    Must dash. Keep safe everyone in those high winds.
    Will call back later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      How lovely to have your nails and hair done. Just the sort of pick me up everyone needs. Hope you won at crib. I haven't played for years.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card from Maria is amazing. A real work of art & yes, it did make me chuckle .

    We have gale force winds here, no rain but that's forecast so not a nice day.

    Had a lovely meal out with my friend last night when she eventually turned up-she's always late! Didn't get hone until after 10pm which is quite late for me especially as it was a similar time on Monday evening so I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening tonight. Might even get chance to enter my craft room.


    PS goid luck Sandra sorting out your heating boiler.

    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you had a lovely evening with your friend when she eventually turned up.

  3. Morning ladies,

    Such a funny and apt birthday card Sandra.
    I can remember doing a lot of 'Flippin Men' cards a few years back, I didn't know they did women ones too. Ishall have to see where I can find them.

    Horrendous winds late last night has brought brilliant sunshine this morning albeit with grey clouds. I managed to get all my washing done Monday and yesterday in-between the showers which is now ring off by the kitchen radiator. I've had my heating on for a couple of hours in the morning just to warm the house up.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      We also had high winds here. My begonias have been blown all over our patio. Al least our Angels Trumpet is still in one piece.

  4. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely card SANDRA. The 'Flippin' cards always make me smile but I have to say that I've never created one so I really must have a search.
    MARIA- you are so clever in creating one of these lovely cards. Everything is so perfectly lined up.

    K&N went quite well. Just one or two little comments but on the whole everyone made their cards and they all looked very classy.

    When it's your turn to 'take and make' you choose the design to make a card and supply all the ingredients. The ladies provide their own glue and of course bring their own tools. You also take refreshments (buns and milk for tea) and then everyone pays £2 for their pack. There are 9 of us so it's 9 complete sets to cut out etch.
    When anyone is away for whatever reason their kit is saved for them.
    Hope that all makes sense and I'm sorry but I cannot remember who asked me about K&N.

    We have a very very windy but dry start to the day but once again it's quite chilly and so the heating is on for a couple of hours.

    SANDRA- good luck today with the heating engineer.

    I'm not sure what's on the diary for today here.
    The CAFE is OPEN and the heating is on so you can pop in for a warm, a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are winging their way through the winds to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet thank you for explaining your K & N class it was me being nosy
      Yesterday that asked you about how it worked Haha all sounds very good unless you get one or two that moans about the card pack.
      Enjoy your day Hug's xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Thanks for explaining how yoyr K & N works. It's quite a lot of work then to make up 9 packs. I assume you all take cards to make, so you'd get quite a few different styles. Thanks for putting the heating on in the cafe this morning.

  5. Brilliant Absolutely brilliant You are clever MARIA Is she from the Flippin range I have a couple of friends that this image would be perfect for
    Hope the op goes ok VAL
    How are you feeling PAT
    Hope the migraine clears SUE I want to be able to see you on Saturday!
    The foot is a lot lot better I'm still hobbling a bit but going to take advantage of being able to work from home as (at my request) somebody has dropped my laptop off
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen pleased your foot seems to be getting better so hopefully it will be ok for AP Saturday. Hope you haven't got a lot of homework 📚
      Make sure you rest your foot too.
      Healing Hug's xx

    2. Hi Karen
      Pleased to hear that your foot is getting better. It helps I assume that you can work from home.
      My head is ok although I seem to have a permanent headache at the moment. My hand is still sore. I took all the coverings off after tea and gave my hand a good wash as per instructions. One patch is still weeping which is connected to where they took the lump out. I have to moisturise it really for the PDT to be done on Tuesday.

  6. Hello Sandra, WOW what a fantastic fun card from Maria, as you say spot on. You are so clever Maria, making such a great card. I have never really got into Decoupage but seeing your card may have opened a new door for me.

    What a disappointment getting home only to find the boiler still not working. I hope your call is treated as a priority call today. Best of luck xx

    SUE, sorry to hear the dreaded migraine has returned again, hope you are feeling better today.

    KAREN Hope the foot continues to heal, please rest it. Can't have you missing out on Saturday.xx

    Anyone else feeling under the weather sending gentle caring hugs your way.
    Hope everyone has a good day, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  7. Hi all I have just lost my B...y long comment so will start again after it finished ironing. GRRRRR Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hope you manage to finish your ironing. Have I mentioned I don't like ironing.

  8. Hi ladies,
    I chuckled to myself making this card up for Sandra as I know that hitting the big 5-0 can make you feel a bit bewildered hihihi I used to make loads of decoupage and still got plenty of them but not made into cards yet so that's be plans for the future. Funny though how you stop using stuff you bought in the beginning and it's forgotten until you have a clear out etc. Thanks all for liking it, Flipping Men and Women always makes me smile. They also have Flipping Teenagers and Oldies I believe.
    Sandra- really hope you get that boiler fixed. No Indien summer was it, Autumn right away. Shame you didn't get to see Sue yesterday but Sue, I wish you tons better and rest.
    Val- have fun at Crib after having some TLC. Hugs winging it's way to you all and I hope DIL felling better today.
    Michele- hate people being late if you made a time to meet up. Have a friend here and she can never be on time and over the years I know she wont change but it is annoying sometimes. Glad you had a nice meal tho and have a relaxing evening tonight.
    Janet- wish I lived closer to you and we could all come to your K&N, you seem to have a great time but as always you had someone who wasn't happy, shame on them when you do most of the work for them.
    Karen- glad nothing broken, do take care of your little foot :-)
    Tracy- I hope you have a better day. Sending you hugs.
    Margaret- hope you and Pop are fine, see you soon :-)
    Brenda- hope you take it easy for the next few days so you be alright for your very busy weekend.
    Pat- sending you healing hugs and wish the pain away, take care my friend.
    Lynda- have many cuddles with your sweet little Baby. Will miss you dreadfully on Saturday, it wont be same....
    Went to the Dr this morning reg review of my meds. We have to order on-line and I wrote some extra ones in the box provided for other and only because I don't take them very often they weren't in the pack I picked up so back to Dr another day. Why then have a box if they not bother to look. Have got a parcel with the post just now so I will leave you all to have a good day crafting and what's not. Love and warm hugs to you all looking in, Maria xxx

    1. They are great images They may be a bit of a blast from the past BUT they haven't gone out of fashion
      I found a site selling this one When I saw that they're are die cut I thought - I can't cope with all of that fussy cutting . I wonder if they're on sale anywhere as die cut
      It would be perfect for my best friend from school

    2. Hi Maria
      This card is stunning I sat and had a good look at it today. Please don't say you can't make card as it's gorgeous. Both Sandra and I loved how you made the 50 as well. The bottom two were joined up but the top ones were separate, brilliant idea. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

  9. Hello All, day of sunshine and very heavy showers, but it's a little warmer.

    Maria, great card for Sandra, used to do a lot of decoupage, but not so much now, hands can't manage the small bits.

    Sandra hope your heating is back on, and that you can craft in comfort.

    Just finished picking two full carrier bags of runner beans, so had better go and get them ready for freezer, have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      We also have loads of runner beans, plus potatoes. However, for some reason these have holes in them. I told Pete not to grow any this year but he did anyway. They had holes in last year as well. Need a new freezer, I want frost free but can't get one to fit my space.
      Hope your meds have kicked in and your feeling a bit better. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card as usual. Much nicer in the flesh so to speak.
    Shame that Sue had one of her Migraines yesterday so didn't meet up with you. Although she was going to pack her bag at 9.00 ish. Although she did pop over today to bring you your Dies back. We had a productive day today although we didn't start till after 2.00 and I leave roundabout 4.15. Cut a couple of my new crafters companion dies.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I seem to get later & later not sure where time goes, I still have not even started on my CC, hoping I have time tomorrow. Your card from Maria is excellent, not seen them before
    Maria dont ever say your cards are rubbish again, Sandra's card is brilliant, well done. Looking forward to seeing you on
    Karen pleased your foot is improving & your are resting
    Pat hope you are in less pain, hugs on
    Lilian sonds as if you are going to ne busy with your beans I do miss picking fresh vegetables. Hope meds are helping you now, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Crikey I completely forgot it was Maria's birthday card to you for yoyr 50th. What a lovely card. I do like decoupage but you don't seem to get much of it now. So you Sandra.

  13. Not to sure what I was supposed to be writing when predictive text put so you Sandra.

    1. Thanks Pat and ladies, I like making these cards up, they are not too bad to cut Karen I had a look too and I don't think you can get them already die cut but I can do it for you.
      Wish you all a good night xxx
