
Tuesday 12 September 2017

Hints of Autumn

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it certainly feels like Autumn has arrived here, the leaves are all starting to turn from green to the many shades of orange and brown that make up Nature's Autumn Palette.

Today's card was inspired by just that and the many fields of Sunflowers that in our way out look vibrant shades of Yellow and orange but three weeks later as we make our return journey the have changed to browns, with hints of orange and gold, their heads have dropped too, which I always think looks sad, like they are saying 'Summer is over'.

I bought the Stampin'Up! 'Painted Harvest' stamp set before we went away but I didn't get chance to have a play with it, so that was the first thing I wanted to do when I sat at my desk yesterday.

Painted Harvest &
Matching Leaf Punch

The stamp set is a multi Layer, which may means you can use different colours to get greater depth and detail to your images.
I stamped my Sunflowers in 'Calypso Coral' (darker) and 'So Saffron' for lighter shade.  The leaves are stamped in Old Olive, which I used 2nd generation ink for background and inked straight from pad for detail stamp.
I added some 'Calypso Coral' 'Ombre Ribbon' around the centre, added a bow and cut my sentiment with the brand new Label Punch, adding a border if Calypso Coral behind.

I hope you like my card Ladies.

Have a lovely day, 

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning ladies.
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the colours. Very Autumnal.
    Hope you got your boiler fixed.
    Up and out early today as have a hospital appointment with surgeon who will hopefully tell me they will remove the fatty lump off my back.
    My son rang last night to say Helen was back on the ward but feeling uncomfortable . She is already on the highest dose of morphine each day for her back problem so I don't know what other pain relief they can give her.
    Anyway will call in later. Xxx

    1. I hope you get on ok Val Good to hear that your DIL is back on the ward albeit uncomfortable

    2. Hi Val. I hope you get on well at the hospital today and can get rid of your annoying lump. It's good to hear that Dial's op went well. Sorry that she is in pain though, hopefully the hospital will have been able to give her some other pain killers. Sending you gentle hugs x

    3. Hi Val
      I hope you get good news re your fatty lump. Glad to hear your DIL is back on the ward now. A worrying tine for you all.

    4. Hi Val
      Hope you got on ok & it was good news for you.
      Pleased your DIL is back on the ward hope she gets more pain relief.
      Take care love Lynda xx

  2. I hope have them "what for" SANDRA and you've had your boiler fixed
    Your card is so pretty I love the colours you have chosen
    I didn't get a lot of joy with the pharmacy At least now I have a name of a pharmacist and seemingly they'll be using my case to improve the system I explained that if insulin had been on that repeat request I'd be in hospital So for the third time they have promised my meds will be delivered today Their system used to be fantastic and I encouraged people to use them I've changed my mind now
    On another note, a tin of soup fell out of my locker at work yesterday and hit my foot Ok it was painful at the time but seemed fine after a few minutes Then yesterday evening I had the most excruciating pain and swelling So I'm going to rest at home with it strapped up I hope it helps because I can barely walk at the mo
    Breakfast is calling I'll pop back later x

    1. Hi Karen. I've got my fingers crossed that you do actually get your meds today. There is no excuse for such bad service
      We are very lucky with our pharmacy, it is in the doctors surgery and all of the ladies are very friendly and helpful, even when you mess up your repeat script and need meds in a hurry. We always give them a Christmas/Thank you card in December and then another Thank you card and a box of biscuits or sweets half way through the year(as they already get so many at Christmas).
      I'm sorry to hear that your foot is so sore. I'm sure you are RICEing it but if it's no better by tomorrow you must get it checked, if you haven't had it looked at today. Sending you healing hugs x

    2. Hi Karen
      I hope your meds finely arrive today. That's really bad service, as you say if it had been insolin that was required you'd be in hospital by now.
      How unlucky that a tin of soup fell off your locker shelf. Hopefully your foot will improve after a rest. We need you fit for Saturday.

    3. Hi Karen I hope by now you have received your medication. I hope your foot is ok Karen has the swelling gone down,hope you will be able to go to AP Saturday.sending healing Hug's xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra-love the colours.

    Fingers crossed you made some progress about your heating boiler.

    Busy day yesterday & I went to visit a friend, her husband was rushed into hospital on Saturday morning-I'd already arranged to see my friend and she still wanted me to go round to see her. I think it was more as a distraction which hopefully worked!
    I'm meeting an ex colleague for a pub meal tonight-she can't meet me until 7pm and it's a good 30 minutes drive so I'm hoping not to be home too late .

    Val-hope you get on ok at the hospital.


    1. I'm sure it would have helped
      Congratulations on winning a Julia card

    2. Hi Michele. Hope you have a nice meal with your friend tonight. Congratulations on your Julia card x

    3. Hi Michele enjoy your meal tonight.
      Congratulations on winning a Julia card

    4. Hi Michele
      Yes, I can understand where she's coming from. It's lovely to chat to someone as it certainly takes your mind off what's happening.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Well at last it's stopped raining and we have a little sunshine this morning but it's still very windy and quite chilly.

    SANDRA- A very pretty and colourful card you have given us today. I love sunflowers even when they are turning into their Autumnal colours. I find it fascinating when they turn their heads towards the sun. their French name is 'Tournesol' very descriptive of 'turn to the sun'.

    Busy day ahead as it's Knit and Natter this afternoon and it's my turn to 'take and make'. I always get nervous when it's my turn particularly if I've not done one for a while. Anyway I've done a Christmas Card for them so hopefully it will pass.

    VAL- Good Luck at the hospital today.

    SANDRA- hoping you had success with the boiler yesterday and that you now have some heating. I have to say that ours was put on again at tea time yesterday.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in for a natter and a cuppa. Hoping to see you all throughout the day.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. We have a lovely blue sky here but it is quite chilly, Autumn is certainly here isn't it. I love the beautiful colours of the leaves etc. but hate the dark cold days that follow it πŸ˜•
      I hope your Knit and Natter ladies enjoy your Christmas card, they will be very ungrateful if they don't as your cards are wonderful. Have a good day x

    2. Hi Janet hope knit n natter went well for you & the ladies liked your Christmas card choice. Do you have to supply everyone with all the elements for them to make the card. How many ladies are there.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Janet
      I hope your knit and natter went well. Your cards are lvely so why wouldn't they be happy.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a wonderful card Sandra. I love the depth you get with these layered stamps, as always you have used the perfect colours for these beautiful sunflowers. Like you I always feel sad when their heads drop down. See you in a while, I will wrap up warm 😁😁😁 xx
    Pat, I hope your head isn't as sore today, thank goodness you did finally get seen. Sending you gentle healing hugs x
    I hope everyone has a good day, I will try and pop back in later as I haven't packed my craft bag yet so must get on.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue hope you had a good day with Sandra. Sorry I won't see you Saturday 😭😭 Hug's xx

  6. Great card love the colours. Laura O

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love your card & the colours today. Hope you & Sue have a good catch up & maybe even
    Pat hope you feel easier today, sending gentle
    Karen please if your foot is still painful & swollen please get it looked at, you need to be fit for Saturday, hugs on
    Lynda pleased to hear Baby settling well, that first time off the lead is nerve racking, good luck when you do hugs on
    Lilian hope meds are beginning to help, hugs on
    Might have a look at CCthis afternoon, need to sort dinner first.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret thank you yes we will keep Baby on the lead it's one you let out so she still gets a good run. Hope you get CC done or finished by now. Enjoy your evening hope Pop's is ok.
      Hug's on the way xx

  8. Hello All, dry at the moment, but threatening bad weather later, still managed to get the towels dry.

    Sandra lovely card, sunflowers are such beautiful flowers, the bees love and then in the winter they have seeds the birds love. My favourites are the burnt orange colour.

    Decided to get some of the texture pastes out this morning, I bought these ages ago and have never used them, as many of my craft " stuff ". Made my c card for this week, bit of a pizza card but I quite liked it.

    Going to see if I can get my printer to work, as I want to print some photos of the grandchildren, which I never seem to have time to do when I was working.

    Take care all, especially if you are going out later as storm Aileen is on the way.
    Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian I hope your now feeling better. Enjoy playing with your texture past. I like using it but haven't used it recently though. I also have items I haven't eaven opened.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I hope your feeling a bit better today. Enjoy playing with your texture paste. I think we need to batten down the hatches tonight.

  9. Hi All, thanks for your good wishes. Pleased to say having the lump removed on 13th November.
    KAREN that sounds painful. If it's still swollen and sore go and see about it. It could just be bruised but you just don't know xxx
    PAT hope you managed a good night's sleep and the soreness is easing off. Xxx
    LYNDA glad Baby is settling in well.She sounds such a loving little thing xxx
    Well not long been in long as went shopping after hospital then had late lunch out. I have a mound of ironing in the basket that I really must tackle as busy for the next 3 days and I'm running ot of clothes.
    See you in the

    1. Hi Val pleased you have a date for your operation.
      Can I send you my ironing so I can sit & give Baby lots of cuddles.HAHA
      Big Hug's on there way. Xx

    2. Hi Val,
      Pleased to hear you have a date for removal of lump. How is DIL today hope she is in less pain, hugs on

    3. Hi Val
      Pleased to hear you've got a date to have your fatty lump removed. I hope your DIL is feeling better today.

  10. Hello Sandra and all,
    I love today's card. Sunflowers always look so magnificent when they are growing and they hold there head up high to gaze at the sun. You certainly have done justice to this delightful stamp set (I hadn't even noticed it in the catalogue, blind as a bat, comes to mind !!!!!) hope you and Sue had a good crafting day. PAT I hope your head isn't to sore today xx
    LYNDA Sending hugs to you and baby, Oh not forgetting Captain UP!
    VAL Hope DIL is going to be home soon and your hospital appointment went well xx
    LILLIAN, Have your new Meds started to help yet? xx

    If I have missed anyone out SORRY xx

    Had a busy day sorting out kitchen cupboards. When I got to the one where I keep my recipe books, I really had blitz, all the recipes saved from magazines have been sorted and put in a folder or put in the recycling. Quite a satisfying job done.

    I hope you have had a good day. Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda yes Baby she is a sweetie,but still wary when we go to pick her up she runs away so now if we want to put her lead I wait till she jumps on my lap. Glad you managed to get to AP on Saturday so sorry I won't see you this year. Please get someone to take a picture so I know what I'm missing.😭😭 Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Brenda you are not alone I have not noticed them either. Would you like to come & sort my shelves & cupboards please. Looking forward to Sat & seeing

    3. My word Brenda you have been busy. I have a headache but have been taking painkillers as my stitches are quite sore. They pull painfully when I eat.

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Wow gorgeous card Sandra love the colour's we have two sunflowers 🌻in a chimney pot outside the patio doors but they are going brown now. Not sure where they came from think the birds must have dropped Some seeds in them.
    PAT I hope your face isn't so sore today & you had a good night's sleep last night. Sending you some healing Hug's Xx
    I had a call from the R A clinic this morning as yesterday's blood test showed my liver had gone up to 117 & she likes it to be under 100 so have to stop my methotrexate tablets tor the next two Saturday's then blood test after that to see if I can start tablets again. Always something else to worry about
    Well I bet your all getting excited as Ally Pally is almost upon you all
    ( except me BooHoo 😭😭) never mind hopefully I will go in April all being well
    I must go & dish dinner up so
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lynda sorry your liver is playing up if it's not one thing it is something else. We will miss you on Sat, special hugs on

    2. Hi Lynda
      My face is still a bit sore, but I have it under control. I hope stopping your medication sorts your liver out. This getting old lark is no joke.
      Hope Baby is settling in well. At least you have one of those long leads so she can have a run.

  12. Hi everyone.

    I'm not even going to mention the day I've had or I'd be here all day lol. Wasn't good at all however on a brighter note tomorrow is another day.

    I canny wait till I can get back to my own house n bed and craft when I feel like it. Not quite the same staying at my moms. I tried to get her into crafting but it was a no go. Mind u I know where I get my hoarding skills from!! Lol.

    Ps Sandra georgeous card. Love the colours too. That's cheered me up at least 😊 Xx

    1. Sorry you have had a bad day Tracy sending hugs to make you feel

    2. As you say Tracy, tomorrow is another day. Sending you hugs xx

    3. Hi Tracey
      I'm sorry to hear you have had a bad day. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    4. Hi my friend hope tomorrow's a better day for you
      Take care love & hug's on the way xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card , you have used the stamp to make a perfect colour for some autumnal sunflowers. I received a bunch from a neighbour and they lasted a long time before drooping their heads. Beautiful flowers. Hope you have some heating now in the house, seem like we have some bad weather on the way and with that very chilly.
    Oh Karen, hope you foot is alright so you be able to walk around Saturday. Those cans can be dangerous at times... sending you hugs.
    Pat- hope you not in too much pain or at least your painkillers are helping you, hugs for you.
    Val- good you got an appointment to have the thing on your back removed, hope it's not painful. Sending you all some hugs and hope your DIL are doing better soon.
    Lynda- glad Baby is settling in nicely and she soon be used to you and Terry and not running away when her lead is coming out. She will keep you busy alright. How old is she ? you might have said. Hope the bloods be ok if you stop your tablets for a while. I have to see Dr tomorrow morning for a review for some of mine or they won't give them out. Typical I wont see the Dr I'm normally with so how this Dr will know what I need I don't get.
    Brenda- you never do anything by half hihi but it is a nice feeling when you do something that wanted doing for a while and it just got put on the back burner. Even Lilian have found something to do now which you didn't have time with before stopping working, hope you had a nice day playing. I hope you all had a good day as possible.
    My SIL and her hubby came up this morning and didn't leave until this evening and I see them again Saturday as they kindly are picking me up from AP. Didn't like the thought of taking the train and have to change twice so I guess I should be grateful Lol Hope you all have a good night and are pain free as you can. I'm dosed up for the night so Good night everyone xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad your having someone to pick you up from AP. Hope you have a good nights sleep.

    2. Hi Maria. I'm so pleased your getting a lift home from AP the thought of you getting three trains home is a no no. I wouldn't do it. It's kind of your SIL to pick you up.We will miss you all on Saturday.
      The lady opposite we got Baby from I think she was asked to find a good home for thinks she is 4 or 5 so not sure. She loves coming up on my lap & snuggles up to me
      Sending Hug's for you seeing doctor tomorrow xx
