
Thursday 28 September 2017

Simple but effective stamped card.

Good Morning Ladies,

I'm back !!! Wow those 3 days whizzed past, the hotel was lovely, the staff couldn't have been nicer.  
The Sky Garden was a fantastic experience, it's like going through the airport to get in though, they scan all your bags, you have to go through a scanner too, but it's reassuring to know that you will be safe.  I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone, it's totally free, you just have to book online before you go, they give you a 1hour slot, but nobody rushes you, there is a bar and restaurant up there.  It's like a forest, absolutely amazing.
42nd Street was just the best show ever, Sheena Easton has the lead role, all of the cast sang and danced their hearts out, the tap dancing was incredible, how the manage to do that for that long blows my mind!  The show got two standing ovations, there was a real buzz in the theatre afterwards.

Sadly the Afternoon Tea at the Hilton was absolutely dire and disgraceful !! 
We arrived to find no disabled access, we were left waiting in a back car park as the receptionist forget to send the person that was going to take us through a series of darkened doorways and corridors to gain entrance.  We were shown through to the bar, where a very low coffee table had had a cloth thrown on it, both Paul and I had to manoeuvre our legs to the oddest position to get close enough to the table to be able to reach a cup, we were given a menu to peruse, so we chose our blend of tea which was bought over, we finished the pot but still no food, the waitress came to apologise for the delay, but after about another 20 minutes she returned with our stand of food!  Now the menu sounded very nice, the food however didn't come close to anything described on the menu, firstly the sandwiches, bread so dry you could scratch it, one of the fillings was Smoked ham and wholegrain mustard:

Does this look like a quality smoked ham to you?? To me it looks like the cheap chopped meat that is wet and slimey to the touch, note how the bread lies like a block.  
Then came the scones, microwaved from the freezer, I could not bite through it, oh yes the gave us cream cheese instead of 'Cornish Clotted Cream' , the cakes at the top were cheap precut squares of sponge that you Find at cheap all you can eat Chinese restaurants, the have no flavour at all, there were no 'delightful pastries' 
After we complained they bought out two more scones, on a piece of slate this time, dusted with icing sugar, still frozen in the centre but at least they tried.
The 'ambience' was incredible, a TV on, radio playing and the cleaners vacuuming behind us! 
The management came, offered us Champagne, dinner for two etc, but be just said if a chef couldn't make a sandwich and fresh scones we didn't fancy trying anything he tried to cook, I was also in tears by this point as this was supposed to be the 'icing on the cake' of our trip, Paul was furious (although remained totally calm) as this was my birthday treat.  It no way compared the the amazing experience we had last year for his treat at a hotel that doesn't have the status that the Hilton does. 
We are awaiting an email from their manager.
A frustrating end to a wonderful break, it did us both good to have some 'us' time xx

Today's card was made simply with one stamp set a sentiment and two inks, the stamp set is: Stampin'Up! 'Awesomely Artistic', the colours are 'Island Indigo' and 'Pool Party'.
I stamped around the card with the foliage stamp with the 'Pool Party' ink and then went back and over stamped with the darker 'Island Indigo', I  then simply tied a piece of 'Pool Party' glittered ribbon around the card and matted on to the two colours of card that I had used to stamp with.
A simple method but I like the results.

A slow day for me today, Paul has gone to Thames Water's 'insight Day' where he gets to network with different people to talk about what jobs are available. 
I might make it into the craft room but to be honest I didn't realise how exhausted I was until I got into bed last night, London is a wonderful place but boy does it tire you out.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Sandra and all.

    So glad you had a lovely few days away Sandra but what a shambles at the Hilton. It sounds like a disaster from start to finish and for such an upmarket hotel their reputation is well and truly tarnished. You deserve your money back and a very grovelling apology. Have a lovely rest today.

    Up extra very as I have to go to a shop a few villages away this morning. I had a letter from my own person company telling me to go to my nearest Weston Union office and produce my passport and a special number they've given me to presumably prove I'm still alive. I looked up Weston Union and there was a branch in the next village. Went last week and they were closed for refurbishments. Went on Monday and they were locked up. Went yesterday, it was open but they are going on a course next month to be trained in Western Union procedures so can't help. I did tell them they are on the Web site as agents. Anyway the next nearest one is a few villages over so hope I have more luck.My pension people say if they don't hear by the end of the month it'could' jeopardise my future pension and I really don't want all that messing about.

    Just off out for Gracies walk.
    Hope all those friends not to good have had a better night and feel a bit brighter today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      Sounds a bit of a dodgy set up, please make sure they aren't trying to scam you. I have seen so many videos on YouTube about Western Union 'scams'.
      I hope it all gets sorted for you today my lovely.

    2. Ditto from me too Be careful

  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely birthday card SANDRA and I love your choice of colours.

    What an awful end to your wonderful birthday treat. I would certainly make sure that the Hilton's 'service' is known. Why weren't you put in the restaurant for Afternoon Tea. Surely that's the right place to be. Anyway pleased to hear that the rest of the week-end went well.

    A WORD OF WARNING - just to make all Dear Friends aware of a SCAM which seems to be on the rounds.

    I received a text message on 26/09/2017 from a telephone number 447537400519 in the name of MEDEQUIP informing me that 'my order will be with me on the 27th and we will confirm your timeslot on the morning of my delivery'


    I managed to get my CC done yesterday so today's job is to photograph it and get it sent off. Other than that nothing special planned.

    The CAFE is OPEN the usual hours so pop in whenever you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, I have had numerous emails similar to your text message, saying they are from companies I have dealt with in the past, would I logon because they need to get the goods I have ordered to me ASAP. I know who I ordered goods from, (I haven't reached the gaga state yet ha ha) NEVER open them and always delete them .... yet another scam! I am also very suspicious when people ring me up out of the blue. Isn't it a shame that life has taught us to be so mistrusting. I used to pride myself in trying to see the best of everyone. But Oh dear how times have changed.
      The CAFÉ looks lovely today, I will sit a while and enjoy my Colombian coffee and toasted teacake.
      Hope you have a good day. XX

    2. I agree with Brenda it's such a shame when we need to be so mindful of what we do. I've apparently ordered goods on eBay and the emails are just confirming my purchase in euros. Also a scam.

  3. I was so pleased to read Tracey's news yesterday
    I hope the pain eases soon PAT and hopefully suggestions at Pain Clinic help MARIA
    and those colds are easing BRENDA and MARGARET
    Brain freeze Uhm err I know Ivwanted to send special hugs to others
    Thank you for your comments yesterday ladies I reall enjoyed my day at the seaside We didn't stay overnight and came home after the dancing
    Oh SANDRA what a shame You definitely need to get your money back There are so many other lovely places that would have treated you like royalty (as you would expect and deserve) including our Premier Inn or is it a Travel Lodge in Watford!
    Pretty card today SANDRA I love the colours you have chosen and I like this style of card xxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely card today, love those 2 colours.
    Oh dear what a disaster your afternoon tea was at the Hilton. A top notch hotel in London so you would expect first class service. I thought every hotel had to have disabled access nowadays.
    I HOPE YOU PUT A SCATHING REPORT ON TRIP ADVISER ALONG SIDE PHOTOS IF YOU CAN. I would also be in tears and beyond cross as well. I hope you manage to have a restful day today.
    I'm glad the hotel was ok after recommending it to you.

  5. Morning everyone,

    Heartedly agree with Pat's comment re TripAdvisor Sandra, I post about everywhere I go now and I have 67 or 87 followers for my reviews. I don't hold back either on my comments. Sometimes it is to my advantage as once my favourite waitress, Tahnee, read my comments about one of the waiting staff chewing gum, and reported it her boss. Next time we ate there, management and kitchen staff went out of their way to concoct a dessert that did not include egg especially for me. How's that for service?

    My sister is coming today round about lunchtime ish so I'm having my shower straight after this post and then a spot of tidying up and a couple of net skirts to finish sewing before she gets here.
    (((((HUGS))))) to all our poorly ladies, I hope your day improves.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, Have a lovely time with your sister. xx

    2. I also post on trip advisor Cheryl. Had a great flat in York, was telling Helen all about it when we saw her at Ally Pally as she lives in York.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a disappointing experience you had at the HILTON in GREENWICH Make sure you leave a comment on TripAdvisor as Cheryl and Pat have suggested to you. The Hilton group has a good name BUT it only takes one incident as you experienced to affect the group. The manager should be hauled over the coals for putting you through this experience. As for the NO disabled entrance I didn't think that was legal in these times. I'm pleased everything else went beautifully it sounds like you both had a great time, it's lovely sometimes to just be able to be a couple. I'm sure the girls, Matt The cats and the dogs are all happy to see you home again. xx

    Love this card it's clean, it's fresh and the colours are gorgeous, definitely gets my thumbs up.

    Hope you're having a restful day today. Good luck to Paul, hope the day spent with Thames Water is informative and helpful. John was with them from when he came out of the Navy until he retired.

    Hope you're all having a good day.
    PAT I hope the pain is easing. xx
    MARGARET hope your cold has completed this course, and you haven't shared any germs with Alan! xx
    MARIA hope you had a better night, take care dear friend. xx
    TRACEY Have you come down from the clouds having receive such brilliant news yesterday. xx

    Hope I haven't forgotten anyone, take care dear friends, hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes, the pain is a bit better today as I'm diligently taking the paracetamol. I was told to take it all the time and not just when I think I need it. I'm to take it for at least 5 days. Looking forward to our break

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Beautiful card Sandra. I love those colours. It's wedding week for me this week so been busy making cards for folk going to my pal Janice's sisters wedding which is on sat. Janice is making the cake and my what a masterpiece it is. I'm so proud of her. Her stress levels have been thru the roof latelywith one thing or another like myself lol.

    Yes I came out the clouds now Brenda thank u lol.
    As soon as I got home I burst out crying then was on the phone straight after booking the ivf appt lol.
    Went for a jaunt in the new car then had my hair done g went got his hair done too then he took me out for dinner to celebrate.

    Thanks to all who left lovely msgs yesterday and today. It's so nice to share good news for a change lol.

    I'll send Sandra pics of my cards and the stunning cake for sat. Xx
    Love to u all

    1. Tracey I'm so happy for you. At last now you can move on. Hope all goes well with the IVF appointment (fingers crossed etc. etc) xx

    2. Hi Tracey
      Look forward to seeing the pics on Saturday. Great news so now you can move forward with the ivf. Great you went out to celebrate as well.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    My comments keep disappearing so will be brief.
    I am soo sorry you had such a bad experience yesterday. hope you have rested today.Your card today is
    Hope Pat Lynda & Maria are not in too much pain, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Yesterday's card are beautiful Lynda. I bet Terry loved his and I know Sandra love hers 😊 I must have a go at the double Z fold card too 😁
    I love today's card. Such a lovely shade and great for any occasion.
    I'm glad that you had a lovely time in London, apart from such a disgusting time at The Hilton. Just that "Ham" sandwich alone is enough to deserve your money back let alone all of the other nonsense! Hope you aren't so tired tomorrow my lovely xx
    I'm sorry that some of you are under the weather one way or another. May tomorrow bring a better day for you all. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
