
Friday 29 September 2017

Festive Friday cards from Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

Our Festive Friday treats have been designed and created by our Janet.
Two gorgeous 'Fold Back frame' cards, the first has a stunning Christmas Foliage die cut frame on the front, die cut in Silver, with the gorgeous "Peace on Earth" sentiment in the centre, I love that delicate frame Janet, it looks a Crafter's Companion die but I'm not sure, so I'm hoping Janet will set me straight when she pops in.

The second card is in beautiful, traditional Christmas red and white, such a pretty die cut scene, dies are becoming so much more intricate and detailed, it amazes me how they create these tools that make us look so skilled. I love everything about this card Janet, thank you so much for sharing your special cards with us.  XXX

My Gemini arrived yesterday, I got it unpacked and set up, I tried it out too, it cuts like a dream!  Quicker than I thought too, which is a huge bonus. 
I just get a card made though, I think my 'mojo' is on a delayed coach back from London, I just couldn't make my mind up on what to make. 
I love London but I have to say I truly think it exhausts you, because there is so much going on, the general 'buzz' keeps you on the go, Paul must have pushed me around about 20 miles, navigating huge curbs and very uneven pavements, the other MAJOR
obstacle is people on their flaming mobile phones!! How they don't have bad necks I don't know, we had so many near misses, they have headphones on too, so they can't hear what's going on around them.

Hoping the coach with my Mojo arrives today,!  Have fun whatever you are up to!

Pat & Pete I hope you both have a lovely break together.

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Everyone
    We have a wet and very dull start to the day and it really looks like rain so it's an indoors day today
    Just as well as it's housework on the agenda.

    It was a surprise to see my two festive cards when I opened the CAFE this morning.

    Both cards are a mixture of companies.
    Both base cards are some pre-cut bases I bought a while ago.
    The dies are CRAFTERS COMPANION DIES- the first one is A DIE'SIRE 'TIMELESS WREATH' and the second
    They both cut like a dream and only need one pass with the Gemini.
    The MIRROR CARD and THE SCENIC VILLAGE IS 'LUXURY CENTURA PEARL' is also a pack from CRAFTERS COMPANION and is just beautiful to cut and work with.
    The edging SNOW FLAKES is in the form of ribbon from the RANGE called 'Ruban'.
    The PEACE ON EARTH die is a SUE WILSON one I bought two/three years ago and still love it.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just waiting for you all to have your Friday cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Two beautiful cards Janet. Love them both. I have the wreath die but not used it much. Seeing your lovely card will route it out again.
      Enjoy your day. Hope the housework gets done

  2. Two very pretty cards JANET Lots if dimension but look like they fold flat for posting Is that right JANET
    Enjoy your break PAT and PETE
    Why is it when there's a million and one things that need doing OH decides to paint the walks iny craft room! Had I known this I could have cleared the space better! It has meant though that we shopped for more storage for me and get rid of junk that had lived in my craft space
    Is anyone going to Crafting Live in Coventry I won tickets from C&C! So a couple of friends and I are having a day out!

    1. Lucky you Karen. Sounds like you're going to have a tidier neater craft room with lovely painted walls as well. Ha ha.
      Great that you won tickets to a craft show. Have a lovely day ou. Xxx

  3. PS I agree with you SANDRA London can be draining and exhausting
    Woo Lucky you a new Gemini! I keep forgetting to email Spellbinders (I get distracted too easily when I go online) and question them about a motor for the Platinum I must do it

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Great that your new Gemini arrived. I bet you'll love it as much as I do.
    Everyone seems to be on mobile even in restaurants no conversation, just couples staring at their phone. I really think they should be banned in restaurants. No game can be that important. Well I'll now climb down from my high horse!!!

    Off to Craft Club today. Wendy's been missing last Friday and today as she's visiting in the UK. I'll miss next Fridays so I think we're meeting up early next week for a catch up before I go away.

    Must go and get my craft bag sorted.

    Pat and Pete hope you enjoy your well deserved break xxx

    Hugs to all not feeling so good especially Pat, Lynda, Lilian Maria Margaret and Brenda. Sorry if I haven't included everyone.

    Bye for now LovecValxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra, I'm glad you have got your Gemini. Fingers crossed your mojo arrives today. London tires you out both physically and mentally doesn't it my lovely xx
    Janet, thank you for sharing these beautiful Christmas cards for us to enjoy. I hope you can fit a little crafting in after the housework today X
    Mum, I hope your cold is clearing up well. Chris is full of it today so leaving g him with little Chris to try and keep Pop a cold free. See you in a while xx
    Pat, hope you and Pete enjoy your break away X
    Lynda, I hope you're not in as much pain today X
    Brenda, I hope you're feeling even better than yesterday X
    Maria, I hope you got on ok at pain clinic and managed to get some sleep last night X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you have your Gemini, you will love it, happy
    Janet love your cards today, I really must get started on my
    Pat enjoy your few days
    Brenda pleased your cold seems to have gone, mine doesn't want to
    Maria & Lynda hope you are not in too much pain, hugs on
    Karen sounds as if you need to go back to work for a rest. Enjoy the Craft
    Sending hugs to all in need love

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    So pleased your Gemini has arrived, I know it will be a great help to not having to turn the handle - even worse, wait for someone to return home and turn it for you. Oh and I think your mojo should be back soon, it was found in lost property at the coach station!!!!!

    JANET your cards are both beautiful, they will really be loved and appreciated by the recipients. Thank you for sharing xx

    MARGARET, sorry your cold is hanging on. I know these colds have to run there course, but enough is enough, please take care. xx Mine decided to go away but has left me with so many aches and pains, but I will soldier on, as we all do, don't let the b....s beat you as my dad used to say. Ha Ha.

    PAT hope you enjoy your break in Somerset, hope they have good weather down there. It will be good to get away and let someone else look after you for a change. xx

    I'm on a mission (maybe 'Mission Impossible') to tidy the craft room. OH has started to notice the lack of free work space! Knew I should have closed the door! So while have have some energy I'll get started.

    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies. I hope you do take it easy for a day or so. Love going in to London but it can feel a bit draining with all the noise and people around you if not used to it and yes, let's ban phones while walking and sitting in restaurants and let us talk to eachother instead but if the sandwiches look like yours for the sad tea you got... Hope you give them an earful. Had the same happening for us and it was horrid in some ways because I took my brother and SIL to one in London for their first time.
    Two beautiful Christmas cards Janet, thank you for sharing them with us. Hope you have a nice day.
    Pat and Pate- have some nice days away. Tell us all about it. You been there before ? Healing hugs for you.
    Margaret and Brenda- hope your colds are getting better.
    Val- sound lovely to have the warmth still you have, wellies and umbrellas are needed here when you over.
    Tracy- hope you and G had a lovely celebration dinner.
    Lynda- take it easy, gentle hugs.
    Just trying to focus on staying awake, sorry can't see me making a cc this week and as we are away for 4 nights from Sunday I probably won't have the time to make one next week either, Sorry Sandra.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up to.
    Love and many hugs ,Maria xxx

  9. Hi, very quick post as we have family coming to stay for the weekend.

    Janet two very beautiful cards, not started mine yet.

    Sandra hope you are more rested today, and are getting over the terrible tea.
    Have stayed in many Hilton’s and can’t say they are a patch on premiere inns which we use now all a high standard.

    Pat and Pete have a lovely time in Somerset one of my favourite counties.

    Hope all in pain or with colds feel better soon. Hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Janet smashing cards. I've only begun some prep for my Xmas as folk keep asking me for cards lol. I'll have to say no soon as my Xmas. Cards. will need done lol

    I've sent pics to Sandra to share with u all.
