
Wednesday 27 September 2017

Another of my birthday cards, Lynda's lovely card & Happy Birthday' Cheryl

My beautiful Birthday card

Terry's birthday card

Belated Happy Birthday 

Good Morning Ladies,

Part of the problem of scheduling blog posts is that sometimes things get a little out of sync!  
I would like to send Belated birthday wishes to our dear friend Cheryl, I hope you had an amazing birthday and a year of good health and happiness. Xxxx

I am excited to be sharing another of my amazing birthday cards today, this one is Lynda's.  I love both the colour theme and the 'Double z fold' card.
Lynda used a really pretty vintage paper and then accented it beautifully with the gorgeous 'jewel tone' flowers, the whole card has a real vintage feel, something that Lynda does really well, the greeting is fantastic, I love that musical score die, I have it too but I haven't got round to using it yet. 
Lynda I absolutely love my card, I will treasure along with the others forever.

The second card today is Lynda's card for Terry (aka Captain Underpants), whose birthday was last Friday, another amazing Vintage style card, I love that brick wall backing paper Lynda and how you have used the dogs to frame the vintage steam train image. Personalising it makes it even more special in my opinion, plus as we all get older it's a good way of remembering who we are !! 😉😉😉
I bet Terry loved the card Lynda, thank you so much for sharing XXX

I managed a chat with Michele via messenger on Sunday, I was feeling a little sad as we always chat on a Sunday when she helps me choose the challenge, just as I was saying to Paul how strange it felt up popped a message asking if I had chosen the challenge yet!!  
Michele is having a lovely time in New York, the first photo is of the Empire State Building lit up to celebrate the start of 'Fall', it looks fantastic, Michele took the wrong exit from the subway and happened upon it by mistake!  A very happy accident I think!  
The second photo is of Michele getting settled on her flight, looks like she has the right idea with the glass in hand! 
Thank you for the photos, enjoy the rest of your holiday, especially the craft shopping in Michaels !! XXX

Have a lovely 


  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very dull and damp Sheffield

    LYNDA- a beautiful birthday card you sent to SANDRA and I love TERRY'S card too. Steam Engines are always a winner in our house.

    K&N was a good afternoon and for the first time in ages we had a full house.
    I handed in my goodies for Friday's Coffee Morning so all I need now is for them to sell.

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm always in a panic when I've made anything which is to go 'on sale' that they won't sell and they'll be left on the shelf.
    Anyway it was a good afternoon with lots of chat and laughter.

    I need to get a little tidying up done today around my craft area as it looks as though a bomb has dropped. I'm knee deep in Seasonal cards everywhere and nearly at the end of my list but then comes the job I like least and that's putting inserts into cards.
    I wonder which job you dislike in crafting.

    The CAFE is OPEN. All the lights are on and the coffee/tea pots are hot and just waiting to be used.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. I'm sure the baubles will sell because they are so pretty

    2. Hi Janet hope the Coffee Morning sale goes well. xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Well it was dull here first thing. Then out popped the sun and now it's quite dull again.
      Steam engines are a favourite of ours as well Janet. I've booked a day out on Sunday while we are away which includes a trip on the West Summerset Railway. Quite looking forward to getting away for a few days.

    4. Hi Janet
      Thank you for your lovely comments on my card for Sandra & the one I made for Terry he loves steam trains. Glad K N went well.
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Sandra and all,
    Sorry I didn't comment yesterday. I wished Cheryl a Happy Birthday and my tablet stopped working. It's come on again this morning but it's old and really hit and miss so I've ordered another one. I hope it lasts out til I've finished commenting.

    LYNDA Beautiful birthday card for both Sandra and

    Great to see a picture of Michele and glad she's enjoying her holiday.

    PAT Thinking of you after your horrible ordeal yesterday. So hope you're in less pain. Hugsxxx

    KAREN well done on winning a prize from SUE.XXX

    JANET I'm with you. I really dislike putting in the inserts. Fortunately Lynn enjoys it so if I have a lot to do I pass them on to her. I can't imagine you having a problem selling your beautiful

    Crib today. These weeks certainly do fly.

    Better sign off before my tablet packs in.

    Hugs to all not feeling so good. BRENDA and MARGARET hope those nasty colds are clearing

    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you so much Val, I think the worst is over. I haven't needed a nap so far today, so must be on the mend, xx

    2. Hi Val
      Wow, it doesn't seem it was a week ago you were saying I'm off to crib last week.
      Hope the iPad holds out until your new one arrives.
      My hand and leg is very painful and will probably will be for another week before it starts to ease off.

    3. Glad the worst is over Brenda. Nothing worse than a nasty cold.
      Take carexxx

    4. So sorry you're in so much pain Pat. A few days away will hopefully take your mind off it. Have a great time. Xxx

    5. Hi Val thank you for your kind comments on Sandra's & Terry's cards
      Hope I pad holds out until your new one arrives.
      Hug's xx

    6. Thanks for the hugs Val. Hope the weather isn't to bad when you fly over.

  3. Good morning everyone.
    Very nice card you received from Lynda Sandra and Lynda a nice card for Terry, hope he had a good day. Hope the pain is easing and you have a better day.
    Michele, what a happy mistake to see the ESB all lit up and a lovely photo of you on your way. Have a nice holiday. Hope everyone are alright.
    Tracy, will be thinking of you today. hugs.
    Pat, hope you got some sleep last night. hugs for another day.
    Margaret and Brenda- hope your colds are getting better and you having a better day, hugs
    Cheryl. hope you had a fab day together with your friend and your parents.
    Val- hope the sun is shining still in Spain and you have a nice day.
    Sue, take care. Hope you alright after it seem some busy days.
    Janet, hope the K & N went well and they all loved the baubles as much as we do.
    Have been up most of the night so can't see myself doing too much and thank goodness I only having the pain clinic this afternoon. Started to cut out for x-mas cards but not sure what I am making yet so it was a bit of everything but it does take some time when you looking to make some thirty odd of one die to cut and I'm sure I can see some difference between the right arm from the left already Lol
    Have a good day all, love Maria xxx

    1. Maria, Hope you can catch up with the sleep you missed out on last night. don't sleep for to long though, you will through your body clock out, that would be even worse. xx

    2. Hi Maria. Sorry you had a bit night and you've been able to have a nap today. Hope the pain clinic went well this afternoon.
      We still have lovely sun here although the temperatures dropped to about 27 now. I think I'm going to get a shock next week when I travel to the UK. Hope the worse of the hurricane winds have gone by the time I fly on Thursday as turbulence really frightens me especially when I'm on my own and I've got no ones hand to hold. Strangers surprising look at me strangely when I try to grab them ha ha. Xxx

    3. Hi Maria thank you for liking my cards for Sandra & Terry.
      Sorry you had another sleepless night. Have you been to pain clinic before just wondering what they do. ( I know I'm nosey) hope you have a better night.
      Big Hug's xxxx

    4. Hi Maria
      I hope the pain clinic went well, and that you managed to get some sleep. I didn't sleep much night but hope for better tonight.

  4. Morning ladies and Sandra.

    Oh wow lynda your cards look great.
    Sorry I forgot to wish Cheryl happy birthday I hope u had a smashing day.

    Michelle looks as tho ur having a fab time hope u enjoy every minute of your trip. Hope your weather is a bit nicer than here lol.

    I kept myself really busy yesterday. So wasn't so bad but even after a sleeping tablet I was still waking up thru the night. My belly is churning so bad I think I'll just have a cuppa instead of breakfast lol.

    G is getting his newish car today he's all excited he hates driving mine lol.

    Anyways gentle hugs and healing wishes to all of u that are in pain or just struggling a wee bit this week.
    See u all tomorrow xx

    1. I do hope it goes well today Catch up on some sleep later - perhaps?

    2. Fingers crossed everything goes well today. Xxx

    3. Hope all goes well today everything crossed for you, hugs on

    4. Tracey I hope all goes well today, as Val and Margaret have said fingers and everything crossed. xxx
      Hope G enjoys his new car. xx

    5. Hi Tracy hope all went well for you today been thinking of you.
      Thank you for your kind words for my card for Sandra.
      Hope G car is ok is he polishing it hehe.
      Take care loveLynda xx

  5. Hello All
    A lovely photo of MICHELE and the ESB So glad to see you relaxing MICHELE I never did make it to Michaels!
    Beautiful cards from LYNDA when the typo said dogs not cogs I had to do a double take! But dogs would have been appropriate too!
    I hope everyon's pain is easing
    I had a lovely day yesterday I had never been to Walton on the Naze and it is beautiful A beautiful quaint seaside town The pier has a little bit of a funfair (under cover) but the walk down it is lovely and quiet, no loud music or flashing lights at the end of the pier there are 100's of pretty beach huts and a beautiful beach including a dog free beach - very handy to know for young children
    Then dancing at a beautiful Art Deco style ballroom near Southend
    To top it all I find out I have won a prize from Sue!
    Quiet day today Take care all xx

    1. Sounds lovely, could do with some sea air to blow my cold away. Enjoy your time of

    2. Hi Karen, Hope today is as good as yesterday. Are you still enjoying the sea air or are you back home now?
      Whatever you are doing hope it's a good one.xx

    3. Hi Karen
      Thank you for your kind comments on my cards for Sandra & Terry's.
      Hope your enjoying your week off work
      Hug's xx

    4. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you had a lovely time yesterday at Walton and enjoyed the dancing later in the evening.

  6. Hello Sandra and all,
    I have given in and using the laptop, yes OH has the iPad... again! We have an old iPad but like yours Val it ill - terminally ill I would say. it will pick up the internet but only when you are next to the modem and although it will search and find a web site it will not load it. the effort just seems to much!!! (a bit like me of late ..Ha,ha ) So laptop it is ...........

    Sandra and Paul you have another bright day today, sorry not the bright sunshine of yesterday, as you are going down the Thames to Greenwich that could be a bonus. I been on the Thames in bright sunshine, its blinding, I end up with tears streaming down my face, everyone must think I'm crying.

    What a lovely birthday card from Lynda, thank you for sharing it with us.
    LYNDA I'm sure Terry loved his card. Anything with trains on always goes down well in this house. Both of our fathers John and mine, worked on the railway, John's was a white collar worker (these days we call them office workers) mine was an Engine driver he drove real 'Steam Engines' even today I love looking at them puffing away. John used to say we were like the railway children.

    You can probably tell from all of my waffling that I am feeling a lot better. had a very good night with no coughing at all. A big 'thank you' for all of your thoughtful caring wishes. xx

    Time to make some lunch. hope you are all having a good day. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. MICHELE, Sorry I missed you out.
      What a happy mistake you made, leaving the subway only to have the ESB in all it's glory looking down on you.
      lovely photo of you raising your glass. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. What a special treat to be asked to read a bedtime story to Max. xx

    2. Hi Brenda thank you so much for your lovely comments on my card for Sandra & Terry's. He has always loved steam trains.
      For his 60th we all club together for a foot plate experience he was in his element. He Had a go at driving & stoking the fire up. He was like a pig in s..t as the saying goes.
      Glad your feeling better.
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad your feeling better today and didn't cough during the night. It's horrible isn't it when you wake up coughing. Hope everything goes well with the laptop. You'll have to have a rota with the iPad.

    4. Hi Brenda,
      Pleased you did nit cough as much last night, I am not coughing just bunged up. Take

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card that Lynda sent you for your birthday. Love the Z design. Might be a good choice for a video.
    I'm glad you enjoyed the show yesterday. Hope the hotel was to your liking.

    1. Hi Pat, Sorry to read you are still in pain, hope you get some relief soon. Have a lovely time in Summerset next week.xx

    2. Thanks Brenda. We're looking forward to the break. Makes a change from hospitals.

  8. Hi Michele
    Love the picture of the Empire State Building Michele, and what a lovely mistake to make. Great to see another picture of you smiling as well. Enjoy your time away.

  9. Hi ladies thought I'd pop in and tell u that I got my results as I was freaking out a bit and wanted to see the X-rays but they wouldn't let me. I said I didn't wanna beat around the bush as I wanted to prepare myself so consultant was called and I've been given the all clear xx

    1. Tracey I'm so pleased for you. I could feel your relief in your comment , now ...... deep breaths and calm thoughts xx

    2. Hi Tracy, what fantastic news ,so happy for you !
      funny they wouldn't let you see the x-rays tho, sure you must have been on tenterhooks before the consultant came to see you. Celebrate these wonderful news xx

    3. So relieved for you Tracy. I think it's a glass of something nice tonight to

    4. Tracy what wonderful news so pleased for you get Graeme to take you out for a celebration meal( & spin in his car )
      Love Lynda xxxxx

    5. Hi Tracy, great news, life goes forward.

    6. Fantastic news Tracey, at least you won't be worrying now until you heard the results. I wish they did that all the time as waiting for results on procedures is awful.

    7. What fantastic news Tracey-now you can relax & start to enjoy yourself.


  10. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Lovely picture of you Michele & the ESB that was a good outcome for going the wrong way.
    Sandra hope you & Paul have enjoyed yourselves. Hope you enjoyed the show too. Thank you Sandra for showing my birthday card for you pleased you liked it. Terry also liked his he is a steam train fanatic.
    PAT sorry your still in a lot of pain hope you enjoy your holiday & seeing the steam trains while your away Terry said can he go with you 🚂 Please.
    Margaret hope your feeling better today take care Hug's for you xx
    I have been round Margaret's to see how she is,she had the cancer cut out of her nose.she was staying at her cousin's as she has been taking & picking her up back & forth from two hospitals. She looked like something out of a horror film.still got two more procedures on the be done. She is ok though she wouldn't want to go through it again.
    Well thank you all again for your lovely comments. Better get dinner sorted
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Margaret sounds a bit like me Lynda. I don't want my procedure again as it's so painful. But I suppose if I have to I will.
      You and Terry are welcome to come with us to Cricket St Thomas.

  11. Hello everyone, from a very wet , windy and cold Cornwall.

    Sandra hope your enjoying your time with Paul.

    Lynda two super cards , love the steam train one.

    Have a bit of a problem today with my Gemini, it’s bending my dies, I guess I need to get new plates although they are not that worn, had to get my grand caliber out.has any one else had this happen?

    Pat do hope you feeling a bit better now and the pain is easing.

    Hugs to all who are under par, Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      That sounds a bit ominous re yoyr Gemini. Perhaps you need to contact Crafters Companion as I'm sure that shouldn't happen.
      Hopefully the pain in my hand and leg will subside in due course. Took a week for my hand to improve but my leg hadn't as it was still weepy. Need to wear a stocking on my leg to help with the circulation.

    2. Hi Lilian,
      I have not had any problems other than getting new cutting plate & magnetic sheet & I have had it nearly a year now. Talk to Crafters Companian they are helpful. Xxx

    3. Hi Lilian. Not had that problem. I've also just ordered a new cutting plate. I think you should contact CC as Margaret

    4. Hi Lilian thanks for your kind comments on my card for Sandra & OH.
      I haven't had any trouble with my Gemini apart from cutting plate getting warped. I got a compatible plate from eBay called SLIPSCREEN £5.80 so half the price of CC they are fine defiantly buy again next time I need one.the CC one I thought started to warp quite quickly. As Margaret said ring CC up.
