
Friday 22 September 2017

Festive Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I have another Christmas card to inspire you all to get started on those cards this week!  I believe there are 13 weeks and 5 days until Christmas day, so that realistically means about 10 weeks to get your cards finished earlier if you are posting to Val !! 

Today's card was made using Stampin'Up! ,"Carols Of Christmas"
Stamp set, which comes with a die set called "Card Front Builder" of which I only really used the frame and Holly and poinsettia. I used the frame die with some Tranquil Tide and Cherry Cobbler card to make a frame that I raised up on foam pads, I popped a piece of the 'Merry Music' DSP, behind the frame (it has actual music to Deck the Halls)! I stamped the baubles from the stamp set and then stamped them again onto white card and die cut them to add some dimension.  I then die cut lots of Holly and Poinsettia flowers to embellish the frame, stamped the "Deck The Halls " onto white card, mounted it onto a Cherry Cobbler mat, the adhered to the centre of the frame.
A 'Cherry Cobbler' ribbon bow finishes the frame.
I hope you like my card xx

Carols of Christmas
Stamp set

Card Front Builder
Die set

Paul is home today, the week has gone quite fast, partly thanks to my too lovely friends for taking the time to visit me.

I hope Michele landed smoothly and is settled into her hotel and relaxing, enjoy your holiday my lovely.

I hope that all of you have a lovely day, 

love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful festive card for today's Festive Friday. Just up my street as it's traditional.
    I bet you're on the count down for Paul to arrive home.

    VAL- hope you had a lovely outing yesterday and that you didn't tire yourself out. Waiting to hear how things went.

    Dear Friends thank you so much for making my smile re my 'tenna/tens' comment. I have to admit that while I was typing I did make a bet with myself as to how many of you would do the I love you all.
    I wear my TENS MACHINE every day and use it throughout the day. I really do know the difference it makes particularly when I'm crafting.

    Well here we are again FRIDAY - where are the weeks going! I'm sure it isn't two mins since I was warning you all to be on best behaviour at AP.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the sun is streaming in through the windows though it is on the chilly side outside.
    Have a good day everyone. HUGS on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. HaHa glad I made you smile re tens JANET
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm glad we made you smile. The comment made us all smile by the sound of it.

  2. Hi Sandra and all,
    just adore this card Sandra. Looks like one they sell in those very up market shop for lots of money. Glad Paul is home tonight and you can relax. Thanks for hinting to everyone to send me a card ha ha. Actually I received one from all you lovely ladies last year.
    Really enjoyed yesterday day out. It was so hot walking round but we'd taken sun hats with us and we stopped for lots of drinks. Cartagena is a lovely place with lots of attractions we didn't get to see in one day. The train ride was lovely. Took us to a pretty beach type with a lovely promenade to walk along and a very Spanish restaurant/bar at the end. It was a very picturesque village but I'd hate to live there in the winter. The only disappointment was that the boat ride we booked didn't materialise. We were given out tickets and waited and waited to get on the catamaran but sadly it had broken down. Our courier Wendy said it was the it time in her four years of being a rep that it had happened. Typical eh. Anyway it gave us time to go an see the Roman Amphitheatre. OMG was I impressed. It was unearthed in the 1980's and the dig was completed 5 years ago. You go into a museum first where it had the unearthed statues and artifacts dug up on show. Then we walked along a corridor and there it was below us. It really took my breath away. I could almost hear the roars of the audience around me. So impressive, it housed 800 people so you can imagine the size. Well worth a visit. I was pretty tired last night so had a early and slept really well for a change.

    PAT hope you're feeling a lot better today and the hospital visits go well.

    LYNDA has Baby settled in well now.

    MARGARET good luck with your op today.

    Hugs to all Valxxx

    1. Hi Val so glad you had a lovely day out yesterday sounds you packed a lot into the day. Thanks for asking Baby is settling in & begining too trust us more each day.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Cal
      I'm glad you had a lovely day out yesterday. It sounded lovely except for the boat ride of course.
      Not to sure what to do with my hand. It's very sore and greasy so I'm keeping all clothing away from it as much as possible. I'm actually dreading having the procedure done again on Tuesday. I need to cover it at night as it's so sore and messy but it's stuck in the mornings. Even though the dressings aren't supposed to.

  3. Lovely card SANDRA It appears to be very popular these days to have the sentiment as the focal element
    I hope the next mammogram goes ok TRACY
    I hope you're not in as much pain MARIA
    Take care PAT It made me cringe a bit to see that you were having to use Vaseline but then I am a wuss
    Enjoy your Nanny and Grandad duties LYNDA
    I hope to see my little man later before he goes on his hols - is that why I feel a bit tearful over the past few days because I dread them flying etc / most definitely!
    Dancing later - daughter is teaching Rueda and a beginners Salsa if you want to join in you'll be very welcome
    Hope the flight is a good one MICHELE and you're beginning to relax
    Take care all x

    1. Hi Karen
      I'm a bit of a wooz as well. Yes, I'd love to join you at Salsa it's a shame you live so far away. I used to go with a friend until she stopped and I loved it. Petes not a dancer.

  4. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Love the colours. I hope you've found the rest of your Christmas dies you were looking for on Wed.
    I'm glad to hear that Paul will be home today. Pete had to go in to get his new phone sorted out. But he's to wait until Monday before his phone number gets transferred over to his new phone. Seems a long wait to new.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Stunning card Sandra, I love the colour you have used together on this one. Your layouts are to perfection my friend and so wish you could give us a master class in how to do it as I'm always struggling, yes even after all the years I now have been card making I found it hard to get the right colours together.
    Laura- nice to see you in this morning. Hope to see you more often and to get to know you better.
    Margaret- good luck today and hopefully the op went ahead and you soon can see better.
    Pat- take care, hope the pain is easing off a bit with some pain killers.
    Tracy- try not to worry, perhaps the scan you had was not good enough so they just want to take it again to be sure. We are here if you want to talk, hugs.
    Lynda- take care and have some nice days over at Lisa's. Cuddles for Baby. ok,ok Terry can have some too tihi
    Michele- Have a lovely holiday, you well worth a real good one. Where did you go ?
    Val- your outing sounded real nice, shame about the catamaran. Hope you have a nice day.
    Sue- hope you having a good day, hugs
    Cheryl- take care. Have you been on any nice walks lately. Missing you tells.
    Karen- have good fun dancing. Loved the pictures from the park by the way :-) Enjoy your cuddles with Oscar x Liked to learn Salsa but at the moment I wished I could take my leg off at times but then I probably would have phantom ones instead so I keep it and just pop more pills which makes the brain go more mushy then it is.
    Brenda, Janet and to anyone looking in , hope you all have a nice day. The cafe' is open for anyone so do pop in someday and say Hi. Hope I haven't missed anyone. Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria Terry said thank your for your Hug's as it's his birthday today.
      Hope your not in so much pain today
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi sAndra and ladies fab card as always.

    1. Hello Tracy, what a pain having to go for a second mammogram, just keep an open mind. I had the same experience over 20 years ago and everyone was so so supportive. Best of luck, xx
      Sending virtual hugs your way. XX

    2. Hi Tracy positive thoughts I had to go back for a second one a couple of years ago it's just a precaution We are all here for you. Wish I could give you a real proper Hug but a virtual Hug is on its way.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and all,

    Lovely card, you really are getting into the Christmas spirit, thank you for the inspiration.
    I haven't been able to use the Internet to day as my dear other half has been 'fiddling ' with it, this morning he said "why don't I try moving the modem it might improve the signal in the small lounge " ......... Grrrrrrrr- MEN, I had suggested that a week ago. He could also have got a hotspot extender. ANYWAY he tried 'his ' suggestion....... alleluia! We have actually got a better reception in every room, (that will please the grandchildren) and now I can use my iPad when I sit down in the evening.

    MARGARET hope your operation went well today. xx

    PAT hope your pain is easing xx

    VAL the trip sounds lovely. How are your DIL and son managing? I hope she is feeling better now she is back home.. xx

    MARIA, Take care, don't go pushing yourself to hard. xx

    Will look in later - yippee - Just because i can!

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra I forgot to say have a lovely evening with Paul, hope you get the sofa to yourselves and you can have a nice cuddle up XX

    2. Hi Brenda glad your HOT SPOTS ARE WORKING.& you can now sit & use your I pad.
      Hug's xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Bet it's lovely having Paul home again. Hope his course went well.
    Your card is gorgeous Sandra love the stamp set used & the colour's lovely.
    PAT I hope your less sore today. Did you get som stronger medication take care Hug's on way. Xx
    Margaret hope all went well with your operation today sending Hug's xx
    SUE hope your ok after your busy weekend take care Hug's on way.
    Grandson sitting going ok he isn't any trouble he gothome from school at 4then went out on his bike till 6 just doing dinner well Lisa made us a lasagne so just had to put in oven.
    Have a good evening everyone love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad the Grandson sitting is going ok. I'm glad that Baby us settling in with you ok. No stronger meds I'm afraid as I'm only allowed paracetamol or co codamol. The latter don't agree with me.
      Lovely lovely that Lisa left dinner for you.

  9. Hi All, this will be a quick comment as my iPad is on its last legs, likes to crash after a few minutes, getting a new one next month.

    Sandra lovely card, I really must start mine, also have still to do this weeks card.

    Margaret hope op went well, and soon you'll have your full sight back.

    Hope those of you who are in pain will soon find relief.

    Much colder here today, also misty.

    Will see you all in the morning, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      It was misty here as well this morning. I hope your iPad lasts until you get a new one.
