
Saturday 23 September 2017

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning ladies,

I honestly only seems five minutes since I was writing my list for Ally Pally, although I forgot the list and didn't get half the things I was meant to get.  I have since ordered them online (plus a whole lot more)! Sshhhhh!!

So today I have a VERY special memory from our lovely Val, I have to say I was so touched that you sent the photo, while I was reading your message I had tears streaming down my face.  I can really sense how much you still miss Alan, which I find heartbreaking but I know I would be exactly the same, Cheryl feels exactly the same too, I think that in our lovely little blog family we have all been blessed with amazing Husbands, which these days is a rare thing.  So here is Val's amazing photograph and explanation of what you can see.

Here is Val's story..........

"I've attached a very precious photo of mine to maybe show on Saturday which would have been our Golden Wedding Anniversary.
It's a very battered photo as you can see but it's in a frame to keep it safe.
On the back row right to left is my dad auntie and uncle. On the front row my brother is the very thin one on the right with Allan sitting next to him and me next to Allan with the rubber ring. Sadly I can't remember who the girl is next to me. My mum's taking the photo.
This was taken at an outdoor baths which was a big day out for us as we got to ride on the ferry across the Mersey to New Brighton.
Allan and I were born and lived four doors away from each other. He was my brothers best friend and we spent a lot of time together as children in each others houses. We all grew up, then I had a boyfriend and Allan had a girlfriend who we both happened to finish with at the same time. Allan had just joined the Police Force and one day he walked down the street towards me in his uniform and he wasn't just my brothers friend any more, I saw him a total different way. He asked me out and we were married a year later.
As you know Allan sadly died 13 years ago very suddenly at the young age of 59. I lost my best friend and I miss him every day but life goes on. He left me with two great chilrren and wonderful memories so I count myself lucky".

Val, that is such a beautiful memory and look back at times gone by,  thank you so very much for sharing it with all of us. By the way, you haven't changed a bit!! 😉

Maria's photo of all of us at Ally Pally
On the Right you have :
Maria, Brenda, Pat, Margaret and Brenda (Littlelamb)
On the Left you have:
Paul, Me, Karen, and Sue.
I would like to thank the lovely 
Helen Bell, who joined us for lunch and kindly took the photographs for us.



Brenda bought some lovely bits and pieces at Ally Pally, in the first photo we can see Oxide Distress inks, some Pebeo Gilding Wax, Honey Doo Mica Powders and glue, underneath those are some Foamiran sheets (a delicate thin foam that you can use to form realistic looking flowers).
The second photo contains: two packs of cards, some beautiful lace from the Button Moon stand, he had some gorgeous lace on sale, very good prices too.
Third Photo shows that Brenda had a 'John Next Door' shopping haul, 2 Embossing Folders and three stencils to be precise. Brenda was inspired by some amazing card samples.
I hope that you have managed to finish your sisters accounts Brenda so that you get time to sit and play with all of your new goodies. 


Karen bought lots of essentials as well as some lovely dies at Ally Pally, here is her description.....

Here are my buys
The paint is the perfect colour for my Birthday plaques
The dies are a mixture of what was on my Wish List - the Striplet one is my favourite from Sue's latest release They were all cheaper at the show than online
I just had to get that velvet paper after seeing yours!
The card blanks were exceptionally cheap and the glue is my go to for matting and layering!

Thanks for sharing your shopping Karen.


Maria had a very busy day at Ally Pally, along with Pat, they both went a took part in a few ,'Make & Takes', learning some new techniques as well as making a lovely Christmas decoration.  With doing those and having our long lunch I think Maria ended up rushing around to do her shopping, here is her description......

My shopping at Ally Pally became a swirl of stuff I don't really need but I just 
had to get something quickly for the time ran out and my chauffeur was coming
to pick me up  ;-)  Did I get anything on my list as storage for stamps and dies. Heck no so might have to go to NEC  and have a look. Is that anything you ladies ever go to ?

In answer to your question Maria, I have been to the NeC to the 'Hobbycraft' show, it was a few years ago though and at the time it was very busy, too busy for me to get anywhere near the stands to see anything, I believe it is quieter these days though, I was thinking of trying to organise Our meet up around one of the crafting shows,  so I would be interested in your feedback.
Thank you for sharing your shopping Maria.


Sue managed to get some lovely Dies and essentials for getting started on those Christmas cards, that 6x6 paper pad was fantastic, some lovely patterns for Men's cards.  Some great basics that we all run out of too quickly, card blanks, ribbon, Brads, then there is some lovely designs of Washi Tape, those dies are lovely Sue, I love the cute Reindeer, the pretty Snowflakes too.  Now that 'Red Velvet' card is stunning, I think that we all bought some, it will make gorgeous Poinsettias. 
Thank you for sharing your shopping Sue.


Margaret was being very good as she is saving up for some more Stampin'Up! Goodies, so she mainly bought 'consumables', so we can see lots of card blanks, some good basic Christmas card coloured /Glitter card stock, some adhesives,  glitter glues etc, that lovely 6x6 Paper pad, (that Sue bought) and Washi Tape, a fantastic pack of Memento ink pads in gorgeous colours.  Then right in the center of the of the photo is Margaret's tombola prize that she won, the Tombola was run by Hochanda.  It was lovely to see that one of won. 
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us Margaret.

My Shopping

I have to confess that this isn't just my Ally Pally shopping, I have spent some birthday money on a few bits and pieces too.
I couldn't resist some of Sue's new Dies, they are so pretty, so I got a few of those, I also had a StampinUp order due, I ordered some of the new Christmas dies, which I used to make yesterday's Blog card. The Merry Little Patterns stamp set was Free with my order this time so that was a bonus.  The Colourful Seasons Stamp and dies set has something for every season, the Snowflakes are really pretty, so are the Autumn Leaves.
I bought some Autumnal card and ink colours too. I think that is one of the things I love most about Stampin'Up!, everything matches perfectly! 
A few more Christmas dies, that I found at really good prices, the make is 'Precious Marieke' they are lovely detailed dies.
Last but not least are the Tim Holtz Distress Oxide inks, I just LOVE them, I started off with 4, but couldn't resist a few more, sshhhhh!!!

Margaret, I hope that all went well yesterday and that you aren't in too much pain today my lovely, sending you healing hugs xxxx

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs


  1. Oh VAL what a lovely photo and what wonderful memories As you say even though we miss loved ones like crazy we are also extremely lucky to have had them in our lives
    I love all of everyone's buys at AP Half of which I think I missed seeing! Which is probably a good thing because I'd have spent more money
    I hope yesterday went OK MARGARET
    Mind's gone blank again! But you know that you're in my heart
    Ooo ooh just remembered! Happy Birthday for yesterday CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS

  2. Val what a lovely photograph and such wonderful memories for you of Alan. Thanks for sharing.
    Love seeing all the goodies that were bought at Ally Pally. Must photograph my buys but I haven't really been in the mood for anything this week.
    I'm so glad I went to do make and takes this year as like Karen I've probably saved myself a fortune.
    Petes off to the theatre with Craig to see a play about the 1st world war at the playhouse theatre. Funnily enough it's supposed to ge a comedy. Pete doesn't do plays so I'm not to sure how much he'll enjoy it.
    Craig's also taking him for lunch in Oxford either before or after all depending on time.
    Didn't realise it was CAPT UNDERPANTS birthday yesterday. So although I know your grandson sitting I hope you had a lovely day.

  3. Sorry Margaret
    I hope your op went ok.

  4. Hi Sandra and all .
    Lovely memories Val. How wonderful to been growing up together and then getting married and have children.Love the photo. Sending you special hugs for today xx
    Not bad shopping from AP but I also missed a bit, the items on my wish list weren't there so therefore thinking of NEC but the cost have gone up to get in (£12) trainfare etc so not sure I'm going yet.
    Margaret- hope you doing alright ,big hug
    Pat- take it easy, so sorry you are in so much pain. I feel for you and thinking of you all the time. hugs
    Lynda- hope you and Capt.underpants had a nice day and wish him belated birthday and a little so so on his cheek (sure you don't mind) hihi
    No mojo so struggling to do anything and not much sleep last night, nothing new there.
    Hope you all have a good Saturday xxxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    What a wonderful assortment of crafty buys today.
    BRENDA KAREN MARIA SUE MARGARET and SANDRA as Brucie said. Didn't you do well. I expect to see wonderful things coming out your Craft rooms in the next few weeks.
    Love the photo of you all and I'm getting good as I knew all your faces and didn't have to look at the names to match up. Oh how I would have loved to be sitting amongst you.

    Thanks for showing my photo Sandra. I feel more emotional today than I expected. I've been giving the house a good clean but Lynn's just come in with a very nice plant and is taking me out for lunch so I'll go have a wash and get ready.
    Have a good day everyone.
    MARGARET I hope it went well yesterday and you're feeling ok

    1. How lovely of Lynn Val and great that you have family around you. Enjoy your lunch.

    2. Hi val.
      what s lovely story and I just love black n white photos I think they are much nicer too. It's a lovely photo of u all x

    3. Hello Val, Thank you for sharing this very precious photo with us. Today can't have been an easy day for you. So pleased Lynn was there for you, Hugs xx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    WOW what lovely craft goodies they all look amazing SANDRA I think your the queen of so many wonderful items. So much I missed not being there & not being in the photo with you all 😭😭 this time. Captain underpants said thank you all for his birthday wishes & Maria I don't mind his kiss on the cheek I'm sure he would love it. 😘 HaHa. VAL lovely photo & lovely memories thank you for sharing. Must be lovely having Lynn living nearby. Have a nice lunch with her.
    Joseph is no trouble yesterday he got up for school ok all by himself Had his shower & breakfast & left at 7 30am . so we went to see one of Terry's mates he worked with at the Hays chemicals plant Him & his wife helped Terry so much when he had his terrible accident he fell down a pit of caustic & burnt both his legs badly. Long story. How long would it take any OH to buy a loaf of bread well my OH left here at 10.30 & still not back yet Grrrrr.
    I'm going to cut out some Christmas dies as I brought my sapphire machine with me & get quite a lot that goes through it.. Yaaay OH is back now so he's doing lunch. Margaret &a PAT hope your not in too much pain Hug's for you both.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for the hugs today. Pete and Terry must have been brothers in another life as Pete can go out for hours. Ends up chatting with everyone he meets who he knows.

  7. Hello All, sunny but windy.

    Val what a lovely picture and memories, we also met when we were 15 , been married 52yrs, where does the time go.

    Loved the picture of you all at A/P, will hope to be there one day, went to the craft show at the nec once quite a few years ago it was very busy, didn't get to buy anything !!!!!

    You have all excelled yourself in your shopping from last Sat, lovely lot of things to play with.

    Not much happening here, R gone to Wales for a meeting, finished my c card and sent to Sandra, have a lovely Saturday, hugs Lilian

  8. Hi Lilian
    Nice and sunny here in Oxfordshire today. Sat watching the bike racing. Can't let the sun get on my hand or leg. My hands now covered but can leave my leg uncovered as it's only a small area.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    My my my u all have been busy haven't u. Sandra have u any cash left?? After that haul of craftiness lol 😂

    Loved the pic if most of u at AP. Wish I could've been there with u guys too ah well maybe someday. Looking at the photo I guess I'm the baby of the blog lol x

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you & all of you for your best wishes, I had it done yesterday, surgeon still not too sure about how much my eye had dilated so had seed & extra drops, according to nurse who come to take me down I was known as Trouble there. I tried to comment last night but couldn't see well enough, Sue banned me from pouring out drinks as I missed cup or glass every time, but today it is much better. We had the coffee morning today which went very well & collected around £240.00 which is about same as last time, thanks to Sue & Gem who both worked very
    Lovely photo Val thank you for sharing such precious memories, I am glad you have Lynn with
    Sandra love your card yesterday & you did well with your shopping, I have a SU order to put in so will send photo when I have
    Brenda, Karen, Maria, Pat & Sue lovely lot of goodies, Pat like you mine are still in bag have not had chance to think about cards this week, hope to rectify that next week as I have to be careful for a while.
    Lynda sorry didn't wish Terry happy birthday give him an extra hug from
    Sending hugs to all who need them, will be thinking of you Monday Pat hope it is not soo bad, love

    1. Hello Margaret, So pleased your sight is getting better, WELL DONE what a fantastic amount you raised on your coffee morning. Great you had your little helpers Sue and Gem to assist - well done girls.xx

    2. Hello Margaret pleased your eye isn't so bad today. Well done to you Sue & Gem a fantastic amount raised on your coffee morning
      Take care HUG's xxx

    3. Thanks Lynda, sounds as if your baby sitting has been good. Hugs on

  11. Hi Margaret
    I'm glad to hear your eyesight is improving slowly. I also hope it's not bad news for Pete on Monday. 2 appointments for his heart then his appointment with oncology. Hopefully we can go by bus again to both hospitals.

    1. Hi Pat hope Pete's appointment's goes ok & its it's good news too
      How are you PAT hope your not in so much Pain now.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      My hand is still very sore. My leg no so much as it's a very small spot they've done. That just feels tender. Apparently after the second round of treatment I'll be a month before the skin starts to grow back.

  12. Hello Sandra and all,

    Val your phot is so special, how lovely to have known your special man most of your life. What a lovely story. I'm sure Allan would be so proud of you all. xx
    I was just 15 when John and I met, he had Just signed up to go into the Navy and was waiting for his 'papers'. So we had a very different courtship. But got through and are still together.

    Love looking at everyone's shopping. I know we did a little 'show and tell' at AP but it lovely to really see what everyone bought. Sandra with your additional SU shopping you have got a brilliant stash. Love all of your Oxide's.

    I have been fighting off a bad cold most of the week, unfortunately think the germs are winning I feel absolutely c..p. But am dosing myself up and tomorrow is another day.

    Hope everyone has a good sleep, see you tomorrow.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks Brenda, hope you feel better soon, sending you healing

    2. Hi Brenda sorry your not feeling very well. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Take car love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      So sorry to hear your not feeling to well. Let's hope your feeling a bit better tomorrow. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    4. Hi Brenda, I'm sorry to hear you have a cold. I hope you are listening to John as I'm sure he is taking care of you, no pushing yourself please. Sending you gentle healing hugs x
      P.s. Chris and I started dating when I was 15 too, it seems that several of us found our "Mr Right" at that age 😍x

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Festive Friday's card was beautiful, I love the colours and the Deck the halls stamp is a great one. I hope you have had a good day with Paul now his course has finished my lovely xx
    Val, thinking of you today. Thank you for sharing your photo and telling us about your lovely Allan. Sending you hugs x
    There certainly was some good shopping done at Ally Pally wasn't there.
    Karen, am I right in thinking that you use Collall(?) glue, I haven't tried it but am tempted now as the Cosmic shimmer glue has changed and I'm not so keen on it any more. Did you get to see your lovely Oscar? It's easy to say don't worry when he goes away with his Mummy and Daddy, we can't help worrying about our families can we 😕 No doubt he will be trying to tell you all about when they get home safe and sound X
    Mum, congratulations on another brilliant Mailman Coffee morning. You had already done all of the hard work making all of your delicious cakes, Gem and I only make the drinks and wash up. I am delighted that you are already seeing more clearly only 24hours after your cataract op! Sorry I kept staring at your eye but I still can't believe that by the time Gem and left you this afternoon that your eye didn't even look sore. And how you don't see the stitch that was put in.....totally amazing just how clever medicine is today! Make sure you get some rest tomorrow please, you've had a very busy couple of weeks. Love you xxxx
    Lynda, please give Terry a belated birthday hug from me. I hope the next Ally Pally photo has you in it as it wasn't right without you two there with us. I'm sure you are enjoying babysitting your grandson, he sounds like he is a lovely boy who is easy to look after. How is Baby around the filter,be specially the little ones? Hugs on their way to you and your lovely Terry X
    I have caught up with all of the comments over the last couple of days but have gone blank, brains even worse than usual! I hope you are all have had a good day. Sorry if I have missed anything important. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
