
Thursday 21 September 2017

A nice surprise for me, and a stamping technique for you!

Good Morning Ladies,

I had a surprise visit last night, Paul decided to come home for the night to break the week up, which put a HUGE smile on my face. I did feel bad though because he had to get up at 5am to get back, but it's only one more night away! 

Today's card was my attempt at triple stamping (but I only did double)!  Kind of like how it turned out, it's quite a simple card, being relatively new to stamping means I'm a bit behind with all the different techniques but I enjoyed having a play.
The stamp service used is Stampin Up 'Flourishing Phrases' the colours are 'Sweet Sugarplum' and 'Old Olive'.

Thank you all for the lovely messages of Congratulations for Becca & Josh, we couldn't be happier, well Paul did whince a little at the thought of how much a Wedding will cost!  We paid for our own wedding, I think a lot of couples do these days, we will obviously help out but if I know my daughter she won't be settling for just anything!  We'll see, hopefully we will have a year or two to sort things out.

It was lovely to see Pat yesterday but I have to say I really found it hard to see her in so much pain, I honestly think that they should give out adequate pain relief after such torturous treatments, paracetamol was never going to touch that level of pain, I could see straight away how much she was suffering, so after lunch I packed her off home to try and get some rest.  Sending you huge hugs Pat, I hope you are in less pain today, if not I would make an urgent GP appointment, you really don't have to suffer like that XXX

Michele I hope you and Phil have a lovely holiday, try and leave the worries behind and relax, willing miss you!! Hugs xxxx

I am sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning all,
    beautiful card Sandra. I think you're excellent at stamping.
    Nice surprise Paul arriving home. Glad it's only one more night left.
    Up extra early today and I'm going on a coach trip day out with my friend Pippa.
    We'reoff to Cartagena. A big old city with hopefully lots ttons ee. Also included is a boat trip and a train ride so should be a good day out. Back about 6 pm son if not too tired will call in then.
    Michele have a wonderful holiday if it's today you're leaving.
    Pat so hope you're in less pain today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I hope you and Pippa have a lovely day out, it sounds like you will have a busy but very pleasurable time X

    2. Hi Val enjoy you day out with Pippa sounds lovely
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Have a lovely day out with Pippa, sound a real nice trip. You have to tell us all about it when back x

    4. Hi Val
      I hope you and Pippa had a lovely day out. Sounds like a lovely place to visit.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, really lovely.

    Last night wasn't as relaxing as planned-we got a message to say my Father in Law had suffered another mini stroke and had been in A&E all day. He was sent home so we dashed over to visit him-he seemed ok but very disorientated. He's going back to the main hospital today at 9:30 so I've asked my M in L to keep us updated.
    We finally got home just after 9pm to start packing!!

    I doubt I'll get much chance to call in for the first few days as I'm not sure about free wifi but once we get to the villa I should be able to check in to see what you've all been up to.
    Remember you won't have a First Aider so no crazy antics while I'm away!!


    1. I am sorry to hear about your FIL I hope he's OK

    2. Hi Michele
      So sorry to hear about your FIL. As Karen enjoy your holiday and forget about work.

    3. Hi Michele. Sorry to hear about your FIL, mini strokes do take their toll don't they.
      I hope you and hubby have a lovely time, just put all thoughts of work out of your mind and relax.
      I have a current First Aid certificate so will deal with any mishaps in the Cafรฉ while you are away (but hope it won't be needed of course) ๐Ÿ˜Š x

    4. Hi Michele sorry about your FIL I hope he is ok.
      You & hubby HAVE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY just forget about work & enjoy yourself.
      Hug's xx

    5. Sorry to hear about your FIL, hope he soon get better and you and your OH can go away on your holiday and have a lovely time off from everything x

  3. What a lovely surprise for you SANDRA
    A very pretty card and there's nothing wrong with your stamping
    I hope you can get some help with pain relief PAT
    Craft club tonight I will probably take along some knitting

    1. Hi Karen. Have a lovely time at craft club tonight. What are you knitting at the moment? X

    2. Have some fun tonight Karen, yes what do you knitting ? x

    3. Enjoy your craft club tonight.

  4. Morning Everyone
    A lovely card with beautiful colours today SANDRA.

    Had another busy day yesterday as I decided to try out a stamp which was a complete disaster!! so everything went into the bin. My hairdresser came in the afternoon so I feel much better now my hair isn't touching my collar. It is really annoying when it gets that bit longer as I always get it caught in my tens pads when I'm putting them on.

    MICHELE-have a really good R&R. You really do deserve it. Leave all worries of work behind and just concentrate on you and your family.

    Now Dear Friends as Michele has pointed out we don't have a First Aider in the CAFE while she is away so please no high jinks; talks with the flooring; or chasing Herman around. Oh and I've moved all sharp articles to try and avoid cuts
    The CAFE is now OPEN for the day so pop in as usual and sit a while.
    PAT- I'm sending HUGE GENTLE HUGS to you today Dear Friend.
    HUGS are on their way to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. It's always feels good when you get a haircut isn't it. Mine needs doing, especially my fringe, it drives me mad when it gets in my eyes!
      Do you use your Tens machine every day or just when you need a bit of extra help? I know some people swear by them x
      I'm the Cafes stand in First aider so don't worry about that ๐Ÿ˜Š
      Have a good day x

    2. Hi Janet I'm sorry when I first read your comment I thought you said when your hair gets long it gets caught in your Tenna lady ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚instead of tens pads HAHA.
      Hug's my friend Lynda xx

    3. Oh Lynda you do make me laugh x Sue it's too late for I burned myself on the oven yesterday and the pokey tool gave me such a prick so it draw blood ,it was a ouch moment alright hihi Janet, hope your stamping goes better today. I too have big problems at times and the bin gets rather full some days. Have a nice day x

    4. Hi Janet
      I also read your comment re your head and thought you'd written Tena Lady's. Would you believe that I didn't need new glasses when I had my eyes tested.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Great that Paul managed to get home last night.
    Lovely card doing double stamping rather then triple looks ok.
    I'm not feeling to bad today and I actually managed to sleep last night. Pete has an appointment for blood tests ready for Mondays visit to the hospital. 3 appointments in one afternoon, 2 at the JR re his heart and 1 at the Churchill re his Cancer.
    1 go up to the Churchill as well for my torture treatment on my hand and leg on Tuesday.
    If Becca has the full works wedding wise it will cost an arm and two legs. She doesn't do anything by halves does she.

    1. Hi Pat. It's good to hear you managed to get some sleep last night and hope you aren't in so much pain today x

    2. Hi Pat so sorry you have been in so much pain as Sandra said you should get some stronger pain medication.
      Glad you had a better sleep last night.
      Sending you love & Hug's my friend xxxx

    3. I'm glad you managed to get some sleep That always helps doesn't it

    4. Glad you managed some sleep Pat, sorry you are in so much pain. Another busy week for you and Pete I see, take it easy. Many hugs xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone
    What a lovely surprise you had yesterday Paul coming home although only for a few hours. I know what a lift that would have given you AND now only one more sleep!
    I love today's card this is a technique I keep promising myself I will try because I think it looks so clever and effective, something else on the to do list ha ha.

    The only advice I can give you as a mother of the bride is go full out and enjoy every moment, The shopping trips, trying on the dresses, I enjoyed every moment. In the end our eldest daughter made her wedding dress and the bridesmaids and she did the same for Debbie. For her wedding we had gone to a very upmarket shop in Knightsbridge ( You know the one I mean) she found a dress she really liked, Debbie was able to draw the dress with the changes Julie wanted to make, her finished drawings were sent to a pattern maker. The same pattern was used for Debbie's dress, changing the neckline and a few minor changes. Yet both dresses look so different, the fabric was bought in Berwick Street in London and that in itself was another lovely experience. As I said before enjoy every moment. XX

    PAT so pleased you're feeling a bit better today, although you could be given something for the pain you shouldn't have to suffer like that. XX

    MICHELE hope father-in-law is going to be alright, enjoy your holiday go away and relax. XX

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope you're feeling ok after your busy days last week.
      We were living in London when we got married so Mum came up for the day to buy her dress and hat and we all had a great time and lots of laughs, in fact we were nearly asked to leave one shop when a hat Mum was trying on kept literally popping off of her head no matter how she put it on. We were all crying with laughter and it still makes us laugh over thirty years later whenever we think about it ๐Ÿ˜‚
      Have a good day x

    2. Hi Brenda You have a talented a daughter making wedding & Bridsmaids dresses so much more personal. When I bought my wedding dress the lady was packing it up & said not to open untill the day before good job I did open it a week before as I was mortified as had a long pen mark all the way down the front.
      Have a good day xxx

    3. Wowser I'll bear that in mind when daughter finally named the day I honestly didn't know that there were pattern makers in the world that solely provided this kind of service

    4. How wonderful to have a daughter who can make bride and wedding dresses. Hope you have a nice day and taking it easy, hugs x

    5. How lovely that your daughter could make the wedding dresses.
      I've taken the dressings off my hand at teatime. My hand is red raw and sore. My leg isn't so bad. I'm having to smother them both in Vaseline to keep them moist ready for Tuesday.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ today. I live your double stamped card. I made a triple stamped one not long after starting card making but must have another go as I really love the effect. How lovely that Paul came home last night, keep yourself busy in your craft room today and tomorrow to help you pass the time my lovely xx
    Maria, I hope you aren't in quite so.much pain today dear friend. Sending gentle hugs X
    Lynda, Baby may not have had the best start in her life but she will never have to worry about anything now she is lucky enough to have ended up with you and Terry. She will soon let you pick her up from the floor no doubt. Hugs to you all xx
    We had another busy day yesterday, ending up with our boys and all of their families here for dinner after I had taken Phoebe, Paige and little Chris swimming. Boy was I ready for bed last night ๐Ÿ˜Š
    I'm having a lazy day, just some Beaver Scout paperwork to do ready for Beavers tonight.
    Sending hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Sounds like you need a relaxing day after feeding the 5000!

    2. WOW Sue you certainly had a busy day yesterday.
      Hope you have been taking it easy today.
      Baby is coming round slowly she jumps up on my lap for cuddles she is lovely. Our neighbor said she rescued her she was just caged up all the time & never went out for walks so it's all new for her. Thanks for asking after her Sue.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Sounds like Chris was busy cooking then if you had to cook for all the family. Good job he doesn't mind doing all the cooking.

  8. Hello All, a bit chilly here but dry.

    Sandra love your card, I've never tried this type of stamping, not sure it's for me as I'm sure I'd get a smudge somewhere.
    You can cut down on cost of weddings , I made all the invites, menus, order of the day and all the place settings, I also made her dress and bridesmaids, although that was a lot of work. She ot married at Kew Gardens, and luckily the weather was fine.

    Pat do hope the pain is easing, and all the appointments go well.

    Feeling much happier today as they have at last moved my friend out of John Radcliffe where she has been for 12 weeks to St, Luke's Hospital, she sounded much happier when I spoke to her yesterday.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Good news Lilian, hoping also you getting used to be lady of leisure these days and can take it easy. maybe have some mornings sleeping in :) take care xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      Great news or you and St Luke's is a lovely little hospital. Hope your keeping well Lilian.

  9. MARIA I knit baby garments all of the time either for friends, my Harefield Hospital stash or Preemies and Angels on FB

    1. Oh I know, just good to have it written down these days. My memory is scarily bad. hugs x

  10. Afternoon everyone.
    Love the card Sandra and like Brenda have thought of making something like it for a while but with everything else for me it always ending up for another day.
    Nice for you Paul got home for a night and not long now until he's back.
    I wish you all have a nice day. It's raining here and i am aching quite a bit so just watching tv and on the lappi for me today :( Sending hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your not feeling to bad now. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  11. Sorry Lisa Be back later just going out for dinner

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Stunning card.
    Mammo results through today been recalled for another mammogram next week. I know it might be nothing or something. But as u can expect my anxiety is now thru the roof!!!! I'll keep u informed xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      I'm so sorry to hear that you've been recalled for another mammogram. At least you haven't got to wait very long to have it redone.

  13. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Sorry been in & out stated this morning commenting but battery went flat &I had to leave to get to Lisa's as staying for 4 days as they are going away & child free.just really Can't take Joseph out of school so nanny & grandad duties.
    Nice for you Sandra that Paul came home for a night.
    Your card is gorgeous
    Love & hug's lynda xx
