
Wednesday 20 September 2017

Another Challenge to inspire you..... and a special announcement!

My Daughter Becca & her Fiancé Josh

Good Morning Ladies,

I was shocked when my phone rang at 3am yesterday morning, I always panic if it rings at that time.  I answered it and heard a lot of excitement at the other end, it was Becca, she could hardly contain herself she was so giddy, she rang to tell my that Josh had got down on his Knee and proposed to her right as the fireworks started over the Pink Disney castle, now Becca is a Disney Princess at heart so he couldn't have dreamt a better proposal, Josh is s truly lovely man with a heart of gold and we couldn't wish for a better son in law.   

Today's card is another take on the Sketch Challenge, I used , Stampin Up Island Indigo as the main colour along with Centura Pearl white card.  The Embossing Folder I used is All Occasion 'Christmas Winter Snow', I bought the matching dies to this Embossing Folder too, so used that for my sentiment, I stamped the sentiment with WoW Super Fine White Embossing Powder to highlight the sentiment onto Island Indigo card and die cut it with the matching Die. The Embossing Folder is that detailed that you really don't need any other embellishments.  I added a few snowflakes on the front to match the accent colour, to finish I added a few matching rhinestone crystals.

Sue and I had a lovely day yesterday, lots of chatting and crafting, we both got a complete card made, including embellishments, which never happens. Sue also loved the Distress Oxide inks and used them to create her card. 
I get to do it all again today with Pat too !!

I hope you all have a lovely day wherever you are, 

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what wonderful news about Becca & Josh, such a lovely photo of them.
    Your card today is beautiful-I must have a play with my new Apple Blossom embossing folders soon.

    Not slept much last night-work issues playing on my mind. At least I only have today to get through then lots of lovely days off work!!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Hopefully your issues will be resolved and they don't take to long to decide what's what.

    2. Hi Michele
      Really hope your work issues can be resolved ASAP it's taken far to long it's not fair making you so stressed.
      sending you Hug's xx

    3. Not easy I know but hopefully you'll be able to forget all about work

    4. Hi Michele, really hope everything has gone smoothly today and you can start to get into holiday

  2. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty Seasonal card Sandra. I love the colours.

    I had a busy day yesterday - bedding changed and in the washer first thing and then I decided that as Autumn had really arrived I'd change my wardrobe over. Oh I'm not sure whether it was a mistake or what but did I pay for it for the rest of the day! Anyway all done now and two very large bags to go to the Charity Shop so at least I feel as though I have done a good job.

    Have to sort out one or two birthday cards for October and get something done about my CC for this week.

    I missed quite a few Dear Friends yesterday in the CAFE. I hope you're all well and just very busy.
    Anyway we're OPEN as usual this morning and of course the heating is on and Porridge is on the breakfast menu today.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Great you managed to change over your wardrobe. I'm not up to doing that at the minute. Might need to put a pair of socks on as my feet are really cold. Might just be aftershock after my procedures yesterday.

    2. My goodness Janet that sounds like a lot of work. Hope you've taken it easy today making your

    3. Hi Janet
      Not sure what's gone on with my comments today I managed to publish Michele's but from yours nothing published. Anyway JANET are you Super woman that's a lot of work you have been doing I'm worn out just reading what you have done. Take it easy
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Oh Sandra what lovely news. Many con gratins O the Happy couple. Lovely photograph.
    I really like your card, simple and stylish. Very pretty.

    I'm surprised my comment has disappeared from yesterday. I wrote it first thing before I went out. Anyway it's not there so either me or the system went wrong.

    Sandra glad you and Sue had a good day yesterday and you made a card, what an bonus.

    Off to crib later but hope to make my cc before I go.

    Hugs to all especially those not feeling so good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val hope you won at crib. My comments today wouldn't even publish. Hope you got CC done
      Love & Hug's xx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Congrats to Rebecca and Josh ! Hope they have a nice holiday.
    Gorgeous card, I like the simplicity (is that the word ? ) anyhow I like it a lot :-)
    Not sure what happening but my comment from yesterday is gone too so I must say again how much I love the card you got from our Brenda, it is Beautiful and I love the flowers you have made on it.
    Glad you had a nice day with our Sue and I wish you have a good creative day with our Pat today.
    I will try to send you some photos of what I bought Saturday but have not even looked at it yet because have been not to good pain wise so are taking it slowly and I just hate feeling this way, aaargh!
    Michele- Have a fabulous time on your holiday and forget work and stupid people and just enjoy yourself, promise !
    Jamet- take it easy today, doing the beds is hard work,(we got king size which is very heavy) Good clear out of clothes tho, something I need to do again (some are too big, yay ) Love to have a big bowl of porridge this morning, any cinnamon and low suger around ?
    Val- have a fun day at Crib. Hoping your back is ok and Helen is getting better.
    pat- have a great time with our Sandra. Hope you are ok and Pete and you are not in too much pain after everything. big hugs to you both.
    Lynda- hope the hospital went ok. Baby is so small so I guess it is pretty scary for her walking around just seeing a lot of legs coming towards her, bless her. Hopefully she will get better after some times doing it.
    Have a nice Wednesday. Hugs for you and Capt. Underpants tihi
    Lilian- glad you getting there but do promise to take it slowly. Sending you a special hug and hope today is a good day.
    Going for a walk soon when OH have manged to get out of bed, jesus he was snoring so much last night so didn't get much shut eye myself so can see a little snooze in the afternoon will be but also like to make the cc so hopefully I can get some energy and mojo to work today.
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xoxx

    1. Sorry you're not feeling so good today Maria. Hope you managed to have a snooze and it gave you energy enough to make a card or

    2. Hi Maria
      Sorry your not feeling very well hope your better very soon.
      Yes Baby is small ( even smaller than Bambie was. Still miss her so much & her smile) we found out from the lady who gave her to us said that she hasn't been out much & the home she rescued her from she said she was caged all the time. That's why she is so nervous & she still won't let us pick her up from the floor but she will jump up onto my lap. Sending many Hug's xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra wonderful news & a lovely card. Pleased you & Sue had a productive day yesterday, hope you do as well wirh Pat. Sorry didn't get in yesterday I don't know where time went, Brenda's card was
    Another busy day need to get shopping in as I have to start putting drops in eye in preparation for op on Friday, which means I cannot drive.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Gosh your op has come round pretty quick Margaret. I remember the performance of putting in the drops but it will be well worth

    2. Hello Margaret hope your operation goes ok Friday & manage to get eye drops in ok. I have to put drops in my right eye every night but I do miss at times.
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Congratulations to both Becca and Josh. I hope their hotels were ok. Didn't manage to get in yesterday as I was in to much pain. Think hot coals put onto red raw skin. I've to go through all that again next week. To say I'm not looking forward to it is an under statement.
    I don't think I'll be doing any crafting today as I'm still in quite a bit of pain.
    Lovely card today and I bought these embossing folders quite a few weeks ago when Michele showed us her make.
    Will look in later and comment on the way down.

    1. Oh Pat, that sounds so painful. Hope its less sore as the day goes on and meeting up with Sandra has taken your mind off it for a while.
      Yes I won 4-1 at crib today. Near to where we play is some waste ground with some feral cats living there. I always take a bag of cat biscuits with me and put them down before we play and they're always gone when we leave. Poor little things. When I win the lottery first thing on the list is to build an animal sanctuary. I can dream can't I?
      Take care Pat. Hope Terry is

    2. OOO oh ouch PAT that sounds really painful. Hope you managed to see Sandra today. Take care my friend sending healing Hug's
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Lynda
      Yes I saw Sandra but only stayed a few hours. Didn't get any sleep last night and felt awful. Hope I get some sleep tonight.

  7. Hello from wet and windy Cornwalll.

    Firstly congratulations to the happy couple, hope that happiness stays with them for life.

    Sandra love your, you are gradually getting me thinking about Christmas card making.

    Not sure what's in the cards for this afternoon, hope you all have a good one, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hope you're having a good day Lilian. Christmas is only 15 weeks away!!! Take care xxx

    2. Hi Lilian hope your feeling better & you have had a good day.
      Hug's On there way.xx

  8. I'm a bit late today I overslept a little I usually come on here whilst I eating breakfast
    What fantastic news! What a lovely photo of the couple Tell them congratulations fro me
    Need to get a couple of cards made this afternoon AND start cc My printer decided to play Silly B's yesterday Out dancing with daughter later So I'll probably be crafting at 1am!
    I hope everyone is OK and getting there xx

    1. Hi Karen, it really throws you out when you over sleep doesn't it? Hope you managed to get your cards made.
      Enjoy dancing

    2. Hi KAREN hope you got your cards made.
      Enjoy your dancing
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your dancing tonight. I hope I manage to get some sleep tonight.

  9. So much for asking the farthers permision for the hand in mariage some maners and respecket he has.

    1. What the hell has it got to do with you.
      Go back to school and learn how to spell.

    2. Yes Val I agree with you. What the hell has it got to do with you.anonymous You can't even sign your name

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Please send my Congratulations to Becca and Josh. I hope they have a long and happy life together xx

    Love today's challenge card, it's a great design to use when batch making cards, thank you for the inspiration.

    Have been out for lunch today with six friends, it was a very chatty yet relaxing time. Left John to sort out the new television. He managed it all on his own! ..... I'm taking the Micky, he doesn't do anything involving the internet, so had to tell he how clever he was. His response was you are taking the P Ha Ha.

    PAT Hope you are in less pain today and you got to see Sandra. Hugs xx

    LILLIAN, So pleased your Mojo has returned, Take care xx

    Sending love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you enjoyed your time with friends. Like John Petes not internet savvy. Well nor am I really, but I'll try and figure it out.
      Popped over to Sandra's but felt like death warmed up so left after a couple of hours. Can't take anything else but paracetamol or co codamol which doesn't touch anything really.

    2. Hi Brenda hope John managed to sort TV all by himself.Hope you enjoyed your lunch with friends
      Hug's xxx

    3. Meant to say Brenda I loved Sandra's birthday card that she showed yesterday.

  11. Hello SANDRA & ladies
    CONGRATULATIONS BECCA & JOSH ❤️️ Sandra what a lovely photo of them together. Must say Becca is very beautiful Sandra.
    Love your card today really lovely. Great you had a good productive day with Sue yesterday &I Hope you have a nice day with Pat today. How have you been holding up my lovely without Paul. I have commented on way down. As after Michele my comments wouldn't publish. The gremlins strike again
    We go to Lisa's tomorrow so I must go & finish Terry's B/card for 22nd then do CC.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I have that problem as well. Blogger lets you start commenting then stops. Very frustrating.

  12. Congratulations Sandra on the lovely news and congrats to becca an josh so exciting. Xx
    Ps lovely card x
