
Friday 1 September 2017

Festive card for Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I guess Autumn is almost knocking on our door, it's 1st September so that means the Selection Boxes and Advent Calendars will begin display in our Supermarkets, it won't be long before they are belting out Christmas Carols too, people that work in these stores must get so fed up of hearing them!!

Another Christmas card for you, this is one I made last Christmas but the stamp set is still on sale (and I love it) so I thought I would share it with you again.

I took a piece of cream card and stamped the two flourishes going in opposite directions and the two parts of the sentiment in opposite corners, the font in this set is so pretty.
I die cut a Star in red card and then topped that with the decorative layer of the die set, this time cut in gold glitter card.
I added a tiny matt of the glitter card behind this later and then mounted it onto a red layer and finally into a Cream card base.
A red pearl finishes the star, the card really needs nothing else.
I hope you like it, if you would like the stamp or die set just let me know.

Tomorrow will be our last full day, so we are making the most of every last minute of relaxing time!

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Love the Christmas card Sandra, it's gorgeous.

    We have sunshine this morning but it's definitely cooler, yesterday morning was only 11C on my way to work. The hedgehogs seem to be eating a lot so maybe they're getting ready to hibernate? Or maybe they're just good eaters like me?? Ha ha

    Thank goodness it's Friday! I had an email from my "case manager " suggesting we meet (with my Union Representative) on either Monday 18th or Tuesday 19th September...why the wait?? Who knows?!


    1. What a pain and yes why the wait Do they honestly have that many issues that the wait has to be that long.....!

    2. That's almost 2 weeks away. They need a good kick up the you know what.
      Glad you have sunshine today and hope little hedgie gets organised for

    3. Hi Michele
      I agree with Val your case manager does need a good kick up the you know what. Are these people human. Surely they should know how traumatic this all is.

  2. That's beautiful Sandra. I love the swirly bit especially. How much is the stamp set? I have another star I could use. I just love a cas card especially for batches.
    Love to all.

    It's mammogram check up today I'm so nervous but excited too as if it's clear I can go ahead with my frozen embryo transfer thru ivf.
    I've a back X-ray to be done after that as my back popped on tues just getting off the couch lol. I was in all fours on the floor couldn't move had to get ma pal Janice to phone surgery and take me so off again 😭

    1. Fingers crossed that it goes well today I hope the back is easing now too

    2. Hope everything goes smoothly today and your back is improving. Xxx

    3. Hi Tracey.
      Oh poor you I hope your back is feeling better today and your Mammagram will be ok.

    4. Everything crossed for a clear mammogram. Ouch, hope your back is better. Gentle hugs xx

  3. stunning card ... hurry home we miss you xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    We too have sunshine so fingers crossed it stays all day as I've a load of towels etc in the washer and it would be lovely to be able to hang them out to dry.

    SANDRA- Less is More fits this beautiful Seasonal card you have for us today.
    Enjoy the day and take care.

    I managed to get my pics off to Sandra yesterday so hopefully they'll arrive in time for sunday.
    I then cut a few dies. I have to put some inserts into cards today as they're needed next week. This is the job I least love but it has to be done.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual for everyone to pop in. Have a good 1st September (where is this year going). HUGE HUGS are winging their way with extras for Dear Friends not feeling 100%.xxxx

    1. Hope you can get your washing dry. Nothing worse than wet towels hanging around.
      That's also my least favourite job of card making. Fortunately Lynn quite likes that part so she's the one usually putting in the inserts and getting them into the cellophane bags.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Hope the towels dried. We've had sun on and off today. It's off at the moment.
      I also don't like doing inserts and very rarely do. Not to sure how to get what I've written in the right place and the right way round.

  5. It is a lovely card SANDRA I thought I recognised it hee hee!

  6. Morning Sandra and all.

    Love today's card Sandra. That star is so pretty and what a lovely sentiment.

    Can you believe we're in September?. Where has the year gone? Actually can't believe it's Friday Craft Club again. A sad one today as its our lovely friend Lyn last one as she's moving back to the UK . Well miss her but we're keeping in touch by Skype on Fridays.

    Glad to say all the clouds have gone and it's sunny again though happily not as hot as it has been.

    Well must have breakfast then go and pack my bag. Haven't decided what to take to craft yet.

    Special hugs to PAT, PETE, LYNDA, TERRY , LILIAN AND MARIA and anyone else not feeling so good today.

    MARGARET have you heard about your op yet?

    Bye for nowxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      No I do not have date yet talked to consultants secretary yesterday & she will hopefully have news for me today, fingers crossed it's getting close to Ally Pally just realised that's only 2 weeks away!!
      Enjoy your

    2. How sad in a way that your friend Lyn will be leaving But how lovely you'll be able to Skype each other

    3. Hi Val
      Enjoy your craft day. Such a shame your friends decided to move back to the UK. At least you can keep in touch with Skype. Pete always says he wished it was around when his Mum was alive as she could speak to his brother in Australia, rather then sending letters which can take weeks.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a stunning card I love it's simplicity, well done. Enjoy your last full
    Pat hope you are not too sore today & managed some sleep hugs on
    Lynda thinking of you both hugs on way.
    The sun is shining looks good for weekend must get in garden to do clearing up.
    Hope you have a good weekend at camp Sue, love
    Tracy hope all goes well today fingers
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Wasn't to sore today until I basked my hand on a dining chair. Sat to close to it but still don't know how I managed to do that. Hope you managed to do a bit of gardening.

  8. Hi Sabdra
    Another stunner today. I've borrowed this from you while you were away. However, I don't have much enthuseim for carding at the moment I'm afraid.
    We have wall to wall sunshine at the moment long may it last. It's just a bit windy.
    Gentle hugs to all who need them today, especially Lynda and Terry.

  9. Hello, very sunny here today.

    Love your card Sandra, does the sentiment come with the stamp? If so might just have to order them.

    We have real glut of runner beans, don't know what to do with them, every one else seems to have loads also.keep telling R not too plant so many, and plant some other summer veg.

    Didn't get my c card done yesterday might have another go later, am not good with even numbers, must really get one done.

    Would like to get out in the garden, but still lacking any energy, still waiting to see the cardiologist, it's almost 6 months since my accident but still no answers.

    Enjoy the last few days of summer, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      They are taking a long time to decide what caused the accident aren't they. We also have a glut of runner beans. I ideally need another freezer. Well not another one but a new one. Still trying to persuade Pete to kept me get soneone in to see if they can reduce the width of one of my cupboards. I'd like a frost free freezer, but they're either 54.5 or 60cm. My opening is 50cm. He's not into those sort of conversations nor to do any gardening.
      Please don't say enjoy the last few days of summer. I'm hoping we have it a lot warmer in Sept. I want to go away again once we know what's what with Pete.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    lovely card made with a very nice stamp set. Hope your last day in Spain was good.
    Hope you all had a nice day with sunshine today and if you did some washing could hang it outside for drying and if gardening was on the agenda you took care and watched that back. We managed a nice walk this morning with a cold drink after at Costa. Back home I started to tidy up in the flower borders but got too hot so made my way in and sat on the sofa where the eyes shut and I was gone for a good few hours so now felling fully awake, bummer Lol
    Going off to finish the cc to send off even if as norm I am not happy, should have made a bigger effort hmmmmm
    Have a good night and sending healing hugs to anyone not feeling to happy. Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'd love to try and have a tidy up in the garden. I've cut down a few nettles this afternoon. Then I'm going to try Janets leach method to get rid of the roots. Couldnt do much as it was hurting my hand.
