
Thursday 31 August 2017

A little card to brighten your day !

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought I'd brighten your day with a pretty floral card today, I made this card using the Stampin'Up 'Flower Shop' stamp set and the 'Pansy Punch'.
I took a piece of white card and randomly stamped the 'scribbly looking flower' from the detail set in 'Calypso Coral' ink, I cut the piece to size and mounted onto a matching 'Calypso Coral' Matt, I stamped a Thank you at the top of the card created a pretty border with the 'Ribbon Border' punch, which I topped with a piece of Calypso Coral 'ombre' ribbon. My Embellishment for this card is a punched out matching flower.
I hope you like it.

Our holiday seems to be going so fast, we only have 3 whole days left here, we set off in the journey home on Sunday afternoon, staying overnight in Millau and then travelling through France to Paris on Monday where we stay over for the second night, we catch our Ferry on Tuesday Afternoon, hopefully there won't be any delays this year, we were making great time last year until we got to the Motorway at the Calais Port entrance, the police had closed the motorway as there were a group of immigrants in the field beside the motorway that they were trying to round up.
We didn't see as many immigrants on our way out of Calais but there were still quite a few groups hanging around on roundabouts etc. 

I will be sad when our holiday is over but happy to get home so that I can get myself to the bathroom and get into my craft room.
My fingers are itching to craft!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, bright & cheerful.
    I can't believe it's only a few days before you set off home, that's gone so quick .

    Val-I think we have your rain here in Southport. Has it stopped yet??

    Yesterday was another busy day. The TPN isolator passed all its tests to its back on use today. An engineer is coming out to one of my other isolators (chemotherapy one) to (hopefully) fix a door fault. I really hope that's it for machine problems-I've had quite enough to sort out!


    1. Hi Michele, let's hope that's the end of the problems with the machines and your day has been a nice quiet one.
      Our rain finally has stopped although we were told today another storm is due this weekend. Lots hope it's a rumour.
      Has your rain stopped and the sun shining again?

    2. Hi Michele
      It's good to hear your isolator for the TPN is now up and running. They all see to be falling apart at the same time.
      I hope you had a quitter day today.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty card to start the day.
    Holidays go far too quickly these days and I cannot believe that tomorrow we start September!!!

    I had a busy day yesterday crafting a couple of baubles but have to say that I had to force myself to do them. It was one of those days or as Mum used to say 'a nowt but summat' day.

    We have a little sunshine at the moment but there's a very black cloud heading our way from the Pennines.

    VAL - I hope you didn't have the rain yesterday that the 'Vuelta' cycle race had. It looked horrific and very windy with it.

    PAT and LYNDA- I hope you're a little better today. HUGE but GENTLE hugs are on their way to you all.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I've put a couple of brollies at the door just in case they're needed.
    MARIA Herman was as good as gold while you were on your R&R so I gave him a little treat of a few sugar

    Hugs on their way for all of you. Have a good Thursday. xxxx

    1. Janet, my Mum used to call those days" fiddle faddled days" !

    2. Love your expression. Never heard that one. Yes, we've had a lot of rain over the last few days but thankfully no wind. In all honestly it was needed and so I shouldn't complain.
      Looking forward to seeing your decorated baubles.
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Janet
      I assume you got your baubles finished. We also had rain today with a few thunder claps. Val sent the rain instead of her sun.
      Where has this year gone to.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a pretty card, so cheerful and I love the Calypso Coral colour. It's a shame in one way that you don't have many days left before starting your journey home but selfishly I will be so happy to see you my lovely xx

    Mum, glad that you have sorted out the right sandwich for the ed folders. I still haven't tried mine yet. Maybe I will get a couple of hours later. Sorry you haven't had your new op date yet! Why not give them a ring? Speak later. Love and hugs to you and Pop xxxx

    Pat, it's good that you had a nice time with your friends Gentle hugs to you both X

    Lynda, sending you and Terry gentle hugs X

    Brenda, what a great lightbulb moment, I will be trying that 😊 X

    Lillian, I'm sorry your mojo has taken a holiday but you have been through a lot lately both physically and emotionally what with your health problems and then retiring so maybe your body is just trying to tell you to rest some more and to be gentle with yourself. You are so talented at making gorgeous cards so I'm sure you will be creating them again soon. Big hugs are on their way to you x

    Maria, goodness me you have got a lot of birthdays in September haven't you! I do hope you have managed to sort out how to get to Ally Pally, it would be such a shame not to see you there. It's not long now is it 😊 I missed my pet at the weekend as he was away and not just because he does most of the cooking 😁 Have a good day. Hugs are on their way to you x

    Janet, glad you had a good catch up at K and N. Sorry for your friend though X

    Michele, I hope you get the door sorted quickly X

    Val, has the rain stopped yet? Hope you had a nice lunch with your friend X

    Karen, we didn't watch Bake off as don't like Noel Fielding but will watch catch up after hearing your comment X

    Cheryl, the costumes should be decided by your and the director, how rude not to ask your opinion! Would you like to come and sort my stash out please now that you have finished yours? 😁 X

    Tracy, glad to see you. I hope you can get the issues settled soon X

    I'm getting the bits and pieces ready for camp this weekend this morning then hope to have time to make my CC this afternoon, fingers crossed 😊

    Sending love to you all with extras for Lynda, Pat and all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hello, sunshine and showers here today.

    Sandra very pretty card, lovely warm colour, enjoy your last few days, how quick it goes.

    Going to try and make my c card today, have to go to Lidll first to get some food, hopefully I will get in my craft room this afternoon.

    Good wishes to all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad to hear your feeling up to doing a bit of shopping. Give yourself time to adjust to retirement. You'll soon wonder how you found time to work.

  5. Hi Everyone.
    A very sweet card in a lovely colour to meet us today. Think how quick the holidays goes in the end but hope you will have many wonderful memories and photos to look back at. Hope the drive back is as uneventful as going out, tell Paul to drive carefully.
    Son got back just after midnight so we were sitting talking about his trip for a few hours and looking at some photos. He will make it into a film after adding etc and put some music to it. Doing some washing and taking a chance hanging it outside, it look a bit cloudy but some of his clothes smells from bonfires so thought it best to give them a good airing :-)
    Going to facetime my mum soon and then we need to get some food in, hope to make the cc later.
    Take care and many hugs to you all ! Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad your son had a lovely time away. A chap on holiday in Canada with us. Edited his photos and put music to them. We went Coast to Coast with Gt Rail. It was a fabulous 3 week holiday 5 years ago. He was giving a lady tips on what music to put with what.

    2. That would be one of my dream holidays to go by train through Canada. Gentle hugs xx

  6. Boy oh boy I had huge problems with my internet this morning
    I must go back and re-read yesterday's comments
    That light bulb moment is such a good idea BRENDA I've thrown pieces away because I've glued the wrong side etc
    I hope you are "getting there" PAT PETE LYNDA TERRY and LILIAN
    Thinking of you

    1. Hi Karen
      I don't think Pete will get anywhere Karen until we see the Consultant and they decide what's what. Hate to see him so dejected, although he does laugh and joke in company but it's just keeping up a show I'm afraid. Mind you all our friends know what he's like so they just play along.

  7. Hi Everyone,

    Very pretty card Sandra. Lovely scribble flower stamp and colour you've used.
    Enjoy the rest of your time in Spain.

    Just got home after a busy day. Lynn and I went to Alicante at 8am this morning to do a bit of shopping. It was just light rain when we left home but torrential by the time we pulled into the car park in Alicante. Fortunately we had a couple of umbrellas in the boot. We got back home around noon then a quick change and out to lunch at one. Lovely lunch that went on for quite a time. Anyway not long been home. Got changed finished my cc and sent it off to Sandra and feeling pretty knackered now. Happily the sun has come out. Hopefully the heavy rain and thunder and lightening has now gone.

    BRENDA great tip yesterday. Thank
    MARIA pleased your son had a good holiday. Hope you're feeling less sore cas each day goes by. Xxx
    Special hugs and thoughts forr PAT, PETE, LYNDA AND TERRY

    See you tomorrow. Xxx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Val. We also had rain today. I got chatting to a lovely lady in the hospital. She was also on the bus I caught to the Park & Ride. She lives in Kidlington the stop after the P&R. It was raining so hard I offered to give her a lift home. She declined as she was going to Sainsbury's and would ring hubby to fetch her if the rain kept on. Anyway by the time she'd have got off the bus the rain had stopped.

  8. Hello Everybody
    Thank you all very much for your Hug's & well wishes for me & Terry. Sorry I haven't been in for few day's I have had a migraine since Monday & not a lot of sleep. But HayHo onwards & upwards. Still sad when we came home from shopping today & not getting greeted by Bambie's smile although Freddie said hello.
    SANDRA your card is so pretty I do like the scribble flower stamp.your colour's are gorgeous too. I'm going to try my CC tomorrow not sure if I've got My mojo but will try. So once again Thank you all for your kindness & emails it really means a lot. Sending Love & Hug's & Special ones for PAT PETE LILLIAN MARIA & every one who need them
    Love Lynda xxxx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Lynda and I'm glad you and Terry enjoyed your back. Thinking of you both. Love and hugs to you both. I'm not surprised you had a Migraine and couldn't sleep.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card today is lovely, love the stamp & colours used. Enjoy your last few
    Lynda good to see you in today sorry about yoyr migraine they make you feel wretched afterwards don't they. Sending hugs to you
    Pat & Pete pleased you jad a lovely day with friends, I am sure it did you both good, hugs on
    Maria I bet you were pleased to see your son come home, hope you are in less pain, hugs on
    I managed to get CC done this aftermoon, once I got my head round it.
    Semding hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Yes, it was really lovely to see friends yesterday. They couldn't have planned it better. Just what the Dr ordered.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A beautiful card made with these stamps. It's amazing the variations your coming up with these SU stamps.
    Well they got all the cancerous lump out in one go. The nurse cleaned my hand up and put a smaller dressing on. It's to be redressed by the nurse at our Drs next Thursday. I then go back and have my other one cut out on the side of my head.
    They don't want to do my leg unless they have to, as because it's below my knee, the skin is tight and it's on my shin, the skin won't meet properly, and it would take a long time to heal.
    So on the 11th they're doing to do something called a PDT, something to do will covering it in cream. Waiting 3 hrs then using a light source on it to burn it off. They'll do that on my gand, and try my leg. If it doesn't work on my leg, it'll have to be surgery. Yikes.
    Poor Olivia's football team in Carterton has folded. Which is a shame as she's doing something related to it for her GCSEs so I'm not to sure what she's going to do now.
    Hope everyone had a nice day and not to much rain or thunder. I'm off to read the comments now.

  11. Such a shame your holiday has to end a Sandra. But I suppose we can't escape the world for ever. Even if we could afford to. Hope you have a safe and uneventful journey home.

  12. Hello Sandra and all,

    What a great card, I love the scribbled flower and Calypso Coral is such a beautiful colour. I will, if you don't mind try my take on this lovely design. Thank you for the inspiration Sandra xx

    I've had a busy day. Decided to clean upstairs Windows and wash net curtains - do you ever wish you hadn't started something, it has taken me most of the day! I know I will sleep tonight.......

    Hope you all have a good night, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx
