
Wednesday 30 August 2017

The First of my Amazing Birthday cards

Good Morning Ladies,

The one thing about having my birthday  on holiday is that I get to celebrate more than once, it's the same with my cards, I had a few to bring away with me so had the excitement of opening them on the day and I then have the rest to look forward to when I get home.  So while getting back from holiday and sorting through the mail is usually a proper task, I can't wait to find the mail pile, I sort it into two piles, ordinary post, bills etc. and then 'Happy mail' for both Paul and myself.

Today's card is the first of my Amazing  50th Birthday cards from our lovely  Michele, it is a 'twist and pop' style card, Michele has made it perfectly, the mechanism works smoothly and the decoration is just stunning, having it personalised made it extra special too, I know some of the dies are the 'China' dies, 
Is the printed front and back from a Cdrom Michele? You have of course used my favourite colour which works perfectly with the silver and grey.
A truly stunning gift Michele, thank you so
much, i was blown away xxxx

Yesterday was a 'scorcher' here, it started off with a white mist covering all bills and a mountain nearby, it looked quite spooky,
It was also VERY warm/humid day with no breeze to cool things down, until the afternoon, then it picked up and there were umbrellas and lilo's flying everywhere! 
We stayed on the beach until about 7pm, then came back and cooked dinner!
I have bought you all a postcard, but then discovered that stamps cost €1.35 each, so I will post them when I get back to UK! Daylight robbery! 

I hope that you are all well,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad you liked your card. The papers were a set from a recent edition of Making Cards magazine-as soon as I saw them I thought they'd be perfect for you.

    Extremely busy day at work yesterday. I checked my emails late afternoon & found I'd been sent the official notification of the complaint against me. The HR team aim to resolve this issue within 8 weeks....!! I have hardly slept which is silly as nothing has changed but there you go.

    Can't say I'm looking forward to going into work today!


    1. i hope work isn't too bad for you It must be horrible
      Your card to Sandra is absolutely stunning I had a go at this style of card after aSandra's tutorial and got into a bit of a mess I think my base card was too thick I couldn't get it to fold and crease properly
      Thinking of you

    2. Hi Michele - at least something is moving at long last. I'll be with you this morning Dear Friend when you walk into work giving you a huge hug. xxxx

    3. Hi Michele. Love your card. I think Making Cards is my favourite magazine.
      Can't believe the team plan to resolve the complaint within 8 weeks. They sure take their time. It must be almost 8 weeks since the beginning of this farce.
      Let's hope they pull their finger out and resolve it ASAP. It's really awful having you worry about it all the time. Hugs to you xxx

    4. H Michele, Just walk in with your head held high, you are the one that has been wronged. x

    5. Hi Michele, I hope your day is going well. I can't believe the HR team need 8 weeks to look into this complaint, it's a good job they don't get paid for completing each job. Wouldn't mind betting it's a case of to many chiefs and not enough Indians!! Anyway Good Luck xx

    6. Hi Michele
      It must be really awful for you going into work. I really feel for you. Fancy taking 8 weeks to resolve an issue. But it's not much point pointing out that it's being going on for months already. Chin up and Gentle hugs coming your way.

    7. Meant to say Michel I love the card you made for Sandra. I made one with Sandra's help awhile ago, as usual can't lay my hands on that. However, I have another one cut out with the scoring instructions attached on a pistol it note. Might put my nice CD in the computer that I made my flower sort of slider card and print some card off to decorate it with.

    8. Hi Michele, Gorgeous card you made for our Sandra. It's look a tricky one to do. Sending you hugs and hope that work was alright, can't understand why it all taken so long to resolve this issue. Take care xx

  2. Hi Sandra, this is just a test comment x

  3. Hi Sandra, so pleased youre having such a lovely holiday.
    what a pretty card from Michele. Love the twist and pop.

    We've now had 24 hours none stop rain. I'm a bit bored with it now. I'd brushed and hosed the outside on Monday so it was nice and clean for my brother and SIL to see when they arrive on Friday. Now all the dirt has been washed off the walls and fences and is in big muddy puddles everywhere. Never mind it will be a nice job for tomorrow.

    I'm meeting my Thursday friend for lunch today instead of tomorrow and trying to tidy up my craft room.

    Hugs to all with special ones for PAT, PETE, LYNDA and TERRY. XXX
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thanks for the hugs. What a shame hosing down your patio and the rain messing it up again. Hope you enjoyed your lunch with your friend.
      We had a lovely meal out with 4 of our friends at the Jolly Boatman near Thrupp. Robert Marion's husband was given the bill as he was sat nearest. Jacket pitatoes, cups of tea, and 3 other meals coming to £57.00 odd. He said well I don't remember us eating any of that and laughed. We told the waiter we had the wrong bill and he bought us the correct one. Robert told them it was the correct bill but we'd pay the price of the other bill. Our was just under 90.00. Pete and I then decided to go down to Thrupp for awhile. We had a cup of tea and cake at Annie's tea rooms. Pete says hes now stuffed.

    2. WOW Pat, you should have kept quiet and paid 57. Ha ha. Actually I'd have had to be honest as well. Annie Tea Rooms sounds a lovely quaint place. Glad Pete was full. Xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - what a Stunner of a bday card. I love the colours Michele has used and those pop up cards are very 'posh'.

    PAT- Oh Dear Friend - I'm so sorry to read that Pete's treatment isn't working. I'm with both of you and sending HUGE HUGS (all gentle)to you both.

    LYNDA- Sorry to read about Bambi and I know just how much you'll miss her. At least you had her in your arms giving all the love she needed. Take care Dear Friend. Hugs on their way to you both.

    MARGARET- I too use my bottom purple plate and just the thin plastic plate for Ebossing. Happy 'bossing'.

    It was good to see everyone at K&N yesterday. One of our group was on holiday and unfortunately one was absent because she has had a fall and broken are shoulder and so because of her situation (Alzheimer's) it looks as though she will have to go into 24hr care. It's such a shame as she loved to come and take part.
    It's my turn to 'take & make' in a fortnight so have to get my thinking cap on.

    The washer is already churning away and I've got to unpack my craft bag from yesterday and then make a start on a couple of Baubles for the 'Big Coffee Morning' on 29th Sept.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and just needs yourselves to pop in for a cuppa. HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Thanks Janet it works, I thought I had tried every combination. Higs on wayxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      Thanks for the hugs. Such a shame about your friend. Hope they manage to get a good care hone for her if that's the road they go down.

  5. This is a stunning card MICHELE
    Your day sounded perfect SANDRA I'd struggle with that heat
    Home alone tonight So I'll definitely be doing the cc I planned to do it last night BUT I just had to watch the last episode of TRUST ME and of course BAKE OFF started
    Noel Fielding wasn't as bad as I thought
    Must get ready for work now

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to get your CC done tonight.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Your card from Michele is wonderful, I love it. You will enjoy opening the rest once you get home won't you 😊 I hope it's not so windy later on for you my lovely xx

    Pat, I am so sorry to hear that you and Pete got such bad news yesterday. As the others said, I am here for you and you are both in my thoughts. Big hugs are on their way dear friend X

    Lynda, I am so sorry to hear that dear Bambi passed away yesterday morning. In times to come may you both find some comfort in knowing that Bambi had a wonderful life with you. The gentlest hugs are being sent to you and Terry xx

    Michele, I hope work isn't too hard for you today. This complaint is taking far too long, so unfair for you. Hugs are on their way to you X

    Im going to try and publish this now but before I go I hope that you all have as good a day as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat, Lynda and Michele. Take care xx

  7. Morning everyone,

    Beautiful card Michele, no wonder Sandra is in raptures about it.
    Still a hold up on the Panto costume farce....the lead cast had already picked out their own costumes then vetoed everything I suggested. I did make it plain I was disappointed that the Director had not consulted me personally or given me the recommended costume list from the play's author, why coerce me to run the dept. then ignore what I had to say? I wonder if that will be in the minutes?, we shall see.
    My craft room is looking so neat and tidy now everything is in stacked boxes, most of the items I have hoarded just in case they would become useful have now been packed up for our Preschool who are always grateful to receive them. Emma, one of the leaders will be coming round to pick them up soon. I just have to get my Christmas dies out and make some reindeer, baubles and trees which, as it is raining this morning, is a suitable day for 'playing'.
    I finished my wedding card and one for Jamie to send to my sister and brother-in-law along with the ring when that is done. Maybe this afternoon I can start it.

    Gurt big squashy hugs to Pat & Pete, I can imagine how deep your feelings must be regarding his setback.
    Commiserations Lynda & Terry for their heartbroken loss of Bambi who has been a steadfast part of their family for so long.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Thanks for the Gurt big squashy hugs, they're very much appreciated I must say.
      What a shame they've co opted you to do the wardrobe but don't listen to a word you say. You end up doing all the hard work after all. And it is very much hard work sewing.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Love the card Michele these twist and Pop card are great. Sandra helped me cut out two of them and wrote down the instructions. Must look them out and find my papers to decorate them. But and the moment I can't fire up and enthusiasm to start anything. I've used one of my 3D folders to make the card blanks but haven't gone any further with it.
    I'm glad your still having a great time in Spain Sandra. That's another treat for you when you get home opening cards.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today, especially Lynda and Terry.
    I commented on yesterday's blog very late as I wasn't quite up to lying in bed awake.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a beautiful card from Michele & in your favourite colour. Make the most of your remaining
    Michele a lovely card, hope your problem at work is resolved asap. Thinking of
    Lynda thinking of you & Terry today lots of love & hugs on
    Pat thinking of you & Pete, love & hugs on way.
    Thanks to Brenda, Val & Lilian I have got embossing folder sorted, that's what this blog is so lovely for all the help & tips that are passed
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret.

    1. Hi Margaret
      I'm glad you managed with Brenda's help solve saga of the 3D embossing folder.

  10. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    What a fantastic card Michele made for you, this is definitely a YOU card. Spot on Michele! Sandra thank you so much for sharing it with us. Hope you are all enjoying your days on the beach, it sounds lovely xxx

    I had a lightbulb moment earlier, I was looking at my CC from last week, the sentiment Happy Birthday I cut twice and sprayed the bottom one with Spray and Stay, ... I know now I should have sprayed the top one. So today as it was still tacky, A 'what if' thought came into my head (these moments can be dangerous at times!) what if I sprinkle some fine glitter over it. As it hadn't stuck down this was easy. WOW It worked - the bottom Happy Birthday has glitter on it, sort of a glitter shadow. It's great when you discover that an error can work to your advantage.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, we have had rain most of the morning, so some of the house plants are sitting on the patio having a warm shower.

    Special gentle hugs for PAT & Pete also LYNDA & TERRY and everyone who is feeling under the weather or poorly. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thanks for the hugs Brenda. We had a bit of rain this morning. But the sun came out this afternoon. It's clouding over again now, so we'll probably have rain later. Sounds like a very happy accident, re your glittered Happy Birthday.

  11. Hello All, wet today, but still quite warm.

    Lovely card Sandra, well done Michele getting it to Sandra before she went on holiday.

    Lots of love and hugs for Pat and Pete, also for Lynda and Terry.

    Michele hope they get the disputed problems sorted soon, I can understand why it's weighing so heavily on your mind.

    Been playing in my craft room , not much to show , seem to be stuck in a rut with my crafting, see lots of ideas on Pinterest but seem to end up looking a mess. Hope you have a good evening, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Thanks for the hugs. Hope you manage to get your Mojo back.

  12. Hi everyone.
    I'll catch u up when I can just having some issues the now. All cards have been georgeous and I hope u all are keeping as well as u can be. Love Tracy xx

    Lynda my wee pal so sorry to hear uve lost wee bambi. My thoughts are with u an terry. Xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      Lovely to see you in the cafe tonight.

  13. Hi everyone.
    Val, hope the patio is not too bad so it can be brushed off again. Have a nice weekend with the others.
    Janet, glad you had a good time at K & N. Hope all will go well for your friend.
    Karen, we will start episode three in a minute of Trust Me She is in a real pickle alright Lol Take care
    Lilian, are you doing ok ? Hope you feel better and the mojo turn up again soon in ready for making a start on the Christmas cards perhaps. We need to get a light bulb moment as Brenda,Fun when we get one of those Lol that might help me anyway to make something tomorrow. I have 6 more birthdays in Sept. to make a card for and some for Oct. before anything else.
    Tracy, lovely to see you in the cafe' you take care and I send you hugs.
    Lynda, many hugs for you and Terry.
    Pat, you should have gone for the cheaper bill:-) hugs for you and Pete.
    Cheryl, take care. Nice to see you in when you got a minute.
    Margaret and Sue, hope you are looking after yourself and the Pets
    Have to go but I'll see you tomorrow. Love and have a good night, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      The waiter wouldn't let us pay the cheaper price mores the pity. Mind you we did gave a lovely tine. Always nice to be with great friends.
      Thanks for the hugs.
