
Tuesday 29 August 2017

Janet's Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I didn't receive Janet's email contains her Challenge cards until Sunday morning, so I thought instead of adding them in and risk them not being seen, I so would give them their own post.

Janet made two stunning cards, the first using the categories.....
Blue/Embossing/Floral, oh Janet what a stunning Embossing Folder, is it one of the new Crafters Companion '3D' ones? It is so detailed and beautifully Embossed, it needs nothing else, a gorgeous card!

Janet's second card uses the categories...... 'Circles/Blue/ Floral' (I think). What a stunning card Janet, I love the Tonic Circle die you have used, the silver works so well that gorgeous background too, that card shape works well too, showing off all the detail of the card. 
Thank you so much for making 2 amazing Challenge cards.

How are you all getting on with this weeks Challenge? Have you decided on what style card you are going for? 

Thank you for all of your lovely birthday messages, they really made my day, 
We had a lovely day at the beach followed by a trip Pals old town and then dinner out, a truly lovely day x

I hope you all had a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-so glad you had a lovely day, sounds very relaxed.

    Janet-two gorgeous cards. The detail on the embossing is amazing.

    The surprise meal went ahead-there was 15 of us in total. Lovely to see some family that we've not seen for a while. We all went back to my in-laws for tea & birthday cake then battled through the holiday traffic to get home.
    Had a lovely lazy day yesterday although I did clear some weeds& nettles from behind the greenhouse.


    1. Hi Michele, so pleased your meal went well. Lovely to catch up with relatives you don't often see.
      Hope work isn't too hectic today. Xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- so so pleased you had such a fab day for your birthday. Is today a very relaxing one after so much excitement yesterday.

    My CC for last week:
    The first card was made by just using Crafter's Companion 3D Efolder 'Country Garden' and 'Ornate Lace'. I fissy cut the Lacey pieace of this folder.

    The second card was made from:-
    Backing paper from 'Bloom Beautiful' by Shell Rumell.
    One of Tonic's Round dies which come with a complete circle and the inner fancy one cut in half so you can use this in so many ways.
    The flowers are sat on an oval die purchased from China (sorry I cannot remember the name)
    and last but not least the sentiment is a Sue Wilson 'Best Wishes'.

    So all in all a real mishmash of new and old dies and Efolders.

    I'm off to K&N this afternoon. The first since we got back so I'll have a lot to catch up on.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the Coffee/Tea Pots are on and waiting to be used.
    Have a good day everyone. HUGS on their way to you all.

    1. Two beautiful cards Janet. The Crafters Companion EF is so detailed and circle die is lovely.
      Enjoy your K+N today. Xxx

  3. Your day sounded lovely I'm so pleased and your birthday celebrations aren't over as you have your trip to London planned - so "milk It girlfriend" and drag out as many celebrations as possible
    I hope the migraine has eased LYNDA and LILIAN I saw in you post yesterday that your printer struggles with card - have you tried printing on to paper die cut it out and then back with a matching die cut piece of card
    Lovely cards JANET Takr care all xx

    1. Hi Karen. I had a problem with my last printer that would only print on paper which is why I got a new one. I did try what you suggest but the glue/ tape showed through.
      Guess you're back at work today after the BH. Hope its

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    Glad you had such a lovely birthday Sandra. Sounds like a lovely day.

    It's raining today and we've had thunder and lightening earlier on. Very sad for the holiday makers but hopefully it will clear the air, cool down a bit and get rid of the humidity. Gracies looking very miserable cos she hasn't been for her walk but I've mentioned before that she won't go out if it's raining or the ground's wet.

    Lynn unfortunately lost my zip card yesterday. She went to get my prescription and the card must have fallen out on the way. I had such awful trouble last year trying to get a new card that I'm dreading going to the clinic today to ask for another one. Wish me luck. Apart from that and some shopping, I'm not doing much today. I have an idea for my cc so hopefully I'll get that done later.

    Hugs to all especially those not feeling so good, Pat Lynda Lilian and Bambi of

    MARGARET hope you hear soon about your

    MARIA hope you had/are having a happy holiday and you're feeling less

    PAT good luck to Pete

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi val
      I hope you don't have to much trouble again getting a new zip card.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I glad you had a great day on the beach yesterday and a lovely meal in the evening. You also have your trip to London to look forward to. Sat at the hospital as usual and we had a long meeting with the Dr. No news of his scans until next week. However
    Well Prof Macauley has just come in with Petes scan results as she wanted them done quickly because of the hot spots they found last time.
    Sadly Pete has a lot more today so the new medication isn't working and Pete will have to come off the trial. His xancer has spread further into his spine and pelvis. Also further into his spine and into his right shoulder plus a few other places. To say we're gutted is an understatement.
    They're making an urgent appointment for his to see Prof Prothero who he was under before.

    1. Pat I am soo sorry at your news, you must feel how much more can we take. Sending hugs to you & Pete love

    2. Oh Pat I don't know what to say Take care Hun and thinking of you

    3. Thinking of you Pat. I've emailed. Hugs xxx

    4. This is one of those occasions when I'm stuck for the right words to say, you know we are all here for you. Dear Pat I'm sending you both the biggest hug in the world, I know it's not going to change anything I just want you to know that we care. xx

    5. Pat, so sad to read the news and not sure what to say if anything could help I would do it. Just remember we are here whenever you need a ear. Sending many hugs to you both xx

    6. Pat what terrible news for Pete and yourself, sending the biggest hugs to you both.

    7. Thank you ladies for your good wishes. It's lovely to have all your goid wishes. You ladies are the best in the world. Once again many thanks.

  6. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Short post from me today we was up most of the night with Bambie 7.30 took her to the vets for 8am Terry was outside the car I was cuddling Bambie. She looked up at me then passed away in my arms. So we are both devested she was only 4 years old.
    Love Lynda xx
    Sorry Janet your cards are beautiful xx

    1. Oh Lynda I feel for you both, words cannot express what you are feeling. Sending you both some hugs love

    2. Oh LYNDA This was the last thing I was expecting to read Sending love and hugs xxx

    3. Hugs Lynda. I've emailed. Xxx

    4. Oh Lynda and Terry, What a dreadful shock, you must both be feeling devastated. sending you both love and hugs XXX

    5. Oh Lynda, I am gutted to read your news too. How sad for you both. What a shock, I thought she was going to get better . Sending big hugs for you both xx

    6. Lynda and Terry , so sorry to hear your news, sending you both hugs.

    7. Lynda and Terry
      I'm so sorry to hear your news with regards to Bambi. You really don't expect that at her age.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you had a good day followed by lovely meal last
    Janet your cards are lovely. Could you please tell me how you got the 3d embossing folder through your Gemini, I tried yesterday I thought with every combination but no luck, it is first time I have been stumped.
    Hope you all had a good bank holiday, weather was rather warm.
    I have to take Pam to have dressing on her changed shortly so will send hugs to all who need them especially Lynda & Terry love

    1. Hi Margaret. When I got my Gemini, I had te same problems embossing and Crafters Companion EF. Lilian helped me enormously as I thought I'd bought a faulty one. I just think some machines are made tighter than other. Now i emboss with just the top and bottom plate and it works fine. Hope this

    2. Hi Margaret, Ditto to Vals comment. Use the top plate (cutting plate) and the purple plate. With some EF's it gives an even deeper impression if you lightly spritz the card, let it sit for a few moments then run it in the EF through your machine. Also this technique can be used to shape foliage or flowers, shape them immediately after cutting. Although I have in the past forgotten to spritz the card, but once cut just dunk petals or leaves in water, then shape. Allow to dry they are rock hard. Hope you are both ok. xx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sorry pressed publish too early.
      Margaret, for the new deep embossing folders, I just use the purple plate, folder with card and then the thin white plastic shim. Hope that helps.

    5. Brenda, Janet & Lilian
      Thank you all for the tips on embossing, I will try it tomorrow didn't get back till late afternoon. Thanks for the tip on spritzing flowers etc. Will let you know how I get on love

    6. Hi Margaret
      I also used the cutting plate the embossing folder and the plastic plate and it worked perfectly. I then used Brenda's idea as well.

  8. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Pleased you had a great Birthday relaxing on the beach and a lovely Birthday dinner with Paul and the girls. As Karen said stretch this special birthday out, you will be 50 for a whole year - how many celebrations can you manage to fit in? xx

    Janet, your CC's are beautiful, they deserve a display of their own. xx I have tried cutting the Ornate Lacy and playing with it as a border or trim. Just couldn't decide, maybe I should have another try.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, after a busy weekend I have just had a very quiet day, energy level is very low. But tomorrow is another day ....

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, I like the idea of spritz ing. Thanks for the tip.
      Hope you're having a good relax today. Xxx

  9. Hello All, very damp and muggy here again today, still very warm.

    Glad you had a lovely birthday Sandra.

    Janet two beautiful cards, love them both.

    Sending hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      It's been overcast most if the day today. Rain supposedly for the next few days then back to sun. We're out to lunch with my friends Marion, Kathy and hubbies tomorrow.

  10. Evening everyone.
    back home after a lovely few days away, it's not far but so nice not to have to do much and get to see my step-son. Only problem I found is to stay in this hotel and not be able to speak to you. I can read and check my mails but it wont let me post anything.
    Sandra- glad you had a nice BIG Birthday ! and celebrated all day together with Paul and the girls and that you also back home have London to look forward to. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    Sunday's CC were all brilliant, well done all :-)
    I used paper with a swirly patterned I found in a box for my green card and cut some circles out from other bits of green which is one of my favourite colours.
    Thanks Michele for keeping us on our toes and give us this weeks challenge, will do my best.
    Janet- your two card were well worth to wait for. Love how the embossing have come out on the first one, amazingly deep. Love them both.
    For you who normally working I hope you had a nice weekend and the sun was shining for you all.
    Sorry once again to see the sad news from our Pat and Lynda, you know where I am if you want to talk.
    many,many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad you had a nice few days away. It's a shame you couldn't post while you were away.

  11. Hi Ladies
    Sophie brought us some orange roses down as a pick me up. No smell though. I put them with Amy's. Also some Rhubarb and ginger gin. Ive never heard of it but it's 43% proof. Just a miniature but a good job to. To strong to drown our sorrows with.
