
Saturday 2 September 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Three fabulous features today, Michele's Magazine Review and Janet's purchases and a sneak peek at one of the projects she has made with her new goodies.
Cheryl shared the Stunning Wedding Ring and card she made for Sister & Brother in Law.

Michele's Magazine Review

 Making Cards this month comes with some great papers and s free stencil. I have a few stencils now but haven't been brave enough to try them out.

 Papercraft Essentials comes with a really lovely set of stamps & Dies. I über challenged by a friend to make a Christmas & a Non Christmas card using this free gift....!! Will have to get my thinking cap on for that challenge.
There's lots of inspiration inside the magazine using the free gift plus there's quite a few YouTube videos out.

Papercrafter magazine has a lovely Snow globe set of Dies-looking forward to using this one

Diecutting Essentials has a lovely Tonic Christmas die set as the free gift this month.

That's all from me this month.

Love Michele

A Fantastic review got some of this month's magazine's Michele, thank you so much for your time and effort my lovely

Janet's Shopping

Janet popped to the range last weekend and these fantastic craft goodies just happened to fall into her shopping basket !!  
You got some great basics there Janet and a few pretty embellishments too, that decoupage pack looks fab, do you have to cut them out yourself?? 
Look forward to seeing the projects you make.

Janet's second purchase was these fantastic Masks by the amazingly talented Sheena Douglass, they are all under the theme of 'Remember When', a lovely selection of nostalgic images of things that we all remember from times gone by.

This is one of the cards that Janet has made using one of the Masks from the collection, I love how you have placed the vintage van in front of the terraced houses Janet, it works perfectly.  
Thank you so much for sharing your purchases.


Cheryl has been busy in her craft room again, just look at these stunning projects, first off all fee have the Box for the card, a thing of beauty on its own, such beautiful colours Cheryl, we then have the card, the flowers are a perfect match to those in the box, I love the extra touch of luxury having the card wrapped in the sparkly voile, I can just picture their faces as they open it!  
Then we have the absolutely stunning 'Wedding Ring' these are definitely Cheryl's speciality, first wrapped in white satin with pretty ribbon over the top, some pretty little pearl embellishments, then those gorgeous blue flowers, the top has a beautiful Ribbon bow, finished with a pretty butterfly applique, then two dangling silver hearts!
WOW, Cheryl just WOW !!! 
These will be treasured forever, thank you so much for sending them in for me to share.

Well we start packing up today, we are also going to do a bit of souvenir shopping, Becca has asked for something 'Shabby Chic' to fit in her new home, I spotted some pretty birdcages in Pals Old Town and a sweet hanging tealight holder in vintage White, that was pretty much it, so I don't think we'll be long. We'll fill up with fuel and get some sweets for our return journey too, while we are out.

Thank you to both Michele ,Janet and Cheryl for today's post. XXX

Have a lovely Saturday,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a great selection of crafty goodies. Your card is fantastic.

    Cheryl-two lovely cards & a very pretty wedding wreath, love the colour. It's gorgeous & my favourite.

    We have sunshine this morning so I think it's gouts be a nice day. I need to pop into Southport early this morning then I'm meeting my friend at Dobbies for a coffee & a chat.
    We're hoping to go out for meal tonight with a couple from the golf club-hopefully hubby will have the details when he gets back from golf today.


    1. Hi Michele, great reviews. Thank you. Papercraft Essentials is delivered to the shop every month and put on one side for me. Most months I buy it but not if I don't want the free gift. I wasn't going to bother with this month's as I don't think I'd use the gnomes so I'll be really interested in what you make with them.
      Have a great day and enjoy your meal

  2. Morning Everyone
    Good Luck with your shopping SANDRA. I hope you manage to get everything you want and that Paul can fit it into the car lol.

    MICHELE-Thank you for this month's mag survey. Looks as though there are one or two interesting things on offer this month.

    CHERYL- WOW WOW WOW what a beautiful and gorgeous set you created for the wedding gift. Everything is just matched perfectly and you're definitely our 'Queen of Rings'. Everyone you make are just so so beautiful.

    My shopping from the Range was impulse buying. I have more than one or two Seasonal cards for 'little ones' to make this year and was at a loss as what to do until I saw this 'Mega Die-Cut Decoupage Pack' subject The Snowman and the Snow Dog. It makes 30 cards and has:-
    18 printed A4 papers - 6 different designs
    9 A4 die-cut decoupage sheets - 3 different designs
    1 A4 toppers
    1 A4 die cut sentiments and
    Alphabet stickers.

    I really would have been daft not to buy and the ribbons and tape were there to match. All in all problem solved.

    The Set of Stencils again was an impulse buy. I was watching Hochanda and there they were. I always struggle to find subjects for Men/boys and this set just fit the bill. I have to say that I've never even looked at stencils before but have found that they aren't too bad to use. The van is also a stamp to match the stencils. There are also other stamps to match too which I'll be buying.

    It's off to Meadowhall for weekly shopping this morning and then a quiet afternoon is called for.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I'll put some goodies behind the counter this afternoon.
    HUGS winging their was to you all. Have a really good Saturday whatever is planned. xxxx

  3. Has another month gone already an it's magazine review time! Thank you MICHELE It really is worth seeing the reviews I especially like the look of Papercraft Essentials this time
    Your purchases look lovely JANET I like the look of the SHEENA masks myself
    How lovely that you've created cards/gifts that is totally co-ordinated CHERYL - real treasures
    Off out in a mo for a hospital visit to have my eyes photographed OH is off today So hopefully we may get to do something-I won't hold my breath though
    Have a lovely day and healing hugs are there too
    Hope the packing isn't too strenuous SANDRA xx

  4. Hi all,

    Internet really playing up. Typed a comment twice and both disappeared. Third time lucky so I'll keep it short.
    Good luck with the packing and shopping
    JANET great purchases and
    CHERYL love your coordinated card bow and wreath.


    Will try publish again xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Michele thanks so much for the review on the magazines. I bought the one with the snow globe. Set out to buy the one with the gnomes after seeing what Christina Griffiths did with them. Wasn't to keep on the papers though that were in it.
    Fabulous buys Janet. I have a few masks but haven't used them either. Need a master class I think. What a shame we all don't live nearer to each other we could have started a craft club like the one Val goes to. Mind you they have Wendy don't they. I have a massive dining table we could all sit round.
    Good luck with your packing and shopping Sandra. Fancy Becca going Shabby Chic.
    Cheryl what can I say about your card and your gorgeous ring. You certainly make a fantastic job of them. Well, your candles are gorgeous as well.
    Taking Doreen shopping as usual today. Not to sure what's happening after that. Looks like the weather might stay fine.
    Hugs to all who need one today. Especially Lynda and Terry.

  6. Morning ladies,

    Safe travelling home tomorrow Sandra, I hope it will not be too stressful for you all.

    Many thanks for your comments on my sister's and BIL's card and ring. The colours are based on my sister's dress although I did struggle with not having much in the way of the colours. The larger rose on the card and box were two I had been hoarding, for special people, and I have never found that delicate cream & aqua green with a touch of turquoise combo again. Then I looked back on Wild Orchid's site and wow!.....Aqua and Turquoise Roses, Lilies and tulips. A saving grace, they came the day after I had ordered them. How's that for an excellent service? I really cannot praise them enough. Their prices are so reasonable in their sale section.

    As today looks like it will be our last sunny day according to the Weather Service, a spot of early tidying up of a couple of borders in the garden then die cutting this afternoon. I am in the process of making a parcel up for our village Pre-school so if anyone has spare pre-made die-cuts they don't need...I would love them please. They are always so grateful for any crafting items and the little ones just love their messy days.

    Cuppa calling me, I'll pop in later to see what you are all up to.
    Gurt big uns (((((HUGS))))) to all in need of one today
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Fabulous ring and card. These are always beautiful.
      I'm afraid I don't have any pre made diecuts. Although I do have loads of older stamps that I no longer use. Wish I knew where they could go to do some good.

  7. Morning everyone.
    Safe journey back home Sandra and happy last shopping for memories of a lovely holiday.
    Did someone steal August ? Lol can't believe another month have gone and it is time for another magazine review, Thank you Michele for giving us the ups and downs of what's out there in craft magazines. Like the die cutting mags more and more.
    Janet- like the masks you bought by Sheena. The card is great. Do have some masks as well but rarely using them, always seem to make a mess when I do Lol
    Wow Cheryl- the card and the wedding ring are so beautiful. Wonderful flowers and such a lovely keepsake.
    Still sunny but definitely a chill in the air this morning but hope for a walk later on.
    Hope you all have a nice day whatever you be doing. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your feeling a bit better today and your pains are slowly easing. Hope you manage a walk.

  8. Good morning everyone
    Well glad my migraine is a lot better today just have a dull ache. Now for the last few days I have a bad pain on top of my left leg not sure if I have pulled a muscle.Or think it might be sciatica as I have suffered with it in the past. I don't like this getting old lark .
    I must try my CC this morning haven't had much mojo this week so thinking cap on. Thank you MICHELE for another magazine review.
    JANET I love all your shopping. Your card is brilliant love it.
    CHERYL WOW your card & ring they are stunning.
    Your sister & Brother in law will love them.
    SANDRA enjoy your last day of your holiday. I hope you find some nice souvenirs. Have a safe journey home & make good time.
    Hope you all have a good day. Thank you all for your caring Hug's they Have been a great help for me.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad your migraine is just a dull ache now. As you say Lynda this growing old lark is no joke. Hope the pain is sciatica as clears up soon. I haven't suffered with it ( touch wood ) but Pete used to get it quite bad.
      Gentle hugs to both you and Terry.

    2. Hi Lynda so pleased your migraine is gradually easing. So hope it's not sciatica you've got. Such a painful thing but once you've had it once it does recur again and no this getting old is no joke!!!
      Take care. Hugs to you and

  9. Morning Girls,
    So many of you saying 'i have masks but haven't used them' I feel a challenge coming on, maybe a card made mostly with a mask?? We'll see!
    You have another of Michele's challenges first!
    We are off to the pool for a couple of hours, we are all a little tired this morning as there were really high winds all night, it felt like the tent was going to blow away! But Paul put it up so it wasn't going anywhere! Although I did make him get out and Check a couple of times!
    Got a good start on packing all non essentials this morning, so less to do tomorrow!
    I will pop in later, have a lovely day ladies.
    Love Sandra

    1. Great idea for a challenge Sandra I haven't used the ones I own in ages It'd be good to blow the dust off of them and have another play
      Enjoy your last day I would love to see your shabby chic purchases

    2. Great idea Sandra, I bought some of Tim Holtz's in a sale and have used a couple of them so far on a bird house plaque. safe journey home.x

    3. Great idea Sandra
      Do you remember I bought the sparkle paste to go with mine last Sept. both are still un used. I've done a few cards this afternoon using the Star of Light stamps and Dies. Need to finish them off with the star though. Then I'm going to try a couple with gold embossing powder.
      Good luck with the packing and I hope the wind isn't to strong tonight.

    4. Great challenge idea Sandra. I have a few stencils not used so often.
      Have a safe journey home

    5. Great idea, I have several masks and have enjoyed using them, they give great result, looking forward to this challenge. xx

  10. Hello , another lovely day here, going to be rain tomorrow.

    Thanks for review of the mags Michele, always useful.
    Janet love the shopping and the card, I love stencils use them quite often.
    Cheryl beautiful gifts for sister and brother in law.

    Sandra, good luck with the packing and the journey home.
    Hugs to all,Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I think it's going to rain here as well.

  11. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Oh dear, I opened my iPad earlier only to see yesterday's comment still in the box, OOPS I forgot to press publish. Sandra I loved yesterday's card, I have these dies and stamps, can't wait to play with them when I get around to my seasonal cards.
    MICHELE, Thank you for your great reviews on this months magazines it is always such a help. xx
    JANET, Isn't it strange when we go into certain stores how items just drop into our basket. You certainly had a great Shop! Love those masks.
    CHERYL You really get a big WOW for your sister and BIL wedding card and the beautiful wedding ring, I'm sure they were absolutely delighted with them.

    Hope you have all had a good day. My day was not as productive as I had hoped. Not sure if I have eaten something that disagreed with me (John is fine) but have really had a 'funny tummy' all day, not pleasant to put it lightly!

    Sleep well, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm sorry to hear you've had a dodgy tummy all day. Hope it's better tomorrow. I've used Sandra's Dies and stamps today. I even managed to help Pete in the garden. He actually bucked up enough to do some chopping down of the brambles at the back of the greenhouse. He also had a bonfire along with two of our neighbours. Great to see Pete a bit like his old self for awhile.

    2. Brenda, wish you better and hope today will be alright. You take care now x
      Pat, that sound nice that Pete was alright and you both managed to be out in the garden. Hope your pain is easing and each day be better for you.
      Lynda, take care. No,not funny with all these aches and pains is it. Hope you had a good night and wake up ready for a new day.
      Lilian, hopefully the sun is coming out inbetween. We had such a lovely day today but they saying rain for us too today. Had a nice walk over to Dobbies, only came back with a cake which I didn't needed, should have popped in to the cafe' instead for a calorie free one. Do not looking forward to ww later,it's getting to me this when I can't be "good" Sorry none of your problem. Going to finish 'Die another day'and then I will try to get some shut eye before joining you again in the cafe for the great Sunday showing of cards. See you later xxx
