
Sunday 6 August 2017

Your Challenge cards

My challenge card
any shade blue/patterned paper/rhinestones

Also my challenge cards
Any shade if green/patterned paper/ thank you

The challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to the best day of the week here in the blog, why?? Because we get to see what you have all been making this week!
As usual you have absolutely smashed this Challenge, creating some incredible cards, I cannot wait any longer so here we go.....


Lynda managed three absolutely stunning cards, the first card:
Shades of Blue/Patterned paper/ pearls, rhinestones
Second card : Any shade of Pink/ patterned paper/ Happy Birthday
Third card:  Any shade of Green/ patterned paper/ Thank you
Lynda these are some of your nicest cards, made with papers from your £1 shop paper pad, you would never guess that from looking at the cards, they are just stunning!!! Thank you so much for taking part my lovely.  (I love your new photo spot)! 


Janet has also made three gorgeous cards, just look at that pink one, a real WOW!!
First card: Shades of Pink/ Embossing/ Pearls or Rhinestones
Second card: Shades of Green/ Embossing/ Happy Birthday
Third card: Shades of Blue/ Ribbon/ Happy Birthday
Janet you have made three stunners this week, that pink card is a real show-stopper,
With those hand rolled flowers and stunning flourish.  The second card is amazing, in my favourite colour, the simple Embossed pattern works perfectly with the shape of your card, the beautiful cameo adds the perfect finishing touch.  The third card is so perfect, that stunning shade of blue you used for that die cut oval edged with tiny pearls, looks amazing, you topped that with an incredibly detailed die cut, you then finished the card perfectly with that rolled rose trim and a gorgeous hand tied bow.
Three stunning cards Janet, thank you so, so much for 'smashing' this challenge!!


Margaret loved the Challenge this week, so much she made two cards, 
First card: Shades of Blue/Happy Birthday/ Ribbon
Second Card: Shades of Pink/ Patterned paper/Happy Birthday
Two stunning cards Margaret, you have become a truly inspirational member of the Stampin'Up! community, I am proud to share your cards, being able to say "My team member made these cards"!! 
Your first card was made using 'Blooms & Wishes' stamp set which you used to create your own decorative paper, Stampin' Up! 'Lots of Labels' Framelits frame your sentiment perfectly.  I bet you are glad you bought them, I think they were one of my best buys! 
Your second card was made using  SU Fresh Florals Designer Series Paper in Berry Burst, and "Label Me Pretty' stamp set for your sentiment!  
Two gorgeous cards Margaret, thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge.


Karen 2 absolutely amazing cards from you this week, completely different in every way, I love them both, that bunny is absolutely adorable.

First card: Shades of Pink/ Pearls /Embossing
As always here is Karen's Description..........

So I've gone for ink-pearls-embossing

I used a TL charisma die cut bunny -
Spellbinder square dies
Pink card
EF a bargain from Ally Pally- can't remember name or company
White pearls.

Second Card: Any shade of Blue/Patterned paper/ Rhinestones or Pearls

Again here is Karen's Description........

Patterned paper is from a Serif digikit
Marvellous Squares Sue W/Spellbinders and Les Papillon Sue W/Spellbinders dies and tiny blue bling So my tictactoe line is
Any shade of blue-patterned paper- rhinestones or pearls

Love both cards Karen, I was amazed that you managed one given what you had on your mind this week, this makes me even more grateful.
Thank you so much my lovely.


Oh Val such a cute card, I love that cute kitty!
You chose: Shades of Pink/ Pearls, Rhinestones/ Embossing

You have used such a pretty Embossing Folder, it looks like really decorative butterflies, your delicate backing paper work so beautifully with the card you have used for your to die cut your corner flourishes. All finished off with a circle at sparkly rhinestones and that cute cat topper.  
How you have managed to be so creative in the extreme heat amazes me, I hope you were in your 'usual' craft room uniform 😉😉 and had the fan on!
Thank you so much Val.


Michele I adore this 'Clean and simple ' card style, you have chosen : Shades of Green/Patterned paper/Embossing 

I know you have been under such pressure at work Michele and on top of that you  have had the worry of your Dad having major surgery and having to support him through his recovery. On top of that you have had the worry of Phil's job!  
When you messaged me saying 'this is all I can manage this week' it bought a tear to my eye Michele, I am so grateful for any card anyone makes but when any of you go out of your way to make a card it really gets to me, the fact that your loyalty over rides any problems you have going on amazes me.  You should be so proud of yourself for being able to create something so lovely despite being preoccupied.
But please never feel like you have to apologise! 
Thank you my lovely, so very much.....


Brenda was asked to make this card, it's a fantastic example of a 'pesky man' card !! 
Brenda chose : Shades of Blue/ twine/Happy Birthday

I love this clean and simple, tone on tone card, the simple addition of the twine gives the card a more 'rustic' feel, I love that label die with sentiment you have used Brenda, it works so perfectly cut simply for this 'man' card, yet the addition of a few flowers and embellishments would transform it for a girly card too.
Thank you so much for taking part Brenda, I hope you enjoyed your night out last night. 


Pat has chosen : Shades of Blue/Embossing/Happy Birthday
Although she probably didn't realise she had chosen those categories of that she had entered the challenge this week!! (pat emailed me 5 or 6 cards that she had finished)!
This one ticked all the boxes so I thought I would enter it on her behalf!  
I hope you don't mind Pat, lol !! 
This card was made using Sue Wilson's Shadow Box collection, such a fantastic card, thanks Pat for sharing your card. 

Thank you all so much for taking the time to take part each week ladies.  

I am going to go and prepare tomorrow's Challenge, if there is any way you could get the cards made by Thursday night/Fri morning  that would be great, however if that isn't possible don't worry, we have WiFi in our hotels on route so I should be able to add any on those days.  I am fully intending keeping the blog running as per usual, I would miss you all way too much if I didn't check in each day.

Enjoy your Sunday my lovelies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    WOW what a 'Bumper Bundle' of gorgeousness we have this week. I'm so pleased that we requested Paul to get some more display boards for the CAFE or we would really be in trouble this week.

    once again each and every card so different with so many themes and colours. I'm looking forward to this week's Challenge tomorrow.

    Meadowhall was absolutely heaving with people yesterday morning so much so that you would have thought all the shops were closing down for ever lol.

    We're popping own to the Range this morning so I'll need to watch that things don't jump into my basket hehehe.

    The CAFE is OPEN with the sun coming in through the windows this morning. Lunch menu is Roast Beef with all the trimmings so place your orders asap.
    Hugs are winging their way to you all. Have a good Sunday.xxxx

    1. Yes please Janet Can I have an extra Yorkshire pudding please

    2. Hi Janet, I wouldn't have booked to go out for Sunday lunch if I'd Known you had roast beef on the menu. Shucks!!!
      Love to see what pops in your basket at the

    3. Margaret Palmer6 August 2017 at 11:56

      Hi Janet please may I book my roast beef lunch sounds lovely. Your cards are

    4. Lovely cards Janet.Did you make the small pink flowers ? Hope you had a good time at the Range.
      Loved to have roas beef but after weigh in today it will have to be salad Lol hugs xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what a fantastic collection of challenge cards. They're all lovely and so different . I had great plans to do more than one card but I just didn't manage it.

    My appointment at the Opticians turned into a bit of a saga-firstly the Optician was running late as in she wasn't even there when I arrived for my appointment. Turns out they'd cancelled a train (Manchester to Southport) and just as I was about to re-book my appointment she arrived but there was one person in front of me. Eventually got seen-no problems and such a slight change in my prescription that there was no point in paying a small fortyfor new glasses. Just as she was doing the last checks on my eyes there was an awful drains! Someone knocked on her door to say "there's a problem with the sink again ". Turns out it was the drains which had come up through the sink!! I was so glad it was almost time for me to leave as the smell was horrendous.

    Quick shopping trip round Morrisons for my Dads shopping which i delivered to him. He was walking around the house without any crutches and says he's hardly in any pain now., all good news!

    Housework to do this morning then maybe some gardening if the weather stays fine


    1. That was a bit of a saga At least you haven't got to pay for new glasses this time Great hear hear that your dad is doing so well

    2. WOW Michele, what a saga. Glad your eyes are ok and you don't need new specs.
      So pleased to hear your dad's doing so well. Xxx

    3. Hi Michele, hope you have a nice weekend. Glad your eye test was good so you don't need new glasses. Also glad your dad is doing so well. Take care, hugs xx

  3. Yay! It's Sunday! I love scrolling down looking at all of the cards All amazing and different There's quite a few there that have inspired me to try different layouts and play with patterned papers - which I have a mini stash of and forget to drag them out! I loved this challenge and it appears quite a few of us did as we sent in more than one card
    Dancing was great last night We saw quite a few "old" faces I had some lovely dances and Mauricio's music was superb
    OH still in bed, so I'll put my feet up (it is Sunday after all) and watch a bit of television
    Is it this week you're having an op VAL - best wishes hun

    1. Glad you had time dancing last night. Have a lovely relax today.
      I do have to see the surgeon this week but only to tell see how to go about op I suppose. Then it will be a waiting

    2. Hi Karen, love the bunny card :-) Hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday. hugs xx

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Wow what a lovely show of card today they are all gorgeous. Well done everyone. Hope you have crossed everything off your list now Sandra & your trip to the camping shop yesterday was successful. Are you all ready now for your holiday. Just checked last night's post & my comment seems to have disappeared. Loved all your makes yesterday your all Very talented.
    Yesterday We had a very bad thunder storm the lightning was terrible we couldn't go out so I spent most of yesterday in my craft room I made my three CC so pleased with myself. I also finished putting my stamps in folders another job well done my SU stamps I've put in a box on my shelf. I have sorted loads of papers / card out. The lady next door is just started making cards so I gave her the two carrier bags full she was over the moon with it.
    We are looking after a dog for a week she is dropping him off at 11 o'clock so better get showered & dressed.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, all three of yours are fab cards.
      I made two but the card from my camera have decided not to be nice so will get Son to have a look later when he's up. We didn't get to bed before 3am this morning Lol Sorry you loosing so many comments, the cyber space must be heaving with our missing posts. Hugs to you and Capt. underpants xxx

    2. Can you come and tidy my space up please Loved your cards especially the first one - all of those pearls You have the patience of a saint placing all of them!

  5. Margaret Palmer6 August 2017 at 12:07

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again a lovely selection of cards, thanks to you.a great challenge, thank
    Lilian sending healing hugs to
    Brenda hope all is well with you, you have been
    Never did get round to crafting yesterday but will today, jobs all done so just about to start.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, two lovely card.You as good as any SU maker of cards. Love the pink one.
      Hope you and Pop have a nice day. can't wait to see you (mamma) to give you a real big hug xx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Love today's board of all fantastic cards from you all. Love the colours ,papers and everything about this CC. Well done everyone !
    I hope you all have a nice day, our poorly friends that you soon feel better and to our missing friends that you soon come back for a visit. we miss you !
    Will do some cards later but first right now I will sit outside and suck in the sunshine that's we have today. It is just so wonderful to see it again and with a gentle breeze to dry the washing I did early this morning and I was sooo pleased that hubby actually had managed to hang it out for me when I got back home after seeing my friend this morning. We are as bad as each- other so going for a coffee after ww, we had a serious talk to ourself and as it is eight weeks for both of us before a mini break, we or at least I, have to make some drastic changes.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria Xxox

    1. We've been lucky with a bit of sunshine too today

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Where did my comment of this morning go? I snuck in behind Karen quite early on and ( I think Lyndas pinched it and sent it off into cyber space with hers) no its gone.
    Anyway fantastic cards ladies. Love everyone's different ideas. Big pat on the back. Looking forward to see
    ing what Sandra has for us tomorrow. I must admit this one and one other are the only cards I've made this week.

    Went to the Sunday Market very early. Annoyingly everyone had the same idea and it was crowded. Got home, faffed an out a bit, had a shower and went out for lunch. Had turkey today for a change and then fruits of the forest cheesecake. Delicious.

    Sue, read your comment about your friend this morning. I'll email you.

    Hope you're all having a good day.

    Hugs to all poorly friends.
    Love Valxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A wonderful selection of cards today. All are wonderful. And once again all completely different. I've sat doing some cards this week and putting ones that I'd cut out together. And no I didn't realise I'd made a challenge card Sandra? Thanks for putting it in for me.
