
Monday 7 August 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly I would like to apologise for not getting  my sketch card finished to post with the Sketch today, I just completely ran out of time and energy, I will it ready for you tomorrow though.  I am sure you don't need my card to inspire you anyway, it's nice to see someone's idea though.  

I have chosen a fairly straightforward sketch, something that you can all manage quite easily, in the meantime if you need any inspiration just type.. 'Paper Players Sketch 138' or PP138.  That should bring up previous cards made for that Challenge.

What have you all been up to this weekend? We had quite a busy one, Saturday we went over to Gloucestershire to a camping shop to buy a new light and some heavy duty tent pegs,  because the ground is like rock and normal pegs bend like the are made with card!  We went and had a look at the tents while we where there, it's so easy these days as tents are inflatable, they have beams of air going across them rather than poles.  So you get your tent out spread it out and after 10 minutes pumping it's up!!   Paul said he would have to see reviews in a year or two's time to see how reliable the air beams are.  It would mean that we could continue camping on our own, as the main issue now is that I can't hold poles up, so it takes Me, Paul and the girls to put it up.  We will see I guess, I'm sure they have gone through all the issues and ironed them out. It makes you wonder what they will think of next, I quite fancy a tent like they had in Harry Potter, where you swish your and and it's up, when you step through the door it has everything in place, including a working fireplace!
Yesterday we went and did the main bulk of the food shopping, which just leaves fridge stuff to get on Thursday, so we are getting there, still have three long lists though!!
We have Doctors today with the girls and hair cut in the evening, so hopefully get some more cards made in between!

Have a lovely day whatever you have planned.

Love and hugs



  1. Interesting Sketch today - I like it Thinking cap already on
    Never worry that you don't get to do an inspiration card We all understand that life gets in the way of our crafting at times
    Your trip to the camping shop sounded interesting Howevet, the thought of camping gives me a chill I like my creature comforts too much and dislike creepy crawlers 🕷🐜 Now caravans I could do
    So the start of a busy week for me as being off three days last week I'll have a lot to catch up on
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope it doesn't take to long to catch up.

    2. Hope work not too busy , you take care and hope to see you on the weekend xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Liking the look of this week's CC. Don't worry about a card SANDRA you have enough to do this week and I'm sure we all can think of a design.

    The only thing I bought from the range was a new food sieve and a couple of packets of animal decorations for a 'First Year Book' I have to do for November. It was quite disappointing really.

    It's Mr Tesco morning and then I need to make a start on a 'Bauble' project I have in mind and of course try and get my CC sorted for an early posting off to SANDRA.

    CAFE sign is lit saying OPEN so pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    EXTRA HUGS are on their way this morning to poorly Friends. xxxx

  3. Morning Sandra and all,

    Great sketch Sandra. I amazed you found time to find a sketch this week never mind make a card, so thank you. I haven't been in a tent for about 40 years and I'd find such an improvement now I know. How often I have stood in a field in the wind and cold, holding on to a tent pole for dear life in case the tent blew away. Oh such memories.

    Just waiting for my window cleaner to arrive then I'll take it as it comes. It's a quiet month for me in August as my friends are away, all the club's close and no Craft Club again this week. I'm definitely at a loose end. I may make some cut off trousers with all the material I've bought this year but then again I may not ha ha.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Hugs to all poorly friends.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val hope your not going to be to bored this month. It's a pity we can't come over to keep you company. We could house sit.

    2. I'll can do end of the month if you need some company , hopefully the heat have gone down a bit by then :-) hugs xx

  4. Margaret Palmer7 August 2017 at 09:22

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please don't worry about not doing a card for us, perhaps that should be the challenge!! You have more than enough to do this week than worry about cards for us, we do not want you worn out before you travel. Take care xxx
    Janet The Range is like that sometimes, you can either find slot or nothing. Hope you craft
    Karen hope work not too
    Val sounds as if you should be here, you sound at a loose end. I remember putting tent up & finding it is inside out!!, as you say
    Michele hope you are OK missed you this
    Lilian hope you get help at Dr's tomorrow, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all go need them love Margaret. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. My comment yesterday vanished too, I must be honest and say that I didn't check to see if it had published as I usually do as it was a flying visit but I will say again how I loved seeing so.many beautiful CC's. Everyone seems to really enjoy the Tic Tac Toe challenges. When I do get back to card making I will certainly enjoy them.
    You don't ever need to apologise about anything, you put so much time and effort into the blog that we don't want you stressing about it when you are so busy getting ready for your holiday. A problem with camping is that you really do have to pack everything, including the kitchen sink! No just popping some clothes and bits and bobs into a suitcase then jetting off is there!
    It's good to hear you got on well at the camping shop, haven't been to that one in years. These new blow up tents certainly make it easier to erect but in a wind it would be even harder to hold them before the pegs go in I imagine. If Paul has a drill he could make a hole with a drill bit that is a bit smaller than the peg. It is a tip we were given several years ago and it really does make pegging down an awful lot easier and quicker. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and will be happy to help with the holiday prep rather than craft if needed my lovely.
    Val, thank you for your comment re. my friend. I hope you manage to do some sewing AND craft as well x
    Lilian, sending you big gentle hugs x
    Brenda, I hope you are ok, and just busy with the family x
    Maria, your son's holiday sounds great, he will certainly see some fantastic sights on the tour. Oh what it is to be young and have the stamina 😊 x
    I hope you all escaped from the torrential rain and wind that some had over the weekend without any damage. Son and family were very sad to find their lovely apple tree had blown over during the night. No other damage though luckily.
    We had a lovely weekend very busy but worth it to see their smiling faces and the big hugs and thank yous from them when they went home. Today is going to be a quite lazy one as I feel a bit tired for some reason 😊 x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    I wouldn't worry about making a card for the challenge. I know you feel you should but we all understand if you don't. You have enough to do re the sorting and packing for your holiday.
    I remember putting the poles into the slots on the tent. Put then half in and then haul it upright and pegging it down. If the wind took it before it was pegged down that's where it stayed. Going out in the wind and rain to go to the toilet. Like Karen I now enjoy my creature comforts.
    Well Petes just had a call from the Drs re his blood test last week. Apparently his PSA has shot up again but the receptionist couldn't tell us what the reading was. He's due a PSA test tomorrow in the bloods they take from the hospital. The Dr thinks it's because he had his Catheter changed but I think it's because of the treatment he's having. It's been going up each month. It was 53 to start then 88 then 110. So we'll find out what it's gone up to next week at the hospital.
    This getting old is no joke.
    Plus one of Petes friends told us today he's only got a few months to live. Bloody Cancer again excuse my language.

  7. Afternoon Ladies

    Not sure what happened this morning! I read Sandra's post then I have absolutely no idea what I did!! Nothing wrong, just a bit stressed.


    1. Hi Michele
      Gentle hugs on the way. Wish I could be there in person to give you one.

    2. Oh Michele, sound like you need a big hug. wish it could be one in person like Pat saying but you too far so one is flying it's way to you through the cyber. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    This weeks CC looks good, Thinking cap is on, will try to come up with something tomorrow.

    Sorry I haven't been in for a few days, Friday while traveling I typed quite a long message on my phone (not something I do very often) went to press publish.... well I can't explain what happened but the screen went black, when I got back to comments my message wasn't there. Well it could be out in cyberspace or might still be trying the blog!

    We have had a lovely weekend, went to our daughters in Essex, it had been her birthday on 29th and was SIL's and John's birthday yesterday, also their wedding anniversary on the 28th. So lots to celebrate, Saturday we all went out for a lovely meal and yesterday had a barbecue followed by watching cartoons on a large screen while being curled up on the garden sofas. It was all lovely and sociable, although it did turn chilly later on, but no one wanted to go indoors, daughter had the answer to that, lots of lovely soft blankets were handed out to anyone who wanted one. It was a really lovely weekend.

    We have another week before our other daughter and family returned from their holiday in Turkey. She did ring yesterday to wish John and SIL a very happy birthday. Also saying it was very hot there and they're having a great time.

    Maria you asked, I think it was on Friday is Ciara still making her cards? Yes she is. When she returns from holiday she has asked can we do some quilling. So I've sorted all my quilling bits that I haven't used for years, ready to go over when they return. She is also into cooking, she just loves planning menus and baking cakes. Which she does with great confidence.

    I hope everyone is well, must go back and read what happened to you all on Saturday and Sunday. The Internet at our daughters was not good for some reason this weekend, so I gave up trying to catch up on everyone. Also there was so much going on around us, that I didn't have chance to look at the iPad and in our bedroom there was no signal at all, which is unusual.

    Sending love and hugs to you all, take care.
    Love Brenda XXX
