
Tuesday 8 August 2017

My Challenge Card

Autumn/Winter 2017

Good Morning Ladies,
I managed to get my Challenge card made yesterday, I hoped to sit and make loads
but I am just not a batch card maker, I like every card to be individual, which means it takes about an hour of decision making before any 'trials' begin!

Today's card was made with:
' Whole lot of lovely' designer series papers
' Lots of Labels' dies
Ribbon Border Punch
'Big on Birthdays' stamp set
'May Flower' Framelite  (flowers)
Pool Party Shimmer Ribbon
White sheer Ribbon
Tranquil Tide card

I used Tranquil Tide  card as my base colour, then added a layer of the 'whole lot of lovely ' paper as my background.   I used a narrow piece of Pool Party card stamped with a the border stamp from 'Background Bits stamp set. I then edge that with a border made from two strips of Punched Ribbon Border which I glued with a small gap between, I layered the two ribbons on top of the border punches, I tied a bow with each piece of ribbon and layered them with a tiny flower. I then stamped my sentiment onto 'Pool Party ' card using 'Tranquil Tide ' ink, die cut it with the largest of the 'Lots of Labels ' dies, I also made a larger faux Matt for the large label die cut by cutting a piece of card slightly wider than the last die cut and left it long, I then used the largest of the dies to cut each end so I could make the shape as long as I needed.
I added some dimensional foam pads and mounted this piece onto the centre of my card.  The final stage is to stamp and die cut a selection of flowers in colours that match the paper.
I hope you like the card, I can't wait to see yours.

I hope that all made sense, I have just finished crafting for the night so I can write my blog and it is 01:48am!!
The sorting and packing continues, there is so much stuff lined up now it's becoming hard to get round! It will all be worth it come Friday!
Sue is coming over  today, which will give Paul a break from my nagging !!

The new Stampin'Up Autumn Winter catalogues  arrived yesterday, If you would like one please let me know below.

Hope all is well with all of you, Lilian you are in my thoughts my lovely, I really miss you popping  in each day, hurry and get well soon xxx

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, I love the colours you have used.

    I hope you have fun crafting with Sue today.

    We received our draft Audit report yesterday-oh boy was it scathing about the managements lack of interest in us!! Typically the most senior manager didn't even bother to mention it yesterday-perhaps he's in shock....!!! More likely he'll try to ignore it which seems to be their normal response.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Oh dear, what a come down for your senior management and I hope it will be a wake up call for them. It seems to me that that is the root cause of all departmental dissensions in the NHS these days. Too many managers interfering in everything and not following up on work related complaints from their staff members.
      I hope your little matter is being resolved to your satisfaction soon. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies,

    Back in the land of living I had a lovely time with my sister and her fiancé Pete last week. A couple of days out, plenty of chatting and sorting out of materials, then I succumbed to what ever it was, my throat almost closed over at one point and boy, was it raspy. It felt like I had swallowed a whole box of razors which in turn left me literally speechless.
    My voice has started to come back now although the cough is still troubling me especially at night time.

    My friend Glen's funeral was yesterday and was a very sober affair, for such a larger than life lady with a wicked sense of humour we all expected that to shine through but no, a subdued one was what she had requested. She had left a poem for Hubby Andrew to read which left everyone in tears right at the end. It got me though right at the start when she came in to the song 'In the Arms of an Angel'. I love that song and Sarah McLachlan's version is particularly haunting.

    I had a letter from my doctor informing me that the x-ray report had found wear and tear in my right hip, lower back and slightly in my left hip and front of pelvis. It didn't explain though why I am in so much pain and an appointment has been requested to the Orthopaedics dept. I always knew there was something wrong and now this report has finally confirmed my beliefs.

    Pantomime costumes have taken a back seat at the moment. All committee members are having an Artistic Meeting at the end of this month to decide on costumes. Now, when I was asked to be in charge of the Wardrobe, I expected the Director and myself to have a meeting to discuss the suggested costume list that comes with the full script. This is not to be apparently, so I will be saying quite a bit I expect and quote what I learned at my tour of Universal Studios background departments last year in America.

    Time for my second cuppa of the day and a good dose of cough medicine, my poorly throat is aching.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very rainy and quite cold Sheffield. I and I'm sure everyone needs some nice sunny and warm days where we can get outside and enjoy a 'SUMMER'.

    SANDRA- a lovely CC. Please don't make yourself ill as you know you need to be as good as you can for Friday/Saturday. Have a good day crafting.

    MICHELE- Interesting isn't it when Snr Management don't make any comment on an official report. It shows where the problems are.

    CHERYL- I'm so sorry to hear that you're poorly after having a lovely week with your Sister. Take care Dear Friend and have some R&R.

    Well my idea of starting my CC yesterday fell by the wayside as I got distracted by a couple of baubles. So again today I really do have to make a CC though already one plan has gone AWOL!! I did a load of washing last evening with the thought that if it was fine this morning it would go out on the line early and then another load could go in. The only problem is that:-
    a) it's tonking it down
    b) I thought I'd set the washer onto 'dry' only to find that I've put it on the 'quick wash and dry' programme so they're being washed a second time.

    Perhaps I ought to .
    put plans to one side today and see what

    The CAFE is OPEN (sorry it's a little late this morning). Hoping to see one or two of you in today. HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    Such a pretty card. Such beautiful colours. I would love to see a new catalogue please but after your hols will be fine. Have a lovely relax with Sue today.

    Michele. Pretty damping report. So hope it wakes someone up.

    Cheryl sorry you're not feeling so good especially after having such a good time with your sister. Hope you soon feel better.

    Well finished my cc. Just got to photograph it and sent it off to Sandra.

    I actually got my material and sewing patterns out yesterday but that was as far as it got.

    Pat and Maria would be great to have your company.

    Janet hope you finally get your washing dry.

    Have a great day

  5. Morning ladies I seem to be having a problem getting your emails have just received yesterdays that is how Iam on now, so Im going to delete and re add you on my other email account to see if I can get them everyday and in the morning. Im going to have a look at this week challenge and see if I can get one made for you.
    Hope your all well and having a good week in spite of the weather.
    Take care

  6. Sorry Sandra please could I have a catalogue as I have just started stamping again and would be nice to have a look #
    Thank you

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. This CC inspiration is so pretty, I love the pop of yellow from the sweet little flowers. The papers are beautiful. See you later my lovely xx
    Pat, sorry I won't see you again this week, and m sorry to hear about Pete's PSA result are going up. Sending big hugs x
    Cheryl, it sounds like you had a lovely time last week, but it's not good to hear about your sore throat and cough. I hope you manage to shake both off very quickly X
    Lilian, sending hugs and hoping you are no longer on the meds that were making you feel so bad X
    Brenda, you were missed over the weekend but it's lovely to hear you had such a good time with the family celebrating. Big hugs are on their way x
    To everyone that I haven't mentioned I hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing. Im off to pack my craft bag. It takes ages as it takes ages to decide what I want to take!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Good morning Sandra &ladies
    First I would love a new catalog please Sandra 🤓
    Weather is horrible today heavy rain & quite cold so I won't get my two loads of washing on the line back to being a Chinese laundry hanging it over doors & clothes horse
    Sandra I love your card it's gorgeous love everything about it & a lovely sketch this week. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday I spent all morning &more making my step Granddaughters & Sister in laws birthday cards I finished one by lunchtime. After lunch went for our walk,then back in craft room to start on SIL's card quite pleased with them both & posted them this morning but silly me forgot to take pictures. I have some ironing to do. Then hopefully make CC.
    MICHELE Hope senior management got a wake up call yesterday. Xx
    PAT sorry Pete's PSA is going up Sending love & Hug's for you both.xx
    SUE have a lovely day with Sandra crafting & chatting sending you both Hug's x
    JANET hope you & I get our washing dry &you have a good day Hug's on way x
    CHERYL Sorry you've had a bad sore throat & cough wishing you better.
    Glad you had a lovely time with your sister & her fiancé. Gentle Hug's xx
    VAL hope you get to use your material today. Is your weather still very hot & humid have a good day Hug's xx
    LILIAN hope your beginning to feel better sending Hug's xx
    BRENDA pleased you had a lovely weekend with Family celebrating Hug's xx
    SHARON lovely to see you in again. I don't get my Emails untill late afternoon. If you just click on a old one it comes up then just click on Cotswold Crafter then today's come up or whatever day you want. Hope that makes sense. Hug's xx
    Well I had better get on with ironing.
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Lynda
    Thank you that is what im doing as still waiting for today's so going to do what you said and keep the day's before so I can get onto the blog, well its really wet and miserable so have been in the craft room making a mess but I have started the challenge so fingers crossed I get it finished in time
    take care all

    1. Hi Sharon
      My Email has just come through now.Glad it helped.
      Hope you enjoyed yourself in craft room.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and blog friends,

    YES PLEASE, I would love a copy of the new catalogue. Mind you there are still I suppose in the present catalogue that on my Wish List!

    Thank you Sandra for your inspiration with this weeks challenge card. Your card is beautiful, love the backing paper you have used. I had idea for my challenge card, unfortunately it didn't work out the way I wanted, so that idea has been abandoned and thinking cap is now back on.

    I hope you and Sue have had a lovely day together, sorry Pat couldn't be with you, she has so much on her plate at the moment I'm sure she finds it difficult to know if she's coming or going. Pat just to let you know we are all thinking of you LOL. Sandra you paint a lovely picture of the preparations going on in your house for your holiday. I know from what you have said, Paul is a great organiser. It is all going to come together, you just have to go with the flow. xx

    I can't believe the time, I started this message about 12.30. You would not believe the times I've been interrupted. Think I will finish now before anything else happens.
    Love and Hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. There are still ITEMS in the present catalogue on my Wish List.
      Don't know where ' I suppose ' came from.

  11. Hi Ladies,
    Love the sketch and the card you made, never be worried if you not make one first but it's help to see yours and I know mine is not correct so will see if I can put another one together tomorrow.
    sorry missed you yesterday but have not felt too good over a few days and heard an old friend had suddenly passed away (hard to make a card) which have got me feeling real down and this weather does nothing to help so I just trying to take one day at a time.
    I hope you all taking care and have had a good day as possible. Sending extra hugs to Lilian, Cheryl and anyone else who need some.
    If all goes to plan , hope to see Karen later this week.
    Having an early night so wish you all a good night.
    many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer8 August 2017 at 19:53

      Hi Maria sorry about your friend ?& you not feeling too good, sending special hugs to you.xxc

    2. Hi Maria so sorry about your friend so sad. Also sorry your not feeling
      Too well either
      Sending you extra special HUG'S take care Thinking of you lots of love Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Maria, sometimes life throws so many things at us and there is nothing we can do to change anything, I'm sorry to read about your friend and hope you will start to feel better in yourself soon. sending you gentle caring hugs xxx

  12. Wow! Where did today go!
    Lovely card Sandra Pleased all the packing seems to be going to plan
    I'll try and catch up with everyone tomorrow

  13. Margaret Palmer8 August 2017 at 20:08

    Hi Ssandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great card today hope you had s good time with
    Michele sorry managers do not acknowledge the audit, hope things improve
    Cheryl sorry you feel poorly, hugs on their
    Just list comment so will quit while I am ahead, sending hugs to all who need them in particular Cheryl, Lilian & Maria love Margaret. Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra hope you & Sue have had a good day crafting together
    How's packing going Sandra all good I hope is Paul looking at all the cases bags extra & thinking how he's getting all that in the car. Dose he know your craft room has got to be packed in the car yet 😂😂😂😂. Have a good evening
    Love Lynda xx
