
Wednesday 9 August 2017

Jar of love

Good Morning Ladies,

I am loving this new stamp and die set from
Stampin'Up!, it's called 'Jar of Love's, I bought the matching Thinlet dies too, so I could stamp and die cut each individual flower and stem to build a bouquet.
You also get the Kilner style hard with lids, even a stamp for the water is included!
I hope you like my card.

Sue and I had a lovely day crafting together, I managed to make 3 cards while we were crafting together and Sue made her challenge card, which must be an all time record for total amount of cards made in our craft sessions, we all usually come away with part of a card made but never a finished one.  It was so lovely to catch up after a couple of weeks too.

I sent Sue away on a mission, to find a solution to frustrating problem I have, which is walking on sand with crutches!
They just sink in, it's so frustrating.  There was nothing in the UK to solve the problem
apart from a company that custom make 'ferrules' (rubber bit on crutch bottom), who make a special adaption for walking sticks for people that want to do Lawn Bowling, it would work for sand but the won't make them for crutches!  There is a company in  USA that make the 'Sand Pad' got crutches, but they were  $45 Each plus at least  €45 dollars shopping, which is absolutely ridiculous price! I came up with all kinds of novel ideas that Paul has dismissed, from table tennis rackets to frisbee's ! If any of you stumble on a solution please let me know xx

I had a message from Lilian saying that she us looking in most days but sadly still isn't strong enough to pop in and comment.
Please join me in sending our dear friend a huge hug xxx

Becca is taking the girls to Alton Towers today, I hope the weather stays dry for them.

Have a lovely day however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all of you
Sandra xxx


  1. Good Morning Sandra and ladies. What a lovely card Sandra. The stamping is lovely and such beautiful colours. The water is so realistic very clever.
    Glad you and Sue had a good time yesterday and so productive. I can't believe no one has come up with a solution to walking on sand with crutches. Surely some bright inventor could think of something simple that won't cost a fortune.

    LILLIAN Hope you feel a lot brighter soon xxx

    CHERYL Hope your nasty sore throat has started to improve xxx

    MARIA Very sorry to read about your friend and you're not feeling so good either. Hurry up and get

    PAT Sorry Pete's test results aren't so good. Thinking of you both. Xxx

    LYNDA how are you feeling at the moment? Hope there's been a lot of improvement. Xxx

    Sorry if I've missed anyone out.

    I cut out three pairs of cut off trousers yesterday. I have to wait until Lynn's around to get the sewing machine out as I can't see to thread the needle ha ha.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Love Valxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, really beautiful. The stamp & die set look like they'd be a very useful set to use for many occasions.

    Busy day yesterday at work & a slight problem happened after lunch, I'd got chatting to the joiner as I'd looked a couple if jobs. When I returned to the Unit my bosses face was a picture-a patient has been kept waiting a very long time for their treatment and she couldn't work out why. She looked like she was going to explode so I suggested to talk to the big boss about our staffing levels & skill mix. We did but he wasn't much help & claims he hasn't read the Audit report yet....!! We have introduced one change which will start today-don't think the junior Pharmacist was too happy but that's not our problem. Fingers crossed things improve as we have a meeting this afternoon with the Haematology service team-it's the whole Multi Disciplinary Team that meets every other month.

    My own work situation hasn't changed or improved-I'm meeting my Union Representative tomorrow but as she's not heard anything I'm not sure how I can move on!


    1. Hi Michele,

      I bet your big boss has read the audit report and is burying his head in the sand so he doesn't have to deal with problems. x

  3. Me again-

    Lilian, I hope you're starting to feel better. Take Care-sending my love & best wishes to you.


  4. Morning Everyone
    from yet again another very wet and COLD morning here in Sheffield.

    LILIAN- I'm sending HUGE GENTLE HEALING HUGS to you today. Hope you begin to feel better soon.

    PAT- stay strong Dear Friend.

    CHERYL/LYNDA/MARIA- HUGE HUGS ARE ALSO ON THEIR WAY Dear Friends and I'm hoping that you all have a better day today.

    I made my CC yesterday but I'm not at all pleased with it. I used a colour I very rarely use (pink) but wanted to try and get out of the rut of using my usual colours. I might have another go today we'll see.

    The CAFE is OPEN even though the door is closed against this awful weather we're having. pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    Hugs are on their way. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, It's even cold down here (South London) yesterday evening when watching the television I put a fleece on, John actually asked me would I like the central heating on? My reply was NO it's August!!
      But I really think someone has stolen our summer. LOL xx

  5. That is a beautiful card SANDRA
    I hope those feeling ill are getting along ok and I send you lots of hugs
    After finishing with the hygienist yesterday I fully intended to do cc I made a start by printing my topper etc but can't get the background I have in my head to work
    It was lovely to read about your day with SUE I don't know what they're called but how about those "cups" people use on furniture to stop marking the carpet...
    Home alone tonight so I will be crafting - yay! But even though it's only August it feels like it's getting too dark to do card making late in the afternoon let alone in the evening!
    Take care all xx

    1. Good Luck Karen with your CC.
      I think this miserable weather is giving us all the SAD syndrome. When ite weather is warmer we don't seem to mind the evenings getting darker. xx

  6. Morning ladies,

    Pretty card this morning Sandra. Stamps and dies could create a card for any occasion.

    Very fractured sleepless night coughing for ages before I finally succumbed to the sandman. Woke this morning to a deep husky voice so at least I am on the mend although my ribs are so sore with all the coughing BUT I am alive and still here.

    My phone has not rung for a couple of days and when I went to check there is a cable problem. The only fault BT has is that they want you to RING to report a problem! If I cannot get a dialling tone how am I supposed to do that without incurring a high charge if I use my emergency mobile? Will have to check online to do it that way.
    Hugs for everyone else not so good.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer9 August 2017 at 09:16

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra such a beautiful card, again a stamp to go on my wish list. Pleased to hear you & Sue had a productive day. Will ask Pop if he can come up with anything for crutches on
    Lilian sending lots of healing
    Cheryl hope you feel better soon & get your phone sorted, hugs on
    Maria hope you feel better soon hugs on
    Michele what can I say other than chin up & know we are all with
    Another damp & cold morning, hope to do cc later.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Gorgeous stamp and card made with lovely colours too. How clever that the water stamp is included.
    For the crutches Sandra you need something that is a little larger under the sticks ,snowshoes comes to mind so the idea with the frisbee is not far off but maybe a little smaller. A wood/plastic piece shaped like a mini ski is what I'm thinking but sorry,do not from where you could get some.
    Sending many,many hugs to our dear Lilian and so wish you soon feeling better !
    Pat and Pete, so sorry it's gone up once again. Hope the results will not be to bad. Thinking of you. hugs
    Michele, not sure what to say then I hope it all is soon sorted and you soon feel a lot better about your job or is it time to look somewhere else. Not good at all that you having all this stress to keep with. take care,hugs
    Cheryl, how soon do you need to know what will have to be done for the panto this year ? make sure you not taking on too much this time. Sorry you lost your voice and a sleepless night. Wishing you better,hugs
    Sue, nice you had a good time yesterday and you also seem to have a productive day, so wish I could get together with some in MK to craft together with but a bit tricky to get to unless hubby is kind and takes me.
    Margaret, sending you and Pop many hugs back. How is the cross stitch work going ? I hope I didn't give you too much to do :-)
    Lynda, hope you are alright, Do you still going for the walk even if it pouring outside ? It haven't stopped raining for three days here and it's windy too. I Hate this summer ! Wish I was back in Mallis, we had such a nice time even if it only was a week but I don't think I would like to have it as hot it is at the moment. Seeing the nurse reg. Monday so must go now but hope to see you later for a catch up. Hope our missing friends are okay and you soon be back. Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, Just spotted you got in before me. I started my comment below about 11:45 but as usual I got distracted by the telephone, then went into my craft room for a while. Forgetting I had started to blog.
      I blame my age! The attentions span isn't what it used to be!!!!!!

    2. Great minds think alike or something like it you say hihi You not doing to bad Brenda, I was talking to my mum the other day on facebook, went in the kitchen for something to drink and forgot I was on-line with her until I here her voice, how spooky was that , I left her hanging for about 5 minutes Lol See you soon, hugs xxx

    3. Hear her, of course. My English ,sorry hihi

  9. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Today's card is beautiful, what a clever idea to have a stamp that gives you a water level, I just Love the colours you have used, it looks so fresh and clean. Definitely another addition to the wish list.
    So please both you and Sue had a very productive day yesterday. I have been giving crutches some thought, I wonder if some clever person could think of a way to attach sort of like a mini ski on the bottom, or even something like the hikers have, a circular disc that gives them some stability when on slippery areas. I am sure there is a market for something like this, it certainly would make some clever inventors job worthwhile. You do realise you could have created a demand now! But why has no one come up with a solution already.

    CHERYL, Hope you will feel better soon. Hope you get the telephone sorted out without incurring any extra charges. xx

    LILLIAN, You are missed, I hope you will be feeling stronger soon. Sending you gently caring hugs. xx

    VAL, I sympathise with you, trying to thread a sewing machine needle, it's an absolute pain. I was lucky enough last year to get a new sewing machine, and this one has got a needle threader, so now I can cope, even when I'm on my own. I don't know if Singer sell them separately, it might be worth investigating.

    MICHELE, hope this afternoon's meeting goes well. I also think your big boss has got his head in the sand, hoping if he ignores the situation it will go away. How do people like this get these appointments? he sounds worse than the chocolate teapot! xx

    SANDRA, I hope Becca and the girls have a great time at Alton Towers. Hope it's not to busy. xx

    MARIA, I hope you had a good night and are feeling a little better today. xx

    Well ladies enjoy the rest of your day, and good luck with your cc.
    Love and hugs for everyone especially those who are feeling under the weather, take care dear friends, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Brenda that sounds so interesting. Will look into that.
      Enjoy the rest of the day. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous love the stamp set & Dies ( wish I was rich)PAT
    Horrible weather today rain wind & quit cold.
    MARIA no we don't go for a walk in the rain as Bambie just runs back to the car might have to get her a umbrella ☔️😂😂 Hope your feeling better.sending Hug's xx
    JANET thank you for your Hug's SENDING SOME BIG HUG'S BACK Hope you have had a good day.xx
    CHERYL BIG HUG'S ALSO ON THERE WAY TO YOU hope your feeling better. Today xx
    LILLIAN missing you my friend sending BIG HEALING HUG'S Hope you feel better very soon xx
    MICHELE hope your meeting with the union helps you tomorrow
    fingers crossed xx
    PAT sorry Pete's bloods were up again hang in there BIG HUG'S on there way for you both my dear friend. Xx
    VAL hope your coping with your hot weather we could do with some in Broadstairs please. Hug's xx
    SUE glad you had a good productive day with Sandra yesterday.
    Hope your feeling better now.Big Hug's xx
    Well I'm going before Im taken off to cyber space 🚀
    Love Lynda xx
