
Thursday 10 August 2017

Festive Thursday!!!

Good Morning Ladies,

Ooh, so much to do, so little time!! I haven't even got time to write another list, so we will be 'winging it' today.
Frustratingly we have to go back into Witney to collect our Euros, I was checking the different exchange rates online and Post Office was best but only if you buy online, so I thought 'that's ok we will be going into local shops this afternoon we can pick them up then' but NO, because it was after 12 we could no longer click and collect at our local Post Office until Friday afternoon (which isn't possible as we"ll be gone), so I phone our local PO and the lady thinks the internet is wrong as they have them in stock, so I asked if we could just come and get them, at this point I heard the faithful "sucking in of breath' then she said" the best rate I can do is.......€. Which was almost £45 less than we would have got if we ordered on line and collected at PO, so we decided to order them and drive to pick them up.
I just can't believe that same company can have such different exchange rates.!

Today's card is bought to you with the help of 'Mr Brown' (UPS Man), he delivered my Autumn Winter pre-order!!
I used Pool Party card, which I embossed with the 'Softly Falling' SU Embossing Folder, I then die cut two Snowflake Borders from the 'Swirly Snowflake' thinlit set, i cut them out of SU Silver card, I die cut some Snowflakes from the same set and two sizes of Label from the 'Lots of Labels ' Framelits.  I stamped the 'Seasons Greetings' from the "Snowflake Sentiments' Stamp set, and Embossed it with Ultra Fine Silver Embossing Powder.
I adhered to the Snowflake Borders to the pool party card, then added a piece of Pool Party Shimmer Ribbon across the top of die cuts and then added a narrow strip of Silver card die cut with tiny holes, with another die from the same collection.
Mounted my to labels together and popped them into the centre of the card, then added snowflakes.
I hope you like it.

Well that's all from me for now, I have got to go as I have doctor appointment this morning at 9am!!  Way too early!! Lol

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning ladies,

    Lovely sleep last night, no coughing fits to awaken me. Though as soon I got up for my weekly Alendronic Acid tablet off I started, has abated now my throat has been wetted. And my voice is getting stronger.
    Pretty card Sandra with a lovely cool shade of green.
    Oh dear re your Euros, the Post Office is usually so good.
    We have a money market type of shop in Bridgwater and always find them to pay out a higher rate if you pool your money together to create a larger amount.

    Gurt squashy hugs to all in pain or discomfort.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    I live your card today Sandra-it's really lovely.
    Sounds like you've got a busy day today & starting quite early.

    I'm on a training course for an hour this morning-Managing Absence!! As there's so much if it in our department it should be quite useful then I'm meeting my Union Representative at 11.30 although I'm not sure how much use that will be.

    Yesterday's meeting was fine, although having to apologise for our slower than normal service wasn't pleasant but I felt it was needed. Got out late then did Tesco shopping. Checked my emails to be told by Amazon (allegedly) that I'd ordered a gift voucher for £80 at 8.50amwhich clearly I hadn't as I was in work! Although I was sure the emails were a scam, it worried me until I could check my Amazon account-definitely no voucher ordered!! Phew.


    1. Good luck with your meetings today Michele. Hope both go well. Glad you got your 'scam sorted. You really have to be on your toes all the time don't you?
      Hope your day goes well. Xxx

  3. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Such a pretty card. Love the snowflakes. Sounds like you are in for a busy day. Hope you get your euros. The Post Office is usually so good.

    It looks like we're in for a storm today. If it means it will cool down a bit it can storm all it wants. I must go and try and find my umbrella though as I'm meeting Pippa for lunch later.

    We're taking Olive to the vet this morning. She's not eating and drooling a lot. It's surprising how much weight the oldest two have lost in the last couple of months although they eat so well. Fingers crossed he can do something for her.

    Well must go and put the kettle on for a coffee. Big spots of rain are starting to fall and the electric is bound to go off.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs for those in need.
    Love Valxxx

  4. Morning Everyone

    We are starting the day with a little SUNSHINE YEHHHHHHHHHH which is much needed after the week we've had so much so that yesterday it was so much like Winter that I put on a long sleeved Tshirt and a thick Cardy!!!

    I didn't get any crafting done yesterday but did manage to get my CC sent off so I don't have to think of that today. The day has nothing planned so it's a 'wait and see what happens.

    Re Euros Jim has an online account with a couple of Money changing Companies and they always offer a much better rate than anything local.

    A beautiful Seasonal Card SANDRA- I love the Snowflakes.
    Try and take is steady today as you'll need all your energy tomorrow.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

  5. I hope you get on OK at doctors SANDRA and manage to sort the euros out
    Looks like you have some very pretty items from the pre-order SANDRA Very pretty card
    Glad to hear you're on the mend CHERYL
    LILIAN LYNDA and MARIA I hope you're OK too
    I hope it goes better than you expect MICHELE I have my Appraisal today and all I can say is that it's a job not a career I'm looking forward to retiring I appear to do full time work in part time hours in comparison to some members of my team! And are on helluva higher grade than me!
    Oh well Take care xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card today is soo pretty, I have the stamp but now think I should have die as well. Good luck with your jobs that need to be done today, take
    Michele good luck with your meeting with Union Rep thinling of
    Cheryl good to hear you had good sleep, hope cough on way out
    Val we have lovely sunshine this morning, walking Star was a treat today, I walk on the edge of local golf club in a lovely setting & it was beautiful with clear blue sky & aun shining!! Hope the storm not too bad, good luck at
    Karen good luck at work
    Busy day today, food shopping, embridery group this afternoon then take Pam to surgery to have Doppler test on leg & dressing changed, oh well no time to get bored.!!
    Wishing Lilian & Maria feel better sending healing hugs to them & all who need them love

    1. Hope you can take it easy tomorrow, you do had a lot to do today. hugs xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I hope the doctor's appointment went well, sending special hugs. XX

    Love seasonal card Sandra, I agree with Margaret I'm sure having the die makes all the difference. I always smile when talking about seasonal cards or gifts. Our eldest grandson doesn't like us to use the C word until after his birthday, which is 25 November! So when trying to organise Christmas gifts early we have to be very discreet. Thank goodness he wasn't born a month later, that would've cause complications wouldn't it. Ha ha

    That really is a big difference in the rate of exchange, £45 is a lot to anyone these days. I hadn't realised post office online and post office counter gave different rates when changing money. Now that is something to bear in mind, thank you for pointing it out to a Sandra. But how frustrating for you both when you've got 101 things to be getting on with, do take care.

    MICHELE, hope the meeting went well.

    KAREN , I hope your appraisal goes well. It's so frustrating when you work your socks off and see others around you on a higher grade not pulling their weight.

    CHERYL, that cough is really hanging on, do take care dear lady.

    MARGARET, what a busy day you have, I hope you will find some time in the day for some relaxation just for you.

    Time to organise lunch, so must go and look in the fridge and see what takes my fancy. Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Hope you had a nice day Brenda, what did you find in the fridge :-) hugs xxx

  8. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone.
    Sandra hope doctors went well this morning & all is well.
    your card today is beautiful & such a pretty shade of green.
    Once again heavy rain had to go out as I had a Diabetic check appointment. I was a bit apprehensive as I had put on a little waight but all was good bloods were good also blood pressure was good. So i have to go back in 6months time
    Tomorrow I have a RA blood test๐Ÿ’‰ .Just got home we just took dogs up small park as a sun break in between the rain. Just made it home as it started raining again.
    Michele hope your meeting with the union went well for you.xx
    CHERYL good you had a good night's sleep last night but that cough is still hanging on. Sending Hug's your way take care Dear friend xx
    KAREN hope you're appraisal went well .it's so unfair when you do more than your faire share & others on higher rate of pay don't pull their weight. I've been there too. Working In BHS.Hug'sxx
    MARGARET SLOW DOWN another busy day for you. Take some time for you. Play with your Gemini & new Dies. My clear cutting plate has really warped & I do rotate it every time. Has yours gone same way. I didn't know the pink plate was a cutting plate as well.when Margaret got her Gemini she had two clear plates with her one. I still love it though. Sending Hug's for you & Pops xxx
    I keep geting interrupted with phone calls I started this at 4.30 it's now 5.30 & I better sort some dinner out..
    SANDRA hope you going to rest up so your ready for your long car journey tomorrow evening my lovely. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—
    I hope you have a good evening Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Ladies,
    Hope your day been good, you starting to feel better if poorly (Cheryl , Lilian and Sharon ), doctors (Sandra and Lynda) and vets (Val) appointment went well and work was not too bad for you (Michele and Karen)
    Beautiful card Sandra, like the EF and the colour used. Hope you got the euro together, it's crazy how different it is from place to place. Hope you, Paul and the girls will have a calm/ easy drive down to Spain. Any room for a "little one" ?.
    Managed to go to bed about midnight, woke up around 3am for the neighbour (the one who lost his wife) and his new partner started singing, sometimes she crying or they fighting early in the mornings. It has gone so weird since he met her just a month or so on a grieving site on-line after his wife died. Enough about that.
    Had a coffee with my ww buddy, we both very bad Lol
    Went for a hair cut in town and bought a couple of crafting magazines to have to read next week when I have to take it easy and told OH he have to do everything, he didn't look very pleased Lol
    Tracy, Sonia, Annie, missing you ! Hope you alright.
    Time for Coffee ,strawberries and a film so I wish you all a good night and sending many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Beautiful card day and I loved yesterday's as well. I do love snowflakes. Went to Pickering today to catch the steam train to Whitby. To say Whitby was heaving was an understatement. Also spent half an hour coming off the A64 slip road to Pickering. Some bright spark decided it would be good to set up traffic lights on the road off to Pickering about 200 yes off the roundabout. Hence the Rose was gridlocked as it was off of a roundabout and traffic was coming from three directions.
    Hope everyone had a great say and special hugs to Lilian.

    1. Hope you had good weather where you were, how long are you away for ? Take care and hugs xx
