
Friday 11 August 2017

Oldie for Friday Card

Good Morning Ladies,

It's all systems go in our house this morning, well apart from Paul, who is sleeping as late as he can as he will be driving through the night tonight, it's both cooler and quieter one the roads in the early hours, the girls will probably be sleeping too.
We have the worst part of the journey to tackle first, the M40 and The M25 will both be absolutely heaving with traffic as it's a Friday and the holidays.  We are setting off early afternoon so that we can allow for delays and hopefully still have time to stop for tea somewhere. Last year there were horror stories about the problems and delays caused by immigrants trying to crossed on Calais, this year there had been barely any news about it, until yesterday when one of the tabloids did a feature explaining that there is still a huge problem and they have had 100's of 1000's of attempted crossings.  Fingers crossed that there are no issues today. 

Today's card is a very Special Card to me as it is the first Card that I had ever made totally with stamps, no ribbon, lace or dies!  I just hadn't been able to stamp up until I started with Stampin'Up and bought my 'Faux Misti'.  So I have to say I am very proud of this card, I know the person that received it will appreciate how special it is and treasure it.
I made it using some older stamp sets, Avant Garden for the flowers and background and Delicate Details for the lace border, two amazing stamp sets! 

Now I can't begin to tell you how touched I was when Sue popped over to drop off my birthday card and pick up some dies, she had bought me something so amazing, I can't  believe how amazingly kind and thoughtful and BLOODY GENIUS, Sue's husband Chris is, Sue left mine in Tuesday after our lovely day together, during the afternoon I mentioned to her the dilemma of struggling to use my crutches on the beach and she was crafting while I did some more research and called a manufacturer of ferrules, getting no joy whatsoever, I will add that Sue and I confirm have conversations about how things work and how they could be improved or how we could make them cheaper!! I knew that Sue's Dad (Margaret's Alan,) was brilliant and coming up with solutions for things and has invented some cutting edge farm machinery in his time, so we were throwing some ideas about, after Sue left I didn't really give it another thought Until Sue arrived today with items in the picture above, Chris had researched the internet looking to see if he could find anything but like me couldn't,so he put his thinking cap on and invented two special adaptions for my crutches, he went and bought parts from a Walking /Hiking shop and some special bolts that open up when tightened so will trip the inside stem of my crutches to hold in place, the added some strong foam, the look absolutely perfect for the job, I can't wait to try them out.
Chris I am so immensely grateful to you for the time and effort you put into making these for me. I really love to sit in the beach and watch my family having fun in the sea, Sophie and Lucy and 100% water babies, they spend hours swimming and playing ball etc in the sea and this year they have their Stand Up Paddle Board to master! But getting across the beach is so incredibly painful as my crutches sink into the sand and don't offer anywhere near as much support as they are supposed to, for years I just struggled and tried to hide how much pain I was in, but this past couple of years I simply couldn't hide it, I was determined to do it, it took me a long time but I would just walk, rest and continue, as a consequence we could only manage to go every other day or so, so I had time to recover, they tried to hide their disappointment but I'm their Mum, I could tell.  It has always (for past 15 years) we have been going, been a dream of mine to get up early and as soon as the beach access gate is open to and sit on the beach and have my morning croissant, up until now (as you will know with Sue), acheiving anything that arduous at 7am is impossible, my body can barely food with one foot in front of the other, let alone in the same with sinking crutches!  I am now confident that I will be able to realise my dream and fully intend to be sat eating my croissant on the beach at 7am ,(ish) on my 50th birthday, what an incredible gift you have given me Chris, thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are so kind and thoughtful, I will give you the hugest hug next time I see you!  Thank you to you too Sue, for taking the ideas to Chris, I always laugh at you and Paul and your "how can we make that cheaper' chats, but this one has led to something very special, you are an amazing friend Sue, thank you xxxxx

Sorry ladies I have waffled on a bit too much today but wanted to explain my gratitude.  

Thank you all for your lovely holiday wishes, 

Have a lovely day my lovely friends,

Love and hugs



  1. Hello All, use popped in to say , hope you have a lovely holiday, and the journey is not too bad.

    At last I get to see my GP today, so hopefully get my self on the road to recovery, it's been a rough 3 weeks.

    Maria I hope all goes well with your treatment and it will be helpful.

    Hugs to all, and many thanks for your kind wishes, it means a lot. Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian
      It's so lovely to see you this morning.
      I've really missed you over the last three weeks.
      I really hope that you visit this morning will be fruitful. HUGS xxxx

    2. Lovely to see you in again Lilian.
      Hope you visit to the GP goes well and they can sort you ou. Xxx

    3. Good to see you Lilian I hope dr will be helpful

    4. Hi Lilian
      I hope you manage yo get some gels from the dr. It's great that you managed to pop in today.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely card, very pretty. The attachments fir your crutches look perfect, will be interested to hear if they're a success.
    I hope you all have a fantastic time, all manage to relax and enjoy your time away together.

    Lilian-lovely to see you've called in, hope the visit to your GP helps with your recovery.

    My meeting with my Union Representative was good-she's still shocked that my colleague has chosen to go ahead with a grievance and she's horrified at how my managers have handled the whole situation (very badly in her opinion) and she's going to tell them that. I've asked if we can have this matter dealt with before I go on holiday which she assuring will happen-fingers crossed!!
    Thanks goodness it's Friday!!!!!


    1. Morning Michele
      Really good news re your Union Meeting. I really do hope that things will be sorted well before your Holidays. You need to go away knowing that things have been sorted so that you can have some R&R. Hugs xxxx

    2. Glad your meeting went well. Let's hope those that need rreprimanding do so and this awful situation can be sorted out soon. Xxx

    3. I am so pleased that the Union rep is being helpful

    4. Hello Michelle, so pleased the meeting with your union rep. went well. it really sounds as if your managers need managing or maybe they should make an exit from the department! Then the Trust can appoint people who listen to staff and 'can manage' the department. Hope you have a lovely weekend. xx

    5. Michele sorry I meant to say pleased your meeting with union rep qent well, lets hope things are sorted soon. Enjoy your

    6. Hi Michele
      I'm glad your meeting with the union rep went well. I hope they do reprimand those that need it. What a sorry state your management seem to be in. I hope that after the report heads will roll as they say.

  3. Wonderful news Michele, I hope she wipes the floor with them!!! She could also use the Audit to reiterate their terrible failings towards you. x

  4. Pressed publish before I had finished, the other person needs a good talking to too! perhaps she should move to a different department.

  5. Morning Everyone
    We had a lovely sunny and warmish day yesterday which was such a difference from Monday to Wednesday.

    SANDRA- have a safe and uneventful journey. I have to say that we haven't seen any trouble either in Calais or Dunkerque this year. All we have experienced is heightened security checks so be prepared for those.

    It's housework today and the washer is already churning away. I'm hoping that the day will stay dry so that they can be hung outside.

    The CAFE is waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a cuppa. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra, have a safe journey and a wonderful holiday with lots of well deserved R+R.
    Lots of love Valxxx

  7. Morning.
    Lovely card Sandra.
    Safe journey and on place, hope walking down to the beach will be a doodle for you this year.
    Glad to see you in Lilian, good luck at the doctors. Big hug.
    Sun is out and we are going to Stamford for the day so best get ready .
    I wish you a nice day and sending many hugs to you all, extras for you who need some . Maria xxx

  8. Morning everyone,

    Happy to report a wonderful nights' sleep and my voice is getting stronger, still a tad croaky, that will improve as the day goes by.
    Lovely to see you back Lilian and good luck Maria with your treatment.

    Good luck with the driving tonight Paul, I have never driven across the channel only as a luxury coach passenger. The M25 has always been a doddle to Pete & I with only one or two minor holdups when they were improving Heathrow, it gave me chance to marvel at the size of the planes as they were landing or taking off but then we were coming in the opposite direction to yours Sandra. Enjoy your holidays.

    Another big clear up in my craft room. I sorted out all my boxes last year and put the things that I rarely use on top of my craft station.This year with all the trimmings, zips and jewellery items for panto costumes needed, I will be emptying the contents into plastic sweet boxes (from my local newsagents) ready for a trip to the charity shops.
    And ironing is on my to do list today. With all the rain we've had lately which held me up, a lot of material that came out of storage for me to pick over as suitable for my patterns has been now been washed as it smelt a bit musty from being stored in boxes in a summerhouse. The rest will be also go to the shops sorted into colourful scrap bags for quilting, bunting or patchwork. Busy day ahead.

    We had a gloriously sunny day yesterday and I have awoken to a bright clear sun with wispy clouds floating by as though they are escaped strands of candy floss.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Beautiful card and no wonder you're proud of it
    Safe trip today and hope your new gadgets work CHRIS could be sitting on a small fortune with this idea if you prove it to be successful
    Appraisal went well My boss took on board how morale changes/lowers just because of a certain character (the one who sits around doing nothing- I wanted to swear then) It's a shame that my Manager doesn't "manage" him!
    Sunny day here and OH is off
    I'm concerned MARIA Are we still meeting tomorrow I'mreading all sorts about yo not feeling well and treatment but have lost the thread of what's going on ....

    1. Hi Karen
      Glad your appraisal went well. I wonder if all offices have a certain person that sits and does nothing. I know our did and would you believe she worked with new. However, it took a year to get rid of her. Once upon a time you could just get rid of them like that. But that's no longer the case.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card. Well done Chris for coming up with a solution, look forward to seeing photo of you on beach on your 50th. I hope you have a triuble free journey & a really relaxing holiday. Take
    Lilian lovely you popped in this morning hope Dr's visit is fruitful, healing hugs on
    Maria I am slowly getting on with cross stitch will be easier when I have had cataract done. Enjoy your day
    I hope to have a quieter day today, well that's the plan.
    Sending hugs to all who nerd them love

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I remember this card Sandra, I couldn't believe it was all stamped especially the lace. It really is beautiful and so lovely to see it again.
    What a beautiful gift from Chris and Sue and how lovely that he found time to make them and get them to you before your holidays, I really hope and pray they work, you cannot be the only one needing something to enable them to move on sand or soft surfaces, but you and Chris may have solved a big problem for so many people. I'm sure if they work for you some entrepreneur would be happy to fund Chris to take them further. WOW good good luck Sandra and to Chris. xx

    I hope Paul had a good sleep in and is calm and relaxed for the long journey ahead, praying you don't have too many delays on the M40 and M25. If you get clear of both before the evening rush starts you should be okay Both are roads you can never take for granted. I just hope your journey is uneventful. ......... Just thought of ours when going on a long journey ARE WE NEARLY THERE YET?

    Safe journey, have a fantastic holiday. Looking forward to hear how you get on going across the sand.

    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes, this is a cry from the past when travelling wasn't it. Are we nearly there yet.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Well by now you will be safely on your journey. Hope the things that Chris made you work. Let's hope you get to see Chris to give him that hug.
