
Saturday 5 August 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and ready for a relaxing weekend, we had really high
Winds here yesterday, it just feels so chilly and damp.  But I can also
Sympathize with Val, knowing how hot and humid it was here a few weeks back,
Just those few days were unbearable, as you say Val there was just no air, 
Even the smallest task left you exhausted.

We have a very varied mix of topics today, some fantastic photos, 
so let's get started:


Here is Karen's description:

I have just finished these Amigurimi crochet projects
The first is a Kerry Lord kit that was half price in my local John Lewis - Kate, the boxer (couldn't turn that down)
The second is a Minion that I have made for a work colleague who is Minion mad. It is partly a freebie pattern I found on Pinterest and partly my own design with a touch of Kerry Lord techniques I found the pattern quite confusing to follow and it was American stitches I.e. their single crochet is our double crochet
Hope you like them

I love both of them Karen, you are amazingly talented!
Thank you so much for sharing


Such lovely photos of you and Pete, Pat!
The first one is Pete taking Pat for a ride in his new car
at Beaulieu, it's so lovely to see Pete smiling.
The Mad Hatter's Tea Party is also at Beaulieu, 
Such an amazing feature, Topiary at its finest.
The last photo is if Pat and Pete at Tuckton Bridge.
Lovely photos for your family Album Pat,
Thank you so much for sharing


My lovely Team Mate Margaret has been doing some pre-ordering
from the New Stampin'Up! Autumn Winter Catalogue, 
we both had vouchers to use up so it would have been rude not too!
The first photo is of the card that Margaret made for Alan's birthday
using Stampin'Up! stamps of course, the ever popular 
'Lovely as a Tree's stamp, The Fox and amazing sentiment
Is from a stamp set "The Wilderness Awaits" stamp set.
Absolutely amazing card Margaret,
The stamp sets Margaret has bought are: 
'Touches of Texture'
An amazing collection of background stamps.
'Season Like Christmas' and 'Snowflake Sentiments'
Two amazing Brand New Christmas stamp sets from 
The new A/W catalogue, I have ordered the 'Snowflake Sentiments'
myself along with the matching dies set, I can't wait to get them, just 
look at those lovely sentiment stamps, I love the fonts used too.
'Woodland' Embossing Folder,
Perfect just as an Embossing Folder of can be used with the 
Letterpress technique to create a fantastic card.
Last but not least is a 'Pretty Quick' die, such a beautiful
stained glass effect stamp.
Margaret I can't wait to see what you make with all of your new things
Thanks so much for sharing

Thank you for all taking part in today's post.

We are off to a Camping Shop today to get some more heavy duty tent pegs
and a camping light, we haven't been for a couple of years so I am quite
looking forward to having a look around.

Have a lovely day whatever you are up to.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely mix we have today.

    KAREN- Love your crochet projects they are so cute.

    MARGARET- you are becoming a Stamping Queen lol. Love the look of your purchases and particularly your card.

    PAT- beautiful pics of you and PETE. It is a long long time since we visited that area of the Country. They girls were in junior school so you can guess how long ago.

    It's Meadowhall this morning to see Jim's Niece and her children and then this afternoon is anyone's guess.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I'll be putting some Cream/Jam Scones behind the counter for this afternoon.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're all up to.
    HUGS should be reaching you very soon. xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer5 August 2017 at 09:38

      Janet thank you for your lovely comments on my card & goodies, I am really enjoying using them they are so easy to use. Enjoy the children, never mind the weather they will brghten your

    2. Hi Janet, enjoy your time with the family and have a good time whatever you get up to this

    3. Thank you Janet I'm really enjoying crocheting at the mo It's so much easier to carry around I take it with me to my local cafe when I get breakfast there BUT I'd much rather be in this cafe with those delicious scones

    4. Hi Janet
      We loved Beaulieu and have never been before. We need to go again as we didn't see all of it.
      I'll try your remedy to get rid of the brambles. They've really got out of hand as Pete hasn't been up to doing much gardening.

    5. Hi Janet. I hope you had a nice time with Jim's niece and children. Did you manage to craft this afternoon? X

  2. Hello Everyone it's me again.
    I forgot to tell you our remedy for BRAMBLES.
    POUR THIN BLEACH ON THEM AND THEIR ROOTS. It gets rid of any vegetation including small bushes etc. It has always worked for us and not too expensive a way.

    1. I've never heard of that one. We are lucky that we don't have have problems with anything other than a few dandelions where we are now. X

  3. Morning Ladies

    Karen-love both of your crochet projects, they're amazing.

    Pat-lovely photos and it looks like you had nice weather.

    Margaret-great selection of crafty items in your purchases.

    I haven't been near my craft room all week-work has been quite stressful, training new starters on top of my own situation has left me shattered.

    I'm off into Southport this morning for my eye test. I go every 12 months as my prescription is very strong and there's an increased risk of a detached retina . Fingers crossed the prescription won't have changed much as I don't want to pay out again so soon. I have a few other things I need then a small shopping list from my Dad which I'll deliver on my way home.


    1. Margaret Palmer5 August 2017 at 09:41

      Thank you Michele I look forward to havingba play. Hope you can relax

    2. Hi Michele.
      I can imagine the stress your under at work. Thank goodness for the weekend eh? Hope you get on ok at the Optician and don't have to renew your glasses. I too,because of a problem eye ( I'm blind in my right) have to go every 12 months. In fact thank you, you've reminded me I'm supposed to go this month.
      Hope you can get time to relax this weekend. Xxx

    3. I do hope you get ok at opticians I'm due a test as I get tested yearly too because of the diabetes
      I hope next week is less stressful at work and thank you for your kind words Those gem embossing folders should arrive next week!

    4. Hi Michele. I hope you got on well at the optiitions this morning. My eyes aren't too bad but Chris has very poor eyesight bless him and his glasses cost a fortune, but you don't have a choice do you when your eyesight is really bad. At least annual checks mean any new problems get picked up quickly, we should never neglect our eyes.
      I hope you get to relax tomorrow x

  4. Margaret Palmer5 August 2017 at 10:02

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card & goodies, hope to have play later. Enjoy your
    Karen your crotchet is gorgeous, I have never mastered it but love to see
    Pat your photos of Tuckton brought back lovely memories, & the one of Beaulieu are
    Lilian hope you are feeling slightly better, hugs on
    Val please take care in the heat I would be like a zombie, cool hugs on
    Out this morning to my 91 year old friend may take her shopping the hope to craft this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all in need love Margaret. Xxx

    1. Hi Margaret lovely card and goodies. I have commented below you.
      It's definitely an afternoon in front of the tele with blinds down and air con on.
      Enjoy your visit with your friend and crafting this afternoon. Xxx

    2. Thank you Margaret If you knit you might get on better trying to crochet as if you knit I cannot master hook in one hand and yarn in the other I'll show you what I mean when we next meet

    3. Hi Mum. I hope Pam is ok. How is her leg healing? Haven't you got some more beautiful stamps, love the Christmas sentiments in particular. I hope you get to have a good play with them over the weekend. Love to you and Pop xxxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    I'm a bit later today as just got back from taking friends to the airport and a bit of shopping on the way back. Hope they don't get caught up in all the chaos that seems to be happening in Europe's airports at the moment.

    KAREN oh what cute crochered creatures you've made. Really love them especially the boxer.. He looks very ready for a cuddle. You are clever.

    PAT lovely photos especially the one of you and Pete in the posh car. I can't make out what Pete's got on his teeshirt apart from 'YEP' Is it rude?

    MARGARET Beautiful card. You're stamping is so good. Loving all the goodies you've bought. Those trees are so pretty.

    Lynn and Paul are at home this weekend so Paul is bravely lighting a barbecue later. I think I'll be spending the day watching the Athletics on the tele. Saw Mo Farrah win his race last. I was watching in my bedroom and jumping up and down during the last lap. I felt so emotional when he won and carried his little son around. It makes me proud to be British.

    Maria, Lilian, Pat Lynda and Sue and anyone else not feeling so good, hope today is a better day for you.

    Have a great Saturday everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val He is cute Kerry Lords yarn is expensive but it is gorgeous to work with and very soft As the whole kit including hook, all of the yarn, stuffing and sewing needle was half price I couldn't resist

    2. Hi Val no, it's not rude. It's along the lines of. Yup it's true I'm the best Dad in the world I'm on call 24/7. Karen bought it him for Fathers Day.

    3. Hi Val. Thank you for you kind words. I'm back to normal now, or as normal as I will ever be 😉 Isn't it sad that the airport's always threaten strike action at its busiest, so unfair for those people that work hard for the rest of the year to have a holiday abroad. But then it's the only way the staff can be heard so it's a no win really isn't it!
      I hope you enjoyed the athletics, I must be honest and say that we don't watch any sport except the rugby but glad you enjoy other sports.
      I have a question but please don't answer if you would rather not but a close friend lost her vision in one eye for a few days and it is still missing from the top half of her eye. This happened a few months ago at the age of 51 after she had a brain bleed and it has been very hard for her to deal with so I just wondered if you have been blind in one eye all of your life or did you lose it later on, and if so how you coped? As I have said please don't answer if you would rather not. I hope the temps are set to fall for you so you can breath easier x

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Karen. Love Kate the boxer dog, and your Minion which I'm a fan off as well.
    Great stamps as well Margaret.
    Well to say it rained here this morning is an understatement. Doreen called it Thunder Rain. I got absolutely drowned just putting the shopping in the boot. Of course I wasn't wearing a coat as it wasn't raining when we went to pick Doreen up. Now the suns just come out. You just can't odds the weather here can you. I'd still like it much warmer than it is though.

    1. Thank you Pat I hope the girls at work like them

    2. Hi Pat. I love the photos of you and Pete, especially in the beautiful car. The weather has been dry and sunny all day except for a few drops about 3pm here. Isn't it odd how the weather can vary so much with in just a few miles, or less sometimes. I would love it to be hotter, but nowhere near as hot as our Val has it in Spain though! Take care x

  7. Evening all.
    Aaaah Karen, love the crochet doggy, not keen on the minions but you are very good at making these things up. Hope you are ok today.
    Some good shopping Margaret, can't wait to see what you make with it all.
    Lovely photos from your trip Pat, you and Pete went to some nice places. Have not been to Beaulieu for many years,hope to go again one day.
    Lilian, hope you doing ok, hugs
    Sending hugs to you all and hope you all have a nice Sunday. I'm out in the morning as usual so hope to see you sometime in the afternoon. Only done some shopping and washing today, the washing was a worry if dry to make up the bed this evening because it got drenched quite a few times but the sun came out so now we can sleep on nice smelling sheets tonight.
    Goodnight and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I'm so glad that you are going to get your knee and shoulder sorted in the same week, hopefully by Ally Pally you will be fighting fit 😊 Its so nice to get into fresh line dried bedding, especially crisp white cotton, isn't it. I think it would be one thing I would have done for me daily if I won the lottery, after buying us all lots of crafting goodies, and the house next Janet's in France of course 😊 Has your son gone camping yet, and where is he going/has gone? Good luck tomorrow at WW x

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. I'm late in as we have Phone, Paige and little Chris for the weekend and we have been on the go since early.
    A lovely selection of photos for us today.
    Karen, you have made two great cuddles. The bull dog is gorgeous and what a great Minion. Like Mum I can't master crochet. I keep meaning to get Sandra to show me how to do it as I can only make the first line of stitches, after that I am stumped, no matter which book, video etc I look at! I have never tried holding the hook and wool as if knitting though so hopefully will manage to pick up the basics from Sandra x
    Pat, it's lovely to see that you and Pete managed to get out and about around Bournemouth, you seem to have been lucky with the weather while you where away. Sorry to hear you got wet today though. Big hugs to you x
    Sandra, learning to crochet is just another thing that between us we want to try out. We still haven't got around to quilting have we ....yet! 😊 I hope you and Paul enjoyed a good look around the camping store. Did you go to Go Outdoors? There's not many camping shops around us is there? No doubt the kit is starting to fill the room and Paul is beginning to have nightmares about managing to pack everything 😊 I hope you're not stressing too much about all the things on your lists that still need to be done though my lovely. Big hugs are on the way xxxx
    Lilian. I hope that the docs went as well as possible for you yesterday. Hugs are winging their way to you x
    Lynda, it's horrid for you having to put up with your bad legs and feet. Sending big hugs to you and Captain Underpants xx
    Brenda, I hope you are ok just busy with the grandchildren X
    I'm off to bed now as no doubt it will be another busy day with the grandchildren tomorrow. We wouldn't want it any other way though as we love them all to bits 😘😘😘 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Have a great day with the grandchildren Sue and hope they not make you totally pooped hihi
      Son is flying to Denmark on the 14th, train to Sweden, hire car up though Norway and then back down to Stockholm where they flying back home just 2 weeks later, I'm exhausted just writing about it Lol but they are still young. They will be camping most of the time but have also booked some nights in some B+B type of places, they are staying in houses in some places, it is called something but brain not working any better this time of night so but you might know what I mean. hugs xx
