
Friday 4 August 2017

Wishing you happiness xxx

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh my this weather is so frustrating, I'm pretty sure our washing got travel sick yesterday it was in and that much, it was mostly towels so I wanted to get the dry outside before a quick fluff in the tumble dryer!  I think we can safely say that there won't be a hosepipe ban this month!  By stark contrast Europe are experiencing record highs, it must be terrible to have work in that heat, Val you must be about melting my lovely, I hate card making when it's that warm, you get sweaty handprints all over your card, plus it's so much harder to be creative, my brain would shrivel up in that heat, let alone my creativity! 

Today's card is one I started when Pat was here but never got to finish so I finished it yesterday using,..xxxxx
Lots of labels Framelits for the sentiment

Background paper is from Delightful Daisies, it's such a pretty paper that has lots of flowers on.
The coloured Matt is Calypso Coral, the stamp sentiment is from 'Better Together' xxxx

How are you all getting along with your Challenge, it's actually quite straightforward, I can't wait to see them all.

Have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card today Sandra, the background paper is so pretty.

    Yesterday was another busy day which has left me with a few problems to sort out today. I'm hoping it's both to busy so I can sort the problems out.

    Hubby heard yesterday that he still has a job -More redundancies at Tesco! We're still waiting for the paperwork fir his new job so it's been a tense few weeks.

    Phoned my Dad last night-he's doing really well. He managed to walk to the nearest shop which is a reasonable walk considering it's only 3 weeks since his operation. He seemed very pleased with himself & it's great news fir me as he can get small amounts of shopping for himself using his rucksack.

    Well-thank goodness it's Friday!!


    1. Hi Michele, great news about your husbands job. What a relief that must be.Your dad sounds as though he's really recovered well. So pleased for him getting some of his independence back.
      Hope you're not too busy today and Yeh it's the weekend. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele. I hope work goes well and quickly for you today. It's good to hear that your Dad is well on the road to recovery x

    3. Lovely to see that dad is making such good progress and at least your husband has a bit of breathing space I hope work calms down a bit for you too

    4. Great news that hubbys job is safe, so it's a shame that he's waiting to start a new job somewhere else. Hope the paperwork comes through soon. I hope you manage to get yesterday's problems sorted out today.

    5. Hi Michele
      Pleased hubby job is safe. Hope you have a good day at work &a the problem gets sorted.
      Hug's xx

    6. Wonderful Michele your dad is doing so well and good news about hubby's job. Hope your day at work was ok, take care xx

  2. Very pretty SANDRA I rarely use patterned paper I should do that one in the challenge perhaps...
    I am so relieved that the results from yesterday have come back clear
    I'm taking it easy today and we (OH and I) are having our hair done later
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen, so pleased and relieved that everything's ok. Have a good relax today - you deserve it. Xxx

    2. Hi Karen. I'm so glad that all went well yesterday. I hope you and hubby have a nice day relaxing x

    3. Hi Karen
      Great news everything is ok. We had our hair done last night.

    4. Hi Karen
      Good news everything went well yesterday. Have a good day.
      Hug's xx

    5. Brilliant news Karen, sending you a bamse(bear) hug ! look after yourself xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a very pretty card and I really do love that background paper.

    LILIAN- lovely to see you yesterday and I'm hoping that you begin to feel better soon.

    I had a good day crafting -well all morning and then feet up in the afternoon as usual. I received a parcel from Hochanda which contained all the materials to make Seasonal Stockings. I saw the programme last week from Crafter's companion Threaders showcasing an Advent Calendar and Christmas Stockings. I fell in love with the Stockings and just couldn't resist. I haven't done any sewing for ages so that's my excuse lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN and on the lunch menu today is Fish and Chips!! Please place your

    HUGS for you all with extras for Dear Friends in need.

    1. The Seasonal Stock is sound lovely. Looking forward forward to seeing a photo when they're finished.
      I don't eat fish but a chip butty with lots of tomato sauce would be lovely.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. I saw them on Hochanda too and was very nearly tempted Perhaps when Oscar is older I'll be making Christmas stockings

    3. Hi Janet. I haven't seen the seasonal stockings so am looking forward to seeing yours. Please may I place my order for fish and chips...yum yum 😊 Have a good dayx

    4. Hi Janet
      I haven't seen the stockings on Hochanda so I'm looking forward to seeing yours made up.

    5. Hi Janet
      Look forward to seeing your stockings when you have made them.
      Enjoy whatever your up to today.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hi Janet, hope you have a nice day and enjoy the goodies from Hochanda. Just ordered Indien so no fish and chips for me today :-) hugs xx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card Sandra. The background paper is so pretty.

    Disappointingly no Craft Club for the next two weeks as the restaurant is closed for holidays. So being at a loose end today, Wendy and I are going out for lunch which will be nice.

    The weather here is breaking records but more than the heat it is so humid. There's just no air about - not nice. I have asthma as you know and my Ventalin inhaler is being used so much. In our local paper it says the hospitals are overflowing with people with serious breathing problems.I think Italy and further East are worse though. Rome is now rationing water. Sorry if I'm moaning when I know some of you are having bad weather.

    LILLIAN so hope you begin to feel better soon.

    Hugs to everyone, especially those not feeling so good today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Oh Val poor you I couldn't cope at all with that heat I love a bit of sunshine but couldn't take the heat OH and I are polar opposites in that respect He loves to cook and I'm happy to potter about inside when we're on holiday

    2. Hi Val. I've just looked back at yesterdays comments and the one I did for you isn't there so sorry about that. Its understandable that you are having a moan about the weather as you don't normally have such high temperatures. Please keep your inhaler close to hand, it must be awful for you.
      Have a lovely lunch with Wendy. Sending gentle cool hugs to you as you don't need anything warm at the moment do you! X

    3. Hi Val
      I hope you have a lovely lunch with Wendy. I wish you could parcel up some of your hot weather and send it over to us. Make you you have plenty of Ventalin to hand.

    4. Hi Val
      Have a nice lunch with Wendy. Sorry your finding the weather hard with your asthma keep your inhaler with you. I wouldn't be able to stand that heat.
      Keep cool Hug's xx

  5. Great card. Like the patterned paper. Laura O

    1. Hello Laura Lovely to see you x

    2. Hi Laura. Sandra always makes such beautiful cards doesn't she 😊 Have a good day. Take care x

    3. Hi Laura
      Lovely to see you in again.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. Such a pretty card, I love the coral colour and the backing paper is lovely. The punched daisy is so useful for so many occasions, it may be a simple flower but it is beautiful. Thank you for sharing my lovely. I agree that the weather is awful, the sun is shining here on one side of the house but on the otherside there are lots of very grey clouds so guess we are in for more rain again today! Not being able to put the washing out without it getting extra rinses is something that really annoys me. You should be able to put it out on August for goodness sake!
    Rant over and soap box put away.
    Lilian, gentle hugs for you. I hope the double dose meds have done the trick so that you get good results today and are able to stop taking them x

  7. Oops, I published too early!
    Pat, I'm glad that you aren't coughing quite so much, fingers crossed it is finally going to clear up x
    Maria, I hope you are ok and your knee and shoulder are being kind to you. Gentle hugs are on their way to you x
    Lynda, how are your feet today, I hope they are not too bad. Big hugs for you and that big pet of yours x
    Sharon, thank you for telling us a bit about yourself. Don't forget that Sandra is always happy to share any pics of your crafts, pets(both human and usual ones😊 your garden, in fact just about anything that you are interested in. It would be great if you are able to come to Ally Pally, with Maria maybe? Have a good day x
    Sorry if I have forgotten anyone.
    I'm having a day at a home as a I won't risk passing any bugs on to Mum or Pop at the moment in particular so ironing here I come 😞 Love you Mum xxx Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      My feet & legs don't seem to change for the better I just try & live with it I've got a appointment with the RA clinic on the 15th so will ask why the tablets are not doing much.. Glad your feeling better Sue.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card again today. I must say the colour doesn't look so bright in the photo. Well the Queen of ironing Lynda will be glad to hear I've just finished doing some. Mind you I'll have a pile more later as Petes put another load of washing on. I then went out and chopped a few brambles down behind Petes greenhouse. Mind you there are loads to cut down before you can dig the roots out. Any ideas of how to get rid of them?.

  9. Hi Pat
    Glad you have finished your ironing MINE is winging its way over to you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Pleased your cough is so much better.
    Take care Love Hug for you & Pete xx

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sandra a very pretty card from you today lovely colour's. Your backing papers
    Are gorgeous
    Short post today I have commented on way down. But Captain under pants is ready to go out now. ( No I'm not putting my knickers over my jeans ) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Will pop in later. Love πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— Lynda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    yesterday's card was a wow and today's card is a another wow Your cards look amazing and I love the colours and the patterned papers that you are using. Are they all by SU ? I need to win the lottery so badly for I want to buy some more craft but saying that, it would all end up in boxes in the garage because food cooking and crafting in the same room is a bit tricky at times.
    Started comment on way down but then it didn't let me so I continue here,
    Val- you do take care, not nice when it is too humid and you can't catch your breath. Hope you had a nice lunch with Wendy.
    Laura- nice to see you in today. Hope you are alright and have some time for crafting. Love to see some of your cards etc. one day. As I'm sure you seen we do post little bit of everything on Sandra's blog, just keep it clean....Lol
    Sharon- it's lovely you joined us and hopefully you can share your makes as well with us and of course you all can play around with the Monday challenge which sometimes do keep me on my toes and if I can make one up tomorrow for Sunday showing I be lucky :-o
    Pat- oh don't mention Brambles. They are growing in from outside the fence and I hate them with vengeance because I have no idea either how to get rid of them so if anyone knows, please tell. Glad the cough at last starting to get easier for you, take it easy and hugs for you and Pete.
    Lynda- hope you and capt.underpants ,your pet, OH, both were dressed going out ?!! We have so many names now for bless him Terry so I think I have to send him an extra large hug so he dosen't be sad. Okay, okay hugs for you both Lol.
    Lilian- new meds can make you feel yack don't they so I hope you feel better soon and you get used to them or come off them. Do not like the Co-codomol they given me, tummy not happy.
    Cheryl- hope you okay and can take some time out in your crafting for the fete'. Are you doing some walking lately ?
    Hugs being sent to Sonia- hope to see you back soon.
    Margaret- hugs for you and Pop. Hope you can come to Ally Pally this Sept.
    Sue- wish you better lovely. I 'm ok just stupid body who is not with it for the last two day's and it did not help we went down to London to see SIL yesterday and got home late so have done absolutely nothing today, aaarg I hate feeling like a useless piece of lump and the weather does nothing to help, I NEED Sunshine !
    Brenda- are you still looking after the young ones ? well they are to old now for being the little ones Lol Ciara making any cards for us to see ? Her cards are amazing.
    Seeing nurse on the 9th for pre op on knee the 14th and this morning I got letter for shoulder for the 17th, hihi One minute nothing and the everything in the same week yay. Got 2 shirt hanging on the iron board under the stair cupboard since March and nothing else to iron, should probably do them Lol
    Going to read my book now before dinner coming. Hope you all have had a nice day and having a nice evening. Love to you all, Maria Xxox

  12. Margaret Palmer4 August 2017 at 20:54

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I commented this morning then it disappeared so here goes again.A really beautiful card love the paper, must have a
    Lilian hope medication kicks in soon, healing hugs on
    Karen pleased nothing was found, hugs on
    Lynda sorry your feet are still painful, hugs on the way to you
    Maria pleased to hear you also have your shoulder appointment, you will be a new woman when we meet at Ally Pally, yes I hope to go, hugs on
    Michele pleased to hear your husband's work is secure, & your Dad I'd doing well, having the 2nd done makes a big difference SD I know. Have a relaxing
    I managed to get another cc done this afternoon & also had my SU order come, I wasn't expecting it till Tuesday so hope to have a play tomorrow.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
