
Thursday 3 August 2017

Awesomely Artistic Birthday!

Good Morning Ladies,

I want to start today by wishing out lovely Karen well for her procedure today, we will all be there with you in spirit my lovely, I'm sure you're glad it's only 'spirit', can you imagine all of us in one room, mind you it would take your mind off of
What you are having done!!  XXX

Lilian, I hope you are feeling better my lovely,  this place just isn't the same without your daily input, I had your tablets are starting to take effect xxx

I'd like you to all join me in welcoming Sharon to our blog family ladies, it was so lovely of you to pluck up the courage to pop in and say Hi yesterday, I saw that you had met our Maria,
She is so lovely, I'm so happy that you took up her invitation.
Please feel free to take part in Mondays Challenge, I will share your card on Sunday if you do take part, it's a great 'mojo' booster and Challenges to step outside of our comfort zone too.
I'd love to know where you are from and what crafts you enjoy.

Today's card was made using Stampin' Up! 'Awesomely Artistic' stamp set, it's my new favourite, I love that stunning flower burst and the foliage. I coloured the flowers with 'Sweet Sugarplum' ink and ,'Pear Pizazz' ink and layered the card with 'Sweet Sugarplum' card too. I just added different background elements of the stamp to my card front, I quite like the results, I hope you do too. XXX

Sue was too poorly to make it yesterday which was sad as it is a special time for the three of us, I am hoping that I  will get to see you before we go away Sue XXX

We usually go out to lunch to celebrate our friendship anniversary but Pat bought HUGE cream cakes instead, meringue with a mountain of cream and strawberries, they were yummy, I was still full up at supper time, hahaha!

Well I'm off to tick some more things off my list, I am expecting Mr.Brown (UPS) Today too, with my latest SU goodies, which is always exciting !!!

Have a lovely day whatever you are up to, I hope the weather doesn't hamper your plans, Val, how many visitors can you cope with????? 😉

Love and hugs



  1. Thank you SANDRA IT'd be lovely if you all could come and take my mind off it all
    I won't go into detail but suffice to say the prep was not very pleasant at all!
    Hello SHARON I do hope you visit again and I can catagorically (don't think I've spelt that right) that this blog is very friendly and a huge support on all manor of things,including crafty stuff. The challenges are fun and optional too So you never feel under any pressure
    I'm glad MARIA persuaded you to pop in

    1. Good luck Karen. Thinking of you. Xxx

    2. Morning Karen
      Good Luck for today and I'll be there with you holding your hand. xxxx

    3. Margaret Palmer3 August 2017 at 08:25

      Karen good luck for today we are thinking of

    4. I will be thinking of you Karen. I will be holding your hand Good luck for today 🤗🤗🤗🤗 xx

    5. Thinking of you Karen and sending gentle hugs XX

    6. Hi hope it's goes /gone well today.

    7. Hi Karen. I hope it all went/goes well for you. From your comment about the prep for today I think I may know what it is and you have my sympathy as I have had quite a few over the years and agree that it's not pleasant at all 😞 I will be with all of the other ladies in spirit holding your hand x

    8. Hi Karen
      Hope it all went well for you. I think the prep for the procedure is much better now than it was, as Pete will testify. We're all with you in spirit.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another beautiful card Sandra, very pretty & such lovely colours.

    The cream cakes you & Pat had sounded delicious.

    Welcome to Sharon-hope you enjoyed your visit. This is the friendliest blog anywhere so I hope you call in again.

    Yesterday was crazy busy, it was 5pm before I knew it! New Locum seems very nice-just hope she wasn't put off by our slightly disorganised approach!!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Glad your New Locum seems nice. How's your dad hope he's on the mend.🤗🤗xx

    2. Hi Michele. It's always nice, if tiring, if work goes quickly isn't it. I'm glad that the new lady is nice. How is your Dad getting in now? X

    3. Hi Michele
      I'm glad your new Locum is nice. Hope it stays that way. Hopefully you'll not be so busy if you have a few more hands to help.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Yesterday was another wash out and we've already got rain this morning so perhaps CRAFTING HERE WE COME for the day well as long as I can stand in front of my table.hehehe

    SHARON- Welcome to the best blog ever. I'm Janet from Sheffield. Born and bred Yorkshire and very much on the 'daft' side. Please pop in whenever you feel like it. All cakes/buns and goodies are CALORY FREE and the 'CAFE' is the safest place you can find.

    Lovely card SANDRA and I just love love love your colour choise. Don't do too much ticking off your list there's always another day and we don't want you suffering too much before your journey.

    THE CAFE IS OPEN for the day. Sorry we don't have any cream cakes today but perhaps at the
    HUGs are winging their way to you all with extras for LILIAN (I hope you're feeling better).xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Enjoy your day of crafting. Hope the sun comes out for you.
      🤗🤗 xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Don't we just wish the weather gods would start are summer for us. We also had rain today. It's stopped now but it's very windy.

  4. Great card pretty flowers. Laura O

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Stunning card today Sandra, love the pretty flowers and the beautiful colour.
    Perhaps you could bring over your tent and we could fit everyone in!!!

    Hi Sharon glad you popped in to this happy group. It's the friendliest blog ever and I do hope you visit again.

    Meeting a friend later for lunch but apart from that the days my own. I've finished my cc apart from the sentiment which I'm doing first thing and sending it off to Sandra.

    PAT those cakes you had yesterday sound delicious. Meringue strawberry and cream - all my favourite things. Glad you had a good time but sorry Sue didn't make it. SUE hope you're feeling a lot better today.

    Love to all not doing so well at the moment. PAT hope that cough is clearing up finally and LILLIAN hope the medication is working.

    Love to all. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your day & enjoy your lunch with your friend.
      Hug's on there way love Lynda Xxx

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch with your friend. Apparently Sandra's tent is quite large so would fit all of us. Are you having our sun on top of yours as it's really really hot on the continent,
      Yes, our cakes were yummy. Not calorie free like the cafe ones though.
      And I still have my cough though not so bad as it was.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry a flying visit as we are off to a hairdresser friend so a morning full of lots of chat and a laughter.
    Love your card Sandra I think the colours you have used all my absolute favourites ( at the moment) ha ha XX
    Yesterdays eye test went very well, I have to have replacement glasses but John got away with it - again!
    Will pop back later hope you all have a good day love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda. Im glad your eye tests went well and at least it's only you that needs new glasses as they can be very expensive. X

    2. Hi Brenda
      Pete never has to have new glasses either. He has his operation on his eyelid on the 15th as that's a Tuesday we've changed his hospital visit to the Wed instead. Looks like the 15th will be an all day job as well. A nurse rang and was asking him all sorts of questions this morning,

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra your card is stunning love the stamp set you used & the colour is lovely.
    Sorry Sue didn't make you anniversary. SUE wishing better dear friend hope your feeling better today take care 🤗🤗. PAT your Strawberries & cream
    sounded yummy. How's your cough hope it's better sending you some
    🤗🤗'Amy friend xx
    Lillian hope your feeling better has the medication kicked in now.
    .🤗 On the way xx

    Hi Sharon Welcome I did leave you a comment last evening ( it was late though)
    Glad you had a nice meet up with Maria she is a lovely lady inside & out couldn't wish for a better friend & pleased she asked you to join the loveliest & friendliest blog you could wish for. So hope you will pop in again.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    Not much on the cards today might go Tesco depending on my PET. I have three cards I have to make & the CC so will be busy in craft room most of the day. Off for my shower now will pop in later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. Thank you for thinking of me. My joints have been bad and I seem to have a stomach bug now so not a happy bunny! I hope you manage to get your CC done and sent to Sandra. Hugs to you and big Pet X

    2. Hi Lynda
      No I still have my cough although not so bad as a few weeks ago. Hope your pet made up his mind if he's going to Tesco's or not.

  8. Hello All, quick pop in to thank you all for care. If I say the tablets make you feel worse than the illness I guess you know what I mean.

    Sandra loved all your cards over the last few days, not felt like doing any crafting yet.

    Hope everyone is is ok, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. It's so good to see you in the Café today. I'm sorry to hear that the meds are making you feel worse. Fingers crossed all goes well for you tomorrow. Gentle hugs are on the way to you x

    2. Hi Lilian
      Great to see you in today. I know exactly what you mean when you say your needs are making you feel worse. The pain mess I had for my hip had me passing out and we were on holiday for a few days in London as well.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Todays card is gorgeous, you always manage to pick the perfect colours for your colouring, this card is a real beauty. How are you getting on with the holiday lists? I'm so sorry that I missed seeing you and Pat yesterday. It still does seem possible that it's only three years since we met up.
    Lilian, it's lovely to see you in today. I will be thinking of you tomorrow x
    Sharon. It's lovely to see you in the best blog/Café you will ever find. I'm Sue and I live quite near to Sandra, Pat and also Margaret. As you may know Sandra pat and I have known each other for three years but I have known Margaret for a lot longer, in fact for all of my life as she is my wonderful Mum 😁 and of course have met our lovely Maria many times over the last three years. It would be lovely to meet you if you could make Ally Pally or Watford at all. I hope you have a good day x
    Karen, I hope all is going well for you today x
    My joints were feeling better this morning until my stomach decided to play up so not happy bunny again. Never mind, it will go as quickly as it came on I hope. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Another lovely card today. Saw this one in the flesh so to speak yesterday. Well Craig brought Romilly and Xander over today and their playing on the Wi at the moment. They're off to Alsworth tomorrow for a week. Romilly at 12 is sat whinging because she's been so unbehaved her phone,iPod and iPad have been taken from her. She asked if she could play with Petes which defeats the object. Mind you whinging usually gets her her own way.
    Hugs to anyone who needs it.

  11. I'm back! Got home about 10.30 (I think) It went a lot better than I thought although. I did get a bit emotional when I first went into the endoscopy room - thinking of my son, mum and sister I think The ladies really helped and apparently everything thing is fine
    Thank you for holding my hand ladies I really appreciate it xx

    1. Margaret Palmer's3 August 2017 at 20:10

      Karen so pleased to hear all well, sending hugs glad we all helped

    2. Great news Karen. Sending you gentle hugs.

  12. Evening all
    Im not getting the blog email till late afternoon so responding now, a big thank you all for my lovely welcome, Im in Milton Keynes near Maria, I was born and raised in Greenford Middlesex and in Ireland I started crafting about 5 years ago, by helping my friend doing the verses for her cards and then I started to make the cards too now im addicted, I have only just started stamping as i had a few attempts and couldn't get them clear but I have invested in the Stamp press and now learning to do it right. I have been looking at the samples on here and there gorgeous so I know where to come for advise with my stamping problems, I also like flower arranging and i decorate candles and will try most things, I look forward to long and happy friendship with you all, and hopefully meet up at Ally Pally if I can
    Take care all

    1. Hi Sharon
      Great to see you back.
      Cheryl makes and decorating candles and they're gorgeous. She sells them at fetes for her charity. If you go back to older posts you'll see some that she's made.

  13. Margaret Palmer3 August 2017 at 20:29

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & colours, hope you have ticked of some things from list & had time to play with new goodies, I have to wait till Ties. for minexxx
    Lilian good to see you sorry tabs are making you feel rotten, sending hugs to
    I am keeping this short already lost a long comment.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
