
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Fresh as a Daisy

Good Morning Ladies,

Summery colours were the inspiration for this card, well Wednesday to see the. Somewhere, it was another dark and dismal day around here, the sky was so many different shades of grey it was unbelievable, we had the lights on inside from early afternoon, it's just ridiculous at this time of year.

I have to say I feel so sorry for those people that are holidaying at the moment, I just couldn't think of anything worse than sitting in a cold, damp tent or caravan with children, we always found things to entertain ours but they still get a little 'stir crazy' after a few ours. Camping is huge at the moment and we love the relaxed atmosphere and lifestyle of camping, mainly because our lives have almost regimented, when we are away we have no set meal times, we eat when we are hungry, getting dressed up for dinner at a given time in an overcrowded restaurant is not relaxing to us, we tend to get up and have a good breakfast (there is a bakery on site, so fresh warm baguettes, croissant and pastries are irresistible), my other luxury on holiday is having really top quality butter with flakes of sea salt, omg it's delicious, local preserves are yummy too!  We take a picnic to the beach, mainly snacks and fruit, greengages are in abundance there and the girls love them along with nectarine, oranges and watermelon of course.  Paul will generally pop and get an ice-cream.
Dinner happens when we are done with the beach, the seafood around there is amazing and very reasonable too, so girls are in heaven, they will say just about anything from the sea, well probably apart from Jellied eels or whelks, eww, yuk!!
But sadly, camping here doesn't have the same appeal, we have camped everywhere from Hayle in Cornwall up to Scarborough and many places in between, we may have been lucky once or twice but the majority of those years were wet ones !!!
Also the cost here is so high compared to Europe, my Cousin Alyson and I were having this discussion last night, she was trying to book a long weekend away with her grandson, she was quoted £900 for 5 days in North Norfolk or £500 for 4 days in a caravan at Walton-on-the-Naze, which believe me is nothing special !! Our campsite costs way less than the first quote and that's for 3 weeks!  

Anyway on to today's card, I stamped this card using the Stampin'Up! 'Daisy Delight' stamp set, I used different elements of the stamp set to build up the image in "Pear Pizazz', 'So Saffron' and a hint of 'Peekaboo Peach' .  I then ties a piece of SU Pear Pizazz Ribbon around the card and stamped my sentiment.  Quite a quick and easy card, but I kind of like how it turned out.

I have stowed the Soapbox away after my little rant on holidays!!!

I hope you all have a lovely day, I am hoping to meet up with my two very dear friends today!

Have fun whatever you are up to!

I hope that everyone that is suffering with pain or illness is starting to feel brighter, gentle hugs on route.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the way your tied the ribbon on it.

    Busy day at work yesterday, new Locum starting today. We have 3 new staff (permanent)!starting over the next 2 months which will ultimately make things easier for me but they all need Specialist training as none of them have ever been inside an Aseptic Unit before.

    Might start my challenge card tonight, felt too tired last night to even think of Crafting.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your going to have a busy few months training the new staff up. Enjoy your crafting if you manage to get to it,

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well yet again yesterday our bright sunny start only lasted until 11.00 when the sky turned grey and the rain poured down and continued for the rest of the day. Today has dawned grey but dry for the moment.

    SANDRA- Love today's taste of Summer. Thank you for brightening the start of my day.

    I began my CC yesterday and 'hold your breathe' cut some Seasonal toppers!!!!!!!

    Not sure about today but something will turn up.

    LILIAN- I'm missing you. Hope you're feeling a little better.

    THE THREE GRACES- have a lovely crafty day.

    The CAFE sign says OPEN so when it's time for a coffee/tea break just pop in for a cuppa.

    HUGs are winging their way through the greyness to you all. xxxx

    1. Just Sandra and I again Janet. I bought cream cakes to celebrate our 3 years. It's pouring with rain here as well.

  3. Morning I'm at home today only because of prep for an op tomorrow I'm just going to chill and do a bit of crafting
    Don't faint SANDRA but I actually did a bit of stamping yesterday I wanted to try Sue W's inking technique she showed yesterday How do I get Archival ink off my hands?!?
    Much love to everyone and hope troubles are lightening and pain disappearing x

    1. Fingers crossed and good luck for tomorrow Karen. Good to have a chilled out day.
      Re the injured bird. I put it upstairs on the roofnterrace with water and bread crumbs. I checked on it ever now and again and by afternoon it was really perky and obviously eating and was running around but couldn't fly. Anyway about 8 pm I went up again and it's gone. There's really no where to hide up there but I did think maybe it had fallen off the wall.Checked all around the house but couldn't find it. I'm hoping that it was stunned more than injured and it's flown away.yeh.
      Take care. Hope you manage to get the ink off your hands. Xxx

    2. Hi Karen, All the best for you tomorrow. Sending gentle caring hugs your way XX

    3. Margaret Palmer2 August 2017 at 16:46

      All the best for tomorrow, will be thinking of you, hugs on

    4. Hi Karen
      All the best for tomorrow
      will be with you holding your hand.
      Hope your day was ok & you were chilling out.
      Sleep well tonight. sending Big Hug's xxx

    5. Hi Karen
      Fingers crossed and good luck for tomorrow. I'll be with you in spirit.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Lovely to see this happy coloured card this morning as it is rather grey and wet here too.
    Remember going camping with my parents, mostly tents in the beginning and we had so much fun. Seeing what Son is packing for his trip and he is flying out first, I can't see how he is going to get it all with him. The pump for the blow-up tent is huge Lol
    Got the neighbours pets to sort out and hope to make some cards so I will wish you all a good day and hugs to all, especially for you who are not feeling so well today.
    Anyone looking in ,do pop in and say Hi. You more then welcome to join us.
    Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      We used to go camping as well. Also had wet weather. Would rather go in a flat,cottage or a hotel. Ask Pete where ged like to go on holiday and his standard reply is Camping in Cornwall.

  5. Morning Sandra and all,

    Really pretty, summery card today. Sounds as though you need a bit of summer.

    Off to play crib today. Last one for about 6 weeks as some people go back to UK for a while to get away from the heat. I must admit I've always thought it a bit silly but I really wish I could get away at the moment. The North Pole sounds inviting.
    SANDRA we camped all over the UK when the children were young. Great if you get good weatherbut awful when eeverything's wet. Later on we got a touring caravan which we kept on a site in Pembroke in South Wales. A bit more comfy but still not a lot to do in the rain and going across the field to the one toilet was a nightmare. Bet your getting excited about going away now. Not long is it.

    Well I'll love you and leave you.

    Hugs to all not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your fame of crib. Your fellow crabbers will wish they were back in Spain with all this cold wet weather we're having. We could still do with a bit of your Sun.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Love today's card, those daisy stamps are gorgeous.
    We are off now to have our eyes tested . Then into Asda to do some shopping. Hopefully I will get to look in this afternoon.
    Hope our three graces get to meet up today.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      No just Sandra and I again. I bought a CD in Asda in Bournemouth on Monday. Went through the self service check out. Bought a couple of bottles of wine as well. The cashier stood by us, but I didn't know that it had a security box thing around it, the alarm went off when we came out but the security man only looked in my sister in laws gpbag. Though I'd play the CD on the way to Sandra's. Had to take it into Asda in Carterton to get it removed. I must be the only person who sets off the alarm off going in.

  7. Afternoon all, Im Sharon the lady Maria met and invited me to join you all on here so have taken the plunge and saying Hi, must say I do like this card so pretty and love the colours, well have been a busy day up till now and as its raining here going to put the kettle on and put my feet up for a rest and catch up on my mail.
    Have a good day all whatever your doing
    love and hugs

    1. Margaret Palmer2 August 2017 at 16:51

      Welcome Sharon, see we don't bite. Hope to see you again soon.xx

    2. Hello Sharon, So pleased you took up Mariia's invite. I hope you will come back again. This is a lovely place to visit, lots of calorie free cakes and lovely supportive friends. You can sound off if life gets in the way or just tell everyone about your day. Everyone is here for you.xx

    3. Hello Sharon
      Lovely to meet you so glad you had a nice meet up with Maria she is a lovely lady inside & out. Hope you pop back soon
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hullo Sharon. Great to see you in on the blog. I'm glad you have a lovely meet up with Maria. We meet up with Maria , Brenda and Karen in either Watford or Ally Pally.

  8. Margaret Palmer2 August 2017 at 17:04

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a great fresh looking card today, I love it. Hope the 3 of you have managed to meet
    I had hoped to make another cc but had to make a get well card for the chap who runs the petanque groups
    & now I am sat outside surgery waiting for Alan, they rang this morning to say that his pottassium levels are down & she wants to change his medication. At least hospital have said that he can go back on waiting list for his hip, so hopefully will not be much longer.
    Lilian hope you are feeling benefit of tablets now, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them in particular Lynda, Pat & Maria love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      Thank you for your Hug's really do help a lot.
      Hope Alen doesn't have a long wait to gets his new hip done.
      Sending you both some Hug's back for you Lynda .xxx

    2. Hi Margaret
      Thanks for the hugs. Pete has to eat bananas for his potassium as he has low levels as well. At least he doesn't have to take medicarption.

  9. Hi again, has it not been an awful day weather wise today, I have not done much at all but managed to put the card needed for tomorrow phu Lol
    Lovely to see you in Sharon, hope you taken it easy today after you done some gardening.
    I only did some dead heading (only flowers) but then the rain came down again so went back under the duvet after feeding all the pets.
    Thinking of you tomorrow Karen, will be holding your hand and hope everything goes well.
    Brenda, hope the eye test went fine.hugs
    Margaret, sending hugs to you and Pop. Take care
    Have a good night everyone xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Glad you had a Duvet day after the dead heading hope Rick wasn't bending down at the time or he might have been dead headed tooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Have a good evening HUG'S Lynda xxxπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  10. Hi Sandra
    Great to see you today. I love this card especially love the flower stamp. I could really buy everything you've used but wouldn't be able to afford them.
    It wasn't to bad this morning but now it's raining. Great cream cakes to celebrate our meeting up 3 years ago. Just love meringue, cream and strawberries.

    1. Hi PAT
      Glad you had a nice meet up with Sandra & Sue.That thee years has flown by hasn't it. I agree strawberries Meringue & fresh cream mmmm
      I had some round Margaret's today they were Lush.
      Big Hug's my friend Lynda xx

  11. Sent Pete down to have his bloods done to make sure that the medication isn't harming his liver and kidneys. Although Pete told me when it was as he made the appointment, it's not until tomorrow.
    His white blood cells were low yesterday. So it was a bit hairy while they decided if he could have his infusion or not. After half an hour of looking at the protocol they decided he could.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Gorgeous card again love the colour & the flower stamp is lovely. Really helps when you have all the elements that coordinate with each other.
    Went round Margaret's today had a nice time & she cut me some of her new Dies. She had a refund from BT so she bought all of Phil Martine stamps & 5 of Sue Wilson Dies so I don't think she has much of her refund left. I'm sure she has the compulsive buying disorder. She will never in a million years use it all.
    i do say to her why get the whole set your never use it all. She said itnot hurting anybody Probably won't use it all . Then She just says well it will all be yours when I go..Cheerful or what.
    We watched all Sues recorded show she's made some lovely really lovely ones
    Lillian missing you hope the antibiotics are working & your feeing better. Genital Hug's
    Well I'm going to drink my builder tea. So good night love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I think your right re Margaret. She just can't help but by everything she sees. She is a cheerful soul though isn't she. Good luck with the builders tea yuk. I think Sandra got you muddled up with Maria re liking weak tea like me though.
