
Tuesday 1 August 2017

Shades of Blue Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all this morning?? I'm not sure of my mood today, I am excited that August is here as we only have 10 days until our holiday, which I'm really looking forward to but I also turn 50 this month, 50!! It doesn't seem 2 years since I turned 40!  Well my body feels like it's about 90 but my mind is in its twenties !! Hahaha

Today's card is another Challenge card, it actually fits two different lined on the 'Tic Tac Toe Challenge board:
Ribbon/Any Shade Blue/Birthday
Any Shade Blue/Patterned Paper/Pearls or Rhinestones
I used Pool Party card and Ink, 'Whole lot of lovely' designer series papers and 'Sending Love' stamp set (heart).
Pool Party ribbon with  narrow satin ribbon on top, I then finished the card with a few tiny rhinestones.
I hope you like  it. X

This week will be the 3rd Anniversary of Sue, Pat and I meeting up.  We all met and started chatting on Sue Wilson's blog, we then discovered we all lived close to each other so organised a meet up in my local Co-op  store Coffee shop, we were just going to have a coffee, but 3+ hours later we were still in deep conversation.  That day changed my life, I gained two of the most amazing friends that anyone could wish for and I am thankful for that everyday.
I look forward to our craft days together every week, those two ladies make my week, they are the only people I see, which makes their visit even more important to me.
Thank you Sue and Pat for all you do each week, it means the world to me xxx

I hope you all have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Another very lovely card Sandra.

    I had planned on starting my challenge card last night but didn't get chance. Out of work late then a quick phone call to my Dad. The blister on his foot is showing signs of an infection so the GP (who did a home visit) dropped a prescription off at the chemist for Antibiotics & they were delivered in the afternoon, which I think is great service.

    Hubby & I watched a film on DVD-Arrival. It was ok, not really my choice but hubby enjoyed it then we watched an episode of Law & Order SVU then it was time for bed!


    1. Hope you dad's ok Michele. Good service though.
      Haven't seen that film. Didn't really fancy it.
      Have a quiet

    2. That's brilliant service We (the royal We) can get it right at times I hope the antibiotics work and your dad is more comfortable
      I succumbed I bought those EF last night from eBay!

    3. So pleased your dad is getting great service from the NHS. Which he rightly deserves. xx

  2. Morning Sandra and all,
    Very pretty card Sandra. Nearly finished mine.
    WOW you were born the year I was married. Now that does make me feel old.
    Love ly that you've met such lovely friends in Pat and Sue.

    A bit of a rush as off to get my hair and nails done. I feel like having all my hair cut off as it will be cooler but I know I'll regret it as it took so long to get it all the same length.

    Have can good day everyone.

    Hope everything goes well Lilian and Pat, good luck today.
    Love Valxxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Another beautiful start to the day just like yesterday and I'm hoping it last longer than it did yesterday. I decided to put out some washing and yes mistake as they'd been out about an hour and it started to pour down.

    Not a lot on my task list today so I just may get to make a start on my CC. I do have some ideas whether they're transferred to a card who knows lol.

    SANDRA- A lovely card this morning. Stop worrying about your age. You're eight days YOUNGER than my second

    The CAFE is OPEN and I've put clean linen on the tables and a few cushions on chairs just to make them a little more comfortable so pop in and have a cuppa with us. We definitely don't

    HUGS are winging their way to you all so have a really good day. xxxx

  4. Pretty card Sandra I love blue
    Well you certainly don't look your age I hate the idea of getting older BUT embrace it dear heart
    Three years WOW!
    How's the poor little birdie VAL I think that's why I'm not so much of a cat lover It's the joy of their little presents! It was bad enough when our dog bought in a frog I bent down to pick up what I thought was a tea bag that's missed the bin and it jumped!
    Diet for Thursday starts today ho him! Have a good day ladies xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Beautiful card love the colours you've used.
    Why has the time gone? it doesn't seem three years have passed since you were planning your first meet up. And what is a journey you've been on since that day !
    NOW on that age thing - you are as young as you feel. WHEN I was 50 I still felt like a sixteen year old (just didn't look in the mirror). You're 3 years younger than our eldest and 1 year older than our youngest daughters. xx

    Must get a wiggle on and think about lunch.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer1 August 2017 at 16:30

      Brenda your children are the same age as my son & Sue, they were good years

  6. Hello everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, lovely colour. Happy anniversary to you 3 Graces, I am a bit envy you so lucky to live close enough so you can meet up and craft.
    Thought I was going to pop in earlier after not much sleep but OH had other ideas. We walked over to Ikea, have not done it for ages but it was good and the knee was holding. Have got the appointment for the keyhole surgery for the 14th. Still haven't heard anything for the shoulder tho or for the pain clinic, not sure if I want to go again, have been quite a few times and don't think anything new has come up. Hope to do some cards later but have started reading books by Jeffrey Archer which called the " CLIFTON Chronicles" what we didn't realised was, it is 7 books in the serie ! nearly finished Nr:5 Lol
    Many hugs to you all and some extra to our poorly friends, Maria xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer1 August 2017 at 16:35

      Maria pleased to hear you have a date for your knee, you will be skipping round Ally Pally in Sept. Glad you enjoyed your walk. Take care xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Todays card is really pretty, the Pool party shade is gorgeous isn't it 😊
    It feels like I've know you and Pat for far longer than just three years, we all just clicked didn't we. We could have done with some of the lovely soft cushions that Janet has put in this Café today. The Co ops wooden chairs were a bit hard but we didn't really notice did we 😊 I am just so grateful that you both are in my life now. I'm sorry I couldn't see you today, my joints have decided that they want me to stay at home 😖 I hope you are managing to tick off some things to do/remember on your holiday lists. It's infuriating when we put our trust in the big companies. Thank goodness you didn't ever need to use any of the bulbs in France! X
    Lilian, I'm so sorry to hear that you are still not well. I have crossed fingers that doubling up your heart meds will do the trick. Sending you big gentle hugs x
    I've gone blank so will just say that
    I hope that you all have a good a day as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Margaret Palmer1 August 2017 at 16:53

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again a lovely card, I have done a cc hope to do another.
    Regarding being 50 I cannot believe I have a son coming up 54 & Sue 51, you do not look it & just enjoy it.
    Speaking personally I cannot believe it is only 3 years since I first went to Ally Pally with you & Paul it seems
    Lilian hope tablets are kicking in, gentle hugs on
    Lynda hope your feet are a little better, hugs on way to you & your
    Michele pleased to hear at least Dad has been treated fairly, hugs for
    Pat it was good to hear where you visited in Bournemouth brpught back lots of memories, my Dad came from there & spent all childhood hols there. Hope cough not too
    Must go & put tea on sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry I'm late have been out all day. Just wanted to say I love your card very pretty Sandra. Love the colour.Please don't stress about nearly being 50 how do you think I felt being 70 & the same age of your mum 😂😂😂😭😭😭 I still can't believe it. Hope you all had a good day. Will read the comments tomorrow.
    Good night everyone. PAT hope Hospital went ok sending Hug's
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sandra ment to say you don't look your age.
      Congratulations to you Pat Sue the three Gracie's on your 3rd ANNIVERSARY Big Hug's for you all xxx love Lynda xx
