
Monday 31 July 2017

Monday 'Tic Tac Toe' challenge

Good Morning My Lovelies,

All ready for another week?? It will be August tomorrow!! I have to say it but I guess we do need to start thinking about our Christmas cards, so I will be planning a few Challenges with Christmas cards in mind, I hope you are all ok with that, you may even thank me when you get to Mid November and realise that you have half of your cards done!!

I enjoyed the last 'Tic Tac Toe' or 'Noughts and Crosses' as we call it, so much that I couldn't wait to do another . This time however, I am going to suggest we play be the rules of the Challenge, which are........

Pick any three categories that follow a line, so than be across, up,/down or diagonal.
Exactly as when playing the game in that you have to cover a line in any direction.
So for instance I went straight across the Middle, so my categories were:

Thank you, Patterned paper and Any shade of green.

You just have to use the categories that fit with what you have in your crafty stash!

I chose this particular Challenge because the colours are all colours we have in our stash, we all have patterned paper and Embossing Folders too so there is something for everyone!!
The thing I would like from you most is for you to have fun and enjoy doing it, I can't wait to see the results.

We are going to get a few odd bits sorted for holiday in Witney, we need to exchange our empty gas bottle, pick up some spare bulbs for our car,  on that note I have a word of warning, we send to Halfords a few years back and bought light bulb kits for our car, (specifically to our particular model checked against out liscence plate and back the our 'VIN number) so there were no mistakes, well when we got stopped by the police a few weeks back because our brake light had gone we explained to the Officer that we had a full kit of bulbs that I took out and showed, he then asked us to change it asap, so we went to a car park and got the bulb kit out, Paul removed One of the lights and I passed the replacement Paul quickly noticed that the bulb kit we had bought was full of bulbs that didn't fit our car, not one of them.  We ended having to order a complete replacement set for our car, for piece of mind, also they are a legal requirement whilst driving through France.   So if you also bought a Halfords spare Bulbs for your vehicle, checking over to make sure they fit!!

I will love you and leave you for now,

Sending gentle hugs to those in pain,

Huge suidgy ones to everyone else,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-live all of your cards. I think the choices on this Tic Tac Toe are great-I can't decide which row to choose. I'll wait until Inspiration strikes!

    Lovely lazy weekend although I did wake up thinking today was Sunday then quickly realised It was Monday and I'd have to go to work. Let's hope the day is drama free.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you also have a drama day, with no major upsets from your unfriendly work colleague.

    2. Hi Michele
      Glad you had a good weekend. I hope work today is uninventfull for you with your horrible colleague. Do you have to deal with her at all during the day with work
      Sending Hug's xx

  2. Morning everyone
    We have a lovely blue sky and sun to start the day here in Sheffield.

    SANDRA-A lovely Challenge for this week so I'm hoping that inspiration arrives very soon lol.

    We had a lovely afternoon with Christiina and Robert. We stopped off as usual in Bakewell for lunch and was so pleased to get back onto the road out as it was heaving with tourists everywhere. Good for Bakewell but really difficult to get to the shops you need.

    It's Mr Tesco morning and then nothing specific planned so hopefully I can get a start of the CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN for business so pop in and say HELLO.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm glad you had a lovely afternoon with Christine. We're playing tourist week We'd up in York.

    2. Hi Janet good luck with Challenge card. Glad you had nice day with Christine yesterday.
      Hug's xx

  3. I look forward to reading blog on Mondays as much as Sundays I love the challenge (all challenges) and really helps take my mind off that Monday morning feeling
    So what to choose... Lovely cards SANDRA
    I hope everyone is OK There was so much I was going to say but my minds gone blank
    As my son would say "Hang in there"


    1. Hi Karen
      Have a good day at work. Don't worry about your mind going blank my minds been blank for years πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Hug's on there way xx

  4. Morning all,

    SANDRA great cards and tic tac toe again. I like the look of this one.

    Got up this morning to find Kit outside the front door with a poor little sparrow in his mouth. Not the sort of present I want but he was so pleased with himself.Anyway he dashed past me and ran into the kitchen and dropped it. By this time the other two cats and Gracie are in as well waiting for breakfast. There was such a commotion. The little bird was running around with four animals chasing it. Even Gracie had it in her mouth at one time. Anyway I finally managed to throw a tea towel over it and take it up stairs. Sadly it can't fly as it's wing is badly damaged. I've put it in on the roof terrace with some water and bread crumbs. I know it will die but thankfully not in a cats mouth. I really love cats but they're born killers.

    All of you know how much I love the sun but it is ridiculously hot here at the moment. Our local paper this week says that last Thursday was the highest temperature ever recorded in this part of Spain. It was a whopping 47.6. Roll on September.

    I didn't get my ironing done yesterday so just must do it NOW before anything else. Will have a play with the new cc later.

    Hope all those not feeling to good, have a better day. Special hugs to Lilian.

    Have a good day everyone. Xxx

    1. Hi Val
      Crikey that was hot. We're not able to travel abroad with Pete having treatment once a week so we won't encounter those sort of temperatures here in the U.K.

    2. Hi Val
      Gosh that was hot I wouldn't have been able to stand that heat.
      Oh the poor little bird but as you say it's the cats nature to kill birds /mice.
      Hug's xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Not to sure if I commented on yesterday's cards. But as usual they are all great and even some Christmas ones in there. And as usual everyone is different.
    Had a lovely day yesterday in Beulieu. Didn't get to see it all though. So must at some point go again. Sat in a Vintage car nod had our photo taken. Ozgar a friend of ours who lives in Russia commented that I'd put on some weight. I told him not to be so cheeky. Hopefully it's going to stay sunny today.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Hi Pat I bet Beaulieu was a lovely trip. You must show us your photo. Cheeky friend saying that. He deserves a good telling off.
      Hope the sun shines for you today. Xxx

    2. Hi Val
      Yes, Beaulieu was lovely. Saw a lovely tweed bag in the gift shop. Wish I'd bought it now. Couldn't find the same thing online though.
      It's supposed to be fine today. Rain later. Hope it's not raining to much when I drive home.

    3. Hi Pat glad your having a nice time despite the rain ☔️ we have been to Beaulieu long time ago now but it was lovely. Shame you didn't get the bag. Your friend isn't very nice say that. My SIL is the same she's always telling me ive put weight on I just say I know you don't have to tell me. why do people say that.
      Have a nice day &a safe journey home.Hope hospital appointment goes ok tomorrow
      Sending you both some Hug's xx

    4. Thanks Lynda
      Yes we're having a very relaxing time. Spent the afternoon along the river at Tuckton. Lovely sunshine again today. Hope Dracula didn't take to much blood from you. Petes turn tomorrow.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Another interesting challenge, I think my choice will have to be blue this week as I have two male birthday cards to make, Who knows I might even fancy a change of colour or occasion, so will put my thinking cap on and see if I can be inspired. Love your cards Sandra and also your colour choice, you know I love the green.
    Yesterday was a very quiet day, I did a little gardening and in the afternoon popped into Hobbycraft, OH was going to be driving past there and he offered to drop me off and pick me up on his return journey, great - I had a lovely mooch, just looking at everything. Isn't it strange how things fall into your basket when you do that. I came out of the several pounds lighter - and I'm not talking about my weight! But Hey Ho it was a lovely distraction.

    LILLIAN I hope you are feeling better, sending gentle (((hugs))) your way. xx

    PAT, You seem to be on a tour of Britain. Hope you are feeling okay. xx

    VAL, what a start you had to your day, I know Kit was only bringing you a gift, but I'm sure it's one you would have preferred not to have. Just hope your day gets better. xx

    Take care everyone, I hope you all have a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  7. Hello Sandra & ladies
    I had to visit Dracula πŸ’‰This morning then took Bambie for a walk up the park for a walk just the small one don't think I would have made it round the big one. Sandra love your cards this morning I love the green card you use quite a lot like me with my Northan Lights paper πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Love this weeks challenge lots of choic. So I think I might go in craft room soon. I have to make my SIL a card. Then try to finish my stamps putting the in folders. So lot's to do in there so will go now & start. LILLIAN hope your feeling better Gentle Hug's for you.xx
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Ladies
    Sandra's says I look chubby. Just because Ozgur said it as well. She back-pedalled like mad, I told her to stop digging.

  9. Hello All, very short comment in between taking more tablets, saw Dr today after waiting a week, wanted to send me for defibrillator treatment at hospital, but going to try doubling does of tabs first, heart rate down, (120 ) but hope it will be back to norm by Friday or will be hospital.
    Love all the cards and goodies shown, if I can catch my breath mite just manage one by the week end. Hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great Challenge again this week, with abit of luck I may have a go tomorrow, at Dr's with Alan first thing then I think days my own, or that is the plan. Hope preparation for holiday is going
    Lilian sorry you have problems hope tablets work by Friday, sending healing
    Had a busy day mind has gone blank so will send hugs to all who need them particularly Lilian love

  11. Morning all,
    wonderful cards in your favourite colour I believe. It is very nice. Great challenge again so thinking cap on.
    well what happened to Monday ? Lol I'm sure the days goes quicker these days ,I mean how can it be August already. Had a little sun this afternoon after a very wet morning. Looking after 3 neighbours pets, the real kind and not the husbands Lol
    Lilian, sorry you not feeling good. I hope you soon get better. sending you hugs.
    Pat, hope you have some nice days away inbetween the hospital and everything else.
    Lynda, so sorry to see your legs are so painful. Only wish it was something that could help. Big hugs coming your way.
    Val, you do have it hot right now phu ! Nice present from your cat, the poor little bird :)
    Have a good Tuesday everyone, I'll see you later this morning. Love, Maria xxx
