
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Quick and Easy stamped card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all ok, when I popped in on Sunday night and saw that so many of you were missing I panicked a little, I do hope you are all ok?  It's so rare to pop in and not see Janet's warm welcome, I do hope you are ok my lovely, this is the part I hate most about leaving the blog, I love the reassurance of reading your comments every day so I know that you are all ok.

Today's card is a simple but effective, quick stamped card, I used two colours to stamp my images in 'Pool Party' and 'Marina Mist', the latter is a new colour (to my collection) and I think I will be using it a lot, it reminds me of the 'Periwinkle' card we all fell in love with a year or so ago. 
I stamped the 'Fleur de Lis' style image from the 'Timeless Textures' stamp set around the card in 'Pool Party' first and then with 'Marina Mist', I then took the spot/splatter stamp and filled in any gaps. I inked around the edges in my 'Pool Party' and then used 'Marina Mist' to stamp my sentiment, which is the 'Stylised Happy Birthday' stamp.  I used the matching card stock to Matt and layer my card, I was really pleased with the way it turned out, stamping still feels new to me and I actually love it!!

Timeless Textures Stamp set

I am writing today's blog on Sunday evening as we won't be able to get internet access for a couple of days, Paul is always a bit reluctant to get it, not so much about the cost, he says (and I agree) that having the internet can be too much of a destraction  for the girls, if we don't have it they are happy to sit and read books etc, but ok once internet is available they have their phones in their hands!  I don't mind to a point by but I personally think it's nice 'not' to know what's going on!!!

So hopefully today we have everything up and put together, I will let you know when I look in later.

Lilian I hope you are feeling well enough to pop in today my lovely, sending gentle hugs xxx

Gentle hugs on way to the rest of of you that are feeling fragile.

Huge, squishy ones to the rest of you,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Ooh-I love today's card. The colour is gorgeous & the stamped effect around the edge is lovely.

    Reasonable day at work yesterday but there are some unhappy people still-mainly in the Dispensary and I seemed to be the one they wanted to talk to!!
    Today I hope to clear a lot of paperwork & emails as we don't look too busy so fingers crossed.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your union rep knows that if the dispensary have a problem the workers like to talk to you.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love the pretty simplicity of today's card, it's the sort that could be used for any occasion with just a change of sentiment, gorgeous colours too 😊
    I hope you are all settled in by now and able to really start to relax my lovely x
    Maria, I'm glad you got on quite well yesterday and hope that it's not too painful today. My fingers are crossed that your shoulder goes as well on Thursday. Big hugs are on the way right now x
    Lilian, it's lovely to see you back in and to hear that the new meds are not causing you any problems. Sending gentle hugs x
    I hope everyone else is ok and getting some sun, which is much needed isn't it.
    We had another nice day yesterday and today looks like it is going to be the same. We have all of the granddaughters this morning then it's all hands on deck to get the gazebos up to allow the grass to dry out in preparation for the wedding on Friday. Penny and I will be overseeing and providing the drinks for Chris, Tim and Roz who will be doing the manual work 😊 then later on I have to make a little string of bunting to go across the wedding cake and making Phoebe's birthday card. I'm trying to think of a design using this week's challenge brief, I'll let you know how I get on.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful card and yes definitely one to fit any occasion. It's also full of inspirations.

    You had me a little worried when you said my comments weren't there on Sunday when you looked in so I've checked this morning and yes there they are. Anyway stop worrying about the CAFE as ALL IS WELL so just enjoy your well earned rest and have a really good time.

    MARIA- so pleased all went well yesterday and I'm hoping everything is OK this morning and you're not suffering too much.

    LILIAN - It's so good to have you back and fingers/toes and anything that can be crossed that the new meds continue to work their wonders.

    LYNDA- I hope all went well yesterday with the gazebos erecting. Please don't tire yourself out before Friday or you won't enjoy the celebrations.

    I need to start my CC today as yesterday just seemed to fly by and I'd done all sorts but not made a start on that.

    The CAFE door is OPEN this morning inviting you all in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with just a few extras for Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      HaHa I don't do gazebo erecting it's Sue who was doing that yesterday.
      Hope you have had a good day
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. As Sue has said this is a perfect card for all occasions
    I hope you're all settled in an relaxing Now SANDRA I agree with PAUL (a tiny bit) But I'd be lost without it on hols especially now Oscar is on the scene I need to be reassured that all is fine at least once during a fortnight holiday Luckily we can usually find a free wifi spot
    Hope to do cc later today Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I also like to look in now and again while I'm away.

  5. Hi Sandra and all,

    SANDRA glad your long journey has ended and you can no get on with the business of having a wonderful holiday.
    Very pretty card. I have this stamp set and love all the different patterns.

    MARIA glad everything went okish yesterday and you're not to uncomfortable

    SUE hope everything goes well with setting up the gazebos today. Bet you're all so

    LILLIAN hope each day finds you feeling better. Xxx

    House cleaning this morning yuk then a few hours card making Yeh.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you arrived safely. Now you can get down to the business of enjoying your holiday.
    Great card today and it looked even better in the flesh.
    I'm writing this while sitting in Dermatology waiting room. They've just called Pete in. Apparently what they take off of his bottom eyelid has to go to pathology first to be looked at. This can take a couple of hours. They'll keep going until all the cancers gone then he'll have reconstruction work done. Well the nurse informed me he might not be out until about 5.00 so I'm going home. Don't want to sit in a hospital waiting room for up to 8hrs. They'll ring me when he's ready.

    1. Fingers crossed Pat that everything is well for Pete today. God Bless. Xxx

    2. Pat, Ouch the treatment Pete is having sounds sore. But I have to admit the procedures they can carry out today and absolutely marvellous. I hope Peat isn't into much pain. Will he be having the reconstruction today? Hugs Brenda xx

    3. Hi Pat
      Hope Pete isn't too sore & is not in a lot of pain.
      Don't blame you going home the thought of staying in waiting room for 8 hours. How long before they do the reconstruction.
      How are you now PAT has your cough gone yet
      Sending you both Hug's Love Lyndaxx

  7. hello Sandra and friends,

    Lovely card Sandra, even better because I have these dies, I love the fleur-de-lis stamp and have played with it, but not though to use it as you have, so a big thank you for the inspiration. xx

    SUE, sounds like you're in for a very busy day, hope the gazebo goes up without any problems, good luck with making your bunting. xx

    MARIA, hope you are feeling okay and you're not into much discomfort LOL

    LILLIAN, don't go pushing yourself too hard, I hope you're getting relief from your new medication. LOL

    Sending love and hugs to all, especially those not feeling hundred percent.
    Take care, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you've had a nice day today.

  8. Hi Ladies.
    Love the card Sandra, your stamping is very good and your colour collection is ever growing. Like the swirly Happy Birthday stamp.
    Pat- hugs for you and Pete and wishes for everything goes alright.
    Lilian- glad you starting to feel better, just take it easy. hugs
    Tracy ,Sharon and Sonia, missing you . Hope you are alright.
    Going to take some pain killers and have a lay down but will pop in tonight to see what you been up too. If you just looking, do come in and say Hi. Love Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your not in to much pain today. I also hope your shoulder op goes ok on Thursday.

  9. Hi Ladies
    Well it's now 4.45 and I've still not had a phone call from the hospital to go and pick Pete up. Hope he doesn't have to stay in overnight as he'd not be a happy bunny.

  10. Hi Ladies
    Thanks for Petes good wishes. I went to pick him up at 5.30. He had the reconstruction after they'd taken all the cancer away. They take slithers off and send it off to the lab, they do this until the results come back clear. Then they do the reconstruction. He's had 10 stitches in his lower lower eyelid. He has a lovely big black eye and it's very painful apparently. He has to wear his sunglasses if getting goes out and it's even a bit sunny. I'm very surprised they haven't put a patch over it. He goes back in two weeks to let them see On my way! It's progressing.
    Hospital for his infusion tomorrow, Wed he has to have another lot of blood tests as his medication for his pacemaker is interfering with his kidneys.

  11. Not to sure where on my way came from. The dreaded predictive text again.
    Supposed to read he goes back in two weeks to see how it's progressing.

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I hope your all settled now & have some lovely sun on you all.
    Your card is so pretty love the stamp set which I have must think outside the box as wouldn't have thought of doing that border. Looks gorgeous thank you for the inspiration love the colour's..
    MARIA hope your resting your leg & your not a lot of pain. Sending many Hug's xx
    PAT have you picked Pete up or did he have to stay in for the night. BIG HUG'S
    Have commented on way down.
    I had a RA appointment this morning & said I didn't feel any better with my feet & legs. She said she thinks it might be coming from my spine as I told her my back & neck was getting worse she sent me for X-ray on my back. she was going to ask Dr DLord if she can arrange a MRI as she can't order them because she is only head nurse Apparently I have Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis don't do thing by half. Will let me know results of X-rays
    SANDRA don't worry about your blog Janet is opening up as usual.
    Please enjoy your holiday we are all don't stress my lovely BIG HUGS XX
    I'm off for my cupper Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today my favourite kind of card. Hope you are beginning to relax & enjoy yourselves. Please do not worry about the blog & Janet is doing a splendid
    Maria hope your knee feels eaier soon & good luck for Thursday, I will be thinking of you hugs on
    Lynda sorry to hear you have RA & Osteo arthritis not nice, hope you get mri soon. Hugs on
    Pat hope Pete not in too much pain, hugs on
    Lilian hope you feel better each day, hugs on
    Sue hope all went well today & gazebo is up, hope this weather holds for Friday, love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  14. Hiya, just pooped back to wish you all a good night !
    Sue ,hope you got everything up today and the weather is holding off so you don't need wellies on the day.
    Big hugs for our Lynda, sorry to read you got RA and OA. Hope they can give you some meds. to help and the MRI will show what wrong better.
    Brenda, hope you had a good day.
    Pat, can't imagen what Pete and you are going through. Just remember I/we are here whenever you need us,hugs
    Margaret, hope you are better. many hugs back xx
    Movie time, see you tomorrow xxx
