
Monday 14 August 2017

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is a lovely bright, juicy pop of colour, it's Stampin'Up! 'Lemon Lime Twist' of course, such a gorgeous colour, it's one of my favourites for sure.

Now today's Challenge is for you to make a 'Tone on Tone" colour scheme, which basically means you make a card using just one colour other than your base card colour, it can be any colour you choose, mixed with white or black or any base colour you fancy.  I just used a white base card, I then created my background piece by first inking through a mask onto the card, I then spritzed it with water and ran it though my Platinum with the Hardwood embossing folder, which is an extra thick one.  Then I inked up my brayer and lightly swiped it over the raised embossed areas to pick out the details of the Embossing, all with 'Lemon Lime twist' ink of course. I added this to my base card and then stamped my sentiment on white card and die cut it with a 'Lots of Labels' die, adding a Matt of the same colour.  
I stamped three of the 'Flower Shop' Pansy stamps and punched them out, adding small diamanté to the centres of each flower and then cut another to dress my ribbon bow with, this had a small faceted sparkler to the center. A few leaves  in same colour way finish my floral element. I arranged them around the sentiment, with the matching ribbon bow in the opposite corner.  I wasn't sure about having everything in the same colour at first but it really grew on me. 
I hope you enjoy having a go, you could keep it simple and do 'White on white' which is always a winner or go all out like I did! 
The card can be any style and design you choose.  
I look forward to seeing your cards.

We should hopefully be finishing our journey today and arriving at the Campsite, fingers crossed!!! 

I hope that you are all well and those that are feeling under the weather have a brighter day.  

Lilian, how did you GP visit go? Fingers crossed they have you on the right track to recovery, sending hugs

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra & a lovely challenge for us this week. I'm sure there will be some beautiful cards shown on Sunday.

    Yesterday turned out very sunny so hubby jet washed the flags at the back of the kitchen and I did some weeding at the top end of the garden. Think I overdid it as I'm quite stiff this morning. Ah well-only a short week for me as I'm off Thursday & Friday. I'm going to Southport Flower Show on Thursday with my crazy friend-that's why it's raining today & the forecast is for more rain. Friday is a day off-we need 3 fence panels delivering and Saturday is a craft show at Leigh so I'm picking up my Mother in Law so we can both go.

    Best get ready for work...!!


    1. Hi Michele, apart from work it sounds like a fun week. Hope the weather stays fine for the flower show and bet your looking forward to the craft show. Have you got a list yet?
      Have a quiet day. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your going to have a fun week, well apart from work that it.

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have had a glorious week-end full of sunshine and quite warm but it's back to Monday morning dullness and grey skies here in Sheffield.

    SANDRA- a lovely Challenge for us this week and I hope that I can get my little grey cell to work and come up with something for Sunday.
    Hope today's journey is uneventful and that you've had a lovely week-end and are now ready for the last leg.

    It's a Mr Tesco delivery morning anytime time between 09.00 and 10.00 and so hopefully I can get a little crafting done. I've two or three inserts to do for cards needed at the end of this week so needs must.
    Jim starts his second tour of chauffeur today so my afternoons will be quiet ones this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I've put clean checked linen on the tables with little pots of roses to cheer the place up. Hoping to see you all in here later.
    HUGE HUGS winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends feeling poorly. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      The roses look lovely thank you very much. We left York as I start my chauffeuring duties tomorrow. Looks like we have a full week at hospitals.

  3. Hate to say it MICHELE BUT I have glorious sunshine (don't know how long it'll last)
    The visit to Wren Kitchens went well BUT having read a few reviews I am concerned about their service At least we've made a start at looking
    Busy at wormed today My mad crafty friend has just arrived at the cafe So I'll sign off and come back later
    Great challenge SANDRA So much scope!

    1. Hi Karen
      We almost dodged the rain coming home. Traffic was horrendous on the A1M but TomTom diverted us off. Spent a lovely afternoon at Stratford upon Avon for dinner.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,
    SANDRA hope the last leg of your journey goes smoothly and arrive at the campsite in good time.
    Great cc this week. Will rally have to put my thinking cap on.

    Off to the vets shortly with Olve again. She has a throat and eye infection and we had to give her two injections every morning since Thursday. I use the Royal 'we' of course as Paul has been injecting her as Lynn and I hold on to her .I'm a bit too squeamish to stick a needle in anything.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to poorly friends.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Everyone
    Sandra hope your on your last part of your journey.Hope you are not in too much pain. Once the trailer tent is up. You & paul can just rest for the rest of the day.Hows the twins are they excited about getting in the sea. I really hope Sandra that your crutches work with the new feet on.
    We have both had our hair cut this morning she has just gone.. Think I will go in craft room hopefully.after lunch.So better do lunch as Terry said he's starving haha, Have a good day everyone
    MARIE hope all goes well for your operation & hope your feeling ok sending Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    I am having problems getting comments to publish or they just disappear. Here goes for 3rd day.
    Sandra hope you are near end of journey & can soon relax. CC this week is great hope to do one before Sat, I did one last week but it must have been too
    All the cards yesterday & craft & goodies on Sat were beautiful, look forward to seeing what you do qith all new
    Wishing Maria well for tomortow will be thinking of you, hugs on
    Lilian hope your own Dr was able to help & you are beginning to recover, hugs on
    Will go now & see if it will publish, hugs to all who need them love

  7. Back again "work" not "wormed" Where did that come from! Predictive text is a wonderful thing
    I hope it goes well tomorrow MARIA We're all there with you holding your hand
    Have been thinking about the cc for most of the afternoon I'm pooped!
    Will be trying things out tomorrow

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sorry I didn't comment on yesterday's beautiful challenge cards, well I actually did, but didn't press publish. When I opened the iPad today - yesterday's comment was still sitting in the box. I blame the age again!!!

    Interesting challenge card this week Sandra I love the colour you have used. Big thank you for such an informative description on how are you achieve the beautiful effect you have created.

    I hope by now you've have arrived at your destination and it doesn't take too long to pitch the tent and get organised. Bet Paul will be glad to stretch his legs after all that driving and the girls will be heading towards the sea for their first dip.

    This morning I started sorting out the mess I have created in my craft room. Came downstairs to do something, Well I got completely sidetracked and started to clean the oven. Anyway that job did get finished, so now I have to go back upstairs and try and get some order in the craft room. Could be gone for a while!

    MARIA, hope all goes well tomorrow LOL xx

    LILLIAN, hope the Doctor was able to help and you will soon be on the way to a speedy recovery. Take care. LOL

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hello Everyone, wet and cold here.
    Lovely card Sandra, hoping to be able to join in this week, managed to make a card this morning first crafting for over three weeks.
    Saw Dr on Friday, more new tablets, at least these ones don't give me the awful stomach cramps. Have to wait to see what the specialist cardiologist wants to do, have wait at least another 3 weeks.

    Maria hope everything goes well with op tomorrow.

    Sandra hope the journey has been ok, and you will be enjoying some lovely sunshine, happy holiday.

    That's it pooped now, that's the trouble have no energy, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, glad your new tablets are easier on your tum. Hope they do the trick and you'll be feeling good by the time you see the cardiologist.
      Take it easy. Hugs xxx

    2. Great to hear your new tablets are helping, take care hugs on

  10. Hi, me again. Just want to wish MARIA loads of luck for tomorrow. Hugs xxx

  11. SANDRA sorry didn't say your card is lovely.
    I will have ago tomorrow after I get back from RA clinic
    9.30 appointment.
    Lilian I hope the new tablets work for you hug's xx
    wishing all unwell ladies BUG HUG' hoping your all on the mend.
    love LYNDA XX

  12. Hi everyone, thanks for all the good wishes but I had it done ,the key op.this morning ! Lol it was all good until this afternoon when I had a bout of bad nausea so tried to sleep it off which seem to worked as I managed some dinner. Not too bad pain but the stockings for the next 3 weeks do nothing to my stocky calf's hihi Now roll on Thursday for the shoulder.....
    Nice card Sandra and yummy colour. Thanks for explaining how you made the background, still need to get myself a little roller tho. Hope you got the tent up quickly and can now have a happy ,sunny holiday. It's raining here :-(
    Sending hugs to our Lilian and to anyone else who need some, I have plenty to give to one and all. love, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad the op went off ok. Hope the shoulder goes off as well. I'm having the lump in the middle off my right hand looked at next week. But the appointment for the hospital to try and find out why I'm coughing so much won't be until Nov 7th. Gentle hugs for your stockinged legs.

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today and I hope you arrived safely in France.
