
Wednesday 16 August 2017

A Trio of cards from Lilian &Happy Birthday Paul

Good Morning Ladies,

Before I start today's post I would like to wish my amazing Husband Paul, the very happiest of Birthdays, you are just the most perfect husband anyone could wish for, be prepared to be treated like a King today, love you millions xxx

I have been saving these cards to show you all while I'm away but I just can't wait any longer!  I think it's partly because I have really missed seeing Our Lilian's cards in the Challenges while she has been poorly.  This trio of cards was well worth the wait though.

Lilian, all three of your cards are stunning, you have perfected the art of adding just the right amount of sparkle or embellishments.  
The first card with the Dandelion, blowing in the breeze is stunning, you have added just the perfect amount of glitter, so that it just sparkles in the light. The sunset in your 'Faux Aperture' is the perfect backdrop for all three of these cards.  I absolutely love the edger die you have used in this card too, it's so delicate.
The second card uses the same stamped image but this time you have stamped foliage in opposite corners, making the card look quite different but just as amazing.
The final card features a different stamp, I love this image too, such a peaceful scene of butterflies fluttering around a meadow. 

To be honest I have never thought about creating 'Sets' of cards that all have a common theme, like the butterflies and sunset in you cards Lilian, such a fantastic idea that I think I will have a go at when I get home.  
Thank you so much for allowing me to share these gorgeous cards with all of our friends Lilian . XXX

I wanted to update you all on our first fun treat of the holiday, Paul and I booked an afternoon in a 'Velo Rail' which is a funny contraption that looks like two bikes out together with a long bench seat at the back, they are fun on old disused railways throughout France, we have been staying in Millau as a stopover for years and the girls have always asked to go on the Velo-Rail but we have never had the time as we are always just passing through.  This year Paul suggested that we book it as a surprise for the girls as it may well be the last time they 'want' to come on holiday with us.  So that's what we did and we told them on the night before, their faces absolutely lit up!  
We set off to find the Station (which was an adventure in itself) and booked in, the girls were insistent about 'driving' so Paul and I were like royalty lounging in the back, we pedalled along the track over 3 different viaducts and experienced the most breathtaking views imaginable, the course that we took was 8 kilometres long, mostly downhill, our drivers were rewarded at the end with a delicious local ice-cream, which we ate while listening to a charming lady playing an accordion, the return journey was by train.  All in all it took about three hours, the time whizzed by though.
We all thoroughly enjoyed it, you have to book well in advance though, the whole of August was booked up, so I was relieved that we booked back in May. 

The Velo Rail carriage

Not our photos but an these are the views

I will! Share some of our photos later in the week.

Sending love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Paul-hope you have a fantastic day.
    The photos of the Velo Rsil look amazing, hope you're all having a great time.

    Lilian-WOW. Your cards are gorgeous, I absolutely love them & think the idea of a set of cards is great.

    Problematic day yesterday-one of my isolators (safety cabinets) decided to stop working completely & another is showing strange messages on the display panel! The company who have the maintenance contract happened to be on site but after looking at the worst machine, they said they didn't know how to fix it!! All I can say is that I've had better days & now I'm getting concerned as I'm off work after today. I'll just have to leave my boss a lengthy message.


    1. Hi Michele. Oh dear, yesterday wasn't good for you was it! I hope the isolators get fixed. ASAP and you are able to finish all you need to do before the end of the day so that you can relax and enjoy the time off x

    2. Oh Michele what a thing to happen just as you're going to be absent for a few days. Hope everything's fixed by the time you go home. If not your boss will just have to sort it out!!!

    3. I hope it gets sorted for you

    4. Hi Michele
      I'm sorry to hear that your isolators have packed up, or at least one of them has. How daunting that the maintenance people don't know how to fix it. If it's not fixed before your off, it looks as if your boss might have to do some work and sort it out.

    5. Hi Michele, if it not one thing then it is another. Really hope it is getting sorted asap and you can enjoy the holiday without any more complications xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    LLILIAN- WOW WOW WOW. What a beautiful and gorgeous set of cards. Each so different yet you have used the theme throughout. Anyone would be proud to receive such a beauty.
    I hope you're feeling better as each day passes.
    Thank you for making me smile this morning.

    SANDRA- those rail bikes are wonderful aren't they.
    We have seen them over the years but never been on one.
    Nice to know that the girls didn't have to peddle up hill all the way back.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL - have a really good day and I hope that your every whim will be catered for

    Once again I got distracted yesterday from my CC as I needed to look in my stamp box and decided to sort it out!! It took all morning but at least it's tidy (well for a while).

    We have had two wonderful days of sunshine and warmth and I've been able to have the doors/windows open. What a difference the sun makes.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all. Hugs for you all today. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      The sun certainly does make a difference doesn't it. It's a shame we haven't had very much of it this year. I hope Jims driving duties are to time consuming and that your friend is feeling a bit better.

    2. Hi Janet, have a lovely day in the sunshine. Not much of that down here so if you got any to spare I would be happy. Take care xx

  3. Morning Sandra and all.

    LILLIAN your cards are stunning. I just love the composition. Is it John's media plate that you've used for the circle? Hope you're feeling a lot better.

    SANDRA. WOW that ride looks such fun. The photos are lovely. Bet the scenery was as well.

    LYNDA so sorry to read about your health problems. So hope the MRI comes up with a solution and you can get me d's to sort you

    PAT Hope Pete was allowed home last night and you're both feeling ok

    MARIA hope you're less sore now and all set for another time at the hospital tomorrow. What a week you're having xxx

    SUE hope the gazebos went up ok and the weather is fine in your part of the country. Xxx

    Hugs to everyone not feeling so good.

    Just off with Gracie to have her clipped and trip to Iceland whilst we're waiting for her.

    Enjoy you day everyone.

    1. Hi Val, how did it go at the vets the other day ? Hope Gracie like having a hair cut. Happy crafting day xx

  4. Sorry SANDRA should have said HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL have a wonderful day. You deserve it. Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. PAUL, wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you have a lovely day relaxing with Sandra, Sophie and Lucy x
    Sandra, what a wonderful and special surprise for the girls. I'm glad that you all had a wonderful time on the velo rail and how nice for you and Paul to be able to sit back and relax. I'm sure the views were stunning and you all loved every minute. What a great way to start your holiday 😀😀 Personally looking at those pics made my heart race and I broke out in a cold sweat!!!

    Lilian, what a stunning trio of cards, each one is absolutely beautiful, you are a very talented lady. It is so good to see you in the Café and thank you for sharing these gorgeous cards. Gentle hugs on their way x
    Lynda, sorry to hear you have both RA and OA, I hope you don't have to wait too long for the MRI and that you can get some pain meds that help you. Gentle hugs for you X
    Maria, how is your knee today? I hope it is healing well. Don't forget we will be with you tomorrow holding your hands, or feet if we are in the way of your shoulder haha😊 Big hugs for you x
    Thank you for the good wishes yesterday ladies. The gazebos etc. are all in place so now we just need to lay the tables on Friday morning. I didn't get started on Phoebe's card so must do that today.
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Sound like you still got a lot to do so hope your day is going according to plan.
      Knee is fine so take care if holding me down tomorrow hihi someone said it will hurt so mind I don't kick out. hugs xx

  6. Happy Birthday Paul!
    Those bikes look brilliant fun and I agree with JANET I wouldn't have wanted to pedal up hill

    Your set of cards are just beautiful LILIAN and like VAL I'm curious to to know how you created your backgrounds

    I hope the MRI helps to sort your pain out LYNDA it must make you feel rotten, being in pain is so draining

    MARIA I hope your kee is getting better

    Brain has gone blank! Take care all Home alone crafting tonight So hopefully. I will be able to finish cc

    1. Hi Karen, have a good day and happy crafting tonight. I'd like to make a cc but will see if I can get something together.Not sure what colours to use. xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please wish Paul a very Happy Birthday & hope you & the girls spoil him rotten. Your ride on Sunday sounds exhilarating but also scary, I am glad you all enjoyed it. Hope you are really beginning to relax
    Lilian your cards are fantastic so beautiful, thank you for showing us, hope you feeling better each day, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them in particular Lynda, Maria & Pat love

    1. Hugs back for you and Pop Margaret, have a nice day

  8. Hello Sandra and all who stop by the Café today,

    First have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PAUL hope you have a great birthday and are spoilt rotten by all three girls. xx

    Your Velo rail on Sunday sounds amazing, I'm sure Sophie and Lucy will be reliving this brilliant ride for ages and can't wait to tell friends about it.

    LILLIAN, WOW Three fantastic cards, please if you are up to it tell us how you achieve your beautiful background. I would love to be able to make a card as beautiful as these. Hope today is a good day for you. Remember one day at a time. xx

    MARIA, LYNDA AND PAT thinking about you. Sending gentle caring hugs.xx

    Hope everyone has a lovely day, Hugs Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the Velo Rail trip. I bet the girls were over the moon.
    Lilian I simply love your cards. With so much going on I can't remember if it was you who bough John Lockwoods new plates and stamps. If so, you've done a fantastic job with them. If not, you've still done a fantastic job masking off. Would love to know how these were made and what stamps you've used.
    Sat once again up at the hospital with Pete. Kelly has just come in and said Pete has blood results from yesterday that they might be able to use. Pete can't even remember having bloods taken yesterday.
    Thanks for the good wishes ladies. Petes eye is still a bit sore today and all the nurses want to have a look and ask how the surgery was.

    1. Thinking of you both, fingers crossed it all will be fine. Take care xx

  10. Hi Ladies and a Very Happy Birthday Paul, hope the girls spoil you rotten today and you have a nice dinner together tonight. have a fabulous day !
    What a great surprise for the girls with the Velo rail trip, it look amazing. Glad you didn't have to take it back up again tho :-)
    Oh Lilian, I love your trio of cards ! Would love to know how you made the backgrounds , they are wonderful and so perfect to your beautiful stamps. Hope you starting to feel a bit brighter and the meds start to work better for you.
    Didn't get much sleep last night, not because of my knee but because of hubby who was snoring for England. Anyone else got the same problem ? Sitting here and getting bored just watching Hochanda right now and will try to finish my book later. Very grey outside so sure rain on it's way. catch up with you later. have a nice day , many hugs to you all ,Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you knee isn't giving you to much pain. Good luck with the shoulder tomorrow.
      Pete also snores, mind you he says that i do as well. So I assume we're quits in that department.
      He's gone out with friends for a drink tonight. I have to stay up until he comes home as I have to put the cream on his eyelid for him.

  11. Hello All, very windy here looks like rain.

    I'd like to wish Paul a very Happy Birthday, hope it's a great one.

    Lynda sorry to hear your not too good, hope you won't have to wait too long for your scan.

    Maria, glad the knee is ok, hope the shoulder goes well.

    A real surprise to see my cards, they were done before this problem with my heart.
    As far as I can remember we used a paper mask, and used memento inks with Inkylicious brushes to do the background, the first two stamps are from Inkylicious, the third one are stamps from stamping up.
    The card with the die is one were I accidentally made a mess outside the circle, so used a penny black die to cut off the messy bit. The inspiration came from Pinterest, very easy cards
    Can't remember what else I wanted to , so hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian so sorry to hear you have a problem with your heart. Hope they find out the cause pretty soon and can put it right. Beautiful cards today I must say. I love the inkylicious stamps.

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    First I Hope Paul had a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY sorry it's late in the day so hope you had a brilliant day. What a lovely surprise for the girls going on the Velo train trip. Looks amazing so are the view's breathtaking.
    Sorry late again don't know where my day went. I did ironing then had to clear my emails then it was lunch time. Then we went for a walk &a when we got home Margaret came round for her parcels 7 in all & her mail mail she has it delivered to us as not allowed to have mail anymore on the camp time she left it was dinner time. So no time to do CC must do it tomorrow.
    LILLIAN so lovely to see you glad your feeling better. Your three cards are all beautiful. Have they found out what is wrong with your heart hope it's nothing serious take care lovely lady. HUG'S xx
    MARIA good luck tomorrow for your shoulder operation hope your not in too much pain after BIG HUGS how's your knee now is that still painful take care my friend XXXX on the snoring Captain underpants snores so loud I now get up &I sleep downstairs in my recliner chair. &I still hear him.💤💤💤💤💤😡
    PAT hope all went well for Pete today & you wasn't sat on those hard chairs for hour's you should take a nice soft cushion with you for your numb bum.
    I would like to thank you all for your well wishes I really appreciate them thank you so much.
    Love Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Another long day today as somehow between Ellie taking Petes bloods and the lab his blood clotted so he had to have another laid done. We didn't leave until 2.30. I have a nice comfy chair to sit on Lynda so no num bum for me today.
