
Saturday 26 August 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and relaxed ready for the Bank Holiday weekend, what are you all up to?
We had another lovely beach day, the sea was a little choppier than normal today but I still managed a good hour in the sea with Paul and the girls, it's my most favourite part of the holiday because i feel a little more 'normal' in that I can join in a ball game with them as the I can move so much easier in the sea water, getting out is the biggest challenge, but worth the struggle all the same.
Anyway we have a fantastic selection of photos to look at today, so here we go.......


Pat says that she can't do 'random stamping' but the first card today proves that you absolutely can do 'random stamping' Pat, I love your card, made using a variety of Stampin'Up! Background stamps including "Touches of Texture', a perfect man card Pat!
Your second card is beautiful, I absolutely love the die you have used, is it one of the Crafters Companion ones that you got with your Gemini?? The Stampin'Up! 'Vertical Greetings' stamp works perfectly for your sentiment.
The last two Photos are of Pat's Granddaughter Amber's new puppy....I'll let Pat explain.....
"This is Ambers new dog. It's a Shitzu/dachshund cross called Minnie. She saved up and bought it herself. She'd saved nearly £1000.00 to buy one, but this one only cost £450.00 Up in Liverpool. I though it would do for a day while you were on holiday."
Minnie is so adorable Pat, I know that Amber has wanted a puppy for so long, she will really be a spoilt little thing, poor Karen though, just another pet to add to the already huge menagerie!!
Thanks for sharing Pat 


Maria sent me a lovely selection of cards to use while I was away and today I would like to share 3 cards that would be perfect for Men.
The first one is my favourite I think, mainly because of the amount of detail you have put into the card, I love that grey crackled background Maria, it works perfectly with the Nautical theme of the card, then there is the amazing 'Port Hole ' focal point, with the yacht bobbing about on the waves, the sentiment and Anchor Embellishment are the details that bring the card together perfectly, I love it! 
Now Horoscope themed cards would be great to have in your card collection as they can work brilliantly for either males or females, I absolutely love that background you have made using a mask, the die you have used is one of my favourites! 
The BBQ Apron card that you have made for 'Glenn' is brilliant Maria, a great summer birthday card, the wood effect embossing folder gives it that real masculine feel!
The amazing, inspirational cards Maria, thank you so much for sharing, I wish you would do it more often as your cards are brilliant! 


I'm pretty sure I have shown at least one for these photos of Janet's before but I wanted to get you to look beyond the beautifully decorated Ink storage rack to the set of drawers in the background, just look how much detail our lovely Janet puts into every corner of her craft space, jars that would be thrown in the recycling have been 'Altered' into beautiful tool storage pots. I can't imagine there's anything Janet can't embellish with lace and transform it to a thing of beauty!
Thank you so much Janet, your craft space is an inspiration! That's why the cafe always looks so inviting!


Karen visited the Stamperama show last weekend, these are some of her purchases, I will let Karen explain her buys......

"The BIRTHDAY plaques are to make Christmas presents for my sister in law and daughter. The idea is you hang little hearts on the appropriate month with their name and date. I bought an extra bag of hearts and the whole lot cost £10
I wanted to get some sparkle pens and apparently Wink of Stella will work on inkjet printed images / we'll see!
I bought the Tonic ink pad (sorry StampinUp) because they are described as hybrid pads meaning You can use both alcohol pens and water colour pens and it won't smudge. As you know I don't stamp very often and I get confused (that's easy for me) as to what goes with what!
I couldn't resist the Crafters Companion folder as it is my go to card size AND there were some lovely examples on show using these That was another bargain at £3.49 Other stalls were selling them at 3 for £15
There were quite a few companies there that appear on Hochanda. All in all it was a lovely event - not too big and plenty of room, cheap entry too £2. We bought our tickets in advance so didn't have to queue either."

I can't wait to see the Birthday plaques when you have finished altering them, I know they will look amazing! The tonic ink pads are a great idea too.

Thank you so much for sharing your buys Karen


Val sent us a photo of her lovely Spanish Craft Club, run by the super talented Wendy of course!  You get to use and try so many different techniques at your craft club, a lot of which you probably wouldn't bother with yourself, nothing beats crafting with friends does it?! 

Thank you so much Val for giving us a glimpse of your crafting club, I think we all wish we could come and join you ! 

Thank you to all of you that have taken part today! 

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Hi Sandra, thought I would pop in and say Hello, lovely cards and pics from your girls, xxx

    1. Lovely to see you Wendy. WOW you're up bright and early. Xxx

    2. Hi Wendy
      Loved seeing the pics of your group that Val sent n.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-your stamped cards are gorgeous, really lovely. Your granddaughters puppy looks adorable .
    Maria -I love all 3 of your cards. Great inspiration for men's cards.
    Janet -recycling with the Janet touch. Your pen pots look so pretty & it's nice to have a sneak peek in your craft room.
    Karen -great crafty purchases.
    Val -lovely to see your craft group friends. I have to say that's what I really miss-attending a craft group but the only groups I've found meet during the day or aren't Papercraft groups.

    Yesterday was my Mother in Laws 70th Birthday-she loved the card I made (phew)! She visited her eldest daughter (she's in a home as she's got mental health issues and is an alcoholic-she's the same age as me). I got s text last night saying my Father in Law wasn't well & they'd had to phone the GP to do a home visit. He's got a water infection & a very high temperature. Not sure if the surprise meal will be going ahead tomorrow or not now?!
    I'm off to the hairdressers early (8.30) then quick shopping trip then home to craft-hopefully!


    1. Hi Michele,
      Enjoy your hairdressing visit.
      How sad to have a child with such problems. It must be heartbreaking for your in laws.
      Hope FIL recovers in time so the surprise meal can go ahead.
      Enjoy your BT

    2. Hello Michele, Happy 70th birthday to your MIL. I hope FIL is well enough to celebrate the surprise meal.
      Make the most of the long weekend xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope you enjoyed your trip to the hairdressers. I hope your FIL is well enough to attend the surprise meal.

  3. Morning Everyone
    PAT- I love love love your cards each one an artistic creation.
    MARIA- Ohhh Men's Cards - I just might steal one or two ideas if you don't mind.
    KAREN- wonderful purchases. I know you will not be disappointed with CC 3d Efolder. I have 4 of them and they are just out of the world particularly when used on mirror card.
    VAL- Lovely to see your Crafting Group. I'm going to get back to K&N this coming Tuesday as I haven't been since we got back.

    The set of drawers are from Tonic which I bought ages ago. They needed to be assembled and then of course decorated. The drawers are of a size so suitable for small/medium embellishments etc.
    I was always taught when growing up 'don't throw anything away as at some stage they will come in useful' and it's so so true.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but I got up to find that when I went to the freezer to get something out for yesterday's tea that the door had not been closed properly and so I had to start sorting that out before anything else. Fortunately I had one or two large joints of meat in and only a few packs of fish cakes/mince/ etc and so managed to save everything but when I'd done that I'd totally forgotten that I'd not commented and of course was way behind with Friday's jobs.

    The CAFE is OPEN and of course as it's a Bank Holiday Cream Teas are on the menu for this afternoon after I've been shopping this morning.
    Have A good BH Week-end whatever you've all got planned. HUGE HUGs to Dear Friends not feeling 100%. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Beautiful altered pots and drawers. So beautiful..
      So glad you managed to save all your food yesterday. It would have been awful if it had gone to waste.
      I'll be in for a cream tea later.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. The queen of lace have struck again, love you pots and the drawers looking great too !
      Glad you managed to save the food in the freezer.
      Hope you remember how to K&N when you go. Help yourself to any ideas, happy to help. How weird that sound hihi if I didn't go to Julia's sometimes i wouldn't have much to show. Hope to join Val for a cream tea later, love to meet you ladies xx

    3. Hello Janet, Love your beautifully decorated your ink storage rack, it is certainly an eye catcher. What a clever way to use jars we might otherwise throw away, your craft space must be so inspiring with all the special pieces you have created. Thank goodness you managed to save the food yesterday. Have a lovely weekend.xx

    4. Hi Hanet
      I had that problem last week. Like you I managed to salvage everything. But I'd like to have a new freezer as that one is so old. I'd like a frost free one but they don't do that type of freezer in a 50cm.
      Love your jars.

  4. Morning Sandra and all,

    Lovely goodies today.

    PAT love your stamping. It's something I'm trying hard to master. Your butterfly card is so pretty. Who doesn't like butterflies?
    Oh my what a cute little dog Minnie is. I could just cuddle her to bits. We have a Shit many years ago and they're lovely natured dogs.
    Hope you are feeling less uncomfortable today Pat. Xxx

    MARIA love your 3 cards. Might have to steal a few ideas, if you don't mind of course. Hope you're less sore today. Xxx

    KAREN great crafty buys. Bet the Birthday plaques will look beautiful when they're decorated. I have the star Crafters Companion 3d EF. It cuts so deeply. Really pleased wwith it. Enjoy your BT. Xxx

    We have a great group of ladies to craft with on a Friday. We pay Wendy a very small amount and get a drink and each week a raffle of great craft things. I won this week Yeh. Each week, like Sandra cc, Wendy gives us a sketch and we take our made card in each week. Then we have a secret ballot on which is the nicest and the lucky winner wins a Prize. It's a really fun 3 hours.
    LYNDA you'll notice how many of us have Sapphires.
    HOPE Bambi is improving.

    I've got a mound of ironing to do this morning, I don't know where it comes from.

    Have a good day everyone.

    wins a prize.

    1. Oops ladies. I obviously meant we had a Shitzu ha ha.

    2. Hello Val, Thank you for sharing this lovely picture of your craft group. Everyone looks so happy, hope your homework isn't to difficult this week. xx

    3. We used to have 2 shit at home too when I was younger hihihi they are wonderful dogs.
      Lovely to see your crafting group, nice bunch of ladies having fun together. Like Michele, that is something I miss to have somewhere to go and craft and have some hours of fun with like minded people. You're welcome to use any of my cards as inspiration. Hope you got a better sleep last night. xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sorry I haven't been in since Wednesday, I know I didn't yesterday as it went by in a whirl but I would have sworn I did on Thursday, but there you go. It did mean that I have just had extra beautiful cards to enjoy.
    Sandra, your yellow and grey card is lovely, it's funny how we don't think to put certain colours together then once we do we kick ourselves for not having done so before. Please pass on my belated birthday greetings to Matt. I hope he had a good day. Yesterday's Christmas card is another gorgeous one, so elegant. I think I will be "borrowing" this idea 😊 It's good to hear you had a lovely time relaxing in the sea my lovely. What's the temperature at the moment, both on land and the sea? Love and hugs xx

    Mum, I hope you had a good night's sleep after a long day yesterday, and a for nothing in the end! Have you managed to get the rest of the pen arrow off of your face? Have a good weekend. Give my love to Pam. Love you xxxx

    Pat, I love both of your cards. You certainly have conquered "random" stamping on the first card. I hope you manage to relax over the weekend with no hospital visits. Im glad that your hand is feeling a little better and I hope Pete is as well as possible too. Amber's puppy Minnie is so sweet, I've never seen this particular cross before but she looks gorgeous. Well done to Amber for saving up that amount of money. A lot of adults could learn a lesson from her. Sending you big hugs x

    Maria, thank you for sharing these great cards, especially as you've made some for the tricky men 😊 I second everything that Sandra said about your cards. I wish you would share more as they are always gorgeous and inspiring.
    I hope you had a good night's sleep and that you have a good day today. Sending hugs X

    Janet, what lovely storage you make, its always a treat to look at all of the detail you add. And its always good to get a peek at your craft room. I hope you have a lovely weekend, thank you for looking after the Café, your cream teas will be flying out I'm sure 😊 Hugs on their way x

    Karen, the show sounds like it is really good. I wonder how long it would take for us to get there? I will have a look later. You got some lovely new stash. I would love to see the finished birthday reminder. It is something that I have wanted to make for ages, both for myself and as gifts so please share when you have finished them. I hope you have a good weekend and enjoy the dancing. How did the V and A visit go with your friend. The poor chap losing both parents so quickly. Will you be seeing Oscar over the long weekend? Hugs on their way for you X

    Val, thank you for sharing a picture of your friends at craft club. How do you all manage to work so neatly together. I know Sandra wont mind me saying that we are not tidy crafter's a and end up using every square inch of space, but I must admit that Pat is a much tidier crafter 😊 I hope you have managed to get a better night's sleep last night. Sending hugs X

    Lynda, I do hope that Bambi is coping well with the new meds. Poor little thing is very young to be having these problems. Sending hugs to you, Terry and Bambi X

    I must get on now as I have a certain little person asking me to help him out his shoes on so that he can go and play in his sand box in the garden. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx by Ty

    1. Thanks Sue, I hope I have!!
      Have a lovely day with little Chris & hope when he goes home you can enjoy peace & quiet. Love

    2. Hi Sue,
      so sorry your mum didn't have her op after all yesterday. How annoying to have to go through all that again. Hugs to her xxx
      Enjoy your time with little Chris xxx

    3. Hi Sue, sounds like you have been super busy, hope you can relax over the weekend. Enjoy your day with little Chris xx

    4. Hi Sue, thanks for the nice comment reg my cards but it doe's help a lot to be able to go and do some work shops with Julia from time to time and unless I bought the items to do them again at home ,that's it. Shame mamma didn't get her op yesterday and now have to wait a week but hopefully the droops then will have worked so it all goes ahead. Have a lovely day with little Chris. hugs to you all. xx

  6. I have just lost my long comment����will try again later.xx

    1. Hello Margaret, I know that feeling you have written a long post and included everyone in it ........ when it happened to me the other day I just had to walk away. Hope you are alright. Sounds like you didn't get your op yesterday. xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I have been commenting on my way down but missed a few ladies,
    PAT your cards are lovely. Amber is a great example to everyone... if you really want something you have to save for it. She will also treasure her puppy more as it wasn't just handed to her. xx
    MARIA, LOVE your man cards, I might, if you don't mind borrow these designs xx
    KAREN, Great shopping , I have that EF it's great.

    Sorry I didn't leave a comment yesterday, well I stated, OH was in the garden and called could I spare a minute. WELL that was me I forgot what time of day it was. When I came back indoors I was pooped, to put it mildly .

    Hope everyone had a great weekend, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes, all Karen's 4 girls are good with money. Saving for what they want. She bought his cage, toys etc herself and will pay for his injections. She also buys all his food. Karen said she'd get with with all the other Dog,Cat and Rabbit food and the horses. But she said she'd buy it herself.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    I hope you have a lovely time and the temp is warm enough, it sounds so nice to go in the sea for a swim. You do feel quite lifeless in water and it is so much easier to move. Love to see som photos of where you are and the girls/ Paul on the body boards. Glad you like my more manly cards, thank you. Will try to make some up for future male birthday's. Liked the one Karen made the other day very much with the tags.
    Karen- like your shopping you made. Be interesting to see the Birthday plaques when you have made them up. Hope the trip to V & A helped your friend some. How awful to lose his parent so soon after eachother. Have a nice weekend,hugs
    Pat- sending you gently hugs and hope so much that you not in to much pain. Love,love your stamping and the colours are lovely together. Your granddaughter have done a great job saving her her money to buy cute little Minnie, perfect name :-) Never heard this mix of bread before, do wonder how she will look later so do send photos of her again. Have a rest this weekend mrs xx
    Michele- hope the surprise dinner goes ahead and your FIL will get better soon. Happy 70th to your MIL, of course she loved your card. Your cards are all very good. Have a nice weekend.
    Brenda- hope you and John are ok, did the family have a nice holiday ?
    Lilian- how you feeling ? Is it much to clear up after the machines are gone ? You will get so much more crafting space. are you still doing some kind of job for them reg hoodies or are you now retired ? hugs for you.
    Margaret- so feel for you when you lose a comment, don't understand how that happening sometimes. Hope the drops does it job for next week and the op can go ahead. Sending you and Pop hugs .
    Lynda- hope all is ok and you have a nice weekend. Are you seeing gorgeous Harry, if you are give him a big hug from auntie aka me hihi
    Cheryl- hope the meeting goes alright and you will sooner know when and what to make for the Panto. Hope the meds you got is helping your pain. Take care.
    Hope any children and grandchildren who waited for their exam results did well. My SIL grandson got very good grades and he is very happy that he can now continue on to do his A-levels. He is in a privet school and they are extremely tough for getting A+ and A's or they can't go further. We are sure he will go into politics one day so he won't be someone I will be able to talk too, I have not got the brain. :) Son have sent photos of his trip but not said much about it yet. They seem to have a great time tho and the air B & B's look very nice. sure it been good to have a proper bed sometimes and a shower for the weather seem to been like ours, WET. It is very cloudy today and not so warm, having fleece on sitting writing this while OH is watching cricket, can't wait for them to go for tea so I can watch something else. I will be gone for a few days for we go down to Colchester tomorrow so because the wi-fi in this place I won't be taking my lappi so i hope you all have a nice weekend and behaving yourself :) Herman is over at the neighbours gracing so hopefully he shouldn't be any problems but please put the suger away safe as i think he's been in the suger cubes, sorry Janet .
    many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your not in to much pain today. Yes, I'll certainly send more pictures on Minnie growing up. She seems to sleep a lot at the moment in her cafe. I assume that's because of the other 3 dogs until they get used to her and she's a bit bigger.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I'm so glad your all having a lovely time together. Great you can get into the sea with everyone else. Even if it's a struggle to get out.
    Great cards today. Love seeing the photo of your crafting club Val.
    Sandra, I can't claim ownership of the second card you've claimed to be mine. Looks like a Margaret one to me.
    Must take a picture fir you of my buys. It's been a bit hectic here this week so I forgot.
    Janet the decoration on your jars are fantastic. No wonder our cafe looks great every day.
    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend as don't hold your breath it's suppose to be sunny.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Fingers crossed I don't lose this commment.
    Sandra sounds as if you are having a
    Pat your card is lovely, I love ramdon stamping, yes the 2nd card is one of mine. Amber should be very proud of herself saving to buy this gorgeous puppy, well done Amber. Hope you are on lesd pain hugson
    Janet you are the queen of storage solutions, we) done they are lovely. Thanks for cream tea it was
    Maria your cards are stunning I love them. Hope you are in less pain, yes I do feel gutted I didn't get my eye done, hope next week. Hugs on way xxx
    Karen lovey lot of goodies you bought, look forward to seeing finished articles. Enjoy your
    Lynda hope Bambi is still improving, hugs on way to you
    Brenda yes I was not pleased this morning it is soo annoying as it takes ages to do a long comment. Yes I didn't get my eye done yesterday, the seed they put in to dilate the pupil did notwork, with luck will get it done next week & promised I will be 1st on list plus given me drops to put in 2 days before. Hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I thought the card looked like on if yours.
      Hope the eye gets done next week.

  11. Val forgot to say thank you for showing us photo of craft club, it's great to
