
Friday 25 August 2017

Festive Card Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all today, my goodness this week has flown, it barely seems 24 hours that I was doing Monday's Challenge post! 
How are your Challenges coming along? I have had one or two already and they are gorgeous! I am so pleased that I found those 'Tic Tac Toe' Challenges, as they are a great tool for getting you card making if you have had a bit of a loss of 'Mojo'.

Today's card was made using the Stampin'Up! 'Star of Light' Stamp set and matching dies, I took some 'Very Vanilla' card and adhered it to a Matt of Gold Glitter card, I then took another piece of VV card and Embossed it with the 'Softly Falling' Embossing Folder, I popped a piece of gold glitter behind that too and mounted it across the centre of my card, I then stamped a sentiment from the Stamp set just underneath it. To embellish the card I die cut a Star in glitter card and then die cut the decorative layer in very vanilla card and popped it on the top of glitter star, I mounted this on the central bar.
I hope you like it. 

Have any of you made a start on your Christmas cards?, I have that to do when I get back.!

We are off out to do some touristy things today, maybe have lunch out too, which will save cooking tonight, we only have simple salad and BBQ meat type meals but boy it's hot cooking in this heat! 

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra-very classy.

    Busy day again yesterday-more patients needed TPN and guess which isolator isn't working?? Yes-the one we use to make TPN which means buying it in, in advance so quite a lot of planning required. There's also talk of a baby being transferred from the Women's Hospital is Liverpool to our NeoNatal unit which might prove challenging.

    My meeting was totally unproductive with my Union Representative-mainly because she hasn't heard anything. I'll be lucky to have anything sorted be Christmas at this rate.

    Looking forward to 3 days off this weekend.


    1. Hi Michele
      Not much good as a union rep then is she. She should be chasing the other side up for you to get this sorted asap. I hope you told her that. If she gets paid she certainly isn't earning her money.
      Fancy your isolator still not being fixed and especially if there being used to make up the TPN. I remember when Pete had them in 2093 when he had his Bowel Cancer he was told they cost about £500 per day. He had his for 3 weeks. Austin who Pete met in hospital who had Colitis is now being fed this way all the time. He goes in to the Renal Unit at the Churchill on the same day as Pete some weeks. Gentle hugs coming your way and enjoy your three days off.

  2. Lovely Christmas card SANDRA Very elegant
    This week has really flown I cannot believe we're at the end of August
    I hope you get that isolater sorted MICHELE Shame about the meeting with the union rep
    We're out dancing tonight Daughter is teaching a Rueda class which is always great fun
    Going to V&A tomorrow
    PS I hope you got my photo SANDRA Enjoy your touristy things today

    1. Hi Karen
      Yes, where did August go to. Mind you we did enjoy York. Pete lost his reading glasses between the flat we rented and home. Not to sure how ge managed that. He has varifocals but there not good enough for reading with his Macula. Look up Rueda dancing. Great if you have a partner to dance with and some of the moves look a lot like the jive moves I used to do with my ex. Except a lot more wiggle inbetween.

    2. Meant to say enjoy your trip to the V& A.

  3. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Very pretty card Sandra, I love that star.
    Enjoy your touristy day out today.

    MICHELE sorry no result with your Union Rep. Enjoy your 3 days off xxx

    PAT hope youre feeling a bit better today. Hugs to you and Pete xxx

    LYNDA Are the meds working for Bambi. Poor little girl. Hope she's a lot better

    MARGARET good luck with the cataract op today. I'm sure you'll be amazed how quick and easy it

    MARIA, Hope you're ok and feel better without the stocking. Xxx

    LILIAN bet it was sad to see your machines go but lots more space to fill with craft goodies. Hope you're feeling

    I apologise if I've missed anyone out. Hope everyone's feeling fit and well today.

    FRIDAY again and that means Craft Club. Yeh.

    Have a good day everyone. Xxx

    1. Hi Val
      Hope you have or have had a lovely day today at Craft Club. I also live the star.

    2. Meant to read I love the star. Pete took the dressings off of my back today. Apparently one looks ok but the other one has left a hole. Apparently the cream he put on went into the hole. I'll have to get Sophie whose not very squemish have a look at it later. I don't want to leave cream in a hole. I'll get the nurse to oook at it when I go up on Thurs. so I'm still a bit sore.

  4. morning everyone.
    Lovely card today Sandra (have been playing a bit loosely for some ideas for Christmas but non made yet) Loved the colours together on yesterday's card, very nice. Have a nice day doing some touristy things .
    Margaret, thinking of you today. Hugs for everything goes well. Sue ,take care of mamma. Hope you are ok after last weekend.
    Pat- hope you have a good day. Had a tena moment reading your message hahaha
    Val- hope you had a better night.Have fun at craft club.
    Lynda- hope Bambie is breathing better today.
    Michele- have a nice bank holiday.
    Karen- enjoy the dancing tonight and V&A , what is on this time ?
    Hope you all have a nice day and get to see some of the sunshine that is visiting us at last so will have a moment sitting reading in the garden for a bit, finish cc to send and get a small shop in this afternoon. Going to Colchester Sunday for a few days so not much needed.
    take care all, Maria xxx

    1. Hiya Maria It's not really my cup of tea But the friend I go with lost his mum last week So to lose both parents in less than a year is taking its toll This visit has been in place for a few months and he needs to get away from it all for a few hours

  5. Just finished work and now keeping company with SANDRA enjoying a Tapas lunch with OH
    It all kicked off this morning, why do men behave like toddlers at times! So I'm glad to be out of the office for the afternoon

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card today so must try and use the star and swirl stamp and make a card. I've lots to do and no inclination to do any at all. I've managed to get Pete out to cut the lawn. Not even to sure he'll do it but he's outside that's the main thing. He came home from his friends had his lunch and promptly fell asleep. I keep trying to wake him up but give up in the end, that's not right either. Can't do right for wrong at the moment. I have a photo that his friend Pat did when they were 13 and he's xalked it Attitude which Pete apparently had in abundance. Well he has attitude now, although it's me that has it according to him.
    Sorry for grumbling on the blog, I'll try to improve my attitude.
    Hugs to all oyr dear friends that need one today, including Bambi.

  7. Hello Sandra & everyone
    I've just lost two long comments so sorry I will have to just wish everyone a happy evening .
    Sandra your card is lovely & hope you had a lovely day with Paul & girls Hug's on there way.xx
    Love Lynda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another beautiful card from you today, I love it. Hope you had a good day
    My day didn't turn out well, I was last on list for op. & when I got there they found that the seed put in to dilate my eye had not worked, the consultant could not wait any longer otherwise messed afternoon list. He hopes to fit me in next week & has sent me home with drops to put in the day before so we know it is working. Thank you for your best wishes I will save them for next time.
    Sending hugs to all in need particularly Lynda, lilian, Maria & Pat love

  9. Hello All, lovely sunny day here today.

    Sandra lovely card again, not into c cards yet, but will have to get around to them soon.

    Have managed to make a card today, first one for more than a month.

    Have had terrible internet problems today, there has been two men working outside the house, not sure if that's why, so I'm hoping this will publish.

    Managed to book flu jabs today, apparently I qualify for the shingles one as well.

    Margaret hope today went well.

    Hugs to all Lilian
