
Thursday 24 August 2017

Yellow and Grey, perfect combination !!

Good Morning Ladies,

Today is my Son's 25th Birthday, Happy Birthday Matt, I hope you have a fantastic day xxxx

I just can't enough of the yellow and grey backgrounds, I will give you a tip though, when you are playing around making these backgrounds always make a few spares while you are in the 'zone' you have all the inks and stamps out, you may as well make the most of it.  I had this background left over from when we had the 'Tic Tac Toe' Challenge with grey and yellow as two of the options, grey works well with turquoise, pink, red too, I feel like I have been missing out not using it all these years!  Haha!!
I used 'Touches of Texture' stamp set (SU) and the background from the 'Graceful Garden' stamp set too (the lattice looking stamp). I stamped them all in Grey and yellow and matted and layered the card to compliment those colours.
I then die cut the 'Happy Birthday' in grey and yellow and used the grey as a drop Shadow behind the yellow to make it stand out more.  I hope you like it X

Paul and the girls seem to have mastered the Paddle board although Paul just kneels when in the sea, he's fine on the river, standing up and whizzing along like a pro, 
The sea is quite rough here at times so keeping upright can be a challenge, the girls are out on it for hours, one using the oar the other relaxing on the front.
I stick to swimming in the sea, I can't quite manage clambering onto boards, boats etc, it's a sight that nobody needs to see ! Hahaha

Pat, I hope your sounds are starting to heal my love, I still can't get my head around the diagnosis, that lump on your hand appeared so quickly, I just thought it was your psoriasis breaking out, sending love and hugs to you xxxx

Maria, I hope you are on the mend too, hopefully starting to feel the benefit of having your procedure done, sending love to you too xxxx

Lilian, I hope you are getting stronger by the day and that your AF is back under control, are you managing to get any crafting done yet, I hope you are feeling up to it as it's so relaxing, love and hugs xxxx

Lynda I hope that you, Terry and poor Bambi are feeling better, it's so worrying when our pets are poorly, they are so helpless aren't they, sending love and hugs to all not you xxxx

Michele, sweetheart, I just don't know what to say, your place seems to be going down hill fast, I hope the visit was a success! Keep your chin up my lovely xxxx

Well I must go and pack the beach bag, have a lovely day whatever you are up to!

Love and hugs, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra-I just love that colour combination.

    Happy Birthday to Matt-hope he has a great day.

    Yesterday was very busy, didygdt as much paperwork sorted as I'd hoped so fingers crossed I'll get more done today.

    I have a meeting with my Union Representative at 9.45 this morning-wonder if there'll be any progress?? Doubt it.
    Shopping tonight then I'll be phoning my Dad. I called on Tuesday with some heavy shopping items for him-he's doing really well. Walking completely unaided now. He sees the Consultant next Thursday and is hoping to be told he can start driving.


    1. Hi Michele. Hope the union rep has some news for you today. It's been dragging on far too long.
      so pleased your dad is doing well. He As really great considering he's had both hips done.
      Hope your day isn't too

    2. Morning Michele - good luck with your Union Rep this morning. I really do hope they have some good news for you. Hugs xxxx

    3. I hope you get some good news today

    4. Hi Michele
      I hope the meeting with the union rep went well and that they're starting to sort things out. This is taking far to long to sort out. Very distressing for you as well I should imagine. Fingers crossed.

    5. Hi Michele, I hope the union rep had something positive to say. As others have said this has gone on far to long. How can the department move forward if it takes so long to sort out a complaint?
      Hope your day is a good one. Hugs xx

    6. Hi Michele
      Hope your meeting with the union went well &'you had some positive news it's about time this has been going on far to long
      Have a good evening. HUG'S xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty card Sandra. I haven't used that colour combo but seeing yours I really must give it a go.

    Hope you're managing with your new sticks crossing the sand.

    LILIAN- Good Luck for today and the moving of your machines. I hope everything goes OK and they don't make a mess moving them. Just think of how much more Crafting room you'll have.

    I managed another CC yesterday and managed to get my flu jab appointment sorted. 30th Sept is the date so I'm feeling quite pleased with I just have to send the pics off today and then see what comes along.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all but I cannot find the bag of sugar cubes anywhere. Has anyone been playing and using them as building bricks?lol

    HUGS to all Dear Friends in need. I hope you're all beginning to feel a little better. xxxx
    I'm not quite sure what's on the books

    1. When au did tic tax toe I used yellow and grey and it is pretty I said to myself that I need to use it again Do you think someone has pinched the sugar cubes to practice building for the series Lego Masters on Channel 4 tonight..

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you have a lovely day today. I'd rather be in the cafe today rather than up the hospital. At least Pete won't have to cook when we finish as we're going over to Craig's for dinner.

    3. Hi Janet, Herman has a sweet tooth could he have found them?
      OR The pesky gremlins? You know how things go missing around here!!! Hope you are having a good day. xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all,
    ##### my comment has disappeared.

    Happy Birthday Matt. Hope you have a happy and peaceful day.
    Lovely card Sandra. I love the yellow and grey and the stamped background is beautiful.

    PAT Thinking of you and Pete. Hope you're a lot less sore today. Hugs to you

    LYNDA oh poor Bambi. She's such a young dog to have these problems. Hope and pray the vet can give her something to help. Hugs to you Terry and Bambi xxx

    MARIA AND LILIAN hope you're feeling better with each passing dayxxx

    Another sleepless night.
    Lying awake worrying is stupid but difficult not to. As a result got up with a banging headache. Going to have a relaxing morning as I'm meeting my friend for lunch later.

    Love to

    1. Hi Val
      It's awful not sleeping through worry. We know exactly how you feel. I say to Pete don't worry until you know what you need to worry about. But it doesn't really help.
      My hand is still sore and has been bleeding a bit, but it's not as bad as it was.
      Sending gentle hugs your way.

    2. Hi Val, Hope the headache has gone and you are able to go out to lunch today When I have problems sleeping I concentrate on my breathing. In my head I say breath in, breath and actually and do that. It works - well most times!!!! xx

    3. Sorry Val That should say ..... I breathe in and breathe out - and I actually do that, it works - Well most times !!! xx

    4. Thanks a ishheadache is just a niggle now. Brenda, I really must try that and I'll remember to breath out.ha ha. Pat, glad your hand isn't quite as sore.
      Enjoy your evening. Xxx

    5. Hi Val
      Hope your headache has gone now & you enjoyed your lunch with your friend. Hope you have a good sleep tonight.
      The tablets have calmed Bambie's breathing down. so fingers crossed. Hug's on there way xx

  4. How is everyone I hope things are healing and everyone's beginning to feel better
    Happy Birthday Matt
    Your card is pretty I like the colour combo and promised myself that I'd try it again
    I went into town yesterday I needed to buy a ball of yarn to knit 3 rows to finish one of those "striped" cardies! So bought enough to make another one! It isn't the same dye lot but fortunately the stripes will help it to blen in! What a chore I'll have to sit and make another
    Craft club later
    I noticed Sue is bringing out yet another set of dies I don't think I'll be buying I need to utilise what I've got
    See you later

    1. High Karen
      What a shame you couldn't get the same dye number. But as you say because it's strips it'll blend in.
      I don't think I'll be buying any new dies either. To much to often comes to mind.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Happy Birthday Matt I hope you have a lovely day today even though your probably working.
    Great card today and I love the colours you've used. My London fog might surffice as it's a light grey. I'm glad Paul has managed the paddle board, standing up on the river but on his knees in the sea. Not to sure I'd like being in the sea as I don't swim. But it would be lovely just to cool down in it at least. Mind you I wouldn't want to be in the sea in the UK. As it's not been warm enough for it to warm up this year.
    Hope your feeling better today Maria.
    Hope Lynda, Terry and Bambi are feeling ok as well.

    1. Hi Pat
      Have you done all hospital trials for this week & being cold for you in waiting room. Thanks for your Hug's for all of us.
      Sending some Hug's back for you & Pete Xx

  6. Hello All, washing out, very hot and humid here.

    Well my industrials have gone feeling a bit sad they have been very faithful servants over the years, still upwards and onwards.think positive.

    Sandra love your card, hoping to start crafting again, have a table to go in my room until I decide what I want done.

    Hope all who are not well , including Bambi soon feel better. I'll pop in later. Lil

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sad to see your industrial machine have gone. But think what a lovely new craft room you have to look forward too.Thank you for thinking of Bambie.
      Sending you some Hug's xx

  7. Hi Lilian
    I'm glad somewhere is warm today. I felt cold sitting in the hospital so went and fetched my top to put on. Michele no you I think it's a bit warmer out than in at the moment.
    Sad to see your industrial machines taken away but at least you'll have more space to craft when you feel like it.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT hope you have a great day. Are you celebrating tonight? xx

    What a lovely card Sandra, yellow and grey really work so well together. Love how you have created your own background. I'm sure the Birthday Boy will love it too. It sounds as if you are all having a great time. I think you should have a go on the Paddle board. Paul and the girls could slide it under you and you could lay on it while they give you a gentle push. or would that be living to dangerously? xx

    Sending gentle hugs to all our poorly friends and of course a special one for Bambi. xx

    Have a good day everyone (well what's left of it) Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Thanks for Bambie's Hug's the heart & breathing tablets have calmed her breathing down,but she still looks sorry for herself. Hopefully the tablets will keep her stable. Fingers crossed
      🤗🤗 xx

  9. Hi Brenda
    No that wouldn't be to dangerous at all. They wouldn't push to hard in case they lost the taxi of Dad. Our children always need us for something.

  10. Sorry forgot to wish Mat a happy birthday, hope it is/was a good one.

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT hope you had had a good day.Sandra your card is lovely love the colour's & your background.
    I had hospital appointment for hearing test & hearing aid check my hearing has got worse so had a new mould made of my ear & making a new one.
    Takes a month to make. Had to go Canterbury which is over a hour to get there.We got home at 5pm.
    Have commented on way down
    So wish you all a good evening Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely card, Matt a very happy birhday to you. Take
    Lynda pleased Bambi showing sogns of improving, hugs to you
    Liluan how lovely of OH that you are getting new craft room for your 70th, you do deserve
    Maria hope pain is improving, hugs on
    Pat sending hugs to you &
    Early start for Sue & I tomorrow, I have to be at hospital for my cataract op at 7.30, luckily I am at Private Hospital but NHS patient. Not sure if I will get cc done this week apologies if I don't.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
