
Sunday 27 August 2017

Your Challenge cards

Michele's Challenge card (1)

Michele's Challenge card (2)

The Challenge

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Michele very kindly organised this week's Challenge for all of you and you have made some absolutely amazing cards for it, so let's get started......


Karen's Challenge card(s) are stunning, I just love the floral image you have used, it's unusual and I love how you have picked parts of the image out to highlight in the circles, I will now hand over to Karen to give you all the details........

The images is from an old MCS CD-ROM I changed one to blue and tinted one in colour I cut the circles on ScanNCut.
I laid out out pieces to create a birthday card. So it could also be
Circle/birthday/favourite colour - always blue
I've added a couple of an extra photo because I quite liked the the effect of the blue background without the circle etc
Now they've been photographed I think I would leave the white (no colour) circle off. I think it'd be a better balance"

Thank you so much Karen, I am certain that your colleague will love her leaving card!


Val has chosen to make a Christmas Challenge card this week, using the categories ...'Blue, Circles & Dry Embossing' for her design. Such a cute Christmas scene, the finishing touches (Christmas Roses, little blue gems and that gorgeous fibre you have added to your tag) really give the card the 'WOW' factor! 
Thanks so much Val. 


Lilian, your card is stunning, as always!, Lilian chose the categories....'Circles, Blue & Floral' for her design.  Everything about your card works Lilian, I love how you have placed the foliage and the flowers you have added look like they were where nature would have placed them.  The embossed bar across the bottom adds just the right amount of detail, it looks as though the flowers are clambering over a trellis fence.
Thank you so much, good to see your Mojo returning!


Michele's challenge card (other than the other two), using the categories.......
'Blue/dry Embossing/ Masculine.
Love this man card Michele, that Embossing Folder is amazing, perfect back ground for your card.
Thank you so much 


Brenda's Challenge card made using the categories 'Blue/Circles/Dry Embossing, wow Brenda I love those Circle Stamps with the foliage in, perfect for either Male or female recipient, I love the double sided ribbon too. Absolutely stunning card, thank you so much for taking part.


Maria has made two cards for this weeks Challenge, the first using categories Circles/Happy Birthday/ Die cuts, green is my favourite colour Maria so I love this card, love that Kraft card background too.
Maria's second card uses categories 'Blue/Masculine/Happy Birthday.  What a fantastic stamped image Maria, perfect card for teens or men, love the shade of blue too!
Thank you for making time for Challenge before your trip away, have a lovely time.


Lynda has managed two Challenge cards this week too,
The first card was made using categories 'Ribbon/Embossing/Birthday' such a lovely card Lynda and I absolutely adore that gorgeous Spellbinders Tag you have used.
Lynda's second card was made using the categories 'Circles/Christmas/ favourite colour'.  Another of your stunning double 'Z' fold cards, this time decorated with a beautiful Dove and pretty Snowflakes, I love that rich red background colour too Lynda.  Thank you so much for taking part.

Wow ladies what a fantastic response to Michele's Challenge, I'm sure she will be so pleased you all enjoyed it.

Thank you all so much once again, I look forward to seeing what Michele has lined up for you this week! 

Love and hugs to all of you, from the last day of my forties!!!



  1. Morning Ladies

    Wow-what a gorgeous collection of challenge cards, every card so different but all lovely.

    Maria-I love the Kraft/green card you've made , has the Kraft card got the swirls printed on it??

    My card was partly inspired by Karen's card from last week & partly from one I found on Pinterest. The Stars embossing folder is an A4 one and it's so useful-I think that one plus the Script one are the only ones I've used recently. I have 2 drawers full of embossing folders and rarely think to use them these days.

    The surprise meal is going ahead today-my Father in Law is feeling better which is goid news. Just hope theses no problems as I've already had 2 messages from the on call Pharmacist about one of the fridge alarms was going off-she sent the first message at 5.19 asking if I was up and could I call her!!!


    1. 5.19!!! Good grief, don't they think you have a life outside of work?
      Glad you FIL is feeling better. Enjoy your meal.
      Love your card. I'm into stars at the

    2. Thank you for being inspired by my humble card So pleased that FIL is feeling better Enjoy your meal
      I hope you don't have to go into work and sort the alarm out

  2. Morning Everyone
    WOW what a fantastic Challenge this week and so many beautiful cards. Once again the display boards are groaning with gorgeousness.

    I sent my two CC to Sandra on Thursday but they must have got lost somewhere over the water. Never mind. I'm looking forward to this week's Challenge.

    We had a busy morning shopping yesterday and finally a quiet and peaceful afternoon for a change.

    Off to the Range this morning as I've run out of 6x6 card blanks and I need them to continue making Seasonal Cards.

    The CAFE is OPEN and Lunch for this Sunday is Roast Chicken.
    Have a good R&R Maria and I'll keep an eye on Herman for

    HUGE HUGS on their way to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, I bet the 6x6 cards aren't the only things in your basket.
      Enjoy your

    2. I'll put my order in for roast chicken please, and can we have Yorkshire puddings again I'd like some extra stuffing (careful!) too Thanks

  3. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Lots of beautiful cards today. Really like the tic tac toe challenge. Thank you Michele for setting it this week.

    Have a great few days away MARIA. Xxx

    Just off to give my bathroom and bedroom a good clean. Got the old toothbrush at the ready. WOW I have an exciting life!!!
    Off later for a cheap Chinese meal then back on the healthy eating tomorrow.

    Hope all poorly friends are feeling better or a little less sore today especially PAT. PETE, LYNDA , TERRY, LILIAN, MARIA and BAMBI.

    Hugs to all. Xxx

  4. A huge thank you to MICHELE for setting the challenges these past couple of weeks and look forward to tomorrow's
    Another great stash of cards. All vastly different and great inspiration
    My card would be so easy for you stampers to recreate I knew straightaway the effect I wanted to do and then struggled to find a digi image in black and white from my stash!
    Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday By the time I got in I was shattered It was a brilliant day The exhibition was great You walk around wearing headphones 🎧 and as you walk around either music or narrative plays at the appropriate moments Lots of the inflatables that they used on stage were on show
    We then had lunch at a lovelyItalian restaurant including an Aperol Spritz. We then walked to the Saatchi gallery where they have a lovely food market and found a stall selling sugar cane syrup So a rum cocktail was consumed - yum!
    The weather was beautiful too
    That was a lovely photograph of your craft group VAL At my little craft group I'm the only card maker There is a lady that makes the most fantastic miniatures and another that makes fantastic cake decorations She was sculpting roses last week Others quilt, cross stitch etc
    JANET I have played with my 3D folder and really struggled to get it through my Platinum and ended up having to use a stack of paper as my plate Even the white plate from CE was too thick! Very pretty though
    Little Minnie is gorgeous PAT and how lovely to see that AMBER saved the money herself
    I'm gutted for You MARGARET I hope you don't have to wait too long for the op
    Take care MARIA LYNDA BAMBI LILIAN CHERYL etc If I've missed anyone out Take an extra hug I do think of you all
    Hopefully will be seeing OSCAR today as they've been invited to SIL for lunch too
    Take care xxx

    1. Hi Glad. Sounds like the exhibition was so good. You're so lucky living in easy reach of all these things.Your craft group sounds very varied but great for getting to look at other people's different talents. We all tend to make cards although Wendy makes jewellery and knits and crochet.
      Hope you get to see Oscar today for a

    2. Thanks Karen, yes I did feel annoyed to say the least, I should be used to it that's the 3rd operation that has been cancelled on the day, when I had my hips done they cancelled on the day. Hopefully will fit me in this week. Sounds as if you had a lovely day yesterday, hope you see Oscar

  5. Morning my lovelies,
    We are just getting ready to head off to the beach but I wanted to pop in a check that you were all ok!
    Janet I received your Challenge cards this morning (nothing on Thursday) so they will get there own post on Tuesday!
    I hope that all of our missing friends are ok.
    Margaret I am so sorry you had such a disappointment with your scheduled surgery, I really don't think that they realise how much preparation we go through for these surgeries, both mentally and physically! I bet you felt like screaming!!
    Anyway everyone is waiting for me so I must go, love and hugs to all of you

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a fantastic display of inspiration today, Michele thank you for this weeks challenge.
    Like Sandra I'm also dashing we are going to our eldest daughters. OH has put everything in the car and is sitting patiently waiting!!!!!! He is always ready at least half an hour before we need to go. Bless him he does look after me. xx

    Hope everyone has a good day. Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hello everyone, very hot here today.
    Been to our vast new Lidll this morning, this one is out of town our old one was a small in town shop. This new one is very smart, no craft stuff though.
    Lovely selection of cards today, mine is a card I had done previously.
    Thanks to Michele for setting the challenge.
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, time seems to fly these days.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, hugs Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for your sympathy, as you said you build yourself up & waited around from 7.30 till noon to be told it hadn't dilated, hope they get me in this week.
    What a lovely lot of cards you all produced, cannot choose a favourite. I just ran out of time this
    Michel thanks for C this week look forward to seeing what you have for us tomorrow. Hope meal went
    Hope you all had a good day, it has been lovely, sending hugs to all who need them love
