
Monday 10 July 2017

'Z' Fold Card Challenge

My Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought we would try something a little different for our Challenge this week.  I am pretty sure most of you will have made this shape/fold before but for those that haven't I have photographed the front and will share it below, you basically score down the centre of the card front and fold it back on itself.

I think the photos show it better than I can explain it !! 
How you decorate the card is then up to you, using Nesting dies to make a framed image is the best way to decorate the front as it draws your eye across the card, linking the two sides. 
I used the Petal Garden Suite paper pack to decorate my card with Fresh Fig and Sweet Sugarplum card.  The 'The Happy Birthday' sentiment is from 'Happy Birthday Gorgeous' stamp set. 

As we go through the week I hope to show you different versions of this fold and I will show you how to cut into the front with a die too.  

We had a fairly quiet weekend, the heat seems to make it harder for me to get around for some reason.  We did pop to Decathlon Sports store yesterday as last year we bought an Inflatable Kayak for Paul and the girls to use on holiday, mainly because we always end up hiring them while we are away and buying one is cheaper in the long run, anyway after their first outing on it last year they tried to re-inflate it and it exploded, turns out there was a weakness on one of the seams, when we took it back they had run out of stock of that kayak so they refunded us and we out the money aside to buy it again in this new season
Both Paul and the girls decided that they would get more use out of a "Stand Up Paddle board" which is kind of like a big surf board, it's also inflatable so easy to transport and we bought the largest one so that they could use it together, it's good for them to surf with too.  My enjoyment comes from watching them have fun!!

I hope that you are all well as we start another week, I'm sending hugs to all of you that aren't XX

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies,

    Church Fete was not as profitable as normal due to the Preschool holding their Duck Race on the Brook by the Friendly Spirit before we had even finished. Honestly, you would think Village Organisations would have researched first then held it a later time to avoid clashing with the Fete.
    Now for more sorting out and tidying up of storage boxes, then storing them in the shed. I have moved a set of shelving from the greenhouse into the main shed so my stuff is away from all the garden paraphernalia.
    I might even have a go at the CC this week.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I'm sorry to hear that your church fete was affected by a conflicting village event. It's very annoying, especially after all of the hard work that goes into hosting Fetes etc. isn't it? You are going to be busy sorting your storage by the sound of it, please take it steady in this heat though x

    2. That is a shame CHERYL Like you say a little bit of research was needed

    3. Nice seeing you back. Such a shame they did not make it on different times, good luck putting it all away for next time. Have a good day xx

    4. Hi Cheryl
      Such a shame that the Fete was affected by another event. Mind you in a village it can't be that hard to organise events so they don't clash.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very very Damp and Dreary Marigny.
    Our day yesterday was just one thunderstorm after another but we did manage to get to the Vide Grenier in between. I managed to get round a couple of the stalls before the rain started again and so went back to the car and left Jim to wander around. He came back empty and handed and not one Euro spent.

    CHERYL- what a shame that you had two events running at the same time. As you say Why can't Village Organisations get their heads together re events. Surely it's not impossible to do that so everyone benefits. Good luck with the sorting out.

    SANDRA - Love this week's CC. I love this shape as it's so easy to do and decorate too. I'll be doing my best to get something to you in time.

    Today will be spent packing the car and tidying up the house as we always do when we have to leave. I already have a list as long as my arm with jobs to be done so perhaps it's good that the temps keep reasonable.

    I see the CAFE sign is open so you can all pop in for a looky see.

    MICHELE- I hope you have a much better week and I'll be thinking of you.

    HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. What a shame you couldn't get around more stalls yesterday, and that Jim didn't find any bargains. Good luck with getting all of the jobs done before you leave. Wishing you a safe and trouble free journey home x

    2. Have a safe journey JANET

    3. Take care sorting out everything before the journey tomorrow. Have a safe trip back xx

    4. Hi Janet
      Such a shame the rain put a dampener on events. Good luck travelling tomorrow. Hope the M25 isn't to bad when you get to it.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card & I really like this style. Hopefully I'll manage to join in this week.

    Felt poorly all day yesterday-was cold/shivering, couldn't eat and went back to bed twice then in the evening i was burning up! Not a great was to spend your Sunday...!! At least I feel ok this morning & have managed a piece of toast.
    I think I'm ready for my few days off.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm sorry to hear that you weren't well yesterday but I hope you continue to feel ok. You deserve a few days off, stress can cause physical illness as I'm sure you know so please take extra care of yourself. Sending big supporting hugs x

    2. Take care and enjoy your few days off You've earned it

    3. Sound like things caught up with you, hope you feeling better as the day goes. Have a nice few days off. take care xx

    4. Hi Michele
      I hope your feeling better tonight. It just might be caused by the events of the last few weeks. Enjoy your time off.

    5. I hope you are feeling better Michele. Enjoy your days off.

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Gosh I'm early this morning very warm already. I want to get my ironing done before it gets too hot. Haveing my hair cut at 10 am then see what the day holds. Sandra I like this weeks challenge card. Thank you.
    JANET hope you get all your jobs finished so you can wash them off your arm 😂😂😂. But don't get over doing thing. Sending you & Jim some helping Hug's
    MICHAEL sorry you wasn't feeling well yesterday but glad your feeling better today. Have a good few day's off work try & relax & recharge your batteries.🤗
    CHERYL it was a shame your fete didn't do as well this year sounds like the village organisers need a lesson in organisation skills. Good luck with your sorting out. Many Hug's xx
    Well I better get motivated & start the ironing will pop in later
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda. Can I send my ironing over for you to add to yours please? Actually I have only got a few bits to do so I can do yours instead as you deserve something good to happen. You made me laugh at your comment to Janet about washing her arm, it took a second or two to realise what you meant, I'm still giggling as I type, thank you 😂😂😂 Have a good day, hugs are on the way to you and that lovely big pet xx

    2. Have a good day Lynda, like the e-motion of yourself tihi hugs to you and Terry xx

    3. Hi Sue
      Glad I made you giggle re Janet 😂. Have a good day
      Ironing all finished still waiting for yours hasn't arrived yet 😂😂
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Lynda
      I also liked the comment about Janet washing her arm. Customs might just wonder what there letting through. Gentle hugs to both you and your biggest Pet.

  5. I love the challenge SANDRA As OH and I are both off this week I may not disappear and craft as much as I'd like We'll see! I'm doing a Julia W workshop on Wed and have a hospital appt Thursday and then he's talking about going away from then for a long weekend Had a lovely time at the picnic yesterday Oscar was great and a bit of a star attraction as many people that go hadn't seen him since he was a newborn
    Off to get a cuppa now and take one to OH as he's still in the pit

    1. Hope OH enjoyed his cuppa in his pit. Sounds like he's in a work out under a car doesn't it. I wonder where that saying comes from. Enjoy your time off.

  6. Hi Ladies.
    Like the cc for this week so hope to make one for coming Sunday. Your card is lovely Sandra.
    Busy week so hope the weather wont be too warm. Shops today. As Karen I'm out all Wednesday and a hospital appointment on Thursday, we might bump in to eachother on the way :-)
    Tracy- hope you ok and today is not too bad.
    Sonia- hope you alright. Bet the boy's looking forward to the summer brake.
    Brenda- hope the weekend was good. take care.
    Pat- daily hugs to you and Pete.
    Wish you all a nice day. Love and hugs , Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Your are a busy bee this week are you going to Julie's work shop Wednesday be careful you don't bump into Karen too hard 😂😂Have a good day. XxBIG HUG'S xx

    2. Thanks for the hugs Maria. Sending you some back. We also have a busy week hospital/ dr wise as I also took Doreen to the Drs re her foot.

  7. Sorry Sandra I ment to say your card is gorgeous. Lovely stamp set.
    Tracy hope today goes ok for you Helping Hug's xx
    KAREN enjoy your week off with OH. Will be nice if you get away for a few days
    Enjoy Julia's workshop be carful as Maria might bump into you 😂😂😂xxxx
    Hug's xx
    Just waiting for my Pet to get ready going to put repeat prescription in doctor,post office then go for a walk.
    Sending Hug's xxx

    1. I hope you enjoyed your walk Lynda. I hope your pet kept you under control as we don't want any more accidents to happen to you.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra good challenge card this week, hope to have a go at it tomorrow. It sounds as if you are beginning to think about your holiday, the weeks are flying
    Janet good luck with sorting your jobs out & packing the car, safe & trouble free journey
    Michele no doubt stress caused you to feel ill, I really hope your few days off do you good, hugs on
    Karen enjoy your time off & your workshop on
    Maria take it easy with your knee, pleased it feels better. Enjoy your day on
    Cheryl some people just never think when organising village events, take care having your sort
    Tracy hope work not too bad
    Lynda enjoy your walk, how's the lip?xxx
    Pat hope your cough is no
    Sue enjoy having little Chris, is he still being good, hope you had a lovely day day yesterday with all family, love
    Brenda hope you are not too tired after Ciara's party
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret just got back from walk had a rest at the café & nice cuppa
      YAAAY my scab fell off yesterday so I didn't get any horrible looks today.
      Hug's for you & Pop xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all,

    Love your card Sandra, the Z shape creates a very interesting card and the design possibilities are endless, thinking cap is on!!!!

    Janet, I hope you get all your chores completed today, please don't go exhausting yourself, hope your journey home is safe and uneventful, and the M25 doesn't live up to its nickname.(the longest car park!) Jims friend will be so pleased to see you both. I'm sure your return will give him a good boost and also give him the strength to face the road ahead. xx

    Michele, sorry you are not feeling to good, it's your body reacting to all the turmoil that has been going on recently, please take care. LOL xx

    Cheryl, good luck with the sorting out. What a shame two local events clashed, I'm sure both venues felt the effects, if only they had swapped dates early on, this situation could have been avoided. I'm sure everyone feels let down. Take care. xx

    Karen have a lovely week, hope you get away at the weekend, enjoy the workshop. Best of luck for Thursday at the hospital. xx

    I had hospital appointment this morning, after MRI and ultrasound, they found nothing sinister, just a minor issue, if that gives me any discomfort I can ask for an appointment. So that felt good.

    Must get on, being out all morning, I haven't achieved much today, so better make an effort.

    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer10 July 2017 at 15:45

      Pleased to hear results are

    2. Hi Brenda
      Pleased your results were good Hug's xx

    3. That is good news Take care

    4. Hi Brenda
      I'm pleased your results were good. It's a load off your mind now.

  10. Hi everyone.
    Love the card Sandra. So pretty.

    Work wasn't too bad same old crap as when I was last there. Have a formal hearing on fri regarding the absence. I think it's just formality as my back issues apparently come under an underlying health issue so no warning will be issued at this time phew that's a lot off of my mind. Xx

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      I'm glad your not going to have any black marks against you for being ill. I've never heard of anything like that before.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Love the papers and the colours you've used. Great that you bought something they can use today. Or else I could see rocky waters ahead. Excuse the pun. Hospital tomorrow where hopefully we'll get our first set of results. Then We'd Pete has the nurse for his injections and catheter change. Then whoopie Doo I see the Dr re my cough.

  12. Love your card Sandra. I will try and join in this week. Have so many new stamp sets it is hard to choose which to use. xx
