
Tuesday 11 July 2017

Powder Pink Prettiness

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is a different shaped front fold card, this time I used a square card, folded the front back just the same, I created
the background paper by stamping the text stamp from the "Background Bits" stamp set multiple times in Powder Pink ink, 
I matted and layered with Powder Pink card too, the topper for the front of the card is one of the mini cards I made for the swaps at the Stampin'Up weekend. It worked perfectly as a topper for this card. I added a sentiment on the inside of the card. I then cut one of the Lots of labels dies out if Powder Pink card, chopped it in half and used it to make a closure for the front of my card, just to add something a little different.
What do you think?

We ended up taking the girls clothes shopping to Swindon yesterday afternoon, always eventful!! They are the only ,17 year olds I know that don't like spending their money, world's apart from our Becca who's first wage was gone within 2 days, these two took about £50 in vouchers plus plenty of cash, neither of them spent over £20!! I bought them new underwear etc because I am picky about them having proper fitting bras, so I would rather pay a little extra and get something decent that fits properly, although they didn't appreciate me wanting them to get measured, they will thank me one day !!  I was always the same with shoes while they were growing too and to be fair when they got to choose their own shoes they picked the exact ones I had picked the year before! 

I am hoping to see Sue today, I have missed our crafty day, crafting is much better with friends. 

Michele today is your last day until next week, this break couldn't be better timed.  Sending huge hugs xxx

Tracy how is your week going, I think that we were all there with you yesterday as you had your first day, take it easy and pace yourself my lovely XXX

Karen I hope you are enjoying your week off, I hope that you and Maria will behave yourself at Julia's class tomorrow, look forward to seeing your makes XXX

Janet & Jim safe journey home, I hope that the crossing is smooth and that pesky M25 is running freely.  Give us three rings when your home safe !! Lol XXX

Lynda, thanks for the bonus chat last night, I was almost crying with laughter because Lynda had pressed the call button on Facebook messenger which rang my phone and tablet, I answered and was saying "hello". Hello" and I could hear Terry saying "who's that", who's saying hello" ? By this time I was shouting "Lynda it's me, you rang me", she realised then and we had a lovely chat, although Terry was worried that I could see him too ( I should have pretended I could) but wasn't quick enough!!  It added a little fun to my evening so thank you Lynda and lovely Terry of course XXX ....X (extra for Terry ) 

Have a truly wonderful day ladies however you are spending it, 

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, it's do pretty & in such delicate colours.

    Didn't do much last night-watched 2 more episodes of Law & Order then read my craft magazine that had arrived in the post. Early night as I felt shattered.

    It's raining here today which is a shame for hubby although I don't think he had anything planned. I think he needs a break from work just as much as me!

    Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday, I really appreciate all of them.


    1. Hi Michele
      Please make sure you have plenty of R & R this week. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    2. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your few days off have plenty of R&R sending Hug's xx

    3. Hi Michele. Typical that the weather changes when you get some time off but hope you manage to relax a little x

  2. Another great card SANDRA
    How lovely to have a chat with LUNDA yesterday Technology today is amazing I hadn't even heard of FB chat!
    When I was reading through yesterday's posts I was beginning to get a little suspicious of you MARIA I can't wait to see you I am really looking forward to this I have never done a "proper" workshop in card making In the past I went to college and did one about knitting which I have to say was fascinating Enjoying my time off Took about 8 bags of old clothes up to the BHF shop and just "chilled" (OH even cooked last night!) Today I hope to clear away more things in the spare bedroom now there's room to manoeuvre now the bags have gone
    Have a great day ladies Pleased to see that TRACY's day went ok Hope PETE gets along ok And now your face is in one piece LYNDA, take it easy Enjoy your time off MICHELE
    Safe trip back JANET xx

    1. Enjoy your day tomorrow Karen. Pete's wardrobe needs clearing out plus his draws. He must have at least 40 in a draw. Most of them are Yong she old, but he won't throw them away.

  3. Hi Sandra and all,

    Back home after an hours delay coming home but a 4 hour delay going Grrr. We filled in a complaint form at the airport and we've had an email to say we're getting a refund. Don't know how much.

    Will catch up on all the chat later.

    Karen and Michele hope you have a good relaxing time off work.

    Janet have a safe journey home.

    Unpacking and washing to do then meeting Wendy for coffee and a catch up.

    See you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Apparently you do get a refund after so long a delay.

    2. Hi Val
      How annoying for you having to wait for so long hope you get a refund. Hope you enjoyed your coffee with Wendy & catch up
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Val. I'm glad you had a good weekend. Sorry that you had such a delayed flight but glad to hear you will get a real x

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card, such delicate colours, I must admit that daisy punch issue soo useful & easy to use I love it. Hope you & Sue get together
    Michele hope you get to relax on your days
    Janet safe & trouble free journey
    Karen enjoy your time off & the workshop
    Val sorry you had delays how annoying when you only had a short visit, enjoy your catch up with
    Petanque this morning that is if rain holds off, certainly cooler today.
    Pat hope Pete's results are ok, thinking of
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love today's offering Sandra. I hope Sue manages to come over today.
    Sat at the hospital as Petes having his 3 ECG's done before his infusion starts.
    Lynda/Sandra you had me in stitches with your antics.trouble was is started me on a coughing fit. I didn't know that FaceTime had a messenger chat button. Not to sure why Terry was concerned if you could see him Sandra as we'd seen him before. Perhaps he had his PJ's on but PJ's are good.

    1. Hi Pat
      HaHa I was chatting to Sandra on Messenger & my I pad was low batteries so I was trying to plug it in & then i could hear Sandra saying was funny I didn't realise I had pushed the phone button didn't know I could phone her. She said I was a daft bat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ . If you remember Tracy face timed me a couple months back which you see each other ( bit like Skype) & not realised as he walked passed she see him in his underpants πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ I don't think she's been the same since.Sorry I made you have a coughing fit. Hope your ok Hug's
      How did Pete get on is he ok. Hug's for him too. Xxx

    2. Lovely Lynda
      I did laugh Lynda, I'm glad that Terry at least had his underpants on.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies,

    What a pretty card Sandra, love the delicate tones, the text stamp from 'Background Bits' is gorgeous (Think I need it .... another addition to the wish list) Agree with you about getting Bras and shoes measured, both really make a difference I need sa no more. I'm sure the girls will appreciate your wisdom as they get older. LOL

    Janet, Hope your journey has stated off well and continues to be safe and uneventful. xx

    Linda, sounds like you had a lovely giggle with Sandra. Poor Terry he must have been really worried Sandra could see him. xx

    Val, hope you get a full refund, that's a long time to wait especially as it was just a weekend visit. Enjoy your meet up with Wendy.

    Sue hope you get to spend some time with Sandra, thinking of you both. xx

    Time to think about lunch. Haven't decided what's on the menu, will look in the fridge for inspiration.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Pete always gets a pack of sandwiches. Yogurt and a drink. I have to buy mine from the league of friends. However, when Arabella one of the nurses came in with the trolley she asked if I wanted anything. As I'd already bought a roll I declined.

    2. Hi Brenda
      Explanation under Pats comment above you. About Terry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ€—πŸ€—xx

    3. Hi Brenda. Yes I managed to get to see Sandra but we didn't have much to say to each other........only joking of course😁😁😁, it was soooo good to see her. The biggest problem is that time really does fly by when we get together. I hope you have had a good day too x

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Fab card Sandra as always.
    Oh my Sandra u should've been quicker and said ud saw him lol. I once saw him in his boxers trying to hide behind the sofa!!! Second time he was in a Union Jack onesie!! He's so funny. A loveable rouge as my mom would say. Lynda ma wee pal I'll face time u soon xx

    Love to all x

    1. Hi Tracey
      Now I know why Terry might have been worried if Sandra saw him if he's going around in just his boxers. The mind boggles, and I'm giggling already.

  8. Hello all, very wet here.
    Been to the hospital re more tests, hoping these are the last, still no conclusion as to what caused the black out.

    Lovely cards Sandra, and challenge looks great.

    Have a good evening all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I'm sorry to hear you are no nearer to finding out what caused the black out. It is raining here too and has been most of the day 😞 Let's hope it dries up during the day and just rains at night that would make me happy. I hope you have had a good day x

  9. Hi all
    Sweet card Sandra and I do like how you used the ribbon to close it.
    Oh dear, glad he was not in the buff hmmm when would a good time be to call ? hihi
    Glad you starting to feel better Lynda and the scabby have come off.
    Sorry Val you had the delays, it is so busy at the airports everywhere. Hope you had a nice few day's away.
    Michele- have a nice time off and plenty of R & R.
    Lilian- hopefully all the test will be coming back clear. Great tennis today, she did good the young girl. take care.
    I hope you all had a nice day even if the rain have bucketed down in many places. I have had better days so having an early night. Will be busy tomorrow but hope to pop in later in the day :-)
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. H Maria. I'm sorry you're not feeling so good today. I hope you manage to get some sleep and wake up feeling better so that you can enjoy your Julia's workshop with Karen. Sending you hugs x

  10. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Sandra see what I've have started telling everyone about me being a daft bat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ not realising I had phoned you lol & Terry being his normal self πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    I have explained to everyone under Pats comment.
    Not been upto much today just went for our usual walk after house work. I think I need some lessons on just doing housework once a week. But then you haven't got a PET like Terry he creates messπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ makes a cupper ☕️ & looks like a bombs πŸ’£hit it Bless him wouldn't be without him though.πŸ€“
    I have another blood πŸ’‰Test tomorrow Diabetic one then Thursday I'm joining Karen & Maria for a hospital appointment but mine is only for a hoover job on my ears πŸ™‰ haha it's a suction instead of syringing.
    Hi Tracy glad yesterday wasn't as bad for you starting work again.will be nice face time soon. MARIA &KAREN enjoy Julia's workshop tomorrow have fun xx
    Sandra your card is Gorgeous love that soft powder pink colour it's lovely.
    Like how you changed the challenge card a little. Your really clever.
    I won't bombard you tonight my lovely 😊
    JANET hope your journey home goes to plan & your friend will be so pleased to see you both. Hug's xx
    Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow
    Love Lynda xx

    1. SUE hope you managed to meet up with Sandra today &I had a good catch up & maybe a little crafting. Big Hug's xx

    2. Hi Lynda. Yes we did have a lovely day with lots to tell each other, including your accidental phone call to Sandra. It's a shame she didn't pretend that she could see Terry, just to tease him πŸ˜‚. I hope both blood and wax are taken painlessly from you this week. I didn't know they could hoover your ears instead of syringing, is it any easier for you? Hugs to you both xx

    3. Hi Lynda
      Perhaps Terry can take a pickerel of the nurse using the hoover on your ears.

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© tonight. I love how you have used the little card front to make the main topper on this Z fold card and the way you have used the tag cut in half to make such a pretty closure on the card, it is a beautiful card. Thank you for a lovely day today. I'm going to have another play with the flowers a you cut out now. It was so good to catch up my lovely x
    Janet, I hope you and Jim are having a good journey with no delays. You will need your waterproofs and a cardie once you arrive back in the UK as sadly it is wet and a lot cooler than we have been having 😞 X
    Karen and Maria, I hope you have a good time at Julia's workshop tomorrow without bumping too hard into each other 😁 X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
