
Wednesday 12 July 2017

Floral Thanks

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that the persistent heavy rain didn't cause any of you any problems, it certainly chucked it down here from mid afternoon  and was still chucking it down when we went to bed, our allotment needs it as they added a drainage pipe along our plot as some plots suffered with water logged pitches, as a consequence our plot has developed huge cracks, some so big you have to physically step over them, while I was standing by one the other day a frog jumped out of one onto my foot, let me tell you that was a 'tena' moment!!! Hahaha

It was lovely to see Sue yesterday we played with Foamiran, trying to make flowers, hhmmm, it wasn't as easy as it first looks, the ones on Pinterest are stunning, I will persevere though, I know Val has had a go has anyone else?? If you have I would love some tips! 

Today's card was made using Stampin'Up! Floral Statement stamp set and the Sheet Music Background Stamp, I stamped the background first and then stamped and coloured the Floral Statement image with Berry Burst ink, I matted the card onto black card then onto Berry Burst card.  
I then added a Berry Burst Seam Binding Now topped with a tiny rose. 

I am looking forward to seeing Pat today, it seems like weeks since we've seen each other, more crafting today too!! 

Janet left a message on Facebook saying her journey to Calais had been smooth and was hopeful that this side will be equally as smooth, fingers crossed for you Janet xxxxxx

Michele enjoy your few days off XXX

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs



  1. Morning all Quick visit as Imgetting ready to go to Julia Watts workshop I have a sneaky feeling that one of you is also doing it ....
    Lovely card SANDRA I love the way you have placed the sentiment Enjoy your day with PAT I'll pop back later and catch up

    1. Hi Karen
      Wish I was going as well. Mind you I'd rather have a session with John I think. Enjoy your day.

    2. Hi Karen hope you enjoyed your work shop with Julia & meeting or bumping into the lovely Maria๐Ÿ˜‚
      Hug's xx

  2. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    what a pretty card Sandra. In fact all the ones I've been looking at this week have been lovely. Like the cc idea. Hope you and Pat have a great catch up today.

    I had a lovely weekend but so tiring. Anyway I bought everything on my list I'll take a photo and send it to Sandra later. Stupid me forgot to write a Cool Heat Gun on the list and remembered on the plane coming home. Never mind will have to wait for my next trip in October.

    MARIA so sorry your not feeling so well. I'm sure a lovely day out crafting today will make you feel much brighter and lovely that Karen will be there as well.

    LYNDA so glad scabby finally fell off. I can just picture Terry in hiss onesie. What a laugh. Good luck with the hoover today.

    MICHELE AND KAREN. Hope your enjoying your time off work and having a good rest.

    JANET hope the final stages of your journey go safely and smoothly.

    TRACY glad your return to work was ok ish. It will take a while to settle back in I'm sure.

    LILLIAN sorry your latest tests are inconclusive. Have they said what they're going to do next?

    So sorry if I've missed anyone out. Hugs to you all.

    Have a great day whatever you're doing.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      As you say it was a shame you forgot the cool heat gun. I expect it's already on your list for next time.

    2. Hi Val glad your home safe & sound. Sorry you forgot your cool heat gun not here'd of them I'm always burning my fingers.
      Yes I'm scab free now thanks
      Hug's xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, really beautiful. Love the colours you have used.

    Well-we have glorious dithered today after much rain yesterday. I'm going to pop into Southport first thing before the Orange Lodge parade arrives and it's not safe to venture out. Val will probably remember this event, having grown up around this area.

    I started making my challenge card last night and had great fun in my craft room-think it was a pressure release. Will hopefully continue with my card once I'm back from my short trip.


    1. Oh WOW Michele, that brings back childhood memories.
      We had a Lodge meeting house near to where I lived and we'd get up early to watch them parade all in their finery as they marched to the railway station on their way to their annual day out in Southport. In the evening we'd be out again to watch them march back, a lot of them worse for wear.There was always a fight between the different religious groups but sadly for us children that was part of the fun.Thanks Michele that's brought back memories long forgottenxxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm so glad you had Great fun yesterday in your craft room. I expected is was a release from all the pressure you've been put under. Have another lovely day and enjoy your time off. It's been greatly deserved.

    3. Hi Maria.
      Glad your day was fun yesterday making your CC & in your craft room. Enjoy the rest of your day's off
      Hug's xx

  4. STUNNING !!!!!! perfect colours to et that stamp off just love it ..x A

  5. Hi Sandra
    Stunning card today. Love both stamps. Really look forward to seeing a Sandra today. Was it really two weeks ago since we last met up.
    I remember when we were in Southern Ireland staying at my cousins one year when the marches started. Theresa was telling me that she knew someone who lived where the marches were. Apparently one side of the road was Protestant and the other side was Catholic. Lived perfectly happily side by side all the year, but when the marches started all hell brakes loose. We were watching it on the television. Theresa said they can all stay where they are we don't want them joining us. Religion causes all the trouble in the world so it ought to be banned. We're all human beings after all and short all live happily together.
    Sorry ladies Soap box put away now.

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love your card Sandra, the Sheet Music background it's beautiful, a perfect background for the Floral Statements stamp. Love the colours you have used for the Rose, it's just perfect. Hope you get to spend the day with Pat, it will do you both good to have a good old natter and maybe do some crafting. LOL

    I had to laugh at myself yesterday I'm such a donkey. I was cock-a-hoop because I had finished my CC. But when I was laying in bed last night just thinking about the day....... I realised I hadn't made a Z card I had folded the front scored half in on itself...... What a doughnut am I, NO don't answer that. But I will go back to the craft room and try to correct my stupidity. Still it's good to laugh at yourself (I think) proves I've not quite lost the plot .... YET!

    Karen hope you enjoy your workshop, Maria are you also going to the same one? I know you go to quite a few of Julia's workshops.

    Janet hope your journey is progressing smoothly, and when you get to this side of the channel the M25 it's free from the usual chaos. xx

    Time for coffee, anyone care to join us?
    Have a good day everyone, love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I think we all make those kind of mistakes. My usual mistake is to put the card topper on upside down. Hope you manage to rectify your mistake.

    2. A definite senior moment Brenda. If you're like me I have them all the time. Hope your card worked out

    3. Hi Brenda.
      Your not the only one I have stuck my topper on the base card with the opening the wrong way round ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Margaret Palmer12 July 2017 at 12:49

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra beautiful card, Stampin Up have soo many beautiful floral stamps it is a job to choose, I want them all. Hope you & Pat have a good day. I can just imagine your face when the frog jumped out, not really what you would
    Brenda we all have those moments you are not alone, at least we can laugh at
    Janet hope you are well on your way back to Yorks. with no
    Karen & Maria enjoy the
    Michele good to hear you got in your craft room yesterday, hope you do more
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ today.
    What a gorgeous card Sandra. I love the colours, they are so rich, the music stamp works so well as the background, I can see that will be a "go to" stamp and the flowers are beautiful. A really beauty of a card ๐Ÿ˜Š x
    Janet, I hope you are well on your way home now with few hold ups on the longest car park! X
    Maria and Karen. Have a great time at the workshop today xx
    Val, I'm sorry to hear you forgot the cold glue gun. I am going to have to get one too as I'm fed up with burnt fingers! Like Sandra I would love some tips on using Foamiran, please x
    Brenda, I'm sorry you have had to rejig your CC but like Mum said it's a good job that we can laugh at ourselves. I spend most of the day doing that as I'm an absolute numpty nowadays ๐Ÿ˜Š x
    Michele. I hope you have another great session in your craft room today, you deserve it x
    Lynda, Im thinking of you with a Dyson pipe sticking out of your ear. Sorry,just my sad sense of humour. I hope it isn't painful for you x
    Mum, I hope you are having some time to do your CC. Love you xxxx
    It's the usual Wed for me. At least the rain has stopped and we have sunshine again. It's not quite so hot so it's really lovely here. I hope you all have the same.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, so hope you're having a good day.
      Wendy showed us how to make the Foamarin at craft class. I've since been on pinterest and there's quite a few tutorials. We had the Foamarin that doesn't need shows everything from cutting out the flowers, colouring the pieces, stretching the ends so they crinkle then scrunching them really tightly so that they have a shape when the layers are put together.We put bunches of stamens in the middle to make them look more realistic. I really had fun making them, in fact we've ordered more foam as we only had one sheet each in the class and I for one have used all mine.
      Take care. Xxx

    2. Hi Sue
      Thanks the trouble is Terry put the dyson pipe in one ear & it came out the other ear not a lot in between ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
      But all went ok at the hospital though. Hug's xxx

  9. Hi Sandra. And ladies.

    Ooooh this card has ticked my boxes. Loving that music stamp uve used its very lush xx

  10. Hi Ladies
    My word is was good to see Sandra today. To say we put the world to rights is a bit of an understatement. Well my world at least. I must say I haven't really felt like crafting. However, I think crafting with a great friend helps. So I actually managed to make two cards today. Thanks for letting me use your stamps and inks Sandra.

    1. Hi Pat, so pleased you had a good time today. It would do you so much good after all the stress you go through with so many hospital visits. Glad you made two cards as well as putting your world to rights. Are we going to see them? Xxx

    2. Hi Pat
      Glad you had a good day with Sandra it's been a while hasn't it.
      Pleased you made two cards that's good going. Lucky you getting to play with Sandra's stamps & ink pads. She has some lovely colour's. Hope Sandra is going to show your cards Pat.
      Love & manyHug's xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    GRRRRR just lost my post.i did commented on way down so just a quick one.
    Hospital went ok just ear suction I have to have that rather than syringes as I have very small ear canals ( the only thing that is small ๐Ÿ˜‚ ) she is sending me appointment for another hearing test as it's been three years since I had my hearing aids made.. After we had a wonder round Canterbury as I wanted to go in the works got some watercolour card & I got a nice 12 x12 paper pad for £3
    & some wooden letters £1 bargain also from Ryams I needed some 160gm printing paper for my inserts. On way home popped into the Range as it's bigger than our one they didn't have any navy blue card what i wanted but did get a stamp storage folder so will give it a test run tomorrow after it been for my Diabetic blood๐Ÿ’‰Test. MARIA hope you enjoyed work shop &didn't bump into Karen too hard hehe.xx
    I'm going now before I loose this post.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra, stunning colour used.

    Had a fabulous day in Kettering at Creative Expressions HQ. played making some different ways using the Stained Glas windows and I have fallen in love :-)
    It was lovely to see Karen igen and two of her friends. The time went way to quickly. Very tired back home so had a little nap before thinking of dinner.
    I will see you all in the morning, time for bed I think.
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxxx
