
Thursday 13 July 2017

Gold & Roses

Good Morning Ladies,

My last front folded card for this week, this time I die cut the Eastern Medallion die cut into the front of the card so that the die cut stands out when the card is folded.  I used the Petal Garden Designer Series Paper on the base of the card, I then fussy cut the rose and added gold accents,the main card base is Pool Party Card, with Calypso Coral flowers, the Gold detail border is from Flourish Thinlits'. 
I hope you like it and that I have given you a little inspiration this week.

It really doesn't matter if you stuck the front flap back on your card, it's the overall shape you are going for, your interpretation of the sketch, so please don't go binning any cards that you think don't work for the sketch, sometimes we can all be our harshest critics (me included)!!

If any of you are really struggling I really don't mind doing a quick tutorial video for you . 

It was so lovely catching up with Pat yesterday, Pat got a couple of cards made, we did lots and lots of chatting too, before we realised it was 4:30pm!! Pat, you certainly brightened my say, I hope I took your mind off of your worries for a little while XXX

I had an email from Karen to say that both her and Maria had a fantastic time at Julia's workshop, I will share the results on Saturday!! 

One last thing...... Lynda's Terry has his own book out.......
Tracy is it a good likeness???, I have only seen Terry clothed so can't comment!  It looks like little Harry in the background looking a little shocked at seeing Grandad in his underpants! 
I can't take credit for this photo as Lynda sent it to me yesterday, I couldn't resist sharing it!! 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, it has a lovely old fashioned quality about it.

    Up early as I need to leave home about 7.15 to take my Dad into hospital this morning. Will do my Tesco shopping on the way home then head into my craft room. I made two challenge cards and was quite pleased with them until I realised I'd done exactly what Brenda had-glued the front flap down!! I'm not sure if I'll manage to start again so you might have to use your imagination.


    1. Hi Michele, hope dad gets on ok today.
      I'm sure your cc looks fantastic anyway, glued down or not.
      Enjoy your day. Xxx

    2. I hope dad gets along OK too I'm sure your cc is beautiful

    3. Morning Michele - will be thinking of you and Dad today - I'm sure all will go as planned. Hugs for you both xxxx

    4. Margaret Palmer13 July 2017 at 08:40

      Hi Michele hope all goes well for Dad, thinking of you

    5. Hi Michele
      I hope all goes well for your Dad. Thinking of you both.

    6. Hi Michele
      Hope hospital went well for your dad & all goes to plan. Thinking of you both xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all,

    Lovely card Sandra.Love the way you've cut into the card. The flower is beautiful and the stamped background. Glad you had a lovely day with Pat yesterday. There's nothing like crafting with a

    LYNDA your book cover does make me giggle. Can't wait to meet

    Meeting a friend for coffee later. She's really not happy in her life at the moment. Husband problems and I think I'm the only one she can talk to about it. Sometimes family can be too closely involved to be positive.

    I haven't put the away the crafting goodies I bought in UK yet. They're just plonked on my desk so I'm tidying them away and the hope to have a go at my cc.

    1. Sorry pressed publish too early.
      Have a good day everyone.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Val
      I think it's always great to have a friend or friends you can offload onto instead of family. There always to close aren't they.
      If or when you meet Terry you'll love him. He's a great tease and a laugh a minute. Lynda and Terry are a lovely couple. Enjoy your goodies. I look forward to seeing what you bought.

    3. Hi Val,
      I'm sure Terry would love to meet you too.
      I hope your friend feels better after her chat with you. It's good she has you to chat with better than talking with family.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Just to let you know we're back safe and sound. Although we had a good journey up to Calais and a good crossing we certainly paid for them when we got onto the A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon!!!! The road had been closed due to an 'incident' and it took us 4hrs to get to the A1!!!! Result we arrived home 21.00hrs instead of just before tea. To say we're exhausted is definitely not the word. You can imagine being at the side of huge lorries with their engines going and it was HOT because of the weather too.

    Anyway Marigny Dobbie is on duty until Monday next week so all should be well.

    Will be trying to catch up today. HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

    1. Oh Janet, what an horrendous journey. Being in the middle of lorries really frightens me and I can just imagine the heat. So hope you can have a good rest today to get your strength back. Take care. Xxx

    2. Janet what a journey & so annoying when you are so close to home, please take it easy for a couple of days, hugs on

    3. Ooh I was on that road yesterday Fortunately for us the road had only just reopened even though the signs kept say junctions 13 to 21 closed We sailed through

    4. Hi Janet
      Oh what a horrendous journey you had yesterday. It's awful being stuck in traffic jams. That's why I love our Sat Nav. I remember we were once asking friends back to Harwich from Witney. We got to the South Mimms turn off and the M25 was closed due to a big accident. Follow those lorries Tom said who were turning left. I pointed out they might not be going to Harwich. So we asked one of the work men who were standing on the roundabout and said we needed to get to the A12. Well he sent us to the right which took us onto the Circular road round London in the rush hour. When we usually get to the Turning for the A12 we go left. This route we now know was taking us to the other end of the A12 if you'd turn right. So to cut a long story short we took 7hrs to do a 2 and a half he journey.

    5. Hi Janet
      Glad your home safe. Not good being stuck in traffic especially between two lorries. Hope your both resting up today love Lynda xxx

  4. Yes I did have a brilliant time It was the first workshop I'd ever done It was lovely to see a collection of dies and do several different techniques including 3 ways to "trap" waste pieces to paper piece I sat next to a lovely lady who cursed for me every time pieces pinged off or I got my fingers stuck on the mats etc - hilarious! I did sneakily buy a few pieces too
    Thinking of you PAT Take care honey xxx

    1. Hi Karen sounds as if you had fun, good for you. Enjoy rest of time

    2. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you had a lovely time at Julia's workshop. I look forward to seeing what ou made.

    3. Hi Karen
      Glad you enjoyed Julia's workshop look forward to seeing what you made & bought. Hug's xx

  5. Morning everyone,

    Flying around doing the housework that NEEDS to be done, Joanna Konta against Venus on court today, whatever happens I will NOT miss that one. Tennis has been so thrilling this year, it's a shame that so many players 'cheated' the system by 'retiring' just so they could get the second round payout. The Tennis association should have had them examined by a Doctor instead of taking their word. Poor dears, is this the new 'drugs' excuse?
    Murray's out, I was not impressed with his match against Querrey? at all, it looked to me like he was playing the system too so I turned over to the other channel.
    Almost finished my set of candle'n'cone arrangements well in advance for Cannington Christmas. One medium and 4 small ones to go.
    Have an enjoyable day whatever it is you will be doing.Squashy comfort blanket hugs to one and all.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Thanks for the squashy hugs, would love to see your finished candle,cone arrangements this year please. The candles you did before were stunning.
      I don't follow the tennis but I do follow the Toyr de France even though it's been a bit pedestrian for the last few days. Back to the mountains today for them. Mind you they've been quite a few retirements due to crashes.

    2. Hi Cheryl, I thoroughly agree with you re the tennis, I watch every match that I can , I think a lot this were in it just for the money. Shame Konta lost, but Venus just has such staying power.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a very regal looking card today it is lovely, thanks for advice last
    Lynda I love the picture when I see Terry next I will think of
    Busy day again so must get shopping, food, first then embroidery this afternoon, an extra afternoon, the ladies moan when we break for summer so we are paying for hall to have today then in a month for those who can make it, U3A pay for term times.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      HaHa I bet you won't see him in the same way now glad it made you smile.
      Hug's xx

  7. I meant to say earlier I love your card SANDRA It evokes the beautiful Victorian era
    LYNDA your photo is brilliant It really made me smile I hope TERRY dresses like that at Ally Pally

    1. Hi Karen knowing Terry he would dress like that but probably put them over his trousers like superman.😂😂😂😂 xx

    2. To true Lynda
      I can just see him now. I won't laugh or try not to as it'll make me cough.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Love love love this card. The Die looks like something I'd bought after John Lockwood had showcased it on his blog.
    Love the thinlets strip Die as well. We'll have to compare our Dies when I see you next to see if they are different. Had a great day with Sandra yesterday.
    Oh Lynda you really made me laugh with this book front. As Karen said, looking forward to see how Terry dresses like this at Ally Pally. I hope he's not going to be to red faced when he sees us.

    1. Hi Pat
      Glad I made you laugh. Terry saw the book in the works I couldn't stop laughing. It was so funny especially after Sandra was saying it the other day when I didn't know I phoned her. Take care my friend Hug's for you

    2. Thanks Lynda
      Terry does make us laugh though doesn't he when we all meet up. Hopefully you can both meet up with us in Sept.

  9. Sorry Sandra. Meant to say a video would be great. Although I have a card base using this method already made from way back. I've forgotten how to do it.

  10. Beautiful card Sandra, as always xx

    1. Hi Danielle, nice to see you looking in. Have a nice day xx

    2. Hi Danielle
      Nice to see you in again.

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love the card, like the medallion shape. Have not made anything myself yet but the day is early so will see.Glad you and Pat had a nice day together.
    Michele- hope all goes well for your dad, have a good day.
    Lynda- you do make me smile. Hope the book sell well. I now have a vivid view of Terry in his underpants tihi Sending you both hugs.
    Val- hope all goes alright,just having someone listening do help at times.Any spare sunshine you could send over ?
    Margaret- have a good day , take care.
    Janet- sorry you had such a horrid traffic coming back. Like Karen we zoomed up the road back home from Kettering but the traffic going North was a standstill for miles.
    Have a good rest today and Marigny Dobbie is doing a great job holding down the work here in the cafe' so no rush coming back before you ready :-)
    Karen- hope doctors goes alright. I'm off to see the specialist at 2pm, still not sure about going down the key hole surgery route. Glad your drive back was ok but do think about coming to Mk another time, a bit closer for you unless Julia do stop her workshops which would be a real shame because I have nowhere else to go.
    Cheryl- like to see your candle 'n' cone's one day. You and Lilian enjoy the tennis today.
    Take care all and have a good day as possible. Many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi MARIA
      OOO don't hold that thought of Terry too long 😂 hehe. And you had a good giggle.Glad you had a good day yesterday at the work shop.
      Hope hospital was ok & they can sort your knee out for you.
      Big Hug's on there way. Xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope your hospital appointment went well for you Maria. Hope Julia doesn't stop doing her workshops as you enjoy them so much.

  12. Hello all, very hot and humid here,missed the tennis as my friend came to craft, we had lovely time and managed to make four totally new cards for us.

    Sandra love your card, very regal,
    Lynda love your new book cover, must admit as soon as I saw it wondered were his tights were, aka super man, still he's your super man I'm sure.

    Not done my c card yet, hoping to have a go tomorrow.

    Have a good evening all, hugs to all especially poorly ones, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Glad you had a good day crafting with your friend are we going to see your cards you made.

    2. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad you had a lovely day crafting with your friend.

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Your card is gorgeous love the colour's Thank you for showing Terry's new book I think it gave everyone a laugh that's what it's all about
    Had blood test this morning after getting there late the police had blocked the road off just before the doctors & diverted us. According to the receptionist it was blocked off after a bad accident just before she got into work at 8am my appointment was at 11am. I now have a bruise on both arms.
    I have commented on way down so will go in craft room &a start my challenge card.
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Lynda
    I hope your bloods come back ok.

    1. Thanks Pat
      I've got to ring surgery on Tuesday after 3pm for results.
      Have you anymore news on your cough.
      Hug's Lynda xx
