
Sunday 9 July 2017

Your Challenge cards

My challenge card

The sketch

Good Morning My Lovelies,

My favourite day of the week, I love sharing your works of art with everyone, I say it every week but it really never ceases to amaze me how we can all take the same sketch and create something completely different.  So without further delay let's have a look.......?

Margaret's challenge card is in pretty shades of pink, I love that 
Beautiful Tag you have used, I love how you have used the Daisy Punch
too, it has created a really pretty, dimensional flower.
Thank you so much for making a card while you have been so busy,

Lynda, this is a 'Wow' card, your randomly stamped background
is amazing Lynda, it works so well with the colours of your
Embellishments, your beautiful flowers are the star of the show, 
along with that delicate little crocheted doily.
Thank you so much for joining in the challenge

Janet, the striplet die cut works so well for this challenge,
the flower and flourishes add the perfect finishing touch, I really
appreciate you joining in when your plans have been thrown into 
turmoil, I hope you get all your bookings made for your return 
journey ok, will you follow the route you came down on or go your 
Usual route home? 

Karen has gone circa Christmas card for the challenge this week, this sketch works  quite nicely for Christmas Cards.  Karen's is a perfect example, I love the 
Embossed background with the hint of blue swiped over it. 
The snowflakes work perfectly in place of flowers for the embellishments.
I guess these sketches are a good way of finding a card style that works 
for all of your Christmas cards.
Thank you Karen, for joining in the challenge!


Lilian made two beautiful cards for this weeks Challenge, 
The first card is so delicate, those tiny pearls in the centres of the embossed flowers
make such a pretty background, the embossed tag has so much detail that the 
Little sentiment tag is all that's needed.
The second card is a Christmas card, it's identical to the first but looks quite 
different, I love all the elements of this card.
Thank you Lilian for taking part 

Oh Val, this is such a pretty, feminine card, that stamped background is
So pretty and works so well with all of the other elements of your card.
That Butterfly is so majestic, taking pride of place on your card! 
I love it, thank you so much for joining in this week.
Enjoy your weekend!!
Michele has had a very trying week and as a result her 'mojo' has packed it's 
bags and gone on vacation!! So I looked through some of her cards and found 
this majestic Owl, isn't it amazing??, I love the owl and matching papers 
Michele.  I hope and pray that you have a better week this week.
Sending hugs

What an incredible line up ladies, you did it again, thank you all so much for supporting the Challenge, anyone ready for a Christmas challenge yet??

Becca and Josh had an official Estate agent appointment and the house they have their eye on, it's a work in progress house but has bags of potential, the adjoining house happens to be owned by the Mortgage Advisor in Becca's bank's Best friend, so they have asked Becca and Josh if they want to go look round their finished home, they also said they would share plans and companies etc.  The frustrating thing is that the Estate agent forgot to mention that there would be about 20 other people viewing the house at the same time as them!! The interest was much higher than they expected so now instead of going for the advertised price it has changed to 'Sealed Bids', I didn't think that they did that here.  They have to have their bid in by Wednesday, then wait to hear.  They are hoping that the fact that it's  Grade ll listed will put people off and added to that Becca and Josh have no chain, they can pay up and get in, the owners want it all sorted within. 6 weeks so i am hoping that gives them a better chance!  

I hope you are all enjoying the Tennis and the sunshine.

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    Sunday morning Treat is at it's usual Peak this week. I love all of the CCs and what a variety.

    SANDRA- Sealed Bids seem to be on the up in the UK at the present. When Christina and Robert were wanting to buy the field next to them the terms changed so many times from Advertised Price to Sealed Bids to Auction. I really don't think it's fair to purchasers. Buying is stressful to start with but then to have the process changed is unbelievable.
    The really silly thing with their buying was that if the owner of the field had just gone and told them he was selling he could have saved himself around £8,000!!!! Some people will never learn.

    Well our scorching weather changed last evening and we had a thunderstorm - It did wait until Jim had been out and watered the veggies and my flowers lol and it has rained already this morning. It is still heavy though. We had planned to go to a Vide Grenier (car boot style sale) at one of the local villages so we will be waiting to see how things go after breakfast. The sky is heavy with grey clouds.

    I booked our return Ferry and overnight stop in Calais last evening without any problems so we leave here Tuesday morning and Sail mid morning Wednesday. We should arrive home towards tea time depending of course on the M25 etc.
    We are taking our normal route.

    Marigny Dobbie tells me that everything is ready in the CAFE and that he has put clean linen on the tables this morning so pop in and see how he got on. HUGS on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm so pleased that you managed to change your booking and hope the you have no problems with the M25.
      We're supposed to have rain and thunderstorms today. Mind you we were supposed to have them yesterday.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous challenge cards. Not sure what's the matter with me but I can't seem to summon up any interest in anything really.
    Hubby is playing golf-second part of a 2 day competition. I'd totally forgotten about it-not retaining any information at the moment!

    Housework to do this morning then I'm not sure what I'll do later.


    Sandra-I hope Becca & Josh are successful with their bid.

    1. Hi Michele
      It's no wonder your out of sorts with all that's going on at work. Perhaps just have an easy day today.

  3. Another fantastic array of cards These challenges are certainly helping making a dent in the Christmas card makes BUT yes SANDRA I'd be up for a Christmas challenge I do hope Becca and Josh are successful
    I hope the moving of the furniture wasn't too bad MICHELE and no wonder your mojo has decided to leave after the week you were having
    I meant to say how much I loved your book LYNDA I have made one and that's where it's going to stop Although I enjoyed doing it, it took a lot of time and effort and I wasn't exceptionally happy with the results
    I would love to know how you get on with the Groovi LILIAN (and the rest of you) When they show it on television it always looks so pretty and now that Clarity own Pergamano ... well what will come next
    I hope you're enjoying your week end Val in a very sunny (for me) UK
    I was reading about your cough PAT it does seem to be getting worse I do hope the docs can sort it
    And JANET I would love to know what you think of the Wonder sheets as the Silhouette ones au have die die cut that easily
    Finally we're off to the annual charity picnic that a Salsa guy runs Charlotte is teaching Rueda and I get to have a cuddle with Oscar yay!

    1. Hi Karen
      I find the Groovi very easy to use Karen. You just need to remember to rub your parchment paper with a tumble drier sheet before you start. Or rub your ball in some soap. The trouble is they've started to bring out different sizes. I bough the adapter plate for the smaller ones. But you can now buy ones for the A4 and the border plates. I just attach mine to the side of the original Groovi system.

  4. Hi Sandra and Ladies
    Well I've just commented and it's been lost in cyber space.
    What a fabulous selection of cards today. Love them all and each and everyone different.
    Yes. My cough is a bummer at the moment and is now waking me up as I can't catch my breath.
    Petes brother in Australia is back in hospital as he keeps collapsing. He has Parkinson's quite bad and his BP keeps dropping when he stands up. It was 63/34 this time when he collapsed. He used to walk miles every day even when he was over with us. But the Drs said that has stood him in good stead as he'd be much worse movement wise if he hadn't. It's awful to see that he can't do hardly anything now. He used to do virtually everything in the house but now his wife Gill has to do it all. At least she says she had 50 yrs of not doing any house work.
    What a shame that the house Becca and Josh are after is going to sealed bids. Mind you there's a lot of regulations concerning listed buildings. I remember a lady who has a cottage in Thrupp whose disabled, had trouble with her front door sticking. She had a hell of a job getting in and out of it during the summer. So she decided to change it for a double glazed door from a wooden one. Obviously someone complained so the council made her change it back to a wooden one.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely selection of cards again today, thanks to your inspiration. I must admit I cannot take credit for the daisy, Sue was trying out the punch one day when she was here so all credit to
    Val I hope you are enjoying your break in UK, safe journey home
    Karen have a lovely time with
    Pat hope you get your cough sorted hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Sandra forgot to wish Becca & Josh well with the house, we tried for 2 houses before we moved here & they were both sealed

  7. Hi everyone.
    Oh I do love Sundays on here. All the cards are fantastic today that I can't pick a favourite lol.

    Last day of freedom today boo hoo. Really not wanting to goto work tomorrow at all but I suppose once I'm there it'll be as tho I never left lol ah well need the money to keep things ticking over.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day. Love to all xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone, what a lovely selection of cards we have today, they are all so beautiful and inspiring .

    Janet, sorry you have to cut your stay short, what a true and thoughtful friend Jim is to come back to help his friend.

    Karen, what a treat, to be left holding the baby! I know Oscar will be delighted to have your undivided attention . Enjoy your day. xx

    Tracey, good luck with work tomorrow, as you said you will be fine once you get there. xx

    Michele, we all sympathies with you, this week has been a very traumatic time, just go easy on yourself.xx

    Off to daughters now for the party. I will looking again when we get back home this evening.
    Hope everyone has a good day take Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, feels like a sauna out side no sun but very hot and humid ( not that I've ever been in a sauna)

    Lovely lot of cards again this week, I thin my mojo has melted and drained away.

    Spent this morning hover behind and under bed, it's a big job as our bed is so heavy, had to do it as O/H up set a glass of water last night. Cleaners don't do moving furniture, although they are excellent.

    Michele do hope you will soon be feeling better, stress is a terrible thing.Maybe a time in the garden, doing something to work off your stress.

    Karen enjoy your time with Oscar.

    Tracey, hope your return to work goes well.

    Janet, good luck with your journey home, you are truly good friends.

    Pat hope they get to sort out the root of the trouble that is causing your bad cough.

    Sandra, good luck wishes to Becca and Josh, hope they are successful.

    Not sure what's next on the cards, have a good day all, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and all.
    Lovely cards to see today as always. Love the Sunday's, you are all so good at making so many different versions from just one sketch. Hope to join you this week and the x-mas ones would be a good one to start. Sorry I didn't sent one for today but my mojo was gone completely.
    All your shopping yesterday was a thrill to look at and wishful thinking to have some of them myself,love some of the stamps and always been interested in the Groovi.
    Lynda- the book card from Margaret, how brilliant is that. It must have taken her ages to fold but the present you always going to cherish I'm sure, is the Canvas from your gorgeous Harry :-) Hope you starting to look and feel better. Walk slowly.
    Janet- shame you have to cut your stay but hope the journey back goes fine and Yvette is being good for Jim.
    Pat- bless you. I really hope you get some help asap for your cough. Try to get an earlier appointment if you can.
    Tracy- be thinking of you but sure as soon you get back into the routine everything goes better then you think.
    Michele- hopefully you too will have a better week then you think, will be thinking of you too.
    Val- have a nice time in the UK, looking forward to see what you brought back but saw you bought some lovely stamps already.
    Sue- how are you cooping with the heat ? My knee is so much better then it was but will see what the specialist saying on Thursday if I need to have an op or I can wait. I like the warmer weather but not so much when you can't breath properly. Hope it cleared a bit for you who had some thunder, still waiting here.
    Spent all morning with a friend, we have both had some good weeks, so we went and had breakfast together at Costa to celebrate Lol Popped into Waitrose for some strawberries, they were nearly out. Racing, Cricket and Tennis is going around on the Tv and a headache brewing so will just take it easy today. Looking forward to your task for us tho tomorrow Sandra. Keep us updated how it goes for Rebecca and Josh, fingers crossed.
    Cheryl- hope you have some nice days, missing you.
    Brenda, Karen and to anyone else having a party or BBq today, have a lovely day.
    Have a nice day everyone, Maria xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    OMG My comment earlier has disappeared yet again!!!!
    Just want to say all the challenge cards are Amazing Sandra I wouldn't mind a Christmas challenge as would help get motivated with them x
    Hope Becca &Josh get their bid excerpted on the house Good luck xx
    PAT I hope you get your cough sorted out soon especially if you can't breath sometimes sending Big Hug's Hope all hospital appointments go well this week xx
    MARIA glad you had a nice day with your friend. Pleased your knee is feeling better good luck on Thursday for the specialist Big Hug's my friend xx🤓(Me ) x
    TRACY good luck tomorrow going back to work you will be fine once you get there. Have you got any more Holidays left if so just aim for the next one. Will be thinking of you 🤗🤗🤗 my friend xxx
    JANET pleased you managed to change your home journey. Enjoy your last day tomorrow. Safe journey on Tuesday Hug's xx
    VAL hope your enjoying your break in the UK hope you managed to find a craft shop nearby. Hug's & safe journey Home xxx

    1. Pushed publish too quick sorry
      MICHELE Hope you Have a good week xx
      Everyone have a good week too what ever your upto. Looking forward to the Challenge card.
      Love Lynda xx

  12. Lovely selection of cards Sandra, xxx
