
Saturday 8 July 2017

Mixed up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

We have a Saturday packed with shopping this week, oh and in case and husbands are looking in its a a few months worth of shopping, not just this week, so no need to panic !!! Lol


Lynda has been stocking up on Stampin' Up! stamps,  some from me and some were bargains from eBay, which is a good place to buy retired sets, you have one amazing stamp sets Lynda, I can't wait to see the cards you make with them.  Now onto the Clarity Northern Lights pad, oh Lynda I love this pad when  you have used it on your Challenge cards . I love those stamps too.  Thanks for sharing xxx


Michele has been buying some new dies from China, I love the houses on the hill and the fence, they will make fantastic Christmas cards Michele, I used a die like this in Silhouette style for a Christmas card, I can't wait to see the cards you make with all of these new dies Michele, thanks for sharing XXX


Brenda has bought so lovely new stamps, all of them will make perfect 'girly' cards,
The bottom one was the stamp that Brenda used for the beautiful card she made for 
Ciara's birthday last weekend. The Balloon girl would work so well with your Balloon punch Brenda, love all of them, thanks so much for sharing XXX


Karen just couldn't resist these dies from Sue's Christmas launch, I love the Stained Glass Poinsettia Karen, will you be using these when you go to your class with Julia?
Be great to get some techniques to use with them. I do love the Three Wise Men die too and can't wait to see your cards.   Thank you so much for sharing XXX

Lilian has treated herself to the Spellbinders 'Prism' small die cutting machine. How are you getting on with it Lilian? The Groovi starter kit and one of the new 3D Embossing Folders completes Lilian's list for this week, a few of the ladies (Pat, Sue, Brenda) have the Groovi if you need any help Lilian.  Thank you so much for sharing your buys XXX

Val has bought some new dies ready for making all of the Christmas cards for the shop, houses on a hill must be the 'In thing' this year!  Val also bought some Stampin' Up! Stamps, a very popular selection, I love all of them, I look forward to seeing your cards Val, thank you for sharing XXX

Janet has also bought some Stamps, Sheena's stamps are always amazing, she seems to think of the perfect images matched with the perfect sentiments, these will make some really fun cards Janet, thank you for sharing XXX

Janet also sent in some of her altered pieces......

Fernli Ink pad storage, beautifully decorated by Janet, I love all of the embellishments you have used Janet.

Adorable storage jars, such a great way to upcycle your empty jars, Janet they look 

This is one of Janet's beautifully decorated Note books, I am lucky enough to own one of these and the amount of work Janet puts into them is incredible, real works of art! 
Thank you for sharing your beautiful altered pieces with us Janet XXX

Lynda shared the stunning gift from her friend Margaret with me, so that I can share it with all of you .....

Lynda what an absolute Work of art, an amazing gift, they take an enormous amount of patience to complete, the poppies work perfectly as a decorative element and the fact that she personalised it for you makes it even more special, you must have felt very honoured when she gave it to you. 

Another work of art, equally as beautiful, something that you will treasure for ever, an adorable canvas from Harry!  I get this bought a tear to your eye!! 

Thank you my lovely for sharing your personal gifts with all of us XXX

I hope I haven't missed anyone's shopping!! If I have I will add it next time I promise,
I just ran out of room and time.

Thank you all so very much for your input once again, one thing I have noticed since we shared our 'Faux Misti' is how many of you that now but Stamps, I am thrilled that so many of you of taken up stamping! 

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend, 

Love and hugs




  1. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful array of purchases - I can see so many beautiful cards and projects coming to our display board in the near future.

    LYNDA- what can I say about your GORGEOUS GIFT BUT WOW WOW WOW. It certainly is a work of art and must have taken hours and hours to do. I love the poppies and the way they finish off the book. What a keepsake!!!!!

    My stamp holder is from Fernli Designs. They sell each set in a pack of 5 trays so I just glued three sets together and then started to decorate it. It's also such a handy size to carry from storage to table too. The jars are of course Jam jars.
    See they still have their uses when empty just like we re-used them when we were children but then I used mine to keep Tadpoles in hehehe.

    We had yet another scorcher yesterday and another is forecast for today.
    The market was very busy (French schools have now finished for the Summer) and there wasn't a space left for another stall.

    Our treat yesterday was for me an individual Lemon Meringue. The Lemon was just like home made and a very soft Meringue.

    Jim had a wonderful Raspberry concoction. It was circular in shape and consisted of a Praline base with the lightest of Raspberry Mousse which had raspberry inside topped off with Raspberry Gel and a large White Choc Button. I have had one of these and know they are just delicious.

    I have one or two things to try and finish off crafting wise this morning then I need to tidy up the Annexe where Jim has been making and fitting shelves. This afternoon will definitely be an indoors and laid/sat in the bedroom with my book staying well out of the heat.

    Marigny Dobbie says the CAFE is ready and waiting for you all.
    HUGE HUGS on their way. xxxx

    1. Janet, I'm sorry to see that your friend is ill so you have to return to the UK early but I'm glad you managed to get two delicious treats yesterday, I would have loved either.I love all of your stamps, looking forward seeing what you do with them. I haven't seen this make of double sided adhesive sheets. Where did you get them please? What a great idea to colour each section with a different ink pad, so easy to see just where each one lives, and also gives an idea of what it actually looks like...genius idea. I have seen Sandra's beautifully decorated note book that you sent her so know just how much time and effort goes into them. No one would guess your pretty storage jars started off as plain jam jars either. Thank you for sharing x

    2. Hi Sandra & ladies
      Lovely shopping this morning I must add I didn't buy mine all at once!! Haha. JANET love all your altered art especially love the note book very pretty. Love your stamps too.
      BRENDA your stamps are so cute
      KAREN lovely Dies I do like Sue's stained glass window Die enjoy Julia's work shop.
      MICHELE loving all your Dies from China especially the houses on the hill so much potential.
      LILIAN how are you getting on with the groovi starter kit I have it but haven't used it much. How are you getting on with the Prism machine I bought the baby blue but it didn't cut very well.
      VAL love all your Stamping Up Stamps I'm hooked on them also love your Dies.
      Thank you for liking my book folding from my friend she used Debbie Moore patterns.
      I love Harry's canvas ( sorry for the mess behind it lol ) he loves painting my fridge is full of his masterpieces He got so excited when he gave me the canvas all wrapped in birthday paper he wanted to help me open it saying Nannie I painted this for you bless him.
      Not upto much today so might have a play in craft room.after our walk. Will see what happens. Enjoy your day everyone.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Lynda
      I haven't picked my Groovi kit in awhile either. Can't remember who said take it into the hospital with you. It was either Sandra or one of the ladies we met at Watford. Which was Maria, Karen or Brenda. I bet you loved Harry's canvas he did for you.

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a great selection of crafty purchases. It's so interesting to see what evyelse is buying. My dies cost me approximately £6 in total and haven't taken that long to arrive. I ordered a spiders web & Spider die from AliExpress over 2 months ago and it still hasn't arrived-I need to contact them to complain.

    I'm off to my Dads this morning to nice some furniture ready for when he gets home after his surgery then I need to pop to the shops. Hopefully after that I can head into my craft room and get started on some cards.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope that the union gets a move on sorting out the problem person. I'm sure you're not looking forward to moving furniture around at your Dad's in this heat, but it's for a very good reason isn't it. Is the car boot sale next Sunday? Enjoy making more cards for it. I hope you make some more of the pop up box cards as they will fly off the table x

    2. I forgot to say that you have got some great dies, your Christmas (and other occasions) cards are going to look lovely x

  3. I love to see everyone's shopping and see things that I have never seen before Very inspiring! Especially you aspiring stumpers
    I fell in love with the stained glass collection and wish I could afford to buy more of them but thought at least Christmas ones can be used year after year I am so looking forward to Julia Watts' workshop with these on Wed My cat mad crafting friend suggested going and as I can't drive I "snatched her hand off" (it's a weird saying I know MARIA)
    I love everyone's shopping but HARRY's gift to LYNDA stole my heart and is priceless It brought a tear to my eye
    OH at work so I might just fit some crafting in

    1. Hi Karen. I particularly love the stained glass poinsettias die as I've seen so many gorgeous cards using it on Pinterest. How lovely for you that you have next week off. I hope the weather stays hot and dry for you x

    2. Hi Karen
      I also love Sies stained glass collection. I hope you had a lovely time crafting with Julia Watts. Was Maria there as well?. Say hullo to your cat lady friend when you see her next.

  4. Morning everyone.
    My oh my U all have been on a biiig spendy spree haven't u. Great seeing what u all have bought.
    The only thing I've bought recently was the memory keeper punch board after seeing Sandra demo it and I got it reduced on amazon so that was even better as I'm trying to save.

    Janet I love how uve decorated ur jars so pretty

    Lynda. I've seen those books at our wee local craft shop. I'd love to know how they do it. Must take hours of work folding all the pages but they are georgeous tho.

    Thanks for the support ladies for yesterday. It was really tough but I got thru it so big thanks xx

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy. Have you used the punch board yet? Please share if you have. I'm glad you managed to get through yesterday, no doubt little Ben's hugs and kisses helped, bless him. Sending hugs to you x

    2. Hi Tracy
      my friend gets her pattern from Debbie Moore she made a gorgeous Mr & Mrs one for a neighbor to give her daughter on her wedding day
      I'm glad you got through yesterday helped by Ben's cuddles.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Tracey
      I'm so glad you managed to get through yesterday. I expect being with little Ben helped. Gentle hugs on the way to you today.

  5. Hello all, very hot and humid here. Feel so sorry for the baby house martins, we have six in three nest( very messy on the path ), but so cute with their heads popped out of the nest.

    Lovey shopping ladies, and love Janet's makes.

    Lynda what work of art is your book present, lovely to have a card from Harry, would have bought a tear to my eyes if my grandchildren ever sent me a card.

    Just sent my c cards to Sandra, nor very inspiring, find it difficult in this hot weather.

    Have a lovely day everyone, hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you Lillian Harry's alway painting or making things for me he painted some stones he got from the beach.
      Have a good day. Hug's xx

    2. Hi Lilian. Have you had time yet to try out your new stash? I love playing with my grooving starter set, I really must start using it to actually make some cards though but I find it really relaxing to do, I just have to limit my time on it as my hands aren't very happy holding the ball tool for very long (but that's no fault of the grooving set just my dodgy joints) I hope you get on well with the Prism and I'm looking forward to seeing a card using the lovely 3D EF. X

    3. Hi Lilian
      Must be lovely to see baby House Martins. We had some baby birds in a hole that was left in the side of our house. Not to sure what they were though. Our next door neighbour told us they were there.

  6. Hi again what am I like started commenting under Janet's & just carried on commenting about everyone's buying.
    See what happens when you reach 70 HAHAHA

    1. Hi Lynda. I've done that on more than one occasion so just blame the tablets not your age, that's what I do 😁😁😁 I bet Harry's cavas is taking center stage, it proves that we don't need expensive gifts do we as knowing that he made it just for you gives the most pleasure, I always tell our lot to pack tissues with anything the grandchildren have made for me! 😁😁😁 What a fabulous book folding card you had from Margaret, and the poppies are gorgeous too. Have you tried book folding. I keep saying I must have a go but time doesn't agree! I hope Dracula didn't leave too much of a bruise the other day
      Hugs to you and Terry x

    2. Hi Lynda
      Yes, I've done that as well. Must be an age thing.

    3. Hi Sue
      yes Dracula did her worst I have a massive bruise on my arm.
      Have another πŸ’‰Next week for Diabetic clinic. Hug's.
      PAT sending you Big Hug's xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. I love seeing what everyone has been buying.
    Sandra, you really have been the inspiration to get just about everyone to start or get back into stamping as todays shopping photos prove. I'm not sure that everyone's bank manager feels the same way though 😁
    Val, I hope you are having a good time. I love your Christmas die and stamps and I bet you are busy buying lots of stash to take home with you so that you are ready to start making more cards for the shop x

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    3. Oops, finger trouble!
      Sandra, I hope you and Paul have enjoyed some time together on his first work free week. Love and hugs my lovely xx
      Maria, I hope you had a nice day with the family yesterday. How is your knee now you are back at home? I hope it's not so bad again x
      Brenda, each of the cute girly stamps are so sweet, and you have shown just how clever you are at making cards with them already 😊 x
      Mum, thanks for a lovely day yesterday, I hope your not too tired after all of the gardening you I did with Chris and I hope little Chris didn't run up your water bill too much 😁😁😁 love and hugs to you both xxxx
      Lesley. It was lovely to see you back in the Cafe. Please pop in again soon. There's always some inspiration if your crafting mojo needs a bit of help, and there's always a drink and yummy treat waiting 24/7 x
      Have a good weekend everyone. We have a little breeze today but it's still hot here and we are going to some friends party tonight which is being held in a hall that doesn't have many windows or outside space so it's going to be a very hot and sticky evening I think! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    4. Hi mrs B. No I haven't tried it yet using up the envelopes I have bought first it's still in its packaging lol x

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely lovely guys this week.
    Janet I love the storage that your using for your inks.
    Lynda what a stunning gift from Margaret and a wonderful card from Harry.
    Not to sure who suggested taking my Groovi plates to the hospital. But I've been sorting it out to take.
    Great buys ladies.
    Not to sure what's happening with my throats as the last couple of days when I've woken up in the night and in the morning the air I'm breathing in won't go past my throat. So I have to get up as I start coughing to get my breath. I'm sleeping on 3 pillows so I'm vertically propped up. I'll be glad to get to the Drs again on Friday. Nothing much coming up either but I do have rather violent coughing fits.

    1. Hi Pat
      it's about time they sorted out your cough & throat out can't you bring your appointment on Friday forward. Take care my friend xx
      Sending you some gentle Hug's xxx

  9. Hello again , sorry forgot to say how well the little spellbinders prizm machine cuts, I was going to buy the tattered lace baby blue, but read that it doesn't cut well, it was on C&C the other day for £19 on two flexi pays, which is cheaper than mine was. I find it great as I don't have room to keep my Gemini out all the time.

    1. Hi Lilian
      It's great that you found a little machine you liked.

    2. Hi Lilian
      So pleased you didn't buy the baby blue Die cut machines it's rubbish I bought it when I went NEC a few years ago. My friend has the spellbinder sapphire & that's really me for buying rubbish.
      Hug's xx

  10. Hello Sandra and all,

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, life just got in the way, which is a real pain, I was thinking of you all LOL. LOVE all of you recent purchases, you have great taste ladies. Lynda your book from Margaret is lovely, I know you will treasure it. BUT equally you will treasure the beautiful canvas by Harry, he must have been so proud to give you this special gift. xx

    Sending Love and Big hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I did not get in yesterday, Sue, Chris & little Chris came to visit, after lunch Chris gave a hand in front garden, by the time they went home & I had got tea I felt shattered. Your video was great, keep thinking about getting one how much are they?
    The shopping & other goodies are lovely, good to see alot of stamps, but Harry's picture is the best, I know you treasure it Lynda.
    Sandra hope you got my cc I finally got to make it this
    Janet sorry to hear about your friend & such a shame you have to cut short your visit but understand you both wanting to be there for
    Tracy pleased you got through yesterday, another anniversary dealt with, hugs on
    Pat it sounds as if the extra medicine is making your cough worse, hugs on way.
    I am falling asleep here so will send hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I agree with you Margaret. I do think it's making my cough worse. I'd said to Pete that I must be waking up the neighbours up in the night. Not to sure about that but Alison who lives next door did say about my cough. Pete told her that I'd been up for an op but they couldn't find anything wrong. So I'll see what my Dr says on Friday.
