
Friday 7 July 2017

Envelope Punch Board Gift Bags

Gift Bag Tutorial

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it's Friday again, we're heading towards the centre of July already, this year seems to be going faster than last year and that literally whizzed by!  There are 24 more weeks until Christmas or 172 days! So we had better think about making a start on those Christmas Cards!!

Today's project is another 'Envelope Punch Board'  project, I thought this would be great for Teacher presents or a lovely way to gift wrap any small gift, they are slightly larger that those other bags we all made a year or two ago and a lot easier to make, there's no measurements (other than on Envelope Punch Board), you'll be surprised how simple it is.  You start with 12x12 piece of paper.  Some of the samples of these boxes had ribbon for handles, I preferred using the matching paper to make the handle as it holds it shape better.

The only measurements required are:

1  piece 12 X 12 decorative paper, preferably double sided

1 piece 2 X 12 matching paper scored and folded in half. (For handle)

First put paper to 1 1/2 inch mark, punch & score
Rotate anti-clockwise
2nd put paper to  5 inch mark, punch and score
Rotate anti-clockwise
Repeat these 2 steps then.....
Flip paper over and..
Repeat as above.
The rest is easier to follow on the video to be honest.
This makes it sound complicated but it is so easy.

I can't wait to share more of the 1000's of projects for the Envelope Punch Board with you all.

I hope you enjoy the video ladies, if you do and you would like an Envelope Punch Board just let me know.

Stampin' Up! are offering a couple of incentives for July, first up is a reward voucher they are offering a £4.50 voucher for every £45 you spend, for you to spend in August.

The 2nd offer is an offer similar to the Sale-a-bration Joining offer, in addition to the £130 of any item in the Catalogues for £99 you will now also get :

Carol's of Christmas Stamp Set (New, will be featured in A/W catalogue)

Essential Gift Pack:

D Block
Grid Paper
Paper Snips
Snail Adhesive
Bone Folder

The combined Value of these is £65

This means for £99 you get £195 worth of products !!

I am in no way pressuring anybody you but I feel that it wouldn't be fair if I didn't share these deals with all of you.

Tomorrow will feature our Craft Shopping so this is last call for your shopping photos.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- two beautiful gift bags. I love the card you have used and they look a better size than our other bags.
    Can they be made not using the punch board. I'll watch the video later.

    We had another scorching day yesterday up to 35 and so not 'work healthy' therefore nothing got done.

    MICHELE- congratulations on your Hubbies new job. At least that's one worrying thing off your list. Good luck for today and once again I'll be with you. I hope a solution is found.

    We are having to leave Marigny his coming Tuesday instead of staying until the end of August. We have just had news that a very dear Friend of ours has been diagnosed with MDS which is a form of Leukeamia. There isn't a cure for this form but treatment is available by injections of one per day for seven days and then a break and then repeated. Jim has been taking him to hospital for tests etc as he is on his own and so will be taking him for his treatment.
    We will see how things go and plan when we can get back here.

    We're off to market this morning as usual before it gets too hot and then we'll see what happens.

    I see the CAFE is OPEN for business so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. HUGE HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure u will be a great support for him x

    2. I am so very sorry to hear your sad news Janet, you and Jim are so thoughtful,I'm sure your friend will be so comforted to hear that Jim will be beside him for his treatment. It's such a shame that your Marigny visit has to be cut short again this summer, it seems as though you have only just started to relax and settle in to French country life.
      Sending you both huge hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Janet
      I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Hope you manage to change your homeward bound travel. It's lovely that you and Jim are going to support him through his treatment.

    4. Hi Janet
      So sorry about your friend. He will appreciate you coming home & supporting him through his treatment.
      Hope market was good & you enjoy your pastries.
      Hug's xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous gift bags Sandra. I'll watch the video tonight.

    Met with my Union Representative yesterday-she seemed surprised that this issue required Mediation but said it wasn't a bad thing. The only problem is how long it's going to take to organise!!

    Think I'm going to head into my craft room this evening as I have a list of cards I needs to make, mainly for the next car boot sale table although I do have a few days off next week.


    1. Hi Michele
      Hopefully this issue won't take to long to resolve. I'm glad that you've a few days off next week to recharge your batteries.

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope the union representatives won't take long sorting the issue out& resolve it.
      Enjoy your time off work.
      Hug's xx

  3. This looks interesting and when I receive my punch board I will definitely give it a try
    The offer sounds amazing BUT I really can't afford any crafting stuff at the moment
    Sorry to hear about your friend JANET
    It sounds like it went ok too MICHELE
    Off to work in a mo and I have all next week off - yay!

    1. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your week off. I hope the weather holds for you.

    2. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your week off work next week hope the weather is kind to you.
      Hug's xx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely boxes Sandra. Will look at the video another time

    So sorry to read about your friend Janet.

    Hope you can have a peaceful weekend Michele.

    Tracy I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Hugs xxx

    Have to dash as leaving for the airport shortly.

    Will try and pop in over the weekend, if not see you Tuesday.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your weekend away.

    2. Hi Val
      Your probably in U.K. By now hope you enjoy yourself & buy some craft goodies.
      Hug's xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Ooooh so cute. I'll def give these a go. I bought the punch board a few weeks ago. Still in its packaging of course. I'll get to it eventually lol.

    Today I'm struggling. I've been quite upset this morning. My pal Janice popped in to make sure I was ok and her wee nephew Ben who's 2 was with her he's so funny and always cheers me up.
    He's like aunty jani why aunty Tracy eyes wet? Is she sad? He's just so adorable. She said I just needed a Ben kiss n cuddle and that'd cheer me up so that's what he did lol.

    Dinner was lovely too with the family last night.
    See u all tomorrow xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      Gentle hugs on the way to you. Take care.

    2. Hi Tracy
      Gentle Hug's from me too.
      Glad Janice popped in & you got cuddles from Ben.
      Hug's xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous present boxes. Love the card you used, is that SU product too. Will look at the video at later as time run away for me today and family knocking on the door any minute.
    Tracy- thinking of you and hope that little Ben's hugs helped a bit.
    Janet- sorry to hear about your friend. Have a nice day at the market.
    Pat- hope you can have a rest over the weekend.
    Have a nice day everyone. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Yes, I'll rest up Maria ready for a fresh round of Drs and hospital.

    2. Hi Maria
      Hope you had a nice day with your family. Enjoy the rest of the day
      Big Hug's xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the bags Sandra but as I'd probably only use it a few times, I can't warrant the spend, gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Hi Pat
      Have you had hospital appointments today
      Have a good rest over the weekend. How's your cough?
      Big Hug's for you both xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    My day has gone so fast after tidying up this morning. I had a blood 💉 Test
    Although I had an appointment still waited 3/4hour another bruise.
    Then went onto Tesco shopping.. on way home went to the small park gave Bambie a short walk.
    Sandra I love your bags I didn't know you could do them with the envelope punch board do they come with projects instructions going to watch your video now. See you later Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello All, another scorcher of a day, although a little breeze now.

    Sandra love your bags, I couldn't justify spending on another board as I know I wouldn't use it much. Good offers from stamping up but with my retirement comming up am being careful what I buy.

    Hope you all had, have a good day, hugs Lilian.

  10. Hello Sandra
    Thank you for your lovely welcome the other day. Your punchboard video last week was really helpful as I have one of these already and have to confess I have never used it!! However, I have a couple of busy weeks ahead including a craft room re- organisation and will then look at making some pretty bags and envelopes like yours. You made it look so simple!
    Hope you and your Blog followers have a great weekend.
    Lesley S x in very warm West Sussex!
