
Thursday 6 July 2017

Happy Birthday Gorgeous

Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all this fine Thursday morning?  I hope that you are all well and those of you that have been struggling are starting to feel brighter.

I went for a bright cheery feel for this card today, I used the 'Happy Birthday Gorgeous' stamp set to create the decorative paper and the stamped label.  The colours I chose are Berry Burst and Lemon Lime Twist, the work so well together, I used the new Stampin'Up! Seam Binding Ribbon in Berry Burst for the bow. What do you think?

We went to the Cinema for an 'End of Exam' treat for the girls on Tuesday evening, they chose Wonder Woman, I wasn't looking forward to it that much to be honest but I have to tell you it was one of the best films I've seen since Hidden Figures earlier this year, I usually find these DC Comics/Marvel a little too much but I enjoyed the film from start to finish, it had highs, lows, romance, drama and action. The girls and Paul enjoyed it too.

What are you all up to today?  Whatever it is I hope you have a good day. 

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very very sunny and already very warm Marigny.
    We managed to reach 33 yesterday and it was too hot!

    A beautiful card for today Sandra - I love those colours and how you've split the card into two sections.

    We have a little shopping to do today and then try and keep cool.
    I have to say that these temps are not for working anywhere in.

    I see the CAFE sign lit and the door open for you all.
    Have a good day everyone and HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I expect you'll find a nice cool spot in your garden for when it gets to hot.

    2. Was dreaming about a pool sitting on the patio yesterday and today it is needed even more as it is so muggy but it is not long until we are cold again so we wont put one in. Leaves me more money for crafting stuff Lol have a good day as pos. xx

  2. Morning Sandra and all,

    Very pretty card Sandra. The two colours work so well together.
    So glad you all enjoyed Wonder Woman. I thought it was great but I love that type of film.

    Been up since 5.30, just can't sleep. Maybe excited about going away for the weekend. Whatever the reason it's very frustrating and I'll feel exhausted by this afternoon. Meeting a friend for coffee later but think I may have a siesta afterwards.

    We had a few spots of rain whilst I was out walking with Gracie and thought we were in for a downpour but the cloud has gone and bright sky again so I'll have to get the hosepipe out again.

    LYNDA hope you enjoyed your meal out last night and celebrated your anniversary in style.

    Have a good day everyone with special hugs for all those not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your weekend away.

    2. Hope you have a nice time when meeting up with your friend. The heat do make you feel sleepy in the afternoon so we having siesta here too Lol take care xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, really lovely.
    My meal last night was great-good food & good company.
    Hubby heard yesterday that he was successful getting the job he'd applied for. He'll hear in writing by next week so he should know the terms & conditions then he need to put his notice in where he works now. The work leading up to this has been going on for months so I'm really pleased it's all been worth it.
    I have my meeting with a Union Representative this morning at 11.30 so hopefully I can make arrangements to meet my colleague for Mediation and we can move on.

    My Dad has had his pre up appointment & is all set for his next hip replacement next Thursday morning. I've taken a few days off work next week as I think I'll need it!!


    1. Great news about your husband Michele. Congrats to him.
      Good luck with the union rep this morning. Hope fully everything will be resolved ASAP. XXX

    2. Great news and hope it goes OK today

    3. Good luck today Michele, hope it all works out for you and this colleague is told to stop her nonsense. The accusation of bullying is not pleasant.

    4. Hi Michele
      Great news about hubbys new job. Good luck with your meeting today. As Cheryl says let's hope your colleague is told to stop her nonsense.

    5. Meant to say Michele great news that your Dads having his other hip done.

    6. Hi Michele, just wanted to say I'm thinking of you, fingers crossed and praying. LOL
      Congratulations to your hubby I'm getting the job.
      So please dad is getting his second operation next week, you'll be running around before the summer is out at this rate. xx

    7. OOPS...... Sorry that should say HE WILL be running around before the summer is out at this rate.

    8. Great news for your OH getting the job. Good luck for you, hope everything will get be sorted out. Thinking of you today, sending a hug
      Good luck to your dad too for having his other hip done soon xx

    9. Hi Michele. Congratulations to your husband on getting his new job. I'm glad you had a good night last night too. And I hope you got on well today with your union rep and now the nasty bully will be put in her place! Hugs are on their way x

  4. Hello All, very warm and sunny again.

    Sandra lovely bright summery card, the ribbon looks gorgeous.

    Michele glad you had a lovely evening out, hope the meeting goes well. Congrats to Hubby on his new appointment, not easy to change jobs.

    Didn't get much sleep the plaster that used to fix the monitor to my chest has been itchy all night, seems to have calmed down now.

    Working today, sent my retirement letter on Monday, not heard a word from them, shows you are just a number.

    We'll have lovely day, try and keep cool, hugs Lilian

    1. Sounds like a few of us are having sleep issues this week one way or another. Must be annoying having a monitor stuck to u that would keep u awake too I'd imagine. Never mind it'll be off soon xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      Hopefully the monitor will pinpoint a problem so it can be fixed. Must be a problem not being able to jump into a car and drive yourself where you want to go.
      I see you finally decided to retire. It's a shame though that they haven't contacted you at all after all the hard work you do for them.

    3. Hi Lillian, I know how it feels to have one of these monitors on for a week. It's quite exhausting especially in this heat. Just count each sleep as one day less. Are you also having to keep a diary? If you are make sure you note that you are not sleeping well.
      I'm sure you are glad you have handed in your notice, wonder what they will do now that you are not at there beck and call. Wishing you all the best xx

    4. Hi Brenda, no only have to record if I activate a reading my self, apart from that it just does its own thing.

    5. Hi Lilian, hope the plaster calms down or you might be allergic so you need to have something else. Think we all sleeping badly at the moment when it is so warm at night, hope it gets better for you soon. Leaving after working 15 years at the same place and in the three years since ,I have not heard a peep from anyone. Felt quite sad about it in the beginning but now I just feel 'good riddance' and it was the best thing I ever did even if it felt weird at the time to stop working but didn't take long for thinking , how did I ever have time to work plus doing everything else Lol hugs xx

  5. Morning all

    Sandra fab card. I'm really loving those colours they really do draw ur eye into the card it just pops!!
    Thanks for the review on Wonder Woman. I'll wait n catch it when less busy. I hate cinemas when it's busy as I either get folk behind me bumping my seat or folk talking thru the blooming film it's a bug bare of mine lol.
    I used to watch it as a kid on a sat loved it. Graeme bought me the box set several years ago but watching it wasn't quite the same as to when ur a child lol
    I sold it at a car booty he wasnae happy lol.

    Anyways another wet day here but having a family dinner tonight to reminisce about dad etc so that'll be nice
    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      Enjoy your family meal tonight. It's great to reminisce about your Dad.

    2. Hi Tracey,
      Enjoy your family meal tonight, and it will be good to sit with family and reminisce about your dad, I will help all of you get through this difficult time. xx

    3. Oh dear, I'm one of your bug bare. I get so involved in the films and without knowing it I talk through the films. Annoying Son so much but trying to stop Lol. Have a lovely meal together and remember the happy times with your dad, hugs xx

    4. Hi Tracy. I hope you all have good evening talking about your Dad, with tears of both sorrow and happiness. Sending hugs to you x

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another lovely card, love the colours. My order from Stampin Up will be with me tomorrow, can't wait to have a
    Michele good luck with the union this morning & congratulations to hubby on getting his new job. Pleased to hear Dad is ready for op next
    Val I am with you on sleep front have not slept well this week,xxx
    Tracy enjoy your meal & thinking of happier times, good luck for
    Lilian hope the monitor shows up what caused your accident, at least then it will be worth the
    Sending hugs to all who are feeling poorly, food shopping this morning then hope to make cc this afternoon, love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, have a nice day. Mojo still on holiday so not sure if any cc this week. Looking forward to see yours tho on Sunday. take care xx

    2. Hi Mum. See you in the morning. Love you xxxx

  7. Morning all
    This muggy weather is affecting us all Not nice is it ladies I resorted to taking a sleeping pill for the past couple of nights which I hate but only took half dose
    Hope it all goes well for everyone today whatever is occurring
    I love your card SANDRA I'm not a pink and green together kinda a person but I adore these shades xx

    1. Hi Karen, looking forward to the 12th. Have you bought any of the stained glass ? Take care and hopefully you can sleep better tonight, we need some thunder to clear it a bit xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. Not two colours I would have thought of putting together but they work well with each other.
    Another muggy day as Karen has said. To hot for Pete to finish his hedge. He got up to do it yesterday about 11.40 bit I remember Ndebele we were meeting friends for lunch. He'd forgotten of course. Antway that wasn't to long before we usually have lunch about 12.15 anyway. He'd have been better starting it much earlier than that anyway.

    1. Take care Pat and hope you have a good day whatever you are up to, sending you both my daily hugs xx

    2. Hi Maria
      My word I made it sound as if Pete got out od bed at 11.40, which of course gets didn't. Managed to finish the hedge. All the bits just need picking up and burning.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Don't know what happened there - I just lost my comment and couldn't get back to it. So as the song goes let's start at the beginning, A very good place to start!

    Sandra I love today's card, the colours just work together, I don't know why, because my instinct would tell me not to put them together, they JUST work and compliment each other. Thank you for opening my eyes. xx Oh love the seam binding, it looks really lush.

    Pleased you enjoyed the cinema, sounds like a lovely family outing.

    Today we pick Ciara up and take her swimming, we will be leaving earlier as we are going to a beautiful garden centre which is only a short diversion on the way. The plan is to get something for the garden as a late anniversary present to us! we couldn't at the time think of anything either of us wanted, so hope to be inspired, probably pick a shrub or something that can live in a tub.

    Hope you are all having a lovely day.
    Michele can I uncross my fingers yet?

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. Have a lovely time at the garden centre. Say Hi to Ciara. Do you go swimming too ? hugs xx

    2. Hi Maria, No I don't go swimming with Ciara, She has a lesson. I watch. I don't swim, almost drowned as a child when I pushed into a canel, never been able to hold my head under water since. But I did make sure our girls were able to swim well. xxx

    3. Hi Brenda
      I hope you managed to pick up a Schubert at the garden centre. How's Carisa swimming coming along. I also don't like the water.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely two tone and split card with the beautiful ribbon, very nice !
    I hope you all have a good day even if it down South is a bit muggy at the moment, the weather man said it will be thunder and rain tomorrow so that should clear it up a bit.
    Typical tho it will rain when SIL and her family are coming up for the day, hoped to sit outside for coffee when it is a few of us so fingers crossed for it to be dry in the afternoon.
    Popped to Wyevale this morning for a new hose gun as the old one was leaking pretty bad and came home with a card pack and some pens from the Works hihi also some little plants so will plant them later. My mojo is still on holiday so have not done any cards this week so far and it wont be any done tomorrow so not sure if any cc will be done but you never know Lol
    Love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  11. Hi Maria
    I hope the weather holds for you tomorrow when you have your visitors. If it's any help we should have had thunderstorms today but we didn't.

  12. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Our internet decided to go on strike today just come back on not sure how long for.Sandra your card is gorgeous love the colour's you have used they do go together. You do have the knack with putting colour's together.
    Can I say a big thank you ladies for your lovely wishes on our 48th wedding anniversary. We both enjoyed our meal thank you.
    Hope you all had a good day. I have made my brother's card & my son's 40th card &I started the CC today so quite productive I think. First thing went to dentist well it was for Terry for fitting his denture & a filling. I waited in the car with Bambie. Took her for a walk up the park after.will check the cmments in a mo. But Michele hope your meeting went well with the union & congratulations for your hubby for getting a new job.
    Will say good night love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. I managed to miss yesterdays post! Ive had enough of this happening, going back to the old pills as they don't cloud my mind.
    I love your card Sandra, a real beuty and it's so cheerful it would brighten up anyone's day 😊
    I haven't touched my card stash, partly due to horrid sweaty hands,. yuck, I live warm weather but it is too hot isn't it 😔
    I have some of the SU blender pens and they work so well, and as you said Sandra they can use they with any ink pads. I will certainly be getting g some more.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
