
Wednesday 5 July 2017

Pretty Floral Birthday

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well, the weather seems to have brightened a little which makes such a difference to your mood.

I was playing with a set of stamps called 'Falling Flowers and this card is the result, I love how summery it turned out, I think it would brighten anyone's day.
I coloured it with 'Berry Burst, Elegant Eggplant' and 'Pear Pizzaz' ink pads using the Stampin' Up! Blender Pens to apply the colour, I love them, I only have 3 right now but I am going to order some more, they work like ant blender in that they pick up the colour and you use it until it rubs clear, you can then use it for another colour, they aren't Alcohol like some blender pens, the colour lasts longer with these pens, I think that they have some kind of glycerine in them, I know a few of you have them and would love to know how you have got on with them.   They work with any ink pad too, for me it meant I didn't need to buy matching Markers for every ink pad I have.

Falling Flowers Stamp set 
(That flourish is amazing)!

 I hope that you all have a lovely day however you are spending it.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- what a Pretty Card and one which would brighten anyone's day. I love the colours so uplifting.

    MARIA- I'm sure that the 5lb you found whilst on holiday would go towards the house next
    It's (the house)getting more and more like Sleeping Beauty with paint peeling off the doors and shutters and the 'crepie' (wall covering) also coming off in places but the biggest problem is the garden which is now definitely a forest of ramblers and conifers etc. We had to ask Daniel to cut down all the brambles which were growing up the end wall of our veranda and at the other side of the garden pushing down our fence into the flower border.
    Anyway back to 'dream land' we could certainly fit everyone into our garden for crafting days as we have enough table space and for some reason we have accumulated enough seating for 28!!!!! how we have done that I really don't know. hehehe

    We had a beautiful day yesterday sunshine from morning to night and the temps have gone back up to 30 so I was back in the bedroom resting for the afternoon. The forecast for the week here is to stay the same. I hope you're all having better weather and that the sun is shining on all of you.

    MICHELE- I really do hope that the horrible situation at work can be solved really soon. As Brenda says it's not just the atmosphere in work but as you're finding out it effects your health too. I'll be with you again today and everyday until something is sorted.

    I'm not sure what's on the cards for me today - hopefully I can see my way to looking at this week's Challenge.

    I see the café is open for you all so everything must be ready. Have a good day whatever you have planned.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. When can we start putting all the tables and chairs out!

    2. Where would I fly into from Alicante? Xxx

    3. Do you think Janet that if the house is in such a state Maria's £5.00 might just cover it. Bargain.

    4. Hi Janet enjoy your day whatever you do. I think I might just sit on one of you chairs in the garden if that's ok.
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, I love the bright colours you have used.

    Yesterday was extremely busy at work which can only be a good thing for me at the moment. A group of us from work are off out fir Curry tonight-we're meeting up with 2 ex colleagues which will be really nice. I'm driving as I'm picking up the friend who's had the health issues.


    1. Glad your off out to take your mind off things. Enjoy your curry. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your curry with your friends. Nothing lik friends to take your mind off the situation at work. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

    3. Hi Michele
      Have a lovely evening with friends enjoy your curry.
      Hopefully it will take your mind off the horrible situation at work & will be resolved soon.
      Hug's xx

    4. Hi Michelle.
      Might just be what u need a wee pick me up night with ur friends x

    5. Thank you for your "virtual " support Ladies.


    6. Hi Michele, hope you have a lovely evening

  3. Good morning all
    Yesterday went well (apparently I arrived for the awards ceremony) They cleared stuff away a lot earlier than last year At least I turned up - outside of my working hours too Which is more than Ican say for some of my team
    Will hopefully do cc tonight, my mojo is very intermittent at the mo
    Have a good day everyone

    1. Well done you, at least you turned up. Have a good day. Hopefully your mojo will soon return xxx

    2. Well done for turning up Karen.

    3. Well done Karen for turning up. Hope you have a good day & you find your mojo back for your CC tonight.
      Hug's xx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Another stunner today and I love those stamps. I hope some blenders are on your ordering list for me. I found them very easy to work with.
    Pete and I are off to lunch with friends today in Radley. Hopefully the food is better this year as it didn't have good reviews last year. No reviews posted for this year though.
    We should have some results for his PSA next week and hopefully the results of his CT scan and Bine Scan. This treatment won't shrink the cancer as it's also in his bones, but might hopefully stop it in its tracks. Fingers crossed. Vera the Prof whose heading up the trial is amazed how well Pete looks. Well he's always looked the picture of health. Mr Prothero always said to Pete ( your the healthiest sick person I've ever seen ).
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Hi Pat
      Hope you both enjoy your lunch & it's better than last time.
      Hopefully Pete's results are are good. Sending positive Hug's for you both. Xxx

    2. Hi pat hope u have a lovely day and best wishes for Pete and his results are positive x

    3. Enjoy lunch and fingers crossed that next weeks results are good Hope you're managing to get your cough and the psoriasis sorted out too I'm back on Omeprazole purely for my cough!

    4. Hope your lunch was nicer then last time.
      Everything crossed for Pete's results next

    5. Hope Pete's resulting are everything you are hoping for.

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Such a pretty card Sandra. Love the colours you've used and the font on the Happy Birthday.

    Crib day again riday. These weeks certainly fly by. Are we really into July already. I know as you get older the years are supposed to go by quicker but they now seem to be doing a four minute mile. I think I'm regressing back to the days of Roger Bannister. I bet its a three minute mile now. Ha ha.

    Hugs to those not feeling too good especially Pat, Lynda, Tracy and Lillian. Hope you're all feeling brighter

    Bye for now. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoy your crib. I know what you mean by the time flying by. It's scary isn't it.

    2. Hi Val
      Enjoy your crib. Yes it's scary how fast time is flying buy. It doesn't help when you see Christmas cards in the shops already!!! & on Hochanda at the moment.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I love your card, a very simple design but very effective & love the colours, thank you for showing
    Michele thinking of you today, enjoy your
    Karen well done at least you know you
    Janet have you a shady spot for me to sit?xxx
    Beautiful morning here just going to Petanque think it will be warm.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Enjoy your Pétanque. Beautiful morning here also.

    2. Hi Margaret
      The sun is shining we have another beautiful day.
      Enjoy your Pétanque.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra I love this card so pretty, the blending is beautiful, I must have a try at using blending pens.
    Sorry just a quick visit as we are off to Asda and a few other shops will pop back in later.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    What lovely colours in the card so pretty. I have loadsa pens but like everything else don't use them much lol same with pencils. I keep telling hubby it's for my retirement fund lol only 24 years to go LOL

    I actually made 4 cards yesterday for orders to get them out the way. Started to put all my dies back to where they belong and found more still in the packets not used oops lol.
    Anyways hopefully digging out the Xmas stuff and might begin early so I'm not stuck at the tail end like normal. I'm not buying any Xmas dies this year as I bought quite a few last year and didn't use them all.

    I fell in love with frosty the snowman from penny black after seeing him on Pinterest plus they released a die to cut him out so I might use him for this years cards I'll see how I go lol x

    Love to all xx

  9. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra your card is gorgeous love those colour's & the stamp set is beautiful
    I would love a tutorial on your blending with the blending pens please x
    We have a lovely sunny day. It's our 48 th wedding anniversary today not upto much but might go out for a meal tonight. Where did those years go!!
    I must get my brother's card made today it's his birthday Tomorrow but luckily he's on holiday so have time to post before he gets home. Try to start the CC as well. Just going out for our walk although my feet are bad today but I must keep moving otherwise I will cease up. Wishing you all a good day enjoy it whatever your doing. Will pop in later.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Lynda and Terry, enjoy your special day and your meal this evening. Sending Love and Hugs to you both. ❤️ 🤗 xx

    2. Happy anniversary to u both. Hope u have a fab day!!! 48years woweee. I'm only 8 years this year. Guess I've a whole to go lol 😂 Xx

    3. While not whole lol stupid phone x

    4. How fantastic Congratulations Lynda and Terry Happy Anniversary

    5. Wishing you and Terry a very happy 48 th Wedding Anniversary. Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy your meal

    6. Happy Aniversery, hope you both had, have a lovely day.

    7. Margaret Palmer5 July 2017 at 18:30

      Happy Anniversary hope you & Terry have a lovely

    8. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ! 48 years, wow Hope you both have had a wonderful day and enjoy your meal tonight. Love to you both xxx

    9. Wishing you both a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. I hope you have both had a lovely day and meal tonight. Sending big hugs to you both xx

  10. Hello Everyone, very hot here today, so many people here on holiday, traffic is horrendous, still so glad the weather is good for them.

    Sandra love your card, I have used blenders, but much prefer the old way, with paint brush and water, easier to get shading. The one joy with stamping up ink pads is you can get the ink into the lid, as apposed to using it on another surface.

    I had my heart monitor fitted today, have to wear it for a week, apparently it measures the electrical activity of the heart !!!! Hoping this is the last test.

    Well sitting watching the tennis, glad to see so many Brits getting through to the next round.

    Well better go and get some food, prawn salad, have a lovely evening ,

    1. Hi Lilian, hope you enjoying the tennis. The Brits are doing very well I can see. Take it easy xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all,
    sorry being a bit late but have enjoyed the sunshine today and did a little bit more gardening.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the colours you have used together.
    Got to go but I hope you all have had a nice day and especially our Lynda and lovely Terry ! :-)
    Have a nice evening all, love and many hugs, Maria xxx
